Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 53: Crazy basilisk


Harry and Hermione took the opportunity to cast a few spells, but they were bounced off the basilisk's scales.

Only Snape's magic could leave wounds on its body, and streams of black blood splashed onto the ground like a shower, and the basilisk frantically swung its huge tail across the common room viciously. And pass, smash the wall.

The loud sound of fighting woke up the entire Gryffindor, and students kept running out of the bedroom, and the expressions on their faces changed from just waking up to panic.

"Oh my God!" Colin wiped his eyes and looked at what happened in front of him in disbelief. Then he seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up, he turned around and ran back to the bedroom, took out his camera and frantically pressed the shutter.

"What's going on, what's going on, what's going on here?" Percy stepped out, his prefect badge still pinned to his pajamas.

In the next second, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it when he saw a giant green snake ramming around in the common room. Unlike the students who stood there dumbfounded, Percy's reaction speed was fairly fast, and he subconsciously took out his wand and cast a spell.

The red light hit the basilisk, and was immediately ejected.

The basilisk hissed and attacked continuously, making it a little crazy. It wanted to tear all the people in front of it apart, but before it could make a move, Snape's curse hit it again, and it She shrank back suddenly, trying to fight back, but her eyes hurt so much that she couldn't open them.

In another corner of the common room, Ivan, Harry, and Hermione were attacking Ron, who was controlled by Tom Riddle, and spells of light flashed from time to time.

Riddle looked a little flustered, but calm.

He tried his best to dodge the magic spell flying towards him, but he couldn't dodge it, so he greeted him with the wand that was split in two, and a spark was emitted, and the magic spells of the three of them were instantly invalidated.

Alvin squinted his eyes, it won't work like this.

After casting another stun spell, he quickly recited a esoteric spell, and the magic power quickly gathered on the wand in his hand, with bursts of oppression, the wand intermittently emitted light blue light.

"It's so funny, you actually want to use the black magic I taught you to attack me! I have to admit, I did despise you before, Mudblood!" Riddle glared at Ivan fiercely, "If it weren't for this wand, it really wouldn't fit , I would like to continue to play with you."

He turned around abruptly, and spoke a few words to the basilisk in Parseltongue.

Hearing his call, the basilisk suddenly abandoned Snape, and slid towards Ivan quickly. Its mouth was wide open, so big that it could almost swallow everyone, and two rows of fangs as long as silver swords were exposed in the mouth, which were thin, glowing coldly, and contained venom.

It rushed over blindly, Ivan stopped the spell, and Hermione stood behind him pale.

The two of them dodged in a hurry, but it was too late, the speed of the basilisk was too fast.

Without even thinking about it, Ivan turned around and hugged Hermione tightly, turning his back to the basilisk. He could feel the girl in his arms trembling constantly.

The next second, Harry, who was standing aside, also rushed in screaming, holding a wooden seat in his hand, and threw it viciously at the basilisk.

But this was of no use at all, the mantis was completely acting like a car, and the speed of the basilisk did not slow down at all.

Just when they thought they were going to be swallowed by the basilisk, Snape suddenly appeared in front of them.

His face was as gloomy as water, and the light from the wand in his hand became stronger and stronger.

boom! ! !

Snape rose from the ground, slammed into the wall behind him, and then slid to the floor again, a thread of blood seeping from under his hair, he was knocked unconscious!

"The annoying guy is finally dealt with, next..." Riddle looked contemptuously at Snape who had fainted on the floor.

The basilisk slid towards him, and its body was no longer twisted in pain like before. Ivan knew that the time for the eye sickness spell was coming, and the basilisk would soon recover.

"Damn, the professors must be coming, just hold on for a while..."

Ai Wen's heart moved, or if he could get the thing he made a few days ago, he might be able to get rid of the basilisk.

Without the help of the basilisk, the wand in Tom Riddle's hand, which was split in two, could not continuously emit powerful magic. The duel just now made Ivan realize that Riddle wanted to operate the wand so that it would not cause any accidents. is his limit.

Obviously, Tom Riddle also realized that there was not much time left for him, so he turned around and ordered the basilisk to kill Ivan.

While he was speaking in hissing Parseltongue, a red-haired girl suddenly ran down the stairs, it was Ginny!

"Ron, what are you doing?!"

Her face was pale, and she looked eagerly at the four people in the corner, her face was full of fear, but her eyes became more and more determined. She was still wearing pink pajamas, and the magic wand she held tightly in her hand sent a red light towards the basilisk.

Her spell interrupted Riddle's conversation with the basilisk. The basilisk's head shrank back, and its mouth opened and slid forward, angrily trying to tear Ginny apart.

"No!" Harry and Hermione yelled in horror.

Ivan hurriedly issued a spell, but it didn't work.

They tried to save her, but it was too late, Ginny was too close to the basilisk.

Just when everyone closed their eyes and didn't dare to continue watching, Ron suddenly rushed over and rescued Ginny at a critical moment.

Ron seemed to have returned to normal, tears streaming out uncontrollably.

"Run, run, I'll hold him back." He choked up and shouted, "It's all my fault, I shouldn't trust this guy, I shouldn't..."

Tom Riddle seemed to be fighting Ron for control of his body, and Ron's pale face was full of pain. Soon, Tom Riddle regained control of Ron's body. With a look of disgust on his face, he threw Ginny in his arms aside.

"Unexpected resistance, but the strength is too weak, there is not much life in his body, it is time to end this ridiculous competition, I will purify the entire Hogwarts on behalf of Salazar Slytherin himself Tzu, the Mudblood and his friends are going to die!"

"Unfortunately, you have no chance, Tom!"

Ivan was panting heavily, holding something like a music box in his hand, which was a magic prop he had researched a few days ago to record sounds.

He opened the box, and suddenly there was a cock crowing sound inside.

Hearing this sound, the huge body of the basilisk trembled violently.

It was very scared and wanted to run for its life. It no longer listened to Tom Riddle's command, and struggled to slide back towards the bathroom.

"No! You bloody, damned Mudblood!" shrieked Tom Riddle as he climbed onto the basilisk's body. "You'll regret it. The boy's body will remain in the Chamber forever, forever!"

"You can't take Ron."

When the basilisk slid past several people, Harry jumped and grabbed Ron's body. Ivan froze for a moment, and hurriedly grabbed Harry.

In the next second, like a car that stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and quickly started to rush out, they moved forward at high speed, and disappeared into the dark pipe in the corner of the bathroom under the eyes of everyone's astonishment.