Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1692: Go back to the summoned beasts of the past


In the next second, the magic power around Aiwen was completely out of control.

A white light flashed in front of his eyes, and he felt the Time Converter on his neck pulling him upwards.

He kept rising upwards, and his body seemed to become very light.

Aiwen rose with the Time Converter and rose into the clouds, and the scene in front of him changed rapidly.

"Damn it, the Time Converter has been activated." The time in Ravenclaw Castle was chaotic. Ivan had been suppressing the magic power before, for fear of touching the Time Converter in his arms and bringing him to an unfamiliar time. point, that would be terrible.

He still has to go to the gate of death to deal with the black witch and the two phantoms of evil gods, and rescue Harry, so there is no time for time travel.

The previous experience of time travel also fully told Aiwen the fact that it is not good at all to go back to the past and change the time.

He may have solved a problem before it all happened, but when he came back to reality, there was a whole bunch of new problems waiting for him.

With so many legendary magic items on his body, the last thing Ivan wants to use is Ravenclaw's Time Converter.

Even if you let him use the "Book of Abraham" or the Staff of Two Snakes, it's better than the Time Converter.

At the very least, simple and direct magic to solve the enemy is often much simpler than changing the time, but the moment Dalyan pointed his finger at him, the magic power of the time converter was activated instantly, no matter how Ivan suppressed it, it was useless. The magic power around him was too chaotic, and he couldn't suppress it at all.

In the chaotic magic, he also felt some unknown and strange power, which Ivan had never encountered before.

This power seems to belong to Dalyan!

There's definitely something wrong with this old-fashioned ghost, even if he doesn't seem magical at all.

Just like Dumbledore once said, there is a powerful and unknown power in a room of the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic. Those powers all belong to Harry. Neither Dumbledore nor Voldemort has ever owned and understood this kind of power.

At this moment, this sentence is also applicable to Ivan and Dalyan.

This hateful ghost, he has a certain power that Ivan is not familiar with.

Definitely not magic, but stronger than magic.

"Hopefully not going back to a point where it's too troublesome, hopefully not seeing Ms. Ravenclaw and any of the other Big Four."

Alvin has had enough troubles, and he doesn't want to get into new troubles.

He struggled to take out the time artifact he got in Egypt, and changed his sequence of existence on the timeline he was about to go to.

Aiwen had to do this, even if the legendary magic item in his hand could not be used much, he had no other choice.

Otherwise, he might lose his own existence because of this unexpected time travel.

To explain it in a relatively scientific way, it is the butterfly effect!

In a blink of an eye, the sense of touch returned to the body, and Ivan's feet landed on the ground, returning to reality.

The Time Converter on the neck also returned to silence and slowly fell down.

"Here..." Ai Wen opened his eyes, but nothing seemed to change in front of him.

In front of him, Dalyan was looking at him with a smile, keeping his fingers up.

"This guy... time hasn't changed, no, it has changed!" Ivan immediately noticed the abnormality.

Dalyan didn't touch him or touch the Time Converter just now, he couldn't take Dalyan on time travel together, the Dalyan in front of him is no longer the Dalyan he saw before, but New Dalyan at this point in time.

Well, it sounds convoluted, but time conversion is such a convoluted thing.

Let's describe it in simple terms.

Dalyan in front of Aiwen is no longer a milky white ghost image, he has a real entity.

This is a handsome young man, slightly weak, and his skin is pale due to long-term lack of light. He is wearing a wizard robe with the emblem of the Ravenclaw family on his body, and he looks at Ivan with a joyful expression on his face. .

Everything is so realistic, much more real than the phantom Ivan saw just now.

Behind Dalyan, there is no longer a scene of ruins.

In the center of the round pavilion, the huge spherical stone sculpture is intact, the whole body is light blue, and there are countless golden threads shining on it.

That was the light of the spell lines, and Aiwen could clearly feel the powerful magic breath on the ball.

The light blue light is the light produced by the gathering of countless magic powers. It is too strong. Ivan only felt a similar powerful magic breath when Dumbledore used the Snake Staff, but the two felt completely different. Different.

It's hard to describe this feeling, Ivan stared blankly at the huge light blue sphere statue, sinking into it.

There, he seemed to see an infinite universe and a brand new world.

"This statue..." he murmured, stopping shortly again.

Aiwen raised his head, and there were many light balls of different colors floating above his head, including white, blue, green, red, gold, etc. They slowly floated in the surrounding sky, floating among the five huge stone pillars In the room, there was a faint light.

What are these balls of light

Weird, really weird, he seemed to be back in time before this place was destroyed.

At this moment, Ivan didn't even feel the oppression of the power of the evil god.

Apart from the powerful magic around the body, there is no feeling of any other power.

"Ah, hello, time traveler from the future, my aunt once mentioned you to me, she said you would come." Dalyan said to Ivan excitedly, "She told me, As long as I make the corresponding summoning posture when I really need your help, you will appear in front of me. I thought for a long time before I came up with this more handsome posture... "

He continued to point at Ivan, his body tensed, and he seemed very excited because he was too nervous and excited.

This posture and state looked both weird and impolite.

Aiwen didn't understand the meaning of Dalyan in front of him.

What is calling, he will appear

What does this guy take him for

Is it a summoned beast

Damn it, it was Dalyan in the ghost state before, that guy used his power to bring Aiwen to this point in time, to the point in time when he made the same gesture, it must be like this, it is full of evil Interesting!

"I've thought about it for a long time, and I think this pose is more handsome!" Dalyan, who has a real body, continued to say excitedly in front of Aiwen, "I just pretended to be casting a spell and waved my wand vigorously, and you appeared. It's amazing, but it's a pity , I don’t have a magic wand, they never let me touch the wand, my sister said it is a symbol of a wizard, only the owner of the wand can touch it, I can’t feel the magic power, so no one makes me a wand, and my father doesn’t allow it... "