Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 24: unprecedented success


"Unprecedented success, Alvin!" This was Fred and George's evaluation of the newspaper.

Now, the Hogwarts Newspaper was the most popular thing in the whole school, and all the students were discussing it.

The article on the front page about the scuffle between Gryffindor and Slytherin on the Quidditch pitch greatly satisfied everyone's curiosity. In particular, Colin captured a few very beautiful photos, showing Aiwen's handsome side vividly.

With his handsome appearance, outstanding strength, and the fact that he is the sponsor of the newspaper, Aiwen's popularity is now almost surpassing Harry, becoming the most famous student in the school, and all of them are positive comments, and some girls are even ready to write love letters to him. he.

This is the benefit of mastering public opinion. In the press release written by Ivan himself, Slytherin was mainly responsible for the outbreak of this battle.

Of course, the same is true.

Now, everyone is overwhelmingly condemning Malfoy, which makes him a lot more honest. He just glared at Ivan and Harry from a distance, and didn't come up to make trouble.

In addition, Hermione's commentary articles don't seem to be as bad as imagined. Of course, most normal little wizards still don't read these things. But at lunch, Ivan noticed that several professors were carefully studying the content of those articles.

The introduction of the three sections of school secrets, Quidditch, and magical creatures was also unexpectedly welcomed by lower grade students. Although a large number of original texts in the book were excerpted, many young wizards would not read them. those professional books.

In fact, they think that these are very helpful to them, and they can quickly integrate into school life. The word games and jokes designed by the twins have become the best choice for many senior students to pass the time.

As for Luna's article "How to Find the Horned Snork", it seems that no one has paid too much attention to it except herself.

However, Luna was still very happy to stuff a copy of the latest issue of "The Quibbler" to Ivan, and said that her father was willing to carry out in-depth cooperation with them, and jointly published the research results of the curved-horned snorkel and the bubble-snot monster.

Of course, the ones that have the largest readership and are also the most popular are those that introduce Lockhart, as well as his.

This was especially noticeable among girls, and Hermione was going to treasure these things, and she was not alone. There are even quite a few Slytherin girls who are secretly collecting "Hogwarts Journal of Witchcraft and Wizardry", making it look like they are engaged in some secret activity.

What's even more rare is that since the afternoon, people have been buying new newspapers from Aiwen one after another, and they are going to mail them back to show to their parents. Most of them are also Lockhart's admirers. The number of buyers is increasing, which makes Aiwen have to consider the matter of printing.

When it was time to eat dinner, someone finally noticed the story about Harry's mother Lily Potter written by Ivan. A large number of detailed text descriptions brought everyone back to Godric's Hollow twelve years ago, and brought them back to the world. From the battle that affected the current pattern of the wizarding world.

As the most famous event in the history of modern magic, all young wizards know how Voldemort failed, because the man who defeated him sat among them. However, no one knew the details, especially what Ai Wen wrote, which had never been published before.

For a while, this story replaced Lockhart's as the focus of attention.

Today's dinner is destined to be much longer than usual. Everyone is immersed in that tragic history and has no mood to care about the food in front of them.

Except for the long table of Slytherin, the long tables of the other three colleges and the classroom seats were very quiet, and everyone was looking down at the newspaper. This time, the Slytherins were caught off guard. Because of the public boycott, they didn't know what other people were looking at, and it was difficult to go up and ask.

Finally, under the leadership of the prefect, they left the auditorium with embarrassing faces, but everyone's eyes were filled with obvious curiosity.

The corners of Ai Wen's mouth turned up slightly, it seemed that he was going to work late tonight.

By this point, Slytherin's public boycott was all but dead in name. Ivan also noticed that Snape was absent tonight, and it seemed that this article had a great influence on him.

In fact, in the next week, Professor Snape's mood has been depressed. He always leaves the classroom as soon as possible after class, and does not go to the auditorium for dinner. No one knows what he is thinking except Ivan. , and didn't even go to the trouble of finding Gryffindor students in class, which is incredible.

