Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1697: The method of casting spells thousands of years ago


Helping others solve troubles is based on the premise that you have the ability and time.

Aiwen has a lot of troubles and doesn't know how to solve them. How can he have the energy to help others? On the normal timeline, the magic of the black witch and the statue of the evil god is still going on. Harry is waiting for him to rescue. Fighting against the creation of evil gods.

Everything is messed up, terribly bad!

Not to mention, Voldemort could return at any moment.

Voldemort will soon find out that he can't get any useful information from Grindelwald, no matter how much he tortures him, it won't help. Grindelwald is actually not worse than Voldemort at all, and may be better to some extent.

Fortunately, the two of them have different ideas, and there is no possibility of joining forces!

Otherwise, if Voldemort releases Grindelwald, the whole world will be in chaos.

If it weren't for the Time Converter, Ivan wouldn't have the time to listen to what Dalyan said.

The current situation is that because of a certain arrangement by Ms. Ravenclaw, he was brought back to this time point a thousand years ago by the time converter. The trouble before him is that the Ravenclaw family is opening the door of death. Summon the evil god within.

Once the ceremony of opening the door is started, it cannot be stopped by normal methods.

The only way to stop it is the ancient magic left by the ancestors of the Ravenclaw family. In Aiwen's view, it is a powerful and outrageous ancient magic. The specific function is unknown, the requirements for casting spells are unknown, and the requirements and impact on the caster are unknown.

For this level of magic, Ivan felt that it would not be too much to study it for ten or eight years before using it.

But this annoying guy in front of him actually hoped that he would use this magic to stop all of this now. There was not much time left for Ivan to consider and study magic, because the magic ceremony outside was already halfway through.

Also, the reason Dalyan needs Aiwen to use this magic is also very ridiculous.

Because he does not have the ability to cast spells, he must rely on Aiwen to cast spells.

This is really, Ivan is not sure what words to use to describe this guy who needs to be beaten.

In addition, this guy is younger than Ivan now.

But he has always disliked that Aiwen's grade is too young, his magic power is not enough, and he doesn't have strong muscles and magic.

Is there anything more absurd and ridiculous in the world than this

Aiwen can tell you responsibly, yes!

That is, he must help Dalyan now. If he chooses to refuse, just pat his ass and leave, then at this point in time thousands of years ago, the Ravenclaw family's attempt to open the door of death will succeed.

The evil god inside the door, the soul of the despicable Haierbo or something else will come to reality.

From this point in time, all history will be rewritten.

Because from the history of magic that Ai Wen knew, the opening of the door of death was obviously a failure.

Shortly after the out-of-control magical power destroyed the Ravenclaw family and everything in this land, the wizards of the Presbyterian Church came here and brought the death gate back to London for safekeeping.

Since then, this door has been kept there, and many other legendary magic items with terrible magical powers collected by the Council of Elders are all kept there until the establishment of the Ministry of Magic.

This is probably the whole story, isn't it clear

The only thing that is unclear is who prevented the opening of the door of death. Aiwen didn't know it before, and he had done a lot of speculation and research, but judging from the current situation, it is likely that he himself prevented it all.

"It's so ridiculous, I have been guessing and researching what I have done?" Ivan sighed, "Damn time magic, in the timeline, this event is a magical event more than a thousand years ago when I was born , but in fact, it is true that what I am about to do now, if I don't come back or choose to refuse, won't the entire history of magic be changed?"

Ivan has never felt the power of time so clearly.

The point is that he can't refuse at all, because he is afraid that if he refuses now, his existence will disappear with it.

After all, this is the most nonsense of time magic!

"Well, since I've succeeded before, it shouldn't be a problem for me to cast this spell again now." Ivan took a deep breath, interrupted Dalyan, who was still chattering, and said, "What do I need to do?"

"What?" Dalyan froze for a moment.

"Use this magic!" Aiwen pointed to the magic statue in front of him, and said, "Use this magic left by your family ancestors to stop the door of death that is opening outside, what do I need to do?"

"Ah, you agree?! Can you succeed? As I said before, this is quite powerful magic, and you must have enough magic power to master it." Dalyan said in surprise, noticing Ivan's His complexion was not very good, he quickly changed his words, "Well, obviously we have no other choice, right? First of all, you need to have a magic wand."

Ivan raised his wand, is this guy really an idiot

Obviously after a thousand years, the Dalyan he saw was mysterious and full of wisdom.

"You've got a wand, that's obvious, and then there's the spell," Dalyan said, pointing to an ancient rune composed of magic orbs floating in the air, "the spell is here, you just have to read it out like this …”

"I don't know these ancient runes!" Aiwen said, this guy is really an idiot.

If he could understand these ancient rune texts, he would have studied them by himself long ago, even if you still need to chatter about them here!

"What, don't you know these spells?" Dalyan seemed to realize that Ivan didn't know these words, and he continued, "You haven't learned ancient runes? This is one of the things that all orthodox wizards must learn One, so much magic…”

"Simple casting is popular after a thousand years. The spells have been greatly improved, and only a few spells are needed to cast spells. There is no need for complicated magic rituals and ancient runes." Ai Wen said, playing again Cut off Dalyan.

Judging from what this guy meant, he probably wanted to teach him how to cast spells.

The process of casting spells a thousand years ago is not exactly the same as it is a thousand years later, it is much more complicated.

In a lot of magic, wizards need to wave their wands stupidly, recite complex magic spells in weird accents, and may need to use a lot of auxiliary props such as lizard tails, mouse hair, blood, or use rituals to guide them.

The more powerful the magic, the more so!