Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 65: The Final of the Chamber of Secrets


Ai Wen couldn't remember how he walked out of the office, he only knew that his back was covered in cold sweat.

Dumbledore was just too scary. He might have no malice towards him, but it was a bad feeling to have no secrets at all.

Aiwen made up his mind that he must seize the time to learn Occlumency.

At this time, apart from him, there was no one in the school corridor, but it was very lively.

It is unknown who leaked the news, and all the portraits are chattering about what happened in the secret room, which is almost the same as the real situation. After seeing Ivan, every portrait stopped him curiously, hoping that he could tell how he and Harry defeated the basilisk.

Ivan ignored the portraits and walked straight to the school hospital.

The next second, with a bang, Dobby the house elf suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Sir, Dobby is free, Harry Potter freed Dobby, he asked his master to give Dobby a sock, and he is greater than Dobby ever knew!" It was so big, it was full of tears.

"Congratulations, Dobby!" Ivan said softly, and he saw that Dobby was wearing Harry's sticky smelly sock on his right foot.

"Thank you!" Dobby made another loud choked sound in his throat, "Sir, Dobby heard Miss Hermione Granger say that you have something to ask Dobby?"

"I do have something to ask you." Ivan nodded, and asked quickly, "Dobby, you are free now, so what are your plans for the future?"

"Dobby has thought it all over, sir! Dobby likes freedom, but he also likes work. Dobby needs a job, and he gets paid through work." The elf suddenly became a little disappointed, "But It's hard, sir! People don't want to pay Dobby, I'm afraid, it's not the quality of a house-elf."

Dobby's voice was getting lower and lower, not at all the joy it had been in the beginning.

"Actually, I have a job here that suits you, and I'm willing to pay you, but I don't know if you want it or not?"

Ivan has already figured it out, the printing volume of "Hogwarts Magic News" is getting bigger and bigger, and the few of them must be too busy, and the summer vacation is coming soon, he can't use magic casually like now, he Need the help of a professional wizard or intelligent magical creature, and Dobby fits the bill.

A house-elf may not be able to write articles, or edit and review manuscripts, but is perfectly competent for other tasks such as news gathering, newspaper printing, and so on.

Hearing that Aiwen was willing to spend money to hire him to work, Dobby wept bitterly with excitement. He stretched out his arms to wrap Aiwen's waist, and hugged him tightly. Aiwen's image in Dobby's eyes was instantly upgraded from being a great friend of Harry Potter to being as great as Harry Potter.

In this way, Dobby became the first full-time employee of "Hogwarts Wizardry".

Considering the huge workload, Ivan originally planned to give him ten Galleons per week and weekends off. But Dobby didn't agree with anything. He thought it was terrible to have so much wealth and leisure time. He bargained with Ivan, and the final salary was set at four gold Galleons and one day of vacation per month.

In addition, Dobby also undertook other personal services for Aiwen, just like a servant. If Malfoy knew about this, I don't know if he would faint in anger.

After solving Dobby's matter, Ivan came to the school hospital, and with the help of Madam Pomfrey's sleeping potion, he had a good night's sleep.

He didn't wake up until the next morning.

The bed next to Lockhart is empty. According to Ron, he was transferred to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries in the morning because of severe Oblivion Curse injuries.

It is said that Dumbledore just came to see them, and everyone saw that Ivan was sleeping, so they didn't wake him up. Looking at Harry's expression, Ivan knew that Dumbledore must have talked to him alone. How to describe this expression, it can only be said that the brainwashing was very successful.

In addition, Ron has completely returned to normal, and his mood is no longer as low as before.

The three of them happily ate the lunch specially prepared by Madam Pomfrey, and Ron talked about how he was controlled by Tom Riddle. Harry told him in detail about the two battles that took place in the common room and the secret room.

Harry had just finished speaking when Hermione, Colin, and Ginny walked into the ward.

They brought a good news and a bad news. The good news is that Dumbledore added 200 points to each of the three of them during breakfast, which made Gryffindor College go from the bottom to the top. It seems that this year's Academy Cup belongs to them.

The bad news is that because of the Chamber of Secrets, the school announced the cancellation of this year's Quidditch competition and the final exam of the school year, which made Harry and Hermione very frustrated. For both of them, this is indeed very bad news.

Several people chatted for a while, and when Ivan was about to tell the secret treasure left by the Big Four, he suddenly saw Ron's pet mouse, Banban, approaching. He stopped abruptly, Peter Pettigrew couldn't let Pettigrew know about this kind of thing.

"Why don't you say it, Ivan!" Ron said strangely, "What did you find in the statue of Slytherin?"

"Some things related to the basilisk, it's not a big deal." Ai Wen glanced at Mouse Banban and decided to keep this matter a secret for the time being.

When it was almost time for dinner, Cornelius Fudge came to the school with the Special Contribution Award and Hagrid's pardon. Ivan asked Colin to take a few photos for them, and especially asked Ron to put the mouse Scabbers away. in an obvious location.

Afterwards, Filch carefully took the trophy to the prize showroom for preservation; Aiwen combined the photos just now and the basilisk photos Colin took in the common room before, and wrote an article about the secret room.

In addition to this article being the headline on the front page of the latest issue of the "Hogwarts Wizarding News", I believe that the "Daily Prophet" must also be very interested in it.

It would be even more interesting if Fudge brought the paper into Azkaban to show Sirius Black! Presumably it won't be long before the Ministry of Magic will be busy with Black's escape from prison.

The rest of the semester was spent in a dazzling sunshine.

Hogwarts was back to normal, with just a few minor changes: Defense Against the Dark Arts classes were canceled, Lucius Malfoy was expelled from the school board, and Draco stopped strutting around the school Walk around like he owns the place. On the contrary, he now has a gloomy face all day long, and seems to be full of resentment in his heart.

After the mandrake matured, the petrified students recovered smoothly; "Hogwarts Magic News" also returned to the highest sales volume before the Chamber of Secrets, and Ivan had to worry about finding a new selling point that could replace Lockhart.

The character style section is now replaced with the introduction of Hagrid, which is an excellent supplement to the Chamber of Secrets incident. Everyone is very interested in his experience of being wronged over the years.

For the section, Ai Wen finally decided to write by himself. He borrowed the complete set of Lockhart's works from Hermione, imitated his writing style, and wrote "I and the Basilisk at Hogwarts", which was an unexpected success, and many book fans wrote to him every day .

Fortunately, Aiwen found Dobby to help, otherwise he would be very busy.

In a blink of an eye, the semester was over, and they were going home by the Hogwarts Express.

Alvin, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Colin, Fred, George and Ginny occupied a separate cubicle, and they made full use of the last hours of magic allowed before the holiday, playing wizard cards, f Red and George set off their last few fireworks.

Ginny told them that Percy and Ravenclaw prefect Penelope were secretly dating, and that she saw them kissing in an empty classroom on Halloween night, which surprised everyone, but it also explained Now, why Ivan always felt that Ginny was hiding something from him; and why Percy was so abnormal, sad, and kept running to the school hospital after Penello was petrified.

The Hogwarts Express gradually slowed down, and Harry wrote them the phone number of the Dursleys, but Ivan doubted that Harry's uncle and aunt would be willing to receive a call from a wizard.

Like Harry was telling Ron, they'd be pissed if they heard that Harry had nearly died so many times and only narrowly escaped it!

When the train slowly pulled into the platform, Ai Wen got up to take his luggage. He suddenly touched the enchantment potion in his pocket, and thought of the Occlumency and Protection Charm that had been included in the summer vacation learning content. There was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, it seemed that he would have a very fulfilling summer vacation.