Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 55: The truth is out


Ron fainted on the ground like a discarded doll, his face was the same color as the marble on the ground, cold and bloodless.

"Ron!" Harry hurried to him, knelt down, and shook Ron in despair, "Ron, don't die! Please, don't die!"

"He won't wake up," said a voice softly.

Ai Wen turned around in a hurry, and he saw a tall boy with black hair leaning on the nearest stone pillar, watching them coldly.

"Tom Riddle!" Ivan said softly, pointing his wand carefully at him.

"It's useless, Mudblood, everything is over!" Riddle said casually, "We are the only ones here, there will be no annoying guys to disturb, and there will be no cock crowing! I will win in the end, you guys Will be here forever, like this boy."

"What did you do to Ron, why did he become like this?" Harry shouted, standing up.

"That's an interesting question!" Riddle said happily. "It's a long story, but since you are about to embrace the embrace of death, I might as well tell you. In my opinion, the reason why Ron Weasley would The real reason for this is that he opened his heart to an invisible stranger and poured out all his secrets."

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Diary!" said Riddle, "for months, ever since my cunning servant slipped the diary into Ron's hand, and he had been writing in it his heart's content, telling me his distressing troubles and sorrows. : He is the most ordinary one in the family, his brothers and his best friend are all better than him, no one has ever paid attention to him who is ordinary, weak and pitiful.”

"What?" Harry froze for a moment.

"Harry Potter, you famous, kind, great savior, will never understand that Ron Weasley is jealous, he is jealous that you are more famous than him, jealous that you are better than him!" Del's eyes flickered slyly, "He's not even as good as a freshman, he thinks he's a worthless piece of shit."

Riddle glanced at Ivan, who had a cautious face, and turned his gaze back to Harry's face. There was an almost greedy expression hidden in his eyes.

"It's so boring, listening to a twelve-year-old boy tell her childish troubles."

He went on, "But I was patient and wrote something to answer her. I was kind and understanding. Ron gradually trusted me. He thought I was his only friend. And you, just Treat him as a humble, ridiculous follower!"

"I didn't, I never have!" Harry's face was as pale as a ghost, "I didn't know Ron thought so, I always thought of him as my best friend!"

"Apparently you're not!" Riddle let out a cold, raspy laugh that didn't sound like a sixteen-year-old kid's, "After months of talking, Ron opened up his whole soul to me." and his soul happens to be exactly what I need."

"I devoured his darkest fears, his deepest secrets, his fiercest jealousy, with a growing appetite. I grew stronger, much stronger than little Mr. Weasley, strong enough to start the reverse To control him, to accomplish what I have always wanted to do, this is all caused by you... … "

"Put away your ridiculous tricks of deceiving people, Tom!" Ivan said coldly, "It won't work for us, and when Ron wakes up, I'll beat him up so that He knows, and we've always considered him our best friend."

"Damn Mudblood!" Riddle turned his head and looked at Ivan in disgust, "I already knew you were a problem, when you took out that ridiculous fifty-year-old newspaper, I wanted to kill you kill you!"

"That's exactly what you did. It was a stupid idea to attack me with a Corrupting Charm at the Dueling Club."

"Ron's broken wand weakened the power of my magic!" Riddle said sharply, "but that was indeed a mistake on my part. You are much more cunning than I thought. I shouldn't have exposed myself so early. Dumbledore noticed what to do, so I cast an Imperius Curse on Ron."

"Let him use the Killing Curse on me, is that what you came up with?"

"No, without my control, poor Ron can't do anything, it's just an ordinary green light." Riddle said proudly, "The function of the Imperius Curse is only to cover up the breath left by me controlling him, But Dumbledore still became suspicious, but Ron didn't let me down, because he was cowardly, he hid the diary from everyone, and he was afraid to let you know that he was the murderer who launched the attack."

Hearing Riddle's words, Ivan held his wand tightly, and Harry beside him clenched his fists, his nails digging deep into his flesh.

"Stupid Ron doesn't seem to trust me anymore after that incident," said Riddle. "He finally got suspicious and tried to throw the diary away. How I wished it was you who picked it up, Harry." Diary, as I said just now, I desperately want to see you!"

"Why do you want to see me?" Harry was furious, and it took a lot of effort to keep his tone steady.

"Oh, yes, Harry, Ron told me all about you," said Riddle. "Your thrilling and fascinating past."

His eyes flicked to the lightning-shaped scar on Harry's forehead, and the look on his face grew hungrier.

"I know, I have to know more about you, talk to you, and see you in person if possible." Riddle turned his gaze to Ivan again, and said with disgust, "But I didn't expect that it would be you This nasty mudblood picked up my diary. I tried to control you like I controlled Ron. In order to gain your trust, I even wanted to tell you about the opening of the chamber of secrets fifty years ago, but... . .. "

"Unfortunately, I've never had the habit of believing in sneaky guys who can't see their brains." Ivan's face was full of disdain.

"Yeah, you're a crafty Mudblood indeed, and as much trouble as I first thought."

Riddle's voice returned to calm, "I feel your guard against me, but I found that you have an unusually strong pursuit of magical power, so I changed my mind, and I decided to slowly lure you into an obsession with power. middle."

"You failed again, Tom!" Ivan began to accumulate magic power.

"Obviously, can you tell me why?" Riddle asked eagerly.

"A girl once told me that power is not absolute!" Luna's figure appeared in Aiwen's mind, and he said firmly, "The most important thing is to believe in friendship, family affection, love, and the beauty of the world. Everything! Tom Riddle, you can never do this, you don't believe in anything but your own strength, you are doomed to never succeed."

"Love?!" Riddle was stunned for a moment, "It's ridiculous, you actually think that these things are more reliable than powerful forces, typical thinking of the weak. Well, let's get back to the topic, I have many questions waiting to ask you What, Harry Potter!"