Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1690: Powerful illusion magic (Happy May Day)


Purely from the perspective of physical space, Aiwen should be in the air at the top of the Ravenclaw family castle now, but the corridor in front of him is all the way up. This is a place like the Room of Requirement, a magic space that exists in the real world.

Aiwen climbed all the way up, and the monotonous music in his ears became more and more clear.

In addition, the magic power around became more and more chaotic, even the power of the evil god was weakened here.

"The magic of time is getting more and more chaotic!"

Aiwen took out the time converter, and the pointer on it rotated faster and faster.

I had a similar feeling when I was in the Egyptian temple before. The magical power there was also very chaotic, which caused the time to become chaotic.

Continuing on, Ivan suspected that he might be taken to another timeline by the time converter.

There are various indications that a certain powerful magic item, a super legendary magic item, was once preserved here.

The power of this magic item has been used in some incorrect way, causing the magic to get out of control.

"I hope it won't be too much trouble!" Ivan took a deep breath and put his wand across his chest.

He was fed up with the relics and magic items of the ancient magic era, and the casters of that era were monsters.

Ai Wen felt that things were getting more and more right. He seemed to have grasped something, but he couldn't tell. He climbed up carefully. At the end of the corridor was a hollowed-out circular room with a huge dome above his head. Complicated magic runes, like a galaxy.

Surrounded by five massive stone pillars, no walls can be seen beyond that.

This place must be very high, very high, because Ivan can no longer see the phantoms of the two evil gods not far away.

He looked in the direction of the Death's Gate ruins, where there was only a dark green light shining through the thick clouds.

Aiwen looked at it for a while, and felt that his fear of heights had struck again, so he hurriedly looked away.

He didn't like this place, both the height and the chaotic magic around him made him feel bad.

Turning his gaze, in front of him is a huge spherical stone sculpture, where all the magic runes eventually converge, but the stone sculpture has now broken, and a small music box is placed on the gravel.

That monotonous, creepy-sounding voice sounded from there.

Just when Ivan was considering whether to destroy this annoying music box, a voice came faintly from the front left.

"Here you come, Heir of Rowena Ravenclaw."

"Who's there? Come out!" Ivan immediately turned around and pointed his wand at a stone pillar.

"Get to know me, I'm Darien Ravenclaw, and Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw is my aunt." A white translucent ghost walked out from behind the stone pillar with its hands behind its back. It was a handsome man in ancient noble robes. The boy looks about the same age as Ivan, maybe even younger.


"Yes, as you can see, I'm a Squib, a piece of shit with no magical powers," he said in a wacky tone.

"Really? Then why are you here? What is this place?" Ivan asked, not letting down his vigilance at all.

He looked him up and down, since he entered the castle, he had heard too much about this young master Dalyan.

If he is really a squib, it is impossible to carve out the creation of the evil god below, and it is impossible to appear here.

"Oh, don't you plan to introduce yourself before you ask anyone a question? After all, you don't often see living people in this place."

Ivan didn't answer, and a little light came out of the end of his wand.

"Stop, stop, this is not the etiquette that wizards should have. Listen, we are not enemies. This is the secret library of the Ravenclaw family. It is an independent space. It is located above the castle. Head position." Dalyan nodded his head with his finger and continued, "After all, the Ravenclaw family has always believed that wisdom is the most important trait, and we always think that we are smarter than other wizards."

"Is this the secret library of the Ravenclaw family? Very good, then why did you appear here?" Ivan continued to ask.

"Is it strange? Although I am a squib, I am also one of the legal heirs of the Ravenclaw family." Dalyan said, "In the terms of Muggle nobles, I am the Ravenclaw family and this territory My fifth successor, if my father, brother, and sisters die unfortunately, then... "

"Enough, Marcus said that only Ravenclaw's diadem can open the way to this place."

"Oh, you've seen the poor old butler, I think he must have been wandering in the endless darkness for a long time." Dalyan said, "Speaking of which, old Marcus is very unfriendly to me, he always refuses to let me I do this and don't let me sit there, after all I'm a Squib without any magical abilities? Well, he was one of my father's accomplices in torturing me, but it doesn't matter, no matter how much hatred there was, we are now A phantom of the past, not even a ghost..."

"I don't have time to listen to your memories of the past!" Aiwen said directly, interrupting Dalyan, "Answer my question, why are you here? Also, what secrets are there in this castle? What are you doing? Trick? What is the magic of Death's Gate? I want you to be straight and honest, Dalyan, otherwise I will take a more direct way to solve these troubles, such as eliminating you, I have already consumed it here tonight Too much patience."

Considering the ongoing magic at Death's Gate, considering Harry's condition, and considering that the wizards of the Order of the Phoenix are fighting the resurrected creations of evil gods, Ivan intends to make a quick decision. He doesn't have time to continue memories with the other party here. past.

Just now under the castle, he shouldn't have listened to that old ghost talking so much nonsense.

Ivan originally thought that Marcus and other soldiers of the Ravenclaw family were ghosts, but with the intrusion of the evil god's breath, and Dalyan's phantom from the past awakening him, he realized that he saw It's all phantom magic.

A very clever magic, which made him think that these are real profound magic.

At this moment, he is caught in this magic.

Since it is magic, it means that there must be a caster.

The people he saw before were all false illusions. Everything they did and said was what the caster asked them to do, and it didn't make any sense.

Aiwen intends to be straightforward, talk to the caster or destroy the magic directly.

Who is the caster? Could it be Darion Ravenclaw in front of him

After all, he looked much more awake than Marcus, and he didn't act like a Squib at all.

Not to mention, he will appear in the secret library of the Ravenclaw family.

Ivan is not sure whether Dalyan is a spellcaster or not.

Just as he couldn't see through this magic, but he wasn't going to waste any more time on it.

"Tell me, what's going on with all this? Who is casting the spell that makes you reproduce? Also, why did you appear in this place?" Aiwen asked, pointing his wand steadily at Dalyan, "I hope this is the last time I repeat this question, sorry if you don't know!"