Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1702: Magic Fort


In the war between the evil gods, the weak evil gods were devoured by the powerful evil gods until they were completely annihilated.

It's definitely a lot of fun!

This has gone beyond a magic duel in the general sense, but a collision at the level of the magic field.

Two evil gods, one representing death and the other representing devouring, these are two completely different areas of black magic.

Which field is stronger

Judging from the current situation, the Death Realm represented by the despicable Hai Erbo is not an opponent of the Devouring Realm at all.

In the words of the evil god: In the long and strange time, death also has its end!

Death is the end of life, means death, the end of all things.

From ancient times to the present, no matter how powerful wizards are afraid of death, there are Egyptian pharaohs, despicable Helbo, and many ancient spellcasters, as well as Dumbledore, Grindelwald, and Voldemort. Wizards are only trying to conquer death and gain eternal life. .

Just ask, who is not afraid of death

And who doesn't want to have eternal life

But if even death, the end of everything, has an end, what is the point of death

How can it be scary

The scariest feature of death is gone, and as long as you have enough patience and time, you can get through this state.

Obtaining eternal life is probably the greatest expectation and ambition of a wizard at the mortal level.

But in front of the ancient god who was immortal at the beginning of his birth, this level of ambition is meaningless at all.

I don't know if it's because the level of power is completely suppressed, or because it is impossible to refute the idea, the evil god transformed by the despicable Hai Erbo is not at all the opponent of the evil god that existed since the birth of the universe.

The soul, magic power, and even all the essence that originally belonged to it are being devoured by the other party crazily.

Countless creations of the evil gods were devoured by the opponent as soon as they emerged from the gate of death.

Even the power within Deathgate, death itself, is being swallowed.

The strength of the despicable Haierbo is rapidly weakening, even if he wants to escape back to the death gate, it is impossible.

The devouring power followed like a shadow, tightly entwining it like countless tentacles.

In the sky, the green light is fading, and the strange red magic light is getting stronger and stronger.

If it was another occasion, Ivan would not mind watching the battle.

He might witness the destruction of an evil god with his own eyes!

Ai Wen had a feeling that even if the despicable Haierbo couldn't be killed or destroyed because of the Horcrux, he could still be swallowed by another evil god and eventually turned into nothingness.

After all the power is swallowed up, Haierbo's existence itself will have no meaning.

This is definitely an epic magic battle!

Aiwen, who has witnessed all this, will become a witness to this epic battle.

Aiwen seems to be just a witness to this battle, but with his current position, something must be done.

He must participate in the battle between these two evil gods.

If the despicable Haierbo is allowed to be devoured, time will change drastically.

Aiwen must ensure that history moves forward on the correct track!

He wants to prevent the wizards of the Ravenclaw family from opening the door of death, prevent the despicable Haier from descending into the real world, and defeat the evil god who is frantically devouring the essence of magic power, so as to prevent it from becoming more powerful.

Aiwen tried to regain control of the magic power, and he immediately discovered that he could control part of the magic power.

Even though he has completely merged into the ocean of magic power now, he can control the part of magic power that belongs to him with his mind.

Although compared with the huge magic power gathered around him, the part of the magic power he can control is so tiny.

But it is true that Ivan can control it.

This is the only hope, and he tried his best to use the magic power he could control to influence other demons.

As time goes by, the range of magic power he can control grows larger and faster.

Aiwen quickly figured out the trick. He doesn't need to control all these magic powers, he only needs to use his own magic power to guide them.

Under his guidance, all the magic power around obeyed his orders.

Never mind what the magic of the Ravenclaw family was, he had to use it in his own way.

Be it the evil god or the gate of death, just destroy it!

With such a huge amount of magic power, if Aiwen can control them to hit the past, the impact force generated by the collision of magic power will be enough to annihilate everything. Although the magic power is very stable now, once it is out of the control of the castle magic, it may not be so stable.

It will be a collision beyond anyone's imagination, like throwing a powerful missile.


In Ivan's view, the magic power of this scale hits the past at the same time, and the destructive power produced may not be weaker than the Muggle atomic bomb.

With Aiwen's control of these magic powers, he can feel the super power under his control, which is a much stronger magic power than the power he has ever controlled at any moment.

He gathered the huge magic power around him, trying to launch them out.

The overall feeling is like launching a spell!

Such a thought just rose in Ivan's mind, and the next second, a magic beam was really launched.


The blue magic beam is like a high-pressure water vapor, spraying on the phantom of the evil god who is devouring madly.


The evil god's voice suddenly increased, filled with anger.

The whispers in Ivan's mind immediately became complicated, and he seemed to hear a scream.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that a large piece of the phantom of the evil god, which was originally invincible, was corroded abruptly, as if under a corrosion spell.

"It's feasible!" Ivan hurriedly controlled and sprayed out another magic beam.

Under the collision of magic power, another part of the phantom of the evil god disappeared, and its power was rapidly weakening.

It roared angrily, shaking countless tentacles.

"Weak and ignorant mortal, you are trying to stop me again!"

"It's ridiculous, your end is coming!"

"The death knell of destruction has sounded, and your resistance is meaningless!"

"Witness your death and despair, mortals, the end is about to be judged..."

Aiwen didn't pay attention to what this guy was saying. His past fighting experience told him that as long as he ignored the whispers in his mind and his mind was not affected by the evil god, its power would be weakened by half.

Before the real arrival, this guy had no attack power other than the spiritual level.

Even without the use of legendary magic items, the whispers of the evil gods could not affect Aiwen at all.

At this moment, the entire castle of the Ravenclaw family seemed to have turned into a fort. Ivan kept firing shells. He controlled the magic power to form a magic beam, which was ejected one after another, constantly weakening the power of the evil god...