Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1709: Devoured Black Witch


An amazing beam of magical light rushed from the castle, rushing towards the gate of death.

Amidst the stern roar of the black witch, Harry's eyes were pierced by the light and his eyes narrowed.

This is a blue and orange mixed magic light beam. It carries unprecedented positive magic energy and dispels the phantoms of evil gods, black magic and wandering souls around the death gate.

All the messy illusions and black magic were dispelled, and only this beam of light remained in the world.

Countless magical powers came together, and Harry felt the surroundings were warm, and the temperature gradually increased.

He was surrounded by this magic beam, as if soaking in hot spring water, very comfortable. In addition, in the magic beam, where the blue and orange magic rays were the most dazzling, he seemed to see a figure, with Flying at an extremely fast speed.

That seems to be Ivan!

Harry wasn't quite sure, but all the magic was converging around that figure.

"Evan..." Harry murmured.

He found right away that the spell cast on him by the Black Witch hadn't worked!

He regained his freedom again, and without hesitation, he immediately rushed towards the hooded black wizard under the opposite stone pillar.

Harry lunged at him, knocking his wand away with one blow.

The dark wizard immediately resisted fiercely, and the two of them fought and entangled together. The other party punched him hard on the head. Enduring the pain, Harry lifted the dark wizard's hood, revealing the face underneath.

Red hair, blue eyes, and freckles on his face, it really is... Ron!

"Ron!" Harry's eyes widened, and he called Ron's name loudly.

Beneath Harry, Ron didn't respond.

His expression was indifferent, as if he had been under the Imperius Curse again, but his strength was terrifying, and he attacked Harry without any scruples.

After several punches in a row, Harry could hardly control him, not to mention that his strength was not as strong as Ron's.

"Wake up, Ron, I'm Harry, Harry Potter!" Harry yelled, hoping to wake him up.

This is not the first time Ron has been hit by the Imperius Curse. From the beginning of the incident in the Chamber of Secrets in Harry's second grade, Ron seems to have been hit by the Imperius Curse every year. resistance.

The previous few times, Harry was able to wake Ron up, and he knew what to do at the most critical moment, but this time, the magic on Ron seemed to be extraordinarily powerful, and it firmly controlled him.

No matter how Harry shouted, he didn't get any response, and Ron didn't hesitate in attacking.

After another blow to the chest, Harry had to react, wrestling with Ron.

The two rolled on the ground, and on the other side, the black witch completely ignored Harry, who was already breaking free.

At this moment, she was being burned by the blue and orange magic flames, her body was trembling, and she kept screaming, as if she had been greatly hurt.

She also saw the figure in the magic beam, and saw that countless magic powers were converging towards that person.

She has no idea who that is!

Undoubtedly, this is the magic of thousands of years ago.

"A certain wizard thousands of years ago, this is why the Ravenclaw family failed to open the door of death."

This idea flashed through the mind of the black witch. As the figure in the magic beam approached, the magic power became stronger and stronger, and the flames on her body became more and more vigorous. The scorching pain had already made her lose the ability to think. .

She didn't know why the magic light and shadow from thousands of years ago had such great power? Is the fusion of reality and magic too deep? She didn't even know if the magic she got from the master had expired or was it still going on

After this magic beam came, her magic was out of control!

"Great master, grant me greater power!" The black witch screamed, waving her wand, trying to regain control of the situation.

But she didn't get any response, and her master, the Devouring Cthulhu and the Cthulhu statue disappeared without a trace.

The black witch immediately found that not only could she not contact her master, her magic power also quickly dissipated in the brilliance and stinging pain, and even her body was also melted in the magic flames. If it continued, she might be burned alive.

She cried out in horror, which was something she had never encountered before.

The magic of the black witch has lost its effect, and the ghosts of the Ravenclaw family in the past have all disappeared, but the phantoms of the death gate and the thousand-year-old magic beam have not disappeared, but have become more and more real. Countless magic power is flowing here gather.

"No!" she yelled, "no one can stop us, Great Lord... kill them, kill them all!"


In the next second, the magic beam centered on Aiwen went straight through the black witch.

The magic beam passed through the black witch, deep into the gate of death.

The phantom of Death's Gate trembled violently, as if it was about to be burst by the sudden magic spell.

In front of the door, the twisted and trembling body of the black witch suddenly stopped still, standing there in a strange posture.

She seemed to be petrified, and seemed to be watched by the eyes of a basilisk.

"The Great Lord... Doomsday Judgment... Purification... Devour everything!"

Weak sounds sounded intermittently, accompanied by slight clicks and clicks.

Like a weathered and damaged stone sculpture, the black witch's body was rapidly shattering, and pieces of flesh and blood fell off her body one after another. What remained from the wound was not blood, but blue flames.

The flames quickly condensed into one piece, completely devouring the black witch's body.

The Black Witch is finished!

She had turned into a burning Pyro now, but Harry couldn't control Ron under him at this moment.

During the scuffle, Ron landed on Harry's stomach.

Harry let go in pain, and Ron rolled over to get the wand that had fallen aside, and he pointed it at Harry.

"Ron, put down the wand, you can break free of his grip, you can, we practiced before, remember, don't listen to that voice in your head, wake up!" Harry gasped loudly, almost It was shouted out.

At this time, the powerful magic beam just now completely disappeared.

Beside them, the phantom of the Gate of Death trembled violently. Cracks had begun to appear on the stone gate, which seemed to dissipate at any moment. The black witch in front of the gate was burning quietly, and the blue flame was devouring her.

Harry was talking to Ron, and he saw the hesitation and struggle on Ron's face.

"You can, Ron, beat him!" Harry hoarse, gradually lowering the volume.

Seeing that Ron didn't move, he thought his words had worked, and Harry tried to get closer to Ron.

"Fine, Ron, it's all over, we'll go back now..."

In the next second, a red light flashed, and a black Death Eater emblem flashed on Ron's neck.