Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1696: You come to cast this magic


Divination and demonology, which are the magic that Hufflepuff is proficient in, are very ancient and unpopular categories of magic.

Different from the demonology understood today, in the Middle Ages or earlier, demonology was once very popular among wizards, and there was no evil or black magic in it.

How to put it, demonology at that time was more like a magic that communicated with various powerful elves that existed in nature. Only wizards who were selected and approved by these elves and demons, or wizards who signed contracts with them, could use demonic magic .

This is a very old category of magic, once the mainstream of the wizarding world, just like Transfiguration and Charms.

However, due to the harsh casting conditions, high difficulty, and great uncertainty, coupled with the result of the protracted struggle between the magic world and the Holy See, demonology has now completely disappeared, and the remaining part of the content has also been incorporated into the book of black magic. Among them, it has become a terrible taboo magic that everyone talks about.

As for divination!

Also as the oldest magic subject, it still exists in the course list of Hogwarts students.

Because whether wizards or Muggles, everyone has always been interested in predicting the future.

The existence of divination has a great market demand.

But Aiwen dare to say that this course is definitely the most nonsense among the many magic courses in the school.

The students complete their homework and pass the exams all relying on random fabrications. Generally speaking, the more dire the prophecy they see, the higher the score they get. After all, the ancient prophets gave early warnings of all kinds of terrible disasters, and I have never heard of them. Who specializes in divination of good things.

In the entire wizarding world, wizards who truly have the ability to predict can probably be counted on one hand.

The vast majority of them are like Professor Trelawney, who can divination and foresee signs, but they are not effective at all times. It depends on luck, the fate track of the person being divined is very clear, and the blood in the Can some of the magic come into play.

After all, divination is a magical subject that requires a lot of talent.

Without the so-called Heavenly Eye, wisdom and diligence are meaningless in this magic course.

Judging from the current situation, Hufflepuff should be a descendant of an ancient prophet.

The two magics she is proficient in require extremely high talents, and it is impossible to learn them without corresponding talents.

Even so, she herself emphasizes hard work and hard work, and never picks on her students. Even if her students are not talented, it is useless to be so good, but she believes that as long as they work hard enough, they can become a qualified wizard.

Treating people equally and emphasizing acquired training are the characteristics that Hufflepuff advocates for selecting people.

The students of Hufflepuff House may not be the protagonists of the story, but they are definitely the most trustworthy companions.

In another word, do not underestimate any of the ancient prophets!

The ancient prophet and the current prophet are two completely different concepts. Any ancient prophet is a powerful spellcaster and guide. All the famous magic events and battles can be seen in the ancient prophet.

Especially in the confrontation with the evil god, the ancient prophet played an unimaginable role.

Ivan quickly recalled the magic related to the four founders of Hogwarts. He didn't know if there was any corresponding magic knowledge record in the light balls of the eyeballs. After Dalyan opened the music box, the magic power in the hall became Intensified.

Hundreds of light spheres loaded with precious magical knowledge moved quickly and rearranged to form some kind of ancient runes.

Ivan stared at it for a while. He had seen similar words before, in the sunken temple in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts.

There, he saw the magic used by ancient spellcasters to seal the statues of evil gods.

An absolutely magical realm!

"That magic is also in the Ravenclaw library?" Ivan murmured.

Isn't this the magic that Ghost Marcus said before that can close the door of death and let the soul rest in peace

But Ivan was sure right away, no!

The ancient runes in front of him are full of characters that he has never seen before.

With the formation of ancient runes composed of light spheres, the engraved spell runes on the ground and surrounding stone pillars also began to flash blue light, and countless magic powers were gathered into the huge spherical magic ball in the center of the hall. above the statue.

The powerful magic power exudes a terrifying coercion.

"My lord father and other clansmen are opening the door outside. When I came in, the ceremony was halfway through, and we had to stop them." Dalyan said, and he speeded up his speech. "Once the ceremony starts, there is no way to stop it." Break, that door will automatically absorb the energy of all life around it, and the only way to stop it is to use the magic left by the family ancestors. According to the records left by your aunt and ancestors, this magic can end everything, so you must use it… "

"Wait, what do you mean I have to use it? I don't even know what this magic is." Ivan said hastily.

Even if it was the magic in the temple that sealed the statue of the evil god, he couldn't cast it, he just recorded it.

This is simply not a powerful technique that a certain wizard can perform!

Aiwen has studied for so long, but there is not much progress.

If the magic in front of him is of the same level as that magic, he feels that there is no hope of casting it at all.

"Of the two of us, you are the only one who can use magic. Don't forget, I don't have any ability to cast it. I'm a squib!"

This is really a good reason, because you can't, so I have to go.

If Ms. Ravenclaw had foreseen this, why didn't she come and stop it herself? !

In Aiwen's view, returning to this point in time from the future has the same effect as her returning from the past.

Of course, according to the rules of time magic, a person can go back to the past, no matter how long ago, but he cannot go to the future time point where he has died. In this case, Ms. Ravenclaw can also ask other people to come and help!

As far as Ivan knows, Ms. Hufflepuff is still alive at this time. She should be the strongest wizard at this time, right

Seeming to see Ivan’s hesitation, Dalyan continued, “Don’t worry, I will assist you. I know the sequence of all magic spells and spell runes. You just need to do what I say and wave your wand. Of course , You must have strong enough magic power to control this magic, to be honest, I thought there would be a more powerful wizard."

And before, he felt a little disgusted that Aiwen was not strong enough.

To be honest, if he had a choice, Aiwen didn't want to get involved in this trouble.

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