Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1693: story of the past


Although the guy in front of him seemed like an idiot, Ivan didn't relax his vigilance, he looked around carefully.

The place made him feel uneasy, the magic around him was too strong.

He could feel that the castle of the Ravenclaw family was intact at this point in time, and the powerful magic circle was also intact. All the magic power in the castle was gathered here, in the huge spherical magic stone sculpture in front of him.

The magic power is so full, and the magic is so obvious, it is completely unimaginable in later generations.

This is completely the difference between low magic and high magic!

Although I don't know what this magic does, it is undoubtedly very powerful. If Hogwarts Castle has such a powerful magic to defend, Ivan feels completely different from worrying about the invasion of Voldemort or dark wizards.

This is not a power that a wizard, or a wizard with a mortal body can match.

"So, what does time travel feel like? Is it the same as using magic? It's like eating honey lollipops? You know, I've read a lot of magic books and know a lot of magic spells and spellcasting techniques , but because I can’t feel the magic power, I have never experienced what it feels like to use magic. My sister told me that the feeling is very comfortable, like having a large honey lollipop in your mouth, but It's not so boring..." Dalyan chattered, it could be seen that because he was too excited, he had a lot of things to say to Ivan.

The child mentioned most was his sister, followed by his aunt and then his father.

In his world, it seems that there are only these three people, and he seems to have no other playmates of the same age.

The guy in front of him was not at all like the Dalyan Ivan had seen before, wise as if he could see through everything in the world.

This Dalyan who has a body, how to say, his tone, expression, and all aspects match his appearance age very well. He is a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy. Even if Ivan didn't answer, he still has a lot to say.

"Why did Ms. Ravenclaw ask me to come here?" Ivan asked directly, ignoring his idiotic questions.

He has no interest nor time to share what it's like to use magic with this guy.

For Aiwen, the Dalyan in front of him is just an ancient man who lived thousands of years ago and is unknown.

Before entering the Ravenclaw family castle, he didn't even know that the Ravenclaw family had such a number one figure.

After solving the immediate troubles, he and this guy probably will never have any intersection again.

He was able to come here because Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw wanted him to come here to help her solve the troubles of the Ravenclaw family and the troubles of the death gate. The key to the Secret Treasure of Lytling.

"By the way, this is the real thing. My aunt just mentioned that someone will show up when I need help most, so you came! Ah, I saw you wearing my aunt's crown, the crown of wisdom, Sure enough, you are here, are you her descendant? Are you from that academy? It is the magic academy named after Ravenclaw, you don't look much older than me!" Dalyan looked at Ivan's head Crown said, and he digressed again, "To be honest, I thought the person who came would be a grown-up wizard, or very strong, like Cedric Gryffindor, I saw him when I was a child, he at least He is the size of three of me, very powerful, he is definitely the most powerful wizard I have ever seen, and his swordsmanship is also great, even the captain of the guard can't beat him, I need a powerful wizard to solve my current troubles... "

This guy doesn't think that the stronger the wizard is, the stronger he is, right? !

What on earth had he imagined the wizard to be

That Gryffindor guy didn't set a good example, he was just a non-mainstream wizard.

It can be seen that under the influence of Gryffindor, Dalyan doesn't trust Ivan too much, and seems to dislike Ivan for not being strong enough.

"So, what is your trouble?" Ivan asked impatiently. The Dalyan in front of him was really annoying. Even in Hogwarts, no young wizard who had just entered school would have such a So many questions.

"It's my father, my sister, and other clansmen, they're crazy!" Dalyan said, his expression suddenly turned down, "Of course they don't admit it, but I think they're crazy, otherwise how could Want to open the door outside the castle?! Since half a year ago, everything has become a mess, they have become more and more different, they have become very strange, my sister even refuses to play with me, I can feel it, That terrible thing that my aunt said was about to happen."

"Huh?!" Ivan blinked, was it the Ravenclaw family trying to open the door of death? Everything in the castle has not been destroyed yet, so the time he returned to should not be the time when the door of death opened thousands of years ago, right

He seems to understand, understand what he needs to do when he returns to this point in time.

"You know? One night four months ago, my sister asked me for help. She broke into my room in the middle of the night, crying and told me that she heard a voice talking in her head, and she I was about to be tortured crazy, it was so strange, I obviously didn't hear anything, what was even more strange was that when I asked her about it again the next day, she said that she didn't hear anything, and she denied it .”

"It's strange, isn't it? She seems to have lost her memory suddenly, and she has become more and more unfamiliar since then." Dalyan approached Ivan and said in a low voice, "After that, I started to pay attention, there are many people in the castle Everything became very abnormal. I felt that the terrible thing my aunt told me was about to happen. I checked a lot of information. It was the notes left by my aunt to my family ancestors. She specifically stated in the will that These notes are left to me, which must be very important, and according to the description in the notes, I think that the voice in her head that my sister said may be affected by some terrible monster inside the door. In fact, the last few days I have Yue has been drawing all kinds of monsters inside the door according to the description in the book. I originally wanted to ask my sister or others if they had seen these monsters, but do you know? My father didn’t stop me. It is simply impossible, he even thought that my painting was very good, and he even asked people to carve the portrait and put it in the big garden below... "

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