Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1679: The temptation of death


Lost the Crown of Wisdom, the Ravenclaw family suffered a heavy loss.

Of course the ghosts couldn't find Ravenclaw's diadem, which was stolen by Rowena Ravenclaw's daughter, Helena Ravenclaw. Not even her three closest friends knew.

It wasn't until after Ms. Ravenclaw's death that everyone discovered that the diadem was missing.

It doesn't appear among Lady Ravenclaw's Relics, and no one knows where it is.

There are many rumors about this matter, such as the crown is looking for a new owner, other people in the Ravenclaw family do not deserve to have the crown, etc. These news have been discussed for thousands of years, and many people even firmly believe that the crown is still in Hogwarts , the wizards searched around Ravenclaw Tower, did not find the diadem, but found many other secrets.

Hogwarts has many secrets, and behind every secret there is a story.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Ravenclaw's diadem!

In fact, the diadem did leave Hogwarts, where it has been hidden in a tree hole deep in the great Romanian forest.

It wasn't until a thousand years later that Voldemort found the crown from the tree hole based on clues, but at that time the crown had lost all its magic power and became an ordinary item, a rusty iron ring.

If it weren't for the famous words of Ravenclaw engraved on it, few people would think that this iron ring is the crown of wisdom.

The Crown of Wisdom has lost its magical power, it will no longer bring wisdom to people, and it has no practical use, but it cannot be denied that it has very special historical significance and commemorative value, so Voldemort made it into a Horcrux and gave it back to the world. Its new mission and magic.

He took the diadem, which became a Horcrux, back to Hogwarts and hid it in the Room of Requirement.

Everyone knows what happened later. Ivan got the crown from there. He destroyed the soul fragments that Voldemort put in it. Under the guidance of Ms. Ravenclaw, he retrieved the lost magic power of the crown and sent it back. To Lady Ravenclaw...

From this point of view, the diadem has not been away from Ms. Ravenclaw for too long.

Her daughter stole it, but Ivan quickly returned to the past with it from the future and returned the crown to her, but Ms. Ravenclaw did not keep the crown, but passed it as Ivan The reward for her test was given to Ivan.

Except for Ms. Ravenclaw and Ivan, no one else knows these things anymore.

The rest of the Ravenclaw family probably thought that the crown was really lost. They lost the crown. This is definitely a huge loss for the Ravenclaw family. The crown symbolizes wisdom. Losing the crown means that Ravenclaw The Lowes were no longer the smartest wizarding family in the world, and the crown was the key to the family library.

Whatever was in that library, no one could take it out again.

At present, things should be like this, but Ivan still doesn't know what happened in this place

What does the loss of the crown have to do with what happened here

"After the death of Rowena Ravenclaw, we lost the crown, the reputation of the Ravenclaw family plummeted, and people talked about it, but the impact of the loss of the crown is not only that, in addition to the huge loss of fame, we also lost Family inheritance." Marcus said, "All the secrets about the gate of death are kept in the library. We tried many methods, but we couldn't open the library without the crown. Without those secrets and knowledge, The Ravenclaw family lost its qualifications as guardians. The family declined day by day, until that day, the door of death was opened, and the power of the god of death came to this land, it killed everyone, and remained alive after death. Imprisoning our souls here, we will never be able to rest in peace... "

Alvin stared at the ghost, and his story jumped too fast.

After the death of Rowena Ravenclaw, the Ravenclaw family lost its crown and support, and the whole family has since lost and declined. What does this have to do with the door of death being opened? Moreover, the decline of pure-blood wizard families is an inevitable trend, with ups and downs lasting for centuries, and many ancient and prominent pure-blood wizard families died out directly in the process.

The loss of the diadem, the loss of the most precious family heritage of magic, may hasten this process, but it is inevitable.

The key is not the crown, Ivan thought for a while, and asked, "When is the day when the door of death you said was opened?"

"It was the day we died!" Marcus said, closing his eyes, as if caught in a painful memory, "I can't remember the exact day, but what happened that day is still vivid in my mind, countless black flies Swelling from the gate of death, they are the messengers of the god of death, with the power of destruction, covering the sky and the sun, covering the castle and this land, the god of death killed everyone, and the world has lost its color since then, falling into a permanent dark."

The black fly, the bringer of disaster and death, appears in some very evil forms of black magic.

But the black flies covering the sky and the sun covered the entire castle. Ivan couldn't imagine what kind of black magic this was. If Marcus's description was not too exaggerated, maybe only the god of death could really do it.

"Later, those wizards removed the death gate, but the god of death is still here." Marcus continued, "It's inside that building, its power is still working, it's still watching House Ravenclaw. Cursed, tragic death is the curse of all living who have ever been near the building that was erected. For your safety, please do not go near there, master."

"What a sad story, Marcus!" Ivan said, looking at the green light in the distance, "I feel sorry for what happened to you, and thank you for your advice, but there are still some things I don't understand. For example , who opened the door of death?"

"After the family declined day by day, the situation became very bad. Without the deterrence of powerful wizards, more and more dark wizards with ulterior motives came to the family territory. Some of them wanted to get the treasure of the Ravenclaw family, and some Some want to get the magic books collected by the Ravenclaw family, and some come to the door of death." Marcus said, "During this process, the door of death was opened, and it was the Ravenclaw family who opened it. through death's gate..."

"Did Ravenclaw open the door of death by himself?!" Ivan asked.

"I don't know the specific details. In the last period of time, many wizards in the family believed that the power of the Death Gate would help them become stronger and help the Ravenclaw family regain their family glory." Ma Kus said slowly, "I think they must have been bewitched by the god of death. As time went by, more and more people had such thoughts, and the whole family fell into a kind of frenzy. In the end, those People, dark wizards from outside, and wizards with those thoughts inside the family, they opened the door of death together and brought the curse of death to the Ravenclaw family... "