Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 66: busy summer vacation


As expected, Ivan was very busy throughout the summer vacation.

At four o'clock in the morning on the first day of the holiday, Dobby the house elf rushed to Ivan's house in a hurry. Just like in the past at Hogwarts or Malfoy's house, he began to clean up the housework consciously.

After six o'clock, Mrs. Mason got up early to prepare for work, but found that breakfast had been prepared, the garbage had been tidied up, the floor, glass and furniture had been cleaned up, and even the lawn in the garden had been neatly mowed.

This was simply unbelievable, she ran upstairs in a panic and asked Ivan what was going on.

After figuring out what happened, Ivan had to tell his mother that it was all due to magic.

Although it took a lot of talking, Mrs. Mason didn't fully believe him until the end. She knew her son so well, it was impossible for Ivan to take the initiative to do housework, especially at four or five o'clock in the morning.

Seeing his mother's suspicious gaze, Ai Wen smiled wryly.

When she left her room, Aiwen immediately summoned Dobby and told him that he didn't need to do this kind of thing again, but the effect didn't seem to be very good.

Dobby stared at Ivan with two big eyes like light bulbs, looked at Aiwen pitifully, and repeatedly asked if there was something he didn't do well. After Aiwen said no more than ten times, he suddenly burst into tears, suspicious Evan wants to drive him away.

In the end, Ivan had to comfort him in turn.

Through this incident, Aiwen found that trying to persuade a house elf to reduce his workload was simply asking for trouble.

Fortunately, "Hogwarts Wizardry" has a lot of work, otherwise, he really doesn't know how to deal with a "workaholic" house-elf.

Unexpectedly, the sales volume of newspapers in the summer vacation is not less than that in school.

Even without Lockhart's photos and pictures, Ivan's "I'm at Hogwarts with the Basilisk" has aroused great interest.

In addition to little wizards, many adult wizards also began to subscribe to this newspaper. At first, they wanted to see something related to the Chamber of Secrets and the Basilisk, but then they were attracted by other articles in the newspaper, which most people thought were very interesting.

This is mainly due to the help of thousands of ghosts located all over the UK headed by Almost Headless Nick. They are now the main source of news for newspapers. The article provides a lot of interesting news releases and unknown secrets of the past.

In the next few days, the success of the newspaper caused a large number of owls to fly home, which frightened Mrs. Mason. In order not to worry his mother, Ivan finally had to change the mailing address to Hogwarts, so that Dobby would go to Hogwarts every day. After collecting and sorting, send it to yourself.

Due to the enthusiasm of readers and ghosts, the work of manuscript editing and review has become increasingly burdensome.

Ivan originally planned to ask everyone to come and help, but because the Weasley family won the annual Golden Galleon Award in the "Daily Prophet", the whole family set off for a trip to Egypt in the second week of the summer vacation, and visited their eldest son Bill by the way. , I can't come back until the summer vacation is coming to an end.

Hermione also went to France with her parents afterwards. Although she did not miss a single review article, all other work was on Ivan.

Harry and Colin came to help a few times, but the effect was very limited.

They are more inclined to discuss the recent Quidditch league, summer homework, or Sirius Black's escape than the tedious word processing work, and the two of them only visited in the first few days of the summer vacation. Alvin.

Shortly thereafter, Colin went with his father and brother to their home in the country for the summer.

Harry was much more unlucky. Since Ron called the Dursleys on the fifth day of the summer vacation, he was locked up and was not allowed to go out at all.

Even if Aiwen went to visit in person, they wouldn't let him into the house.

Just when Ivan was about to rescue Harry, Harry asked Hedwig to send him a letter. What Harry meant was that he himself had better be honest these days and not make his uncle and aunt angry, if he still wanted Uncle Vernon to sign his parental consent form for visiting Hogsmeade.

Since then, Ivan had to ask Dobby to send some food to Harry every day, so as to ensure that the Dursleys would not starve him to death.

