Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1689: The hidden passage


Whatever charms and defensive spells the Ravenclaw castles once had, are gone now.

Aiwen easily reached the top of the tower. Compared with the structure below, the structure here is relatively simple. It is a circular room densely packed with bookshelves filled with magic books. There are tens of thousands of them. as much.

"Is this the library of the Ravenclaw family?" Ivan murmured.

He didn't see the strange ghost he saw just now, and it was very quiet here.

Immediately afterwards, on the bookshelf in front of him, he saw a spell book on reversing spells, which was a gray parchment scroll.

Ivan knew this book. He had seen a record of this book in a magic book collected in the restricted area of Hogwarts. The book he saw at the time quoted a narrative of this book. Just wanted to see what the original text said.

But he couldn't find the magic book, because the book was too old and disappeared long ago.

I didn't expect to see it here, so I thought about it, this is the library of the Ravenclaw family thousands of years ago!

Ivan reached out to take it, and in the next second, his hand passed through the magic book directly, not being able to touch the entity like before.

The real books no longer exist!

There are only phantoms here, and it is different from just now. Under the influence of the power of the evil god, the blue light and shadow and magic energy that make up the surrounding scene are getting weaker and weaker every second than the last second, like a lingering wind in the wind. Candles may collapse at any time.

Aiwen can no longer touch the phantom like food like just now.

Besides, now is not the time to read books and study magic.

The surrounding time and magical atmosphere are becoming more and more chaotic, leaving less and less time for Aiwen, and the beautiful castle below is becoming more and more hideous at this time, and it is returning to its real appearance, like a terrifying bird. The wild beast is ready to choose and devour at any time.

Aiwen walked directly through the bookshelves and walked forward.

This place is not big, if there is any secret, it can only be in front.

At this moment, standing on the high tower, he can see the scene around the castle more clearly.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, constantly churning, and the light was very dim, like a terrifying picture of the end of the world.

At the ruins of the gate of death in the middle of the lake, besides the two huge phantoms of the evil god and the phantom of the gate of death, there are also many people appearing on the square. They are the phantoms of the wizards of the Ravenco family. They are recreating the magic that opened the gate in the past .

There weren't many people in front of Death's Gate, but Ivan wasn't sure which shadow was Harry and which was the Black Witch.

From here, they all seem to be about the same.

Right above the tower, the statue of the Valkyrie is also looming, exuding inexplicable majesty and aura.

In this area, only the phantom of the statue of the Valkyrie can compete with the phantom of the evil god. If the magic of the Ravenclaw family castle is still intact, this should be the center of the entire magic.

"Wait, where did those monsters go?" Ivan suddenly thought of the monsters that were resurrected in the garden just now.

It thought that these monsters came back to attack itself, but no, they soared out of the castle after being resurrected.

Where are they

Aiwen looked around, and then he saw a large group of black shadows swaying far away to the east of the castle, where he had appeared before Apparition, and white, red, and blue spell lights flashed from time to time.

These monsters don't know who they are fighting with? !

Wait, it's not a wizard from the Order of the Phoenix, is it

Counting the time, he sent Dobby the house-elf to report back, as if it was time for reinforcements to come.

If so, that's bad enough.

Ai Wen quickened his pace, and soon came to the end of the room, but found nothing.

"Isn't it at the top?" He wasn't sure. The only thing he knew was that Ravenclaw's crown could open the library. Looking at it this way, the circular room in the tower was indeed not the library. Ivan couldn't see what was needed here. open place.

Also, where is the powerful magic that the ghost said

He certainly wasn't referring to the magic books around him, even if the magic books themselves were indeed valuable.

Suddenly, the weird music sounded again.

This time, Ivan could clearly hear where the sound came from, because it was very close to him.

It was really close, and he followed the sound to a huge bookshelf, from which the sound sounded intermittently.

"This location, above this should be the center of the statue of the Valkyrie..." Ivan looked around, leaving aside the blue magic light and shadow, there is nothing left in the actual building, and it is impossible to see why the music came from this place. The place rings.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly thought that there must be some kind of special magic on this bookshelf, just like the Room of Requirement.

It's like the Room of Requirement!

Normally, it looks exactly like a normal wall, but there is a hidden space inside. Only after you keep thinking about the room you need and walk back and forth through the corridor outside the wall three times, the hidden Room of Requirement will appear.

This is a very rare and powerful magic. Ivan has never seen it in other places, but this does not mean that there is no such thing. Maybe this house was made by Rowena Ravenclaw. It is not surprising that similar magic appears in the castle. strangeness.

The way to open the library is Ravenclaw's crown!

Ivan was not sure what to do, he tried to tap the crown lightly with his wand.

A clear voice sounded, and in the next second, a layer of ripples appeared on the blue light and shadow that formed the huge bookshelf.

Like a whirling nest, the bookshelves receded to the surroundings, revealing a dark and narrow corridor.


Aiwen didn't hesitate, and quickly entered this upwardly extending corridor. The slope of the corridor was very steep, and the walls on both sides were also very rough, as if they were forcibly dug out of the wall, just like the corridor inside the pyramid.

Those passages were left for the husbands, wizards and priests who built the pyramids, but the pharaohs of ancient Egypt obviously did not consider the convenience of these people. The design of the passages is very anti-human, and the sides are full of various curses and Defensive spells.

If you think about it, the craftsmen and wizards who stayed in the pyramid when it was finally completed were all going to be buried with the pharaohs. The pharaohs probably never intended to let these people who had mastered the core secrets of their tombs go out alive.

Unable to explain why, Aiwen suddenly thought of the tunnel of the pyramid, and didn't know what was in front of him.

From the physical location, he should be at the top of the tower in the center of the castle or near the statue of the Valkyrie above the tower, but in fact this corridor extends upwards and has extended into a strange magical space...