Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 60: The key to unlock the treasure


Ai Wen struggled to sit up, feeling pain all over his body.

He should be inside the Slytherin statue now, with a lot of room around it and just above a narrow circular opening where the basilisk slithers in and out.

"Strange, going back to the things that happened at Hogwarts thousands of years ago, is it a dream?!" Ivan shook his head, groping for his wand on the surrounding ground with his hands.

At the same time as he touched his wand, he touched a bottle.

"Fluorescent flickering!" Ivan read softly, and with the faint light on the wand, he saw clearly that there was a small bottle of dark gold potion in his hand.

"This...couldn't be the enchantment potion that Slytherin gave me!"

Ivan froze for a moment, he suddenly realized that what happened just now was not a dream, but something that happened in a real sense. He did use the time converter to go back to Hogwarts thousands of years ago, and saw the legendary four giant.

As Hufflepuff said to himself at first, Slytherin is not as untouchable as it looks, and at the last moment, he actually gave himself a bottle of precious enchantment potion, which is simply unbelievable !

Aiwen once read in a magic book that introduced potions. Enchantment Potion is an extremely precious magic potion. The formula and brewing method have been lost for a long time.

He carefully put the potion in his pocket. If he let other people know that he has a bottle of enchantment potion, it will definitely cause a great sensation. Maybe even the Ministry of Magic will ask him for it. This is not what Aiwen wants to happen.

He was going to take this bottle of potion to increase his strength when no one was around. Then, Aiwen thought that when he left, the four founders of the school said that they would leave a mysterious treasure in the secret room to help Hogg who met the requirements. The Watts heir against Voldemort.

If nothing else, the treasure location should be inside this statue.

He hurriedly picked up his wand and looked around.

As the lair of the basilisk, the interior space of the Slytherin statue is much larger than it looks from the outside. There are bones of some small animals everywhere, and the traces left by the basilisk's sliding friction.

After some searching, Ivan found an unlocked secret door at the end of the space.

He opened the secret door, splashing a cloud of dust.

When the dust gradually dissipated, Ivan found himself standing in front of a circular room.

This room is exactly the same as the one he visited thousands of years ago. The interior is very beautifully decorated. The most striking thing is that there are statues of the four founders of the school placed in the four corners of the room.

Unlike the aging Slytherin statue outside, the four statues here are all the appearance of the Big Four when they were young: the sinister and cunning Salazar Slytherin, the kind and kind Helga Hufflepuff, the wise and wise Roy Naravenclaw, the rough and handsome Godric Gryffindor.

Everyone is exactly the same as what Ivan has seen, lifelike.

In front of the statue of Siju, there are four stone altars with circular grooves on them.

This should be the real secret room that the Big Four said, that is, what is the secret treasure they left behind, and there are tests that must be passed.

Ai Wen took a step forward and saw different words written on the four walls of the room.

The content was a bit like a song sung by the Sorting Hat. Ivan looked over one by one, and on the wall of Gryffindor, it was written with golden paint: Brave Gryffindor, from the barren swamp! He left the highest reward for the most courageous person! The key to unlock the treasure is the courage buried in the bottom of your heart, you need to be recognized by his proud followers!

On the Hufflepuff wall, black paint: Merciful Hufflepuff, from the open valley! She treats everyone equally, everyone has a chance to get her treasures! The key to unlock the treasure is integrity and loyalty, all you need to do is trust your humblest friend!

On the wall of Ravenclaw, there is blue paint: beautiful Ravenclaw, from the peaceful riverside! She thinks the smartest mind should be rewarded! The key to the treasure is an intellect that will be passed down forever in her allies who are equally astute!

The last was the Slytherin wall, with silver paint written on it: Shrewd Slytherin, from that quagmire! He only believes in wizards with the purest blood, and the Mudblood can't get anything from him! The key to the treasure is a mighty force, kept in the deepest part of the earth by his sinister and cunning servants!

With the light of the magic wand, Aiwen read all the prompts. The more he read, the more he became speechless. These four guys are really funny. Since they left something, they took it out. Now the whole thing seems to be guessing. .

He couldn't understand any of these hints.

Aiwen didn't know where the Big Four kept the key to unlock the secret treasure. What did the followers, friends, allies, and servants mentioned above mean

He had no choice but to record all these words and discuss them with everyone when he was about to go out to see if he could find any clues.

When Aiwen remembered all the words, there was a terrible, long-lasting scream that pierced the eardrum suddenly from outside the statue!

Only then did he remember that Tom Riddle and the basilisk were still unresolved outside, and hurried out of the room.

As soon as he came to the bottom of the cave, Ivan heard Harry calling his name from above, and he responded hastily, Fox flapped his wings and flew down to bring him up.

During his absence, Harry had settled everything smoothly.

The scream heard just now was Tom Riddle's final sound. In the very center of the Chamber of Secrets lay the gigantic corpse of the basilisk, its upper jaw pierced by the sword of Gryffindor. Not far from it is Tom Riddle's diary, which has been pierced straight through by the basilisk's fangs, and the venom has burned a hole in the diary, still hissing black smoke, outward Tick-tock dripping ink.

"Ivan, we won, I defeated Tom Riddle, and I destroyed that diary according to what you said!" Seeing Ivan being brought out by Fox, Harry hurried up to meet him, and asked with a concerned expression , "How are you, are you all right? I saw you were hit by Tom Riddle's spell..."

"I'm fine, something happened, I'll tell you when I go back!"

Ivan shook his head, saw Ron lying under the statue, and hurriedly said, "Let's go and see Ron's condition."

When Ivan and Harry hurried over, Ron had already sat up.

His blank gaze first fell on the huge corpse of the basilisk, then on Harry in the blood-stained robe, and Ivan in the same tattered robe, and finally he saw the diary at his feet.

He shivered, gasped, and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

"Ivan, Harry, I caused everyone, I shouldn't believe that guy Tom Riddle, I wanted to tell everyone that I did it, but I was afraid, Riddle told me, if I do this , you will never treat me as a friend!"

"Yes, you are indeed a bastard. If I am not so tired that I am about to fall apart, I really want to go up and beat you up, Ron!" Ivan said angrily, "You actually believe Voldemort's nonsense, but Not trusting your friends."

"It's all my fault, I should be fired!" Ron said disappointedly, "Shortly after the first attack, I felt abnormal. I naively thought that I could get rid of that diary. But it got deeper and deeper."

"It's over, Ron." Harry comforted him, "We all believed in you, you were just controlled by Riddle, and you didn't do those things."

"But... ... "

"For the sake of saving Ginny in the common room, I forgive you!" Aiwen walked over and pulled Ron up, "But if this kind of thing happens in the future, you must immediately Tell us instead of trying to figure it out on your own."