Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 74: The night before school starts


When Ivan and Hermione went out with Crookshanks in their arms, Ron and Harry just turned back the same way, and Scabbers was trembling in Ron's mouth.

"My God, Hermione! Did you buy this monster?" Ron looked at Crookshanks in Hermione's arms in surprise, his mouth shut.

"Yeah, Ivan and I both think it's cute." Hermione replied with a smile.

Seeing Harry and Ron turning their heads to look at him, Ivan shook his head briefly and slightly, and their eyes shifted to Hermione again.

"Hermione, you can't buy it. I mean, what about Scabbers?" Ron pointed to the bulge on his breast pocket. Can you rest and relax?"

"This reminded me that I originally planned to buy the mouse tonic for you, but Ai Wen said that he could make that kind of potion, and with his help, Scabbers will get better."

"Don't worry, I'll leave everything to you!" Aiwen patted his chest, but what he was thinking about in his mind was a few interesting potion formulas in "Power Potion", and he was going to experiment with Peter Pettigrew.

"Leave it to you?!" Ron wrinkled his nose and looked at Ivan angrily, "If it weren't for your bad idea just now, how could Hermione buy this cat?"

"It's not Ivan's fault, I insisted on buying Crookshanks." Hermione said, "Poor Crookshanks, the witch said it has been there for a long time, and people have been asking for it."

"Obviously, who else but you..." said Ron sarcastically.

"Okay, Ron!" Ivan interrupted him hastily, "Crookshanks will sleep in Hermione's dormitory, and Scabbers will be with you. They won't have a chance to meet."

The argument came to an end temporarily, and when they finished shopping and returned to the Leaky Cauldron, they found that the rest of the Weasley family had already returned.

Everyone enjoyed the dinner that day, just like the breakfast, the bar owner Tom put together three tables in the dining room, and the seven members of the Weasley family, Ivan, Harry and Hermione ate five courses in one go Delicious dish.

By the time everyone was trying to eat that luxurious chocolate pudding, Mr. Weasley told everyone that the Ministry of Magic would provide two cars tomorrow to take them to King's Cross Station.

Several children were very curious about this, they didn't understand why the Ministry of Magic would send a car to take them to the train station, especially Percy, he asked a lot of questions, and Mr Weasley answered vaguely.

Alvin noticed that his ears were red, just like Ron did when he was stressed.

It seems that the disappearance of Sirius Black has made the Ministry of Magic very nervous. They are afraid that Black will come and attack Harry.

I just don't know how many Aurors will escort them tomorrow.

After dinner, it was past ten o'clock in the evening. Everyone felt full and sleepy. They went upstairs one by one to go back to their rooms to check what they were going to bring tomorrow and prepare for bed.

Ivan took a step back. He went to the bar to ask Old Tom for another cup of hot chocolate. When he passed through the narrow and dark corridor, he suddenly heard two people coming from the small living room with the closed door next to him. Angry voice.

He immediately recognized the voices of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, who were debating whether to tell Harry about Sirius Black. Mr. Weasley insisted that Harry had a right to know everything and that he should not be treated as a Children watch.

But Mrs. Weasley did think that this would put too much mental burden on Harry.

Ai Wen curled his lips, among all the people, he was the one with the greatest mental burden.

Mrs. Weasley was right, sometimes it's not a good thing to know too much.

In the small living room, the voices of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley came out one after another.

"Molly, you must know that although everyone says that Sirius Black is crazy, he may be crazy, but he is smart enough to escape from Azkaban, which is impossible for ordinary people." Weiss Mr. Lai said solemnly, "There is no progress at all in the Ministry. The only thing we know for sure is what Black is chasing."

"Arthur, Harry is absolutely safe at Hogwarts!"

"We think Azkaban is absolutely safe. If Black can escape from Azkaban, he can storm into Hogwarts." Mr. Weasley paused, "And you know those few Boy, they always slip away to play by themselves, and they even went into the Chamber of Secrets last term to face a basilisk and a schoolboy You-Know-Who. Imagine if the Knight Bus hadn't picked up Harry that night , before the Ministry of Magic finds him, he will probably be dead long ago!"

"Who can't be sure that Black is after Harry?"

"Molly, how many times do I have to tell you! It wasn't reported in the papers because Fudge wouldn't let it go, but the guards in Azkaban told Fudge: Black has been talking in his sleep for a while, he's always saying the same thing, he At Hogwarts, he's at Hogwarts!" said Mr Weasley uneasily, "Black is out of his mind, Molly, and he wants Harry dead!"

Hearing this, Ai Wen let out a sigh of relief, he was not going to continue listening!

He walked down the aisle of the bar as quietly as possible. He didn't intend to disturb the Weasleys. It would be too embarrassing if someone caught him eavesdropping. At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps on the stairs behind Ivan, and someone came down.

He hastily transformed the Animagus into a black cat, and when he turned around, it was Hermione who seemed to have left a book on the dining table.

Hermione seemed to hear the Weasleys arguing, and then he saw the black cat that Ivan had turned into.

At this time, Ivan was trying his best to pretend to be a cat, and slipped past Hermione.

Before he could react, Hermione came over and held him in her arms.

Ai Wen's face turned red with a bang, and his body became stiff. He could feel the softness in front of him, as well as the sweet and fragrant smell unique to girls. His thoughts flashed back to the moment in the Chamber of Secrets last semester, when Hermione hugged him.

He was too nervous at the time, and it turned out that this was what it felt like to be hugged by Hermione.

Obviously, Hermione didn't recognize the black cat in her arms as Ivan, she just felt a strange familiarity with the cat, so she subconsciously held him in her arms.

Hermione also heard the Weasleys arguing, she didn't want to eavesdrop on their conversation, she stood there for a while, and finally decided to go back to her room, the book can be found tomorrow morning.

Ai Wen didn't dare to move, and he was carried into her room by Hermione just like that.

In the room, Crookshanks was lazily lying on the bed. When it saw Aiwen, it jumped up suddenly, snoring angrily, as if it was going to pounce.

Ivan responded with a few meows in a hurry. He didn't want to fight with Crookshanks. It was too bad, especially since this guy was so fierce, he would definitely win.

Crookshanks tilted his head and stared at Ivan for a long time. Maybe his cry worked, and it seemed to finally recognize who he was.

Crookshanks became docile, walked over and bowed his head affectionately.

"Get along well with this little guy, Crookshanks!" Hermione looked at the two of them happily, "It doesn't know whose pet it is, it's too late now, maybe we can ask the bar owner tomorrow .”

Hermione rubbed Ivan's head, as if thinking of something, she turned and got out of bed.

"Crookshanks, you need to take a bath before going to bed, and you and this little guy have to come together." Hermione said with a smile.

The next second, Ivan opened his eyes wide, and he saw that Hermione started to undress.

God, is it for him to watch or not to watch!

Wait, what did she mean when she said they had to take a bath? Could it be that...

A few pictures appeared in Ivan's head instantly. He shook his head and didn't dare to think about it any more. When Hermione entered the bathroom to drain the water, he hurriedly slipped out of the room. Behind him, Crookshanks lay lazily on the bed, looking at Ivan with a strange face, not understanding why he left in such a hurry, it looked like he was running away.

It's strange, why are you running? Didn't you clearly agree to take a bath together? !