Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1699: Enchanted


Aiwen really didn't notice that Dalyan was waving at himself. He was now concentrating on controlling the spell, and he didn't even realize that he had floated from the ground. He only felt that the wand in his hand was getting heavier and heavier.

Yes, the weight of the originally light wand is gradually increasing.

Ivan was almost unable to hold the wand, and all the weight added to the wand was the weight of magic power.

As a type of energy, magic power also has weight, and it will be felt when it gathers to a certain extent.

Every time Aiwen waved his wand now, it was extremely difficult, as if he was stirring a pot of rice porridge that was gradually solidifying and sticky. He had to constantly infuse his own magic power into the wand to fight, otherwise the wand might be absorbed by the outside. The magic that comes crushes.

Not to mention that, on the other hand, he had to repeat Dalyan's voice non-stop to keep the magic going.

During the whole process, he relied more and more on his body's instincts, because his energy was all focused on spell control. Now, no matter what he heard, Aiwen would instinctively repeat it, without noticing the abnormality in Dalyan's voice at all. .

His current state is very strange, under the effect of magic power, he seems to be separated from reality and turned into magic power itself.

If a wizard is filled with a lot of magic power, how will he react

Ivan once felt it during the Quidditch World Cup. He overused the magic power of the Gryffindor Sorcerer's Stone. The powerful and manic magic power almost tore his body apart, but in the "Book of Abraham" With the help of the Sorcerer's Stone, he absorbed the excess magic power of the Sorcerer's Stone, and evolved part of the magic power into his own power.

Now, he is facing the same situation again, and the Book of Abraham does not respond.

That's not counting, Ivan still has to use the power of the Philosopher's Stone to increase the infusion of magic power.

With his own strength, he is almost unable to control the magic power gathered from all directions.

Once he loses control, the half-released magic will fail, and the success will fall short.

Without thinking too much, Ivan waved his wand sideways, and the Slytherin locket on his body flew up, and the locket floated in front of him. The lid opened, and the Sorcerer's Stone of Gryffindor slowly floated out.

The orange light was inlaid in the blue light, and infinite power gushed out from the Sorcerer's Stone.

Magic power poured into Ivan's body, and he frantically infused it into the wand in his hand.

With the influx of magic power, piercing pain hit, Ivan felt that he was squeezed from the inside by the magic power like a balloon, and his blood vessels were all swollen. The color inside was not the color of blood, but magic power, light blue and orange Red alternates.

Faster than before, his body is rapidly transforming into magic power, gradually merging with the surrounding magic power.

Below the hall, Dalyan saw Aiwen's body blur at a speed visible to the naked eye, merging into the magic power.

He stopped in horror and yelled at Ivan, but the magic didn't stop.

In the blink of an eye, Aiwen's body completely disappeared, leaving only a cloud of dark blue near the dome.

The library was trembling slightly, and the magic power of the castle was still gathering there.

Even though the spell has been interrupted, the magic has not stopped.

Dalyan was worried and didn't know what to do. There was no similar situation mentioned in the records left by his ancestors.

At this moment, in the heart-wrenching pain, Aiwen gritted his teeth and persisted!

The voice of his chanting became louder and louder, and every sentence was shouted out.

Suddenly, Dalyan's voice disappeared!

Only the trembling voice of magic power remained in Aiwen's ears, and he did not hear the voice of Dalyan reciting the ancient magic text.

"Damn it, something went wrong after all!"

Ai Wen was startled in his heart, he raised his head suddenly, and found that the scene around him changed drastically, the library disappeared, replaced by the scene outside the castle, he was standing very high above the castle, and the scene in front of him was unobstructed .

Below the castle is a very lively medieval town. The quaint buildings are lined up all the way to the distance. It looks a bit like Hogsmeade, but it is much more spectacular than Hogsmeade. The territory of the Winclaw family.

The town is bustling with wizards and Muggles alike.

In addition, there are many warriors and knights in armor, all of whom are dressed in medieval style.

These people did not notice that the crisis was coming, it was still business as usual.

Aiwen's eyes continued to move forward. On the edge of the town was an endless lake, the water of which was as blue as sapphire.

But in the depths of the lake, that touch of green is extremely dazzling.

That is a sign of black magic, a ceremony in which the Ravenclaw family is opening the door of death, and a sign that the evil god is coming.

Because of the overall structure of the building, Aiwen couldn't see the specific situation in front of the gate of death.

He could only see the green magic light getting brighter and brighter. He stared there for a while, and then realized that he was in a strange position. He seemed to be watching all this from the perspective of the Valkyrie statue above the castle.

Immediately afterwards, Ivan noticed that his state was also very strange.

"Where's Dalyan? What's going on with this magic?" Ivan wasn't sure if he had failed, he found that he couldn't move at all, he was fixed here, and he tried to look down, trying to see his own body Body.

His body was gone, only the magnificent statue of the Valkyrie, which seemed to be his current body.

Or to be more precise, Aiwen is now attached to the statue of the Valkyrie, in a strange state.

Magic is all around him!

The example of magic power shone with a light blue light, and countless magic powers gathered together to emit blue light.

The magic is attached to the Valkyrie statue, as if the whole statue is glowing.

The statue is also enchanted!

Soon, the residents in the distributed town discovered the anomaly, and Aiwen saw many people stop and point at him.

The soldiers were gathering quickly, and several powerful wizards flew towards the castle.

But they stopped immediately, they no longer paid attention to the image of the Valkyrie statue, but turned their heads in horror to look at the gate of death in the lake. When Aiwen raised his eyes again, he saw a mass of black Fog floated from the Death's Gate in the center of the lake.

The black mist covering the sky flew towards the castle and the market town below at an extremely fast speed, the speed was astonishingly fast.

He immediately saw clearly that it was not black mist, but countless black flies.

Only the most evil and forbidden black magic can summon the blackfly from hell.

This means that the door of death has been opened, and the evil god inside is about to descend!

Aiwen watched the wizards, warriors, knights, and Muggles below touch the black fly, and their lives were taken away in the blink of an eye, and there was not even a reference left. Their souls were drawn by the black fly to The door of death flies away.