Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 79: omen of death


The happy and warm time is always short-lived. The panic and despair brought by the dementors spread rapidly in the castle, and what happened afterwards became worse and worse.

The first thing happened in the divination class, and Ai Wen was the witness of the whole thing.

Because the second grade had no class in the morning, he followed Harry and the others to attend the first divination class of the third grade.

To be honest, Ivan has always been interested in mysterious divination and Professor Sybil Trelawney.

When he was reading the original book, he found that almost all of Trelawney's prophecies came true in the end, especially the two prophecies about Voldemort, which determined Harry's future fate from the very beginning.

But the actual performance of Professor Trelawney disappointed Ivan.

If people are always afraid of the unknown, then Professor Trelawney made full use of everyone's fear of the future to play tricks, and the first divination class was almost spent in terror.

She made a bad prophecy to every little wizard in the room. The first one to be poisoned was Neville. Professor Trelawney mentioned his grandma for no reason, which made Neville feel nervous throughout the class. I am suspicious, afraid that something will happen to my grandma.

Followed by Parvati Patil, she warned the other party to be careful of the red-haired man, and Parvati did not dare to approach Ron for a week.

Then she told the group that in February, a nasty flu would force the class to close; around Easter, one of them would leave for good.

After she finished speaking, there was a tense silence in the classroom.

Ivan was not at all surprised why Hermione left. Professor Trelawney's divination class was not like a prophecy, but more like a curse.

If it weren't for politeness, he would want to go now.

Before entering the state of true prophecy, Professor Trelawney was almost a crazy liar. As she herself said, the course of divination attaches great importance to the field of vision. Without this kind of talent, it is almost impossible to make any progress in divination.

Maybe Professor Trelawney really saw through something, but Ivan was more inclined to say that she was talking nonsense, and kept everyone in awe of divination through intimidation.

In the ensuing tea divination, he is paired with Hermione.

They drank the scalding tea in their teacups quickly, shook the tea leaves as Professor Trelawney asked, then dried the teacups and exchanged them.

"You know, Ivan!" Hermione stared at the brown thing in the teacup and muttered softly, "Relying on tea leaves to predict fate makes me feel stupid."

"Me too!" Ivan nodded in agreement. He saw Professor Trelawney approaching and said hastily, "But we'd better do what the book says, and see what's in my teacup." ?”

"Well..." Hermione frowned. "It looks like a bug, but I'm not sure. If it's a head, it looks like..."

"Let me see, my child!" Professor Trelawney took the teacup, and a panic expression appeared on her face, "It's a spider!"

"This means that your plan will encounter setbacks." Professor Trelawney whispered to Ivan, "Also, you'd better stay away from this creature. I saw bad luck in your teacup."

"Really?!" Standing behind Professor Trelawney, Hermione said in a disapproving tone, "From this angle, it looks like a sun, according to the book "Seeing the Future Through the Fog" , which means happiness, Ivan seems to be lucky."

Ai Wen nervously watched the two of them talking about their teacups, as if this would really determine their next fate.

Whether it was bad luck or good luck, he dared not say.

But he couldn't see that spiders were anything to be afraid of. The only aggressive spiders at Hogwarts were probably the acromanders in the Forbidden Forest, and he hadn't had any reason to go near them this year.

If he said that his plan would encounter setbacks, Aiwen frowned and thought.

Before they could think of anything, Ron and Harry, who were sitting next to them, suddenly burst into laughter, which attracted Professor Trelawney's attention.

She turned around quickly and snatched the teacup from Ron with an unhappy expression on her face.

Everyone fell silent, and focused their eyes on Professor Trelawney, who was staring at the teacup while turning it counterclockwise.

"Falcon, dear, you have a sworn enemy," whispered Professor Trelawney.

"But everyone knows about it," Hermione muttered loudly. "Everyone knows about Harry and You-Know-Who..."

Professor Trelawney ignored Hermione, her big eyes looked into Harry's teacup again, and continued to turn the teacup.

"Big stick, an attack, this is not a lucky teacup!" She twirled the teacup again, "Skull, the future is in danger!"

Everyone stared dumbfounded at Professor Trelawney, who turned her teacup one last time, then suddenly began to gasp and scream. Suddenly she sank into an empty armchair, clasped her heart with her hands, and closed her eyes.

"My dear child, my poor, dear child! No, it's better not to say it, don't ask me anything... "

"What's going on, Professor?" Everyone stood up, and they gathered slowly around Harry and Ron's table, getting closer to Professor Trelawney's armchair so they could see Harry's teacup. Be clear.

"Well, if you want to talk about the donkey in it..." said Hermione hesitantly.

"It's unknown!" Professor Trelawney opened his eyes suddenly, looked at Harry and screamed loudly, "Poor child, you are unknown!"

Her words seemed to have magical powers. All the children from the wizard family took a breath of air, their eyes widened, and the others looked confused.

"Excuse me, Professor, what do I have?" Harry asked.

"Ominous, that's ominous!" cried Professor Trelawney in shock, seeing that Harry didn't understand. "That big ghostly dog wandering in the graveyard! My dear boy, it's a bad omen, the worst. The omen of death, the omen of death!"

Harry's expression became awkward, and he thought of the big dog on the cover of Omens of Death, and the dog he'd seen in the shadows of Magnolia Crescent.

He hurriedly turned his head to look at Ivan, who had also seen the dog.

"What's unknown, it's just a stray dog! I've seen it too, if bad luck is contagious... . . . "

Hearing his words, everyone involuntarily took a step back, not daring to look at the two of them. Ivan suppressed himself not to laugh, he suddenly found it really interesting to scare people like this, no wonder Professor Trelawney would like to do it.

Hermione gave Ivan a hard look, and she walked around behind Professor Trelawney's chair, and said bluntly, "Professor, I don't think this seems ominous."

"Don't be unhappy when I say that, dear, I found that the aura of the two of you is very small, and you have a poor acceptance of future resonance."

Professor Trelawney looked at Hermione and Ivan unhappily, dissatisfied that they destroyed the panic atmosphere that he had finally created.

She said in her faintest voice, "I think this is the end of today's class, please pack your things."

The whole class silently returned the teacup to Professor Trelawney. They closed their books and packed their schoolbags with solemn faces. Even Ron didn't dare to look Harry in the face.

Everyone was thinking about what Professor Trelawney said, and the ominous thing in Harry's teacup.

Hermione seemed to want to continue the debate with the other party, and Ivan hurriedly pulled him out of the classroom.

In the corridor, only Harry and Ron were left.

Ivan's bad luck is contagious and makes everyone nervous.

They all ran down the stairs as fast as they could, with their heads down, as if there were some plague in the attic.

Ivan, Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood alone on the roof of the building, watching their backs fleeing in a hurry, and no one knew what to say.

A second later, Ivan turned around and found that Hermione had disappeared.