Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 26: Nick's Deathday Party


Facing the unknown future, Aiwen chose to wait relatively cautiously.

If the diary was put in the school by Lucius, then with Tom Riddle's strength, the secret room should have been opened.

Ivan still remembers that in the original book, the first attack happened on Halloween.

On Halloween, he originally planned to stay in the auditorium to monitor Ginny, or observe other people for anything suspicious, but Hermione didn't agree, and she insisted that Ivan go with them to Nick's death day party.

"Hermione, my cold is just right, so let me stay in the world of the living." Aiwen said pitifully, "Besides, I have to collect materials, and the headline next week will be this Halloween banquet .”

"Your cold was cured last Tuesday, Aiwen!" Hermione shook her head and refused, "Colin and Ginny can collect materials. Nick has provided us with a lot of news recently. You said tonight Nothing can be missed."

"But, I heard that Dumbledore has booked a skeleton dance troupe." Harry looked hesitant, and he and Ron didn't want to attend the Deathday Party either.

"Once a word is spoken, it is hard to follow."

Hermione turned her head and reminded Harry domineeringly, "You and Ron promised Nick to go to his Deathday Party."

So, at seven o'clock in the evening, Ivan, Harry, Ron, and Hermione went straight through the doorway, which happened to lead to the crowded auditorium. The lights, the candles, and the gold plates on the table were alluring, but they went on in the direction of the dungeon.

Although he had to go through this corridor every time he took potions class, it was especially scary tonight.

Candles hung on both sides of the aisle, but the effect was not at all pleasant: they were all dark, thin candles, and when they burned, they shone with a blue light, even when they shone on their four lively faces. It also looks gloomy.

With every step they took, the temperature dropped.

Alvin sneezed and pulled his clothes tightly to cover himself.

Then, he heard a sound like a thousand fingernails scratching back and forth on a huge blackboard.

"What is this?" Ron asked in horror.

"Music, I guess," Harry whispered back.

They turned a corner and saw Nearly Headless Nick standing in a doorway, draped in black velvet.

"My dear friends," he said with infinite sadness, "welcome, welcome, I am so glad to have you here."

He took off his feathered hat and bowed them in.

It was an unbelievable sight, the dungeon filled with hundreds of milky, translucent figures, most of them wandering up and down the crowded dance floor, trembling with the horror of thirty musical saws The voices waltzed, and the band playing the saw sat on a stage covered with black cloth.

A thousand candles were also lit in a chandelier overhead, giving off a midnight blue glow.

Aiwen found that his breath formed clouds of mist in front of him, as if he had walked into a cold room.

"Okay, what do we do now?"

"Look around first!" suggested Harry, wanting to warm his feet.

"Be careful not to go through anyone's body." Ron said nervously.

They walked slowly around the edge of the dance floor, past a group of sullen nuns, a ragged man in chains, and a fat monk.

Then, they saw Baron the Bloody Man. He was a Slytherin ghost, scrawny, straight-eyed, covered in silvery blood, and no one dared approach him, and the other ghosts were making room for him.

"Oh, shit," Hermione stopped suddenly, "turn around, turn around, I don't want to talk to Moaning Myrtle!"

"Who?" Harry asked quietly.

"That ghost, she's in the girls' bathroom on the third floor," said Hermione.

"In the bathroom?"

"Yeah, that bathroom is out of order all year round because she keeps throwing tantrums and throwing water all over the place. People try not to go there if they can avoid it. You go to the bathroom and she screams at you , It's really terrible!"

As soon as Hermione finished speaking, she was surprised to see Ivan walking towards Myrtle head-on.

"He, what is he doing?"

"Who knows, maybe Myrtle is Ivan's favorite type." Ron suddenly laughed, "Haha, this is big news."

Hermione gave Ron a hard look, and the three hurried to follow.

In fact, because the entrance to the secret room is in the bathroom where Myrtle is, Ivan wants to ask her if she has seen any strangers go there recently.

This is particularly important in the current situation where Tom Riddle's diary is missing, and any clues must not be let go.

But before Ivan had time to speak, he saw a grinning ghost with a bright orange party cap, a swirling bow tie, and a bad-looking broad face appearing in front of him, it was Peeves.

"Little devils, do you want some?" He said sweetly, handing over a bowl of moldy peanuts.

"No, thank you." Ai Wen hurriedly refused.

"I heard you talking about poor Myrtle just now. How rude!"

Peeves' eyes were flickering, and he suddenly took a deep breath and roared, "Hey, Myrtle!"

"Oh, don't, Peeves, don't tell her what I said, she will feel very sad." Hermione who was standing beside Ivan whispered anxiously, "I was just joking, I don't Mind if she's like that... ”

Before she could finish her sentence, the ghost of a short, fat girl floated up.

Her face was the most melancholy and gloomy Ivan had ever seen, half hidden by long straight hair and thick, pearl-colored glasses.

"What?" she asked sullenly.

"Hi, Myrtle," said Hermione in a voice of mock cheer. "Nice to see you outside the bathroom."

"Miss Granger was talking about you just now," Peeves whispered slyly in Myrtle's ear.

"We're talking, talking, you look beautiful tonight." Hermione glared at Peeves.

"You're making fun of me."

Myrtle looked at Hermione suspiciously, tears streaming down her small transparent eyes suddenly.

"No, really! Didn't I just say that Myrtle looks pretty?" said Hermione, pounding Harry and Ron's ribs hard with her elbow.

"yes... "

"That's what she said!"

"Don't lie to me," gasped Myrtle, tears rolling down her cheeks. "You think I don't know what people call me behind my back? Fat Myrtle! Ugly Myrtle! Poor, Moaning, morose Myrtle!"

"You missed one..." Peeves giggled happily.

"That's enough, Peeves!" Ai Wen hurriedly interrupted him. He still had something to ask the other party, and he couldn't just let Peeves drive her away in anger.

"We really think you are very well dressed tonight, you are very attractive, unlike other ghosts, you are the most special one, believe me... "

Seeing Ivan struggling to please Myrtle, Harry, Ron, and Hermione opened their mouths wide in surprise.

"He can't really like myrtle, he has bad taste."

This was Ron's whisper to Harry, unfortunately the voice seemed a little loud, and it was heard by Peeves and Myrtle beside him.

"You're lying, no one will like me." Weeping Myrtle suddenly sobbed sadly and ran out of the dungeon.

"No one likes myrtle, myrtle with acne!" Peeves sprinted after her, hitting her with moldy peanuts and shouting, "Pimples! Pimples!"