Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1711: The World of the Dead


Gathering extremely strong magic power, Ivan rushed into the gate of death following the statue of the evil god.

Please believe that this is definitely not his original intention!

Inside the Death's Gate is the magical realm created by the despicable Haierbo, which belongs to another dimension.

Ivan really didn't want to go in at all, he didn't want to leave the earth.

But driven by the super powerful magic beam, he couldn't control himself at all.

He chased after Hai Erbo and Devouring Cthulhu, and charged into the gate of death.

After a violent tearing sensation, the scene in front of him changed, and Ivan crossed the space barrier.

The Ravenclaw family territory and the lake disappeared, replaced by a gray world.

The air was very turbid, and there was thick fog everywhere as far as the eye could see.

"Is this the world of the dead? It's really bad enough!"

Aiwen felt that it was difficult for him to breathe now. In the thick fog, he could vaguely see the outline of the death gate.

The Gate of Death on this side is at a relatively high place. In front of the stone gate is a huge square made of black rocks. Hundreds of thick stone pillars are erected above the square, arranged in a certain order.

These stone pillars are very thick, and at least three to four adults need to hold hands to hug them.

On the edge of the square, ancient steps descend step by step, and the whole building has a strong ancient Greek architectural style.

Just like the temples of ancient Greece, each stone column is carved with intricate stone carvings.

The magic beam moved forward, and Ivan lowered his head and took a rough look at the stone pillars on the square below.

The stone carvings above seem to depict stories of gods and wizards.

He saw Hai Erbo in it, the god of death!

Compared with other gods, the huge eyeball is really conspicuous, and Ivan found it immediately. On a stone pillar closest to the gate of death, the evil god transformed by Hai Erbo floats in the air, and countless wizards are below Worship.

On the carving of the next stone pillar, the wizards contributed their souls.

Hai Erbo seemed very happy, the dense lines radiated outwards from the center of the eye of death.


Really interesting!

Ivan can now be sure that Salazar Slytherin has been here, because he saw the same style in the ruins found in the depths of the acromantula lair in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts a few years ago. stelae and carvings.

He didn't understand anything at the beginning, and he didn't study those carvings and relics.

At the beginning, Aiwen focused all his energy on the murals left by Slytherin, which seemed to be the magic of transforming into evil gods.

Of course, under the weathering of thousands of years and the damage of the acromant spider, those murals did not leave any useful information.

At least, that's how it seemed to Aiwen at the beginning.

He just browsed through it roughly at that time, but did not find useful information from it.

Fortunately, Dumbledore went there later, and he found the information that Ivan ignored. Salazar Slytherin left those stone carvings and murals in that place with deep meaning, and important clues were hidden in them.

Now, all the mysteries are about to be revealed!

The magic beam continued to move forward, quickly passing hundreds of stone pillars.

Aiwen raised his head and looked forward, he vaguely saw the shadow of a tall building.

The shape of that building is the eye of death!

Absolutely yes, Ivan is too familiar with this building.

This is the building on the stone slab that he obtained from the ruins of the eight-eyed giant spider's nest.

It is absolutely impossible for him to misread the huge eye-shaped building.

You know, the slate is the most direct clue to Slytherin's secret treasure. Ivan and Hermione have studied it countless times over the years, and they are already familiar with it. The map marked on the slate has also been searched for for a long time. But it couldn't match it.

Inspired by the title deed left by Slytherin, they even planned to set off to Greece to find this building.

Naturally, there would be nothing in Greece, and Haierbo had already moved its nest into this world.

"The corresponding building on the slate is here, is the key to Slytherin's secret treasure in that building?"

Ivan was concentrating, and he felt that he was about to lose the key to Slytherin's secret treasure!

He carefully observed the outline of the building in front of him. The two evil gods were fleeing in that direction, but before he could see clearly, everything around him was immediately covered by the dense fog that surrounded him, as if it had been pervasive in Az all year round. The fogs of the wizarding prison of Caban, they cover everything.

Visibility decreased rapidly, and even the light of the magic beam was rapidly compressed, and Ivan couldn't see anything clearly!

"The time of death is approaching!"

At the same time, a deep voice sounded in his mind.

The sound was fleeting, and there was a dead silence all around.

"Pretending to be a ghost!" Ivan snorted disdainfully.

The atmosphere is still there, but Haierbo is in danger now, so it really can't be scary.

If anything, it is now that it is about to die.

It only has soul energy left, and it is entangled by the devouring evil god, and it is not known how long it can last.

That bit of soul energy might not be enough to swallow the evil god.

If it weren't for Ivan, it might be over by now.

Judging from the situation just now, Devouring the Cthulhu seems to have a strong restraint effect on it.

Driven by the magic beam, Ivan moved forward rapidly, and the distance between him and the statue of the evil god was getting closer and closer.

As if he felt threatened, the fog gathered around him became thicker and thicker, covering everything.

At this moment, everything in front of Ivan's eyes was white.

An unprecedented sense of oppression came from all directions.

He keeps moving forward, in the chaos, and it seems that there will never be an end!

The sky and the earth seem to be completely reversed, and everything they see is the same, making it difficult to tell the direction.

He wasn't sure if he was still heading in the direction of that building, and the statue of the evil god that was close at hand disappeared. If it wasn't for the red light that was still flashing, Ivan wasn't even sure if he was lost.

This feeling is like being in the deep sea, and his sense of uneasiness is getting stronger and stronger.

"These dense fogs are magical, and they are the magic of devouring evil gods!"

Aiwen immediately realized that Devouring the Cthulhu can already control the world!

"The Lost Lamb"

"In eternal darkness and solitude, all resistance is pointless."

"Reaper is dead, your journey has come to an end!"

"Give up your powerless resistance, everything will slowly sleep on this land!"

The whisper of the evil god that had disappeared reappeared in Aiwen's mind, and the power to devour the evil god increased rapidly.

"It's really annoying!"

Without hesitation, Aiwen immediately increased the magic output of the Philosopher's Stone ()

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