Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1700: Two possibilities


The power of death is coming, evil magic is wreaking havoc!

In the town below the castle, life disappeared at an extremely fast speed. Countless black flies covered the sky and turned into the most terrifying god of death, followed by thick fog, which floated from the lake and filled the sky. The territory of the entire Ravenclaw family.

In the dense fog, Ivan saw many terrifying monsters, as well as dementors.

These dark creatures that should have appeared in Azkaban, now appear here.

They flew across the streets in groups, roaring and rushing into houses, brutally killing the remaining people.

Soon, death became the only melody, and there was no one in the bustling town.

There was only death, and despair materialized, not even a cry for help could be heard.

In just a few minutes, tens of thousands of lives were lost.

This is the power of the evil god, the most terrifying black magic in the world.

There is no need for the main body to descend, just driving the creation of the evil god is enough to kill countless lives.

The Muggles didn't even have a chance to resist and howl, they were instantly killed.

The remaining wizards and warriors are gathering in the direction of the castle. They are fighting tenaciously, but it is only a matter of time before they fall.

Aiwen didn't pay too much attention to the doomsday hell scene below. Anyway, these people have died long ago, and there is no point in saving them. He can't do it either. No idea of life.

Aiwen is completely emotionless now, and he looks down on the world like a real god.

His eyes followed the souls of the innocent beings killed by the monsters, and the blackflies were carrying them back to death's gate.

Right above the gate of death, the phantom of the evil god emerged from the sky.

It was devouring the souls sent by the black flies, the shadow became more and more solid, and its power gradually increased.

This evil god is the evil god incarnated by the despicable Hai Erbo. It is a collection of eyeballs, body and brain that were wiped out by Aiwen and the others before. It is difficult to describe the specific appearance. The most striking thing is undoubtedly the huge eye in the middle of the body. .

That's right, there's only one, not a pair, of this gigantic eye!

The big eyeball looks like a ball, inlaid on the body.

The body below the phantom of the evil god is more like a weird-looking container, which is specially used to hold the eyeballs on it.

It was exactly the same as the body of the evil god Ivan had seen before, or roughly the same. After all, Ivan had not fully witnessed the whole picture of the terrifying body at that time. There were many mouths, tentacles and eyes on it, and there were many fusions of marine life. organ.

Undoubtedly, this is the evil god, the god of death, transformed by the despicable Hai Erbo.

Its body was decomposed into three parts by Salazar Slytherin and sealed in three places, leaving only the soul still inside the death gate.

Seeing the phantom in mid-air, all previous conjectures have been verified.

Inside Death's Gate is the world created by the vile Helbo.

"The world created by the despicable Haibo?"

Under the influence of Ravenclaw's crown, Aiwen quickly caught the contradictions in the various clues he had.

From the current situation, this door was sealed here a long time ago, guarded by the wizards of the Ravenclaw family for generations, which shows that the despicable Haierbo has long been defeated by the ancient wizards.

But no one can kill it!

Don't forget, the despicable Hai Erbo not only turned himself into a evil god, but also the inventor of the Horcrux.

It made the world's first Horcrux!

It can never be killed without destroying the Horcrux first.

In this way, the ancient wizards printed the despicable Haile in the world inside the death gate.

If that was the case, then what happened to Slytherin's subsequent dissection of the despicable Helbo's body into three studies? Could it be that when the ancient wizards sealed the despicable Haierbo's soul and body separately

The soul is sealed inside the gate of death, and the body remains in its lair in the world.

During an expedition, the young Slytherin found the body of the despicable Haile Bo.

The evil god whose strength was damaged would naturally not be the opponent of Slytherin. After being defeated, he was broken down into three parts.

This is the first possibility!

Another possibility is that when it was sealed, both the soul and the body were sealed inside the gate of death, but Slytherin directly used the double snake rod to enter the gate of death, just like what Dumbledore did before .

As long as there is a space beacon, using the power of the Double Snake Staff can tear through the space barrier and enter the space created by the evil god.

Inside Death's Gate, Slytherin defeated the sealed Helbo.

But he also has no way to kill the despicable Hai Erbo without destroying the Horcrux.

Therefore, he could only keep its soul in the gate of death, divide its body into three parts and bring it out for study.

This is the second possibility!

Ivan has never thought about this issue before, and judging from the current situation, he is more inclined to the first possibility.

There is no evidence, just a feeling.

If it is the first possibility, everything can be explained.

But what are those red nameplates that Aiwen picked up after defeating every part of the evil god's body transformed by the despicable Haierbo

Could these things be related to the horcruxes of the despicable Hai Erbo

The despicable Haierbo has been hiding its Horcrux somewhere, protected by powerful magic, and only by using these three nameplates can the magic be opened.

Neither the ancient wizards nor Slytherins have found these nameplates.

Because they didn't destroy the evil god's body like Aiwen did. It doesn't make any sense to do so. Haierbo can't be killed without destroying the Horcrux. It doesn't make any sense to destroy its body. It's like Voldemort is back from the dead.

In doing so, things seem to get more troublesome.

Ivan suddenly realized this!

They easily destroy the evil god's eyes, body and brain in the real world without any hindrance. Ancient wizards and Slytherins can do this too, but they didn't do it. There is obviously something wrong with it. .

Could it be that after they destroyed the evil god's body in reality, Hai Erbo recovered his body inside the death gate? !

If that's the case, it's terrible!

Originally thought it was weakening the power of the evil god, but instead made the evil god transformed by the despicable Hai Erbo stronger.

Sure enough, Horcruxes and evil gods are really troublesome troubles!

Immediately afterwards, Ivan immediately thought, wouldn't the danger facing Dumbledore inside the Death Gate be greatly increased? !