This is just one of the impacts of this article. It is the first time that almost everyone knows what happened on the day Voldemort failed. They were infected by the tragic duel between James Potter and Voldemort, and they were finally shown by Lily Potter. Moved by mother's love.

As the article said, she had a chance to live, but for Harry, she gave up. In the end, the power of love invalidated Voldemort's magic, and the wizarding world ushered in a new era.

More than an hour later, when Ivan and Harry got up and left the auditorium, all the students applauded spontaneously.

They were paying tribute to Harry, to his parents, to the heroes who saved the wizarding world.

That night, Gryffindor held a grand celebration party, and all the staff of "Hogwarts Wizardry" became the focus. This made Colin extremely excited. He had never received such attention from others.

The "Hogwarts Wizarding News" has achieved unprecedented success. After more than 700 copies were given away for free, more than 300 copies of the newspaper were reprinted.

Even the merchants who advertised on it also benefited. Fred and George transformed the miraculous fireworks, and all the stocks were wiped out in just one day. They are stepping up to make new fireworks.

However, for Hogward merchants for the purpose of perfunctory, the sales of the products they advertised in the newspaper have increased by 30%. For example, many people ordered lemonade from the Three Broomsticks through owls, which made Rosmer Ms. Ta had to take in a large amount of lemons, and she regretted that they were so sour, why she didn't invite Ivan to drink butter beer. For another example, the pile of cockroaches recommended by Ivan in the newspaper instantly became the most popular candy for freshmen at Hogwarts.

Much to the delight of Mrs. and Mrs. Ambrosio Froome at Honeydukes Candy Shop, cockroach piles aren't exactly a hot candy.

Of course, when the freshmen bought this thing back, they found that the candy was exactly the same as a live cockroach. Many of them lost their appetite in an instant, and Aiwen was awarded the terrifying title of "cockroach killer" because of this.

A few days later, all the merchants in Hogward jointly sent a letter, kindly inviting Ivan to come again this weekend to discuss the next step of cooperation.

Although the price they are willing to pay is still lower than the average advertising fee standard of the "Daily Prophet", this is also an extremely rare improvement. Ivan decided to sign a long-term contract with them at that time.

In this way, the basic cost of printing newspapers can be resolved.

This made him greatly relieved, otherwise he would not have the money to pay for the printing of the next issue of "Hogwarts Wizardry".

Three days later in the morning, just as Ivan was eating breakfast and discussing the content of the next newspaper with Hermione in a low voice, he received an unexpected letter.

"Look, guys!" Ivan told them his belief, "It's Barnabas Guffy, editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet, and he is willing to buy the reprint rights of our article, including all photos and materials about Professor Lockhart And, my story about Harry's mother, Lily Potter, and... "

Ivan stopped, and everyone looked at him nervously.

"Also, about the two review articles written by Hermione, "Reject Blood Discrimination, Safeguard the Legal Rights and Interests of Muggle-Born Wizards" and "Appeal to the Ministry of Magic to Pay Attention to the Flying Safety of Underage Wizards." Aiwen read dryly.

"Oh my God!" Ron opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"Is this true, Ivan?!" Hermione jumped up suddenly.

"That's right." Ivan added, wrinkling his nose, "In fact, Mr. Guffy thinks that your review article is very in-depth. If you want, you only need to sign the attached contract, and they will At this time tomorrow, the manuscript fee and the reprint fee will be mailed together."

"Of course I would!" Hermione took the contract over.

"The editor-in-chief of the "Daily Prophet" is absolutely crazy, why did they buy Hermione's article?" Ron said in surprise, "Could it be because she called on the Ministry of Magic to ban the Quidditch competition for underage wizards?! "

"Who knows, maybe he has a strong fear of heights like me, and he gets dizzy when he sees a broomstick." Ivan stood up, "I'm going to ask Professor Lockhart for advice, and Colin will be with me Go, and take some new photos by the way."

Looking at Ivan's back, Harry blinked innocently, and he didn't understand what depth was.

However, he just agreed with Ivan to publish the story of his mother Lily on the "Daily Prophet", and he felt that it was necessary for more people to know about her.