Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 8: The burrow life


Considering the convenience of carrying, Aiwen didn't buy too many things, but he placed a lot of orders until he used up all the Galleons in his pocket. These things will be divided into batches by owls when school starts Send to Hogwarts.

It was late afternoon when they returned to the fire in the Leaky Cauldron.

After saying goodbye to their parents, Ivan, Harry, and the Shusley family returned to the Burrow with Floo powder, and the Masons and the Granger family were going back to the street where the Muggles lived on the other side of the city. It could be seen that Mr. Weasley really wanted to follow them out to see what the bus station looked like, but seeing Mrs. Weasley's expression, he had no choice but to give up the idea.

Because it was the first time to use Floo powder, Ivan was choked by the ashes, and after a while, he came to the Burrow. Harry was in front of him. Seeing his face, Ivan knew that he was the same as himself, and felt very not good.

Climbing out of the fireplace, Ivan looked around curiously.

It was the first time he came to a wizard's house. The kitchen was small and quite crowded. There was a clean wooden table and a few chairs in the middle. The wall clock on the opposite wall had only one needle, no numbers, and the clock face It says things like "make tea", "feed the chicken", "you're going to be late".

Next to the mantelpiece, is a large mirror.

Ivan just passed in front of it, and the mirror suddenly yelled, "Tuck your shirt into your trousers, it's sloppy!"

Above the mirror is a bookshelf with three layers of books, including "Magic Your Cheese", "The Magic of Baking Bread", "Conjure a Feast", etc., all of which are magic books for housework, not far away There is an old radio by the sink.

"Okay, children, go back to your rooms and put away your new purchases." Mrs. Weasley stepped out from the fireplace, looked at Fred and George and continued, "Especially you two, after I Don't come over and make trouble while dinner is being prepared."

"Got it, Mom!" Fred said. "We'll be quiet in our room."

"Like a house-elf without making a sound," said George.

The twins ran out of the kitchen laughing, followed by Percy and Ginny with their belongings.

"Come on, I'll show you my bedroom." Seeing Harry and Ivan still standing there stupidly, Ron pushed them.

The three of them walked through the narrow passage and came to a section of uneven ladder.

The stairs twisted and twisted, and there was a door half-open at the top of the stairs on the second floor. Percy was sitting at his desk, writing a letter with a newly bought quill. Not far from him was a very beautiful brown owl .

"That's the new owl that Percy's parents bought for him when he became a prefect," said Ron, "but he wouldn't lend it to me. In fact, he's been very strange this summer, always shutting himself in the house." I sent a lot of letters."

"It's nothing surprising, your brother has a new girlfriend."

"Oh, my God!" Hearing Ivan's words, Ron was surprised and said incoherently, "But that's Percy, who would take a fancy to him, I mean... Of course, he has ambitions Yes, he's all set, he's going to be Minister for Magic, but... I'm going to tell Fred and George about it and see what they say."

"Don't get excited, this is just my guess." Ivan was a little speechless at Ron's slow response.

When the three climbed up to the third floor, Ivan just caught a glimpse of a pair of bright brown eyes staring at them, and the door closed with a click.

"It's Ginny!" said Ron. "It's incredible, you don't know, she never usually closes the door!"

"Obviously, your sister was a little shy when she saw Harry."

Ivan looked at the door, and then thought about how to get Tom Riddle's diary from Ginny.

"Yeah, she's been talking about you all summer." Ron looked at Harry uncertainly, "Fred said she wanted your autograph, maybe you should give her one."

"Don't be stupid, Ron." Ivan said as he walked, "That's not simple worship. Your sister likes Harry, and she wants to be his girlfriend."


Ron looked terrified, and Harry on the side was also very unnatural, blushing like a ripe apple, pretending not to hear the conversation between Ivan and Ron.

"Uh, I'm talking nonsense." Ai Wen covered his forehead with his hands. These two guys were equally dull, and they were really innocent boys. No wonder they almost couldn't find a dance partner at the fourth grade Christmas ball.

They climbed up another floor and stood outside the twins' room. The door was closed tightly. It was really quiet inside, there was no sound at all, and they didn't know what they were doing.

When the three climbed up to the top floor, they came to a door with peeling paint. There was a small sign on the door that said "Ron's room".

Alvin and Harry walked in, and the sloping ceiling almost touched their heads.

It was like walking into a big furnace, and everything in Ron's room looked a bright orange: the bedspread, the walls, even the ceiling.

Then Ai Wen discovered that Ron had used posters to cover almost every inch of the worn wallpaper, and all the posters were the same seven witches and wizards, wearing bright orange robes and carrying broomsticks , waving happily.

"Your Quidditch team?" Harry asked.

"The Chudley Cannons, ninth in the club!"

Ron pointed to the orange-yellow bed cover, which was brightly printed with two huge letters C and a flying cannonball.

The topic of the two of them continued to stay on Quidditch, while Ivan looked curiously at the gray-haired fat rat Banban sleeping in the corner of the room.

Ignoring Ivan's gaze, Ban Ban continued to snore.

Ivan observed carefully for a while, but found no difference. If he hadn't known that it was an Animagus, he would have thought that Scabbers was a little mouse that had lost all its hair, lost a toe, and slept all day long.

"Boom, boom!" The sound of a pipe being knocked suddenly came from above, which startled Ivan.

"Don't worry, it's the ghoul in the attic, knocking on the pipes and whining and chirping," Ron explained. "I tried to drive him away, but Dad wouldn't let him, he thought it was funny."

As Ron said, life at the Burrow is very interesting.

For the next month or so, Ivan and Harry followed Fred, George, and Ron to the backyard to clean up the goblins. They also went to the back mountain to ride broomsticks and practice Quidditch from time to time.

In the evening, Harry and Ron are busy finishing their summer homework, and Ivan is used to asking Percy for some knowledge. Percy is excellent in almost every subject, especially in History of Magic and Charms. Has unique insights.

As for Fred and George, Ivan took the opportunity to chat with them and found that the inventions of the twins were still in their infancy. After he made a few suggestions according to his memory, they locked themselves in the room at night. Research, making various noises from time to time.

After a month, Harry, Ivan and the Weasleys became extremely familiar.

Mrs. Weasley was mending their socks, forcing them to do so four times at every meal, while Mr. Weasley kept asking them about Muggle life.

With the exception of Ginny, everyone else quickly adjusted to Harry and Irwin's integration into their family life. To be precise, it seemed that as long as Harry was present, Ginny would always knock over something nervously, but when she was alone with Ivan, she behaved normally.

Because of the same age, Ivan and Ginny got along very well, but until the last day of the summer vacation, Ivan still didn't get Tom Riddle's diary from Ginny.

Ivan hinted several times, but Ginny didn't respond.

Unable to clearly explain, and unable to really go to Ginny's room to find it, Aiwen was not even sure if the other party had found the diary, or had already found it, but he did not tell himself.

But he is not in a hurry, there is still time, the worst result is to follow the plot, when the time comes, poor Ginny may suffer.

But to have a chance to be saved by the hero Harry, it seems that it is not a bad thing for this little girl who has a crush on Harry.