Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1710: An end and a new beginning (Happy Zongzi Festival)


The dark mark on the back of Ron's neck flashed a bright black light, and his eyes dimmed again.

Almost at the same time, a red magical light hit Harry.

Harry flew backwards and landed heavily on the ground. The huge impact almost shattered his skeleton. He widened his eyes and saw Ron holding his wand and pointing condescendingly at him. The end of the wand flashed a green light. Magical radiance.

"Come to your senses, Ron, this is Harry, Harry Potter..." Harry gasped.

Before he could finish, Harry heard Ron's stern voice.

The voice was cold and piercing, without the slightest emotion, as if it wasn't Ron's voice, but Voldemort's.

"Avada Kedavra!" He chanted the mantra without hesitation.

"No!" Harry yelled, in complete disbelief.

His mind was blank, and the scar on his forehead and the severe pain in his body made him almost faint.

Harry was in a trance for a while, and Ron in front of him doubled with Voldemort at this moment.

It wasn't Ron Weasley, it was Voldemort.

This is Voldemort! ! !

Harry had had this feeling before, it was familiar to him, Voldemort inside Ron.

He was looking at himself through Ron's eyes!

Harry gasped, seeing Voldemort in his friend's eyes.

His heart was beating fast, and a terrible thought appeared in his mind. He seemed to have thought of what this meant, but before the complete emergence of this terrible thought, his eyes were filled with green light.

Harry felt like he had been hit by the Killing Curse, that something inside him, life or soul, was pulling away from him.

For a moment, Harry could barely breathe.

But immediately, piercing sounds sounded all around one after another, and many people apparated in the ruins.

The Killing Curse flying towards Harry was defeated, and he heard the roar of Sirius and Mad-Eye.

It's from the Order of the Phoenix!

The temperature returned to the body, and the focal length refocused. In the dark and distorted light, Harry saw the wizards of the Order of the Phoenix. They apparated around him one after another, and they were converging towards him. Sirius rushed to the front.

And Ron, who was running at breakneck speed towards the burning Black Witch!

"Stop him, stop Ron!" Harry yelled to Sirius. "He's Voldemort!"

He shouted at least three times before the voice escaped his throat.

Sirius didn't hesitate, and before Harry could speak, he had already swung his wand quickly and shot the spell at Ron.

In fact, not only him, but also many wizards of the Order of the Phoenix shot spells at Ron. Dozens of red spells hit Ron from all directions, and he fell down, and the surroundings were once again surrounded by death. silence.

The phantom of Death's Gate did not dissipate, but the shaking range became smaller and smaller.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Harry was there, I saw him, thank goodness he's alive."

"Oh my god, this door, this terrible black magic breath, I'm about to suffocate!"

"I swear, I've never seen such terrible black magic in my life..."

After a few seconds, the exclamation and discussion of the wizards sounded again.

"Harry, are you all right?" Sirius asked loudly.

He came over with the same scars on his body.

Just now, they were still fighting against the creations of the evil god that suddenly appeared. In the magic field of the evil god, many magics including apparitions have lost their effect. Although the wizards of the Order of the Phoenix wanted to come here, they were still unable to defeat them Those terrifying creations of evil gods.

Instead, five of them died in the battle just now.

It wasn't until the powerful magic beam crossed the sky that the terrifying creations of the evil god dissipated in an instant.

Just like their sudden appearance, their disappearance is just as abrupt and out of bounds.

Sirius didn't know what happened here, but he could feel the real black magic aura.

He looked around, uneasily looking at the phantom of the death gate in front of him.

"What's going on with this door? What about Ivan, he came here before us!" He had too many questions.

For example, why did Ron hit Harry with the Killing Curse just now

He was controlled by the Imperius Curse again

Also, what about the black witch with the blue flames? She looked as if she had been under a powerful black magic, and Mad-Eye was leading a few people towards her, trying to extinguish the flames.

"Sirius..." Harry said with difficulty.

"Here I am, Harry, it's all over!" said Sirius calmly.

no, no!

It is not over, and the strong sense of crisis has not disappeared.

On the contrary, the scar on Harry's forehead became more and more painful, more and more painful.

Voldemort was very angry, he knew what happened here, he was in Ron's body just now.

He's coming, he's getting closer and closer.

"Sirius, we must leave here immediately, Vol..." Harry said with difficulty, covering his painful scar with his hands, "Voldemort is coming, he will be here soon, we must leave immediately."

"What, Voldemort?! Damn it!" Sirius was startled for a moment, but immediately realized.

He picked Harry up and shouted loudly, telling the others the news.

"Take Harry and Ron, and there's still room for this guy, and we'll get out of here right now, before Voldemort shows up." Mad-Eye shouted loudly, his magic eyes rolling wildly in his sockets, "You two, don't use your hands. Touch it, don't you see those blue magic fires?! Kingsley, don't study that door, it's just a magic illusion, the body is still in the Ministry of Magic! Be vigilant, we must go immediately, Sirius, you Take Harry first, immediately!"

"Where is Aiwen, we haven't found him yet? The elf said he's here..."

"That kid might be in the ruins of the castle. I'll go over and have a look. You go first. No, Bill, don't follow me..."

Harry could no longer hear the voice behind him, and Sirius Apparated with him!

The scene changed, and in the blink of an eye, a scratched and painted black door appeared in front of him.

Above the door, the silver handle in the shape of a coiled big snake is so conspicuous.

It was 12 Grimmauld Place, Harry saw the door was opened immediately, Hermione jumped out screaming, followed by Elaine, the house elf Dobby and Klicher, seeing them, he relaxed a little. He took a breath, but immediately tensed again.

Where did Evan go? !

They said just now that Ivan went there too, but Harry didn't see him.

No, he seemed to see it, in that powerful beam of magic.

Harry had a feeling that the magic beam was released by Ivan.

Aiwen rushed into the gate of death together with the magic beam...
