Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1707: The end of a cycle


boom! ! !

As a magic power, Ai Wenwen shot out along with the magic beam. His mental power controlled the huge magic power around him. He left the castle of the Ravenclaw family and slammed into the statue of the evil god.

His mind is now blank, only the statue of the evil god in front of him remains.

That was his goal!

He wants to control the huge magic power to slam into it and destroy the statue of the evil god. This is his only remaining thought.

As for the physical condition, the power under his control and other follow-up matters, Ivan didn't feel or think at all. He had no time to think about it. He only knew that he now controlled endless magic power, far beyond the limit he could imagine.

These magical powers surround him and gather around him, and he can control these magical powers to destroy everything.

When a person possesses powerful power, there will be a feeling that he can easily destroy the world, but Aiwen now feels that he has surpassed this level. He doesn't think about anything, but nothing can stop him.

A huge roar of magical power streaked through the air, and the entire space shook violently.

At this moment, it seems that there is only this magic beam left between the heaven and the earth.

Countless magical powers collided and merged with each other, and the red and blue magical powers were intertwined. With Aiwen and two magic stones as the core, they formed a huge magic beam beyond imagination. power forward.

The hideous and terrifying phantom of the evil god came into contact with the magic beam, and instantly annihilated and dissipated, unable to block it even for a moment.

The statue of the evil god, who was still invincible before, gave up devouring Haierbo and the surrounding souls. It flew frantically to the inside of the gate of death. It must leave this space immediately, not to devour the despicable Haierbo's magic power, but to escape.

It can now be sure that once it is shot by the magic beam behind it, it will undoubtedly dissipate.

This terrifying magical power is completely not the power that mortal spellcasters should have.

The Ravenclaw family has accumulated for thousands of years, and all the power accumulated since the age of ancient magic burst out at this moment.

The magical energy gathered together can already cut through the void. If the devouring evil god's body is here, it may not be afraid of this attack, but not now. The statue of the evil god, which claims to be indestructible, cannot resist the collision of these magical powers. .

It frantically flew towards the inside of the gate of death, and the bewitching red light erupted with full force. The gate of death that had already begun to close was forced open by it, and the miserable green stone gate and the space inside the gate were flushed red by it.

Compared with the light of the rapidly approaching magic beam, these red lights that could originally reflect the red sky are as dim as fluorescent lights and may go out at any time, which shows the huge power gap between the two sides.

The statue of the evil god and the despicable Haierbo were intertwined and entered the gate of death together.

In the next second, Ivan also shot in with huge magic power.


The door of death shook violently, and the huge doorpost was instantly covered with cracks.

The cracks are getting bigger and bigger!

The door of death seemed to be broken by two evil gods and powerful magic power, and it gradually stopped after shaking violently for more than ten minutes.

The interior of Shimen was dark, leaving nothing but nothingness.

Endless darkness slowly circulated inside the door of death, even the light was absorbed. There seemed to be a void leading to infinity. After everything calmed down, the door was slowly closed until it was completely closed.



The entire Ravenclaw family territory was dead silent, not a single living creature could be seen.

The souls that were not engulfed by the devouring evil god gradually dissipated into the air. They were killed by Haierbo's evil god's creation, cursed by the power of the death god, and wandered here forever. Until a thousand years later, when Aiwen came here, the new reincarnation can start again.

In the deathly silence, the music of the music box slowly sounded from the central tower, which sounded particularly monotonous and sad.

The music seemed to speak of this terrible battle, of the fall of House Ravenclaw.

But not long after, a huge roar came from inside the castle, covering the sound of the music box.

Because too much magic was gathered, the castle of the entire Ravenclaw family was rapidly collapsing, the inexhaustible magic light on the five turrets dissipated, and the statue of the Valkyrie fell from the tower. The glory is gone.

Starting today, the once powerful Ravenclaw family has completely become history!

After about two hours, the roar inside the castle gradually stopped.

At this time, most of the castle of the Ravenclaw family was destroyed by the eruption of magic power, and the magic power gathered in the central tower dissipated.

The land centered on the castle and Death's Gate was filled with chaotic magic power. Even if the entire wizarding world knew that there was a problem, no wizard dared to enter the territory of the Ravenclaw family before the magic power subsided.

The first to come here were the nearby Muggle lords, adventurers, and thieves. When the wizards of the Presbyterian Church came here a year later, they saw only the remains of countless buildings, looted castles, and death's gate.

No one knows what happened here!

After careful investigation, the elders believed that there was a problem with the death gate.

They transferred the door of death to the Presbyterian Church for safekeeping. There is no magic power in this stone door. Only those who have witnessed the death can hear the whispers of the dead in front of the door. so peaceful up there...

… … … … … … …

Thousands of years later, in the territory of the Ravenclaw family, the black witch's magic has reached a critical part.

The ghosts of the Ravenclaw family are recreating the magic of the past, and they are about to open the door of death...

In the square in front of the Gate of Death, believers of evil gods committed suicide in cruel and terrifying ways one after another.

Every time a dark wizard dies, an ancient rune will fly out from the cracked stone walls on both sides of the phantom of the gate of death.

These ancient runes flew into the air, echoing with the phantoms of the two evil gods above the stone gate.

In the sky, the phantoms of the God of Death and the God of Devourer entwined and merged with each other. More precisely, the God of Devourer stretched out countless ugly tentacles to tightly wrap around the God of Death, entwining the terrifying The eyeballs are getting tighter and tighter.

The phantoms of the two evil gods that are tightly intertwined look even more weird and indescribable.

The black witch was almost suffocated with excitement, she could feel the power of the evil god growing rapidly.

With her help, it won't be long before her master comes to this world.

Purification is about to begin!

The master will purify everything! !

All mortals kneel and tremble, accept the judgment of the great god! ! !

. Nine Heavens Emperor