Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1708: Happy Saturday everyone


In front of the phantom of the opened door of death, the black witch raised her hands.

Her blue-gray face was twisted to the extreme due to excitement, and black mist circled her body.

She seemed to have seen all the spells, the scene where her great master came, and the end of this world.

"Tremble, mortals!" she cried frantically, at the top of her lungs, flailing her arms and wand.

"All things will perish, and the great Lord is about to come. Kneel down and accept the judgment. You will witness the final fate of this fragile world with your own eyes! Embrace death, dedicate your flesh and soul to the Lord, and your crimes will be forgiven! "

Every time she said the last sentence, the wand in her hand pointed at someone without hesitation.

Accompanied by her movements, a piercing green light flashed, and one of the black wizards in the square in front died immediately.

The soul wailed away from the corpse, and rushed to the death gate amidst the howls and wild laughter of the black witch.

This is the scene when the Ravenclaw family opened the door in the past!

As the magic progressed, the old welcome and reality merged, and they could no longer be distinguished.

Harry felt that his body had no temperature at all, and he was surrounded by endless cold and despair.

He feels that the magic performed by the Black Witch is more evil than the magic performed by Voldemort when he returned that day. At least Voldemort did not kill so many people that day. His magic only needs his father's bones, the servant's flesh and Harry's blood.

It is so kind, and the method of casting the spell is also very simple, to use a pot to cook it...

Harry could not have imagined that one day he would feel that Voldemort was kind.

But compared with the magic that the Black Witch is doing, the magic that Voldemort resurrected that day is really too merciful.

The black witch, she was killing and slaughtering other people's lives. Those people she killed were still her companions. The most frightening thing for Harry was that none of the dark wizards below escaped. They seemed to have been hit by the most powerful robbery. Soul curse, willingly killed by the black witch, even fanatical to the point of joy, voluntarily dedicating his life.

Like the Black Witch, they shouted excitedly and scrambled to let the Black Witch kill themselves.

There are even many dark wizards, and Harry is no longer sure whether they are controlled by magic or by his own will.

They even committed suicide again!

In the most primitive and cruel way, he committed suicide by scratching his own throat with his hands.

It's really scary!

What worries Harry even more is the magic that the Black Witch is doing. She seems to be resurrecting the terrifying monster phantom in the sky!

And Harry found that at some point, the statue of the evil god that had been hovering above disappeared.

Where is that statue? !

Harry wriggled around trying to find it, but couldn't find it.

He called out to the dark wizard with a black hood opposite him, asking him to come and let him go.

From just now, Harry thought this person was Ron!


He knew Ron so well that even though he was covering his face, Harry could still recognize him.

Ron also seemed to be frightened by the scene in front of him, or was controlled by the Imperius Curse.

No matter how Harry yelled, he didn't respond, just stood there, not knowing what to think.

The only thing that made Harry feel a little thankful and comforted was that Ron didn't join the group of lunatics below.

With the death of the black wizard and the progress of the magic, in the sky, the strange red light replaced the dark green magic light, and countless tentacles protruding from nowhere tightly wrapped around the door of death.

A tentacle grazed Harry's body, and it felt exactly like the real thing.

The tentacles were inserted into the door of death, and the ancient runes on the two huge stone pillars on both sides of the door appeared faster and faster.

Now the Black Witch has got all the spells to open the door.

The magic of the Ravenclaws was done, but her magic didn't stop, it just got crazier.

She waved her wand and shot several green spells, killing all the remaining dark wizards below the platform in an instant.

There was no one alive here except herself, Harry, and Ron.

it's time!

She knew that when the disappeared statue of the evil god reappeared, her master would come to this world.

The Great Lord will come again, and he will bring chaos and destruction without end.

"Hahaha, your end is here, no mortal can live to witness all this!"

"Swallow it, great lord, and descend..."

The last sentence, the black witch shouted out with almost all her strength, she raised her hands high and waited for the appearance of the statue of the evil god.

Nothing can stop her!

Regardless of the magic that just appeared at the castle, she has already completed all the magic.

And her master, the devouring evil god, must also devour Haierbo's power and return here with a brand new attitude.

Raven Claw's millennium plan is about to come true!

Under the leadership of the devouring god, they will break the cage on their masters, welcome them back to the earth, and meet the doomsday judgment.

The Black Witch's call seemed to be answered, and in the next second, a strong light appeared in the air.

Harry looked up, despair written all over his face.

The black witch also raised her head towards the light, what a powerful magic light, this must be the return of the great lord.

boom! ! !

A magical beam of light struck from the direction of the Ravenclaw family castle, and quickly shot at the Black Witch and Death's Gate.

The black witch's eyes widened, the twisted skin on her face stretched out, and she looked at the huge beam of light that flew towards her in disbelief.

She sensed something was wrong, it didn't seem to be the master's power!

How can it be? !

Almost in the blink of an eye, a powerful beam of light shot over.

It is like a meteor across the sky, and like a sharp arrow flying from the sky.

The black witch looked at the light beam in disbelief, and felt the magical power that suffocated her. She found that her magic had been dispelled, and all the magic brilliance and energy were defeated by the flying magic book in the blink of an eye. Her master … where

Where is her master

Where is the Devouring Cthulhu

Where is the coming of the Great Lord

What the hell is going on, what is this magic beam that suddenly appeared? !

She immediately discovered that this magical beam was also an illusion, and it was the magic that happened when the Ravenclaw family opened the door thousands of years ago.

Damn, what happened thousands of years ago

She roared hoarsely, summoning the statue of the evil god, but she stopped immediately. She found that her power was not rewarded by the devouring evil god as before.

Blue and orange flames rose above her, burning her magic and soul...

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