Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1698: cast a spell


For nearly a thousand years, the magic world has not made any progress.

Spells have been greatly improved, many ancient traditions have been abandoned, and the process of casting spells for wizards has become more and more convenient.

All spells that cannot be released within five seconds are basically discarded.

This is the choice of the times and a symbol of progress!

People are used to simpler and more convenient physical objects, and the same is true for magic.

Think about it, you are dueling with someone, and the other party has cast four or five jinxes, but you are still preparing the first spell, that is simply too stupid!

Convenience, speed, and simplicity are the spellcasting concepts pursued by modern wizards.

The trend in the development of the magic world is to pursue the magic wand to cast spells automatically or intelligently. When I went to Egypt to participate in the alchemy academic exchange meeting, Ivan saw that American wizards were studying this aspect. Through alchemy and Muggle technology Combined to create a brand new wand that can assist wizards in casting spells, the wand stores all magical spells, methods of casting spells, and even magic power.

At that time, wizards only need to make a choice or say a certain character, and then they can release the corresponding spell.

You don't need to learn ancient runes, you don't need to memorize complex spell-casting materials and the process of waving the wand, you don't even need magic power, you just need to know what kind of spells are stored in the wand, and what magic you need to cast spells.

I heard that this research has made a breakthrough. There is basically no problem at the level of magic. The only difficulty is that Muggle technology is not smart enough. Once the technology has made progress, then a smart wand will be made.

In this case, let's talk about the spellcasting process of wizards thousands of years ago, it is too old fashioned!

Dalyan should really go back to the millennium and take a look, when he will definitely not have these complaints now.

"Well, you don't know these ancient runes, it's not a problem, I can read the spell, you just need to repeat my spell." Dalyan stretched out his hand, a light blue ball of light Following his movements, it fell down and turned into a pile of thick parchment rolls in front of him.

"It records the wand movements you need to know, the places you need to pay attention to, and the experience left by wizards who have used this magic before. There are not many, because no one has ever used this magic since the castle was built. Even Within the family, this magic is also a legend." He said, "But it should be of some help to some extent, you can take a look, and then we will start."

Aiwen's wand pointed to the scroll on the ground, and the parchment scroll unfolded automatically, flying in the air.

After a few minutes, they fell again.

"Okay!" Ivan said, closed his eyes and thought for a while, then opened them again.

"Okay?" Dalyan was surprised, "It took you less than five minutes? Did wizards in your era read books like this? Actually, don't worry, we still have time, you should study the above content carefully, this Spells are hard."

"I know, but I'm carrying this!" Ivan tapped the crown on his head with his wand, and continued, "We'd better start right away, I feel an ominous breath, it's the guy inside the door."

He could feel the breath of the evil god, which was much stronger than before he came here, and it wouldn't be too long to delay it any longer.

"Well, the crown of Ravenclaw, the symbol of wisdom, I hope you remember everything!" Dalyan said, "Listen, the key is magic and magic control. When the spell begins, everything in front of you The magic power of the castle and the magic power of the entire castle will be at your disposal, you must control these magic powers, once out of control... "

"Then we are all finished!" Ivan said, raising his wand, "Let's get started!"

"Yeah, that way we're all screwed, there's no other choice, is there?" Darien said.

He took two steps forward, came under the ancient rune in mid-air, and looked back at Aiwen.

He hesitated for another moment, but finally said nothing.

When Dalyan opened his mouth again, it was in a strange tone.

This is the pronunciation of these ancient runes. This is the first time Aiwen has seen them, and it is also the first time he has seen them directly use ancient runes to cast spells. He has seen this record in the data, and it is even worse than this point in time thousands of years ago. To the ancient way of casting spells.

Recalling what he saw before, Aiwen repeated Dalyan's voice and raised his wand high.

With little need for him to do anything, the magic power wandering around was attracted and quickly revolved around him.

In the blink of an eye, more and more magic power gathered, and the magic power in Aiwen's body was also rapidly consumed.

This is just the beginning of the magic, but it feels to Ivan as if he has released a lot of great magic.

He focused, controlled the converging magic power, and repeated the mantra that Darien had chanted.

As the spell progressed, Dalyan's speech became faster and faster, and his voice became more and more sharp and high-pitched, as if a goblin was speaking. Ivan had to try his best to remember his words, and the magic around him was so powerful that it made people Surprised, once you say something wrong...

The magic is out of control, finishing is a must!

But in fact, this doesn't make any sense to Dalyan in front of Ivan. He has a high probability of dying.

Judging from the normal timeline, the gate of death is finally closed, but the ending is definitely not perfect. Everyone in the territory of the Ravenclaw family died and was affected by some terrible curse. Wandering for millennia.

Ivan didn't forget the story that the ghost Marcus told him before, and he didn't know what happened in the end.

But it is undoubtedly not a good thing, everyone is dead!

If he didn't want to die here with the Ravenclaws, he'd better be prepared.

Aiwen held his wand high with his right hand, and held the Time Converter tightly with his left hand. Once there was a problem with this magic, he had to leave this point of time immediately, and he could go anywhere. Anyway, he couldn't stay here any longer.

His thoughts were fleeting, and Ivan had no time to think about it immediately. The difficulty of this magic was indeed beyond imagination.

At this moment, he must do his best to control the increasingly powerful magic power.

I don't know when it started, his feet slowly left the ground.

Under the traction of magic power, it floated to the top of the hall.

On the ground, columns and dome, countless light blue runes shone with light.

Aiwen floated upwards, gradually merging with the magic power around him, and his body gradually became unreal.

He is leaving this space and entering a strange space completely composed of magic.

Below, Dalyan opened his eyes wide, waiting for Ivan in the air in disbelief. Aiwen didn't seem to notice his situation, and Dalyan couldn't make a sound. He waved his hands vigorously, trying to remind Aiwen, but Ivan doesn't seem to notice... ()