Although manuscript editing and processing work is heavy, Ai Wen can handle it by himself.

In his spare time, he also helped Dobby to go to Diagon Alley to buy a lot of magic books related to enchantment potions, Occlumency and protection spells. The prices of these books were not cheap, and almost used up all his savings .

A magic wand is required to cast the protection spell. According to the relevant regulations on the reasonable restraint of underage wizards, underage wizards are not allowed to use magic outside of school. Everyone's wand will be tracked by the Ministry of Magic, so Aiwen is mastering the key points of this spell theory Afterwards, he focused on Occlumency and Enchantment Potions.

As a magical art that resists the infiltration of outside minds, Occlumency can seal the brain against magical intrusion and influence.

The trick to casting this spell is to empty the mind so that it is impossible for someone else to magically get memories out of your mind. Occlumency masters like Snape could even concoct a false memory to trick intruders.

Aiwen couldn't do this yet. In fact, he had problems getting started, and he found it difficult to clear his mind.

There will always be some weird ideas in his head, or he will unconsciously study a certain magic problem. After trying for a long time, he had to make Occlumency a long-term practice project, hoping to master the spell before the end of the second school year.

In addition to Occlumency and the God of Protection, Aiwen found that the potion of enhancing magic was also different from what he originally thought. This potion does not help the wizard to permanently increase the magic power, but only greatly increases the magic power level for a period of time, assisting the user to fight or complete a esoteric magic.

Ai Wen thought about it, the precious and lost magic potion like the magic potion is just used to improve the endurance of a battle, which is too wasteful.

After looking through all the magic books he could buy, he finally decided to use it to help him complete his Animagus transformation.

Animagus is an advanced transformation spell that turns the wizard himself into some kind of animal. For most wizards, even adult wizards, this kind of spell is extremely esoteric and dangerous, let alone a young man like Aiwen. Twelve-year-old little wizard.

During the process of Animagus, practitioners can easily become obsessed due to various reasons, and eventually lead to transformation failure or even death.

Therefore, the Ministry of Magic strictly controls this spell, requiring all Animagus transformed animals and traitors to register with the Ministry of Magic Misuse of Magic Office, and a special person is responsible for monitoring the entire process of the first transformation. Only seven Animagus were successfully registered in the tenth century.

Of course, this is definitely not the total number of Animagus transformation wizards.

Ivan knew that there were many Animagus that had never been registered, such as Pettigrew Peter, who had been dangling in front of his eyes, and Sirius Black, who was about to appear. They all completed their transformations when they were students. In view of this, Aiwen, with the help of the magic potion, decided to complete his Animagus this summer.

He has studied it carefully, and in order to become an Animagus, in addition to solid knowledge of deformation theory as a foundation, he also needs a lot of magical support.

Theoretical knowledge is not a problem. When Ivan owned the diary last semester, he specifically asked Tom Riddle about the transformation of Animagus, and got a lot of help from him. Although Voldemort's character is not very good, he is comparable to Dumbledore in mastering magical knowledge.

The trouble is the magic power that needs to be consumed during the first transformation process. Changing from a human to an animal requires a lot of magic power support. Depending on the physique of the shapeshifter, it is often one to five times that of an adult wizard. This is why most wizards fail to complete it. main cause of deformation.

The usual way is to buy a large amount of auxiliary potions that replenish mana.

The price of this kind of potion is very expensive, and the effect is relatively average. It is far less effective than the potion that can greatly increase the level of one's own magic power like the magic potion.

Therefore, with the help of the magic enhancement potion, there is almost no problem with Aiwen's Animagus transformation.

He tried to practice many times and gradually got the hang of it. After more than a month of preparation, in the fifth week of the summer vacation, Aiwen locked himself in the room alone to try the first transformation. He asked Dobby to stay outside his room door. Without his consent, anyone None are allowed in.