Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 54: Chamber of Secrets in the castle


Ivan and Harry clung to Ron tightly, and they were like a roller coaster speeding through the underground pipes, rising, falling, and turning, rushing down a dark, slimy , endless slides.

Because the width of the pipe was too narrow, Ivan had to stick tightly to the basilisk.

Even so, when he turned the corner, he was hit with pain all over his body and staring at him.

He had never known before that the Hogwarts plumbing was designed in such a way that it was like a complex maze where they didn't go all the way down to the Chamber of Secrets.

In an apparently very old pipeline, they went straight up, and Ivan calculated the height and estimated that they came to the Ravenclaw Tower, which is the highest place in the school.

At the highest point of the pipeline, the basilisk led them to a strange oval-shaped room. There were light blue curtains everywhere, and books were all on one side of the room. From the thick dust accumulated on it, we could tell that no one had been there for a long time. been here.

Ron, who was controlled by Tom Riddle, showed obvious surprise on his face. He didn't know this place before, and this was another secret room hidden in the school.

"Damn it!" said Tom Riddle in a hissing voice.

He wanted the basilisk to stop, but obviously, the crowing of the rooster frightened it, and the basilisk did not listen to Tom Riddle's control at all. It panicked and ran for its life as fast as it could.

The room with blue curtains disappeared in an instant. When they passed the table in the center, Ivan reached out and caught something. It was a round object with a long chain on it.

He held the thing tightly in his hand, and before he had time to look down, the basilisk led them down rapidly. A minute later, with a loud bang, the basilisk broke the pipe directly, and they cried from the third floor. Myrtle flushed out of the bathroom.

It led them towards the faucet with the small snake carved in the center, and Ron made a rapid hiss.

Suddenly, the faucet emitted a dazzling white light and began to spin rapidly.

The pool slowly disappeared from sight, and just as Ivan had time to see a very thick water pipe, the basilisk got in.

This water pipe is much thicker than the ones just now, and it seems to be specially prepared for the basilisk. Aiwen can see that there are many pipes branching out in all directions, but none of them are as thick as this pipe.

The pipe twists and turns, winding seven times and eight times, and the slope is very steep all the way down.

Ai Wen knew that they had slipped into a deep, deep place underground in the school, even deeper than those underground classrooms. Just as he was getting used to the fast gliding, they finally landed on the wet ground.

The water pipe became horizontal, they emerged from the mouth of the pipe, and fell heavily to the ground. A strong collision made Ivan and Harry let go of their hands at the same time, and the basilisk slid away with Ron, and soon just disappear.

It was a dark stone tunnel, big enough for a man to stand in.

"Where is this?" Harry stood up, rubbing his bottom.

"We were brought down miles and miles below the school."

Aiwen's voice echoed in the dark tunnel, "If I'm not mistaken, this is probably under the lake."

He narrowed his eyes and surveyed the dark, sticky walls around him.

Immediately afterwards, he remembered what he had just caught at the top of the castle, in the room full of blue curtains.

"Lumos!" His wand glowed faintly.

With the faint light, Aiwen saw the round object in his hand, which looked like a pocket watch, but there was no scale on it, only a strange pointer.

"What is this?" Harry also leaned over.

"I don't know, I accidentally caught it in the room where the basilisk passed by just now. It seems to be a magic item." Ivan hesitated whether to move the pointer.

"Ivan, let's study this thing when we go back. Let's go, we must hurry up, Ron was taken away by him." Harry said eagerly.

"Yeah, that's right!" Ivan stuffed this strange item into his pocket. They really had to hurry up. Tom Riddle was absorbing Ron's vitality, and the longer it took, the worse it would be for them.

Along the tunnel, the two walked forward quickly, pattering on the wet ground, making a loud noise.

It was so dark that they could only see a small area in front of them.

Faint lights from their wands cast their shadows on the wet wall like monsters.

"Harry, Tom Riddle is using Ron's broken wand. Like wandless magic, this requires extremely powerful control. In a short period of time, he can't cast a powerful spell." Ivan walked quickly He instructed, "I'll attract the basilisk's attention for a while, and you go find the diary."

"Diary?!" Harry froze for a moment.

"It's the black-covered diary we found at Christmas, that's the source of Tom Riddle's power." Ivan whispered, "Remember, find a way to destroy it after you find it, Riddle doesn't know we know this , this is our only chance."

"I remember!" Harry nodded, and suddenly grabbed Ivan's shoulder, "Look, there's something there, isn't it..."

Ivan stretched out his wand, and with the faint fluorescent light, he saw the outline of a huge coiled creature, lying motionless on the other side of the tunnel.

"This is the skin of the basilisk. Maybe someone will want to collect it."

In front of the two of them, a pair of huge snakeskin, full of green and very bright, was coiled and lying on the floor of the tunnel. The inside was empty, fully twenty feet long. Obviously, it was the basilisk that sloughed off just now.

They walked on again, carefully turned yet another bend, and at last stood before them a solid wall carved with two intertwined snakes with large, glittering eyes in their eyes. Bright emerald.

"Harry, talk to them, use Parseltongue." Ivan whispered.

Harry walked closer, feeling his throat go dry.

He tried to make the two stone snakes real, but it didn't have to, their eyes looked lifelike.

"Open!" said Harry in a low, hoarse hiss.

The two snakes parted, the stone wall split in the middle and slowly slid to the sides and disappeared.

Ai Wen hurried in, and in front of them was a long, dimly lit room. Many stone pillars engraved with coiled and entangled snakes stand tall and support the ceiling that melts in the darkness of the heights, casting long and treacherous black shadows on the entire room filled with green and mysterious atmosphere.

"It's Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets!" Ivan whispered.

There was deathly silence in the secret room, and the two held their wands and slowly moved forward among the stone pillars coiled by giant snakes.

Every cautious step they took created a hollow, loud echo among the ghostly walls.

When they reached the level of the last pair of stone pillars, there loomed before them a statue as tall as the room itself, clinging to the darkened wall behind. Ai Wen raised his head and saw the huge face above: it was an old, monkey-like face, with a long sparse beard that almost reached the hem of the wizard's robe carved in stone, two gray Standing with thick feet on the smooth floor of the room.

Between those feet, Ron was lying face down like a dead man.