Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

Chapter 1: enter the industry


Presumably everyone knows that the so-called haunted house is a house where someone died violently, and the natural death is generally not counted. Unexpected death is also a relatively folk term, which generally refers to unnatural death, such as accident, suicide, homicide, and so on. People who die in this way, according to legend, will die unwillingly because their life span is not over, and usually their ghosts will linger. Therefore, most haunted houses usually have some strange things happen. Even if strange things don't happen, they will become mysterious because of people's word of mouth.

The owners of the house are generally very pitiful, because many of them are rented out. Therefore, the death of tenants inside not only completely affects the follow-up, no one is willing to rent, and even if they want to resell, they rarely Someone dared to pick it up, but fortunately, he met an unknown person who sold it to him, and the current law stipulates that if a haunted house is bought and sold without knowing it, if any related disputes go to court, the buyer will basically win the lawsuit.

Moreover, even if it is sold to a person who does not believe in evil, the price may be greatly reduced. Take my neighbor’s house as an example when I was a child, just because a girl who died in it before turned on the gas to kill herself, a small commercial house worth 300,000 yuan, but in the end it could only be sold for 60,000 yuan. The price difference is considerable. And what I have been doing in recent years is this kind of business, specifically looking for such haunted houses, and then buying them at ultra-low prices. The older houses are basically put there to wait for the new houses after demolition, which can make a lot of money. As for the newer houses, I usually put them in the bank for mortgage loans and do some other businesses. This cycle can be regarded as a good livelihood.

Because I often come into contact with haunted houses, I will inevitably be frightened by the stories and backgrounds related to haunted houses. Although there are no life-threatening disasters, I often encounter some strange things. Therefore, today I will talk about my dealings with haunted houses in the past few years. encounter.

The first haunted house I bought has a lot of background. The so-called great background is not how valuable the house is, but the rumors about this house are really amazing.

This house is located in a prosperous area, and the price should have been quite good. Unfortunately, around 2003, the owner of the house and his family of three were killed in the house by burglars. Rumor has it that the family of three died tragically at that time, the male master died next to the safe, the female master died on the bed, and was raped. The most cruel thing is that the child in their family who was in elementary school at the time was drowned by someone pushing his head into the toilet and continuously pouring water into it. The case has not been solved for a long time, and no one has dared to care about this house. At that time, the heir of the house was the father of the male owner, and he hired workers to renovate the house. Firstly, he could wash away the pain of his heir's death, and secondly, he also hoped that after the renovation, he could rent or sell it.

He found a few migrant workers who had just come to the city from the countryside, but he did not explain that anyone had died in this house. After negotiating the price, let a few migrant workers live in, rush to work day and night, do some noisy work during the day, and do some small work at night. During the day, everything was safe and sound, the decoration process was fast, and the remuneration was estimated to be not low, and the workers were quite happy with their work. However, a strange thing happened at night. The three migrant workers who lived in this house woke up and found that they were sleeping outside the corridor. The three of them didn't know why they slept outside, and they also felt very strange. Many people will definitely think that sleepwalking can be used to explain it, but even if it is sleepwalking, it is impossible for three people to sleepwalk together and choose to sleep in the same place in the end.

For a while, rumors spread, and several migrant workers also heard from neighbors that three people died in this house at once, and they dared not work here again. The host's father talked about it, added some money, and found the three people to live in a guest house outside, and promised that they would only continue to work here if they only needed to work during the day. However, since that night, strange things have also started to happen during the day. Workers' tools would fly around strangely, but no one touched them. And according to the neighbors, the house lights up inexplicably at night, as if someone lived there. At first the neighbors thought the workers were inside, but later learned that the workers had moved out. These things are scary, but after all, there is no threat to personal safety, so the workers are still rushing to work in order to earn money, but everyone is more careful.

About a third of the way through the renovation, everything is going smoothly. However, one day, the workers suddenly approached the employer together and said that they would not work no matter what. The employer asked the reason, and the workers all said that when they lived in the hostel at night, they would dream all night long. They dreamed that several people who could not see their faces surrounded them and said: "There is no bed to sleep, you let me sleep on the floor Huh?" These workers were superstitious in the first place, and they thought of the tragedy that happened in the house before, so they didn't dare to work anymore, and they just paid a very small amount of money and left.

The host's father was very depressed, but he was eager to think about his son. He heard from the workers that his son's family had not been reincarnated. He wanted to see his son's family again, so he moved in by himself that night. However, something even more chilling happened—he actually died in that house, lying straight on the floor, and was discovered by neighbors after many days, and the body was already smelly. Later, some people said that he was used as a bed by his son's family. I don’t know if this statement is credible, but I know a friend named Qin Yiheng, who is barely a knowledgeable person. At that time, I was trying to start a business, but I had no capital. My friend gave me an idea and asked me to buy this house.

Originally, I refused, but what Qin Yiheng said sounded like that. I really wanted to do business and make a lot of money, so I talked to one of the old man's daughters with the mentality of taking a gamble. The market price of a house of more than 110 square meters was about 400,000 yuan at that time, and I bought it for only a little over 70,000 yuan. In fact, after I bought it, I didn't know what to do. Qin Yiheng asked me to buy 150 kilograms of rice, and spread rice grains on the floor of this house. Then after waiting for three days, he told me to buy a lot of cocks, which must be the ones that hadn’t been bred, bled them, and poured the blood on the doors and windows of the whole house, and then told me to wait patiently.

I waited anxiously for several days, until he told me that it was almost done and I could go back, so I followed Qin Yiheng back to the house. As soon