Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 91: strange thoughts


After breakfast, Ivan and the others walked out of the castle in heavy raincoats.

The cold rain made Ivan shiver, and he saw Hermione, Colin, and Ginny beside him were also shivering.

Even so, it did not dampen their enthusiasm.

As a pseudo-fan who has severe fear of heights and is not keen on Quidditch, Ivan doesn't understand why this sport is so popular.

The weather outside the castle was blustery and raining, but to watch the game the whole school turned out as usual, running across the lawn to the Quidditch pitch, sitting in the wet stands with their heads bowed against the wind .

This feeling is really bad. As early as half an hour ago, Ivan originally planned to spend this day in a comfortable and warm library.

He has already made up his mind, no matter how much Colin calls himself, he will never take a step out of the castle in this weather, absolutely not!

But this guy Colin didn't come to call him. He actually found Hermione and Ginny directly. Aiwen was pulled out by them. Fendo is important.

Looking at their expressions, Aiwen doubted that if he did not agree to come out to cheer, if Gryffindor lost, then the responsibility must be entirely on him.

No way, he sighed and followed the three of them out of the castle.

Contrary to his painful expression, Colin, Hermione, and Ginny smiled all over their faces.

Needless to say, Colin is a smile that succeeds in trickery. After nearly two years of contact, he has become very familiar with Aiwen and knows where his friend's weaknesses lie.

Ginny felt funny seeing Aiwen's appearance. After all, Aiwen has always given people the impression that he is too mature, calm, and seems to know everything. He doesn't look like a twelve-year-old boy at all.

As for Hermione's smile, it is relatively more complicated. She has a little bit of the reasons for Colin and Ginny, but it is definitely not the main factor. She just pulled Aiwen out of the castle. Why is she laughing, she seems to be happy from the bottom of her heart, is this the legendary smirk? !

Just like that, the four of them walked to the stands with different expressions.

Ron had already taken a seat for them. I don't know if it was an illusion. Ivan found that Ron looked at him strangely, but there was no smile on his face. If I had to say it, it was a bit like the way Snape usually looked at me!

Ivan shook his head, this must be an illusion, right? !

In fact, Ivan guessed right. Looking at Hermione and Ginny who walked over with a smile on their faces, and Ivan following them, Ron didn't know why there was a weird feeling in his heart. Most should be envy and jealousy.

He was already very familiar with these two emotions, he had felt this way for his brothers and his best friend Harry in the past few years.

But when he looked at Ivan now, apart from jealousy, he also had a strange sense of hatred in his heart, which he had never felt before.

Ron suddenly remembered the dreams he had been having for the past few nights, and the girl who appeared repeatedly in the dream. The girl seemed a bit like Hermione... He shook his head fiercely, Hermione Appearing in my dream, this should be just a coincidence, right? !

Besides, why would he dream of doing something like that with Hermione...

Hermione was just his friend, but seeing Hermione and Ivan sitting together, Ron felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

His intuition told him that something must have happened between Hermione and Ivan that he didn't know.

And these things are the main source of the unknown hatred deep in his heart.

Affected by this emotion, Ron's attention shifted from the Quidditch game to the few people around him. He found that the more he looked at Ivan, the more bored he felt.

He is obviously one year younger than himself, why is he so good, why...

Ron forced himself not to think about it. Ivan saved himself last year. These thoughts in his mind must not be a good sign. He took a deep breath, and suddenly thought of other things that happened last year, and thought of the black one. Diary, thinking of the words Tom Riddle wrote to himself in the diary.

Although the other party was Voldemort in the student days, although the other party was evil, but deep down in his heart, Ron found that he had to admit that some of the other party's words were right. Facing Malfoy's malicious insults, it was he who stood up to protect Malfoy. After killing Hermione, he vomited slugs for a week; facing Snape's unreasonable difficulties, he was obviously the one who bravely defended Hermione in class, and was finally punished to wipe the urinal for a whole night; facing... ...

He obviously did all these things, why is Ivan sitting next to Hermione instead of himself? Is it really like what Tom Riddle said...

No, not right! There must be something wrong, otherwise why would he have these dangerous thoughts again? !

Ron forced his gaze away from Ivan and Hermione, and he looked towards the center of the field, where the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff Quidditch teams began to appear.

Amidst the cheers of the audience, Ivan saw the Gryffindor Quidditch players staggering out of the locker room; the wind was so strong that they walked into the field staggeringly, and he couldn't even see clearly Harry's thin figure.

Hufflepuff on the opposite side is similar, Ivan can only vaguely see seven people in canary yellow robes standing on the field, the guy who is shaking hands with Wood should be Cedric Diggory.

Although I haven't met him in person, Ivan is very impressed with this name.

In addition to remembering that he was a Hogwarts warrior in the next year's Triwizard Tournament, and was finally killed by Voldemort, Diggory has contributed many articles to the "Hogwarts Newspaper" this year.

From those submissions, it can be seen that Diggory is an excellent wizard, and he has a very in-depth research on transfiguration.

But Ivan doesn't know how good his Quidditch is, especially in this bad weather environment. If neither he nor Harry can see the golden snitch, everyone is likely to sit in the cold rain for a whole day. God, that would be too bad.

A few seconds later, with Mrs. Hooch's whistle, the game began!

Fuzzy red and yellow figures were speeding across the field. Ivan didn't know what was going on in the game, and he couldn't even hear the comments clearly under the strong wind.

Even with the raincoat on, he felt drenched, he found himself frozen, and through the dense rain he saw Harry swaying on the top of the pitch, and he must be in worse shape than himself.

Ivan saw that Hermione sitting next to him was also shivering from the cold, but she seemed very excited, as if someone had cast a "happy spell" on her!

It's really strange, when did Hermione like Quidditch so much, why didn't she know it before. I remember that when Gryffindor played against Hufflepuff last year, Hermione voluntarily gave up that match in order to speed up the preparation of the compound soup.

If there's one difference between this year and last, it's that Cedric Diggory is captain of Hufflepuff.

He still remembered that Angelina said yesterday that that guy was very handsome. Aiwen suddenly became nervous for no reason. He subconsciously raised his head and looked around for Digory. Then he saw Ron still looking at him, and his expression became more and more strange.

What happened today? Why are these two guys stranger than the other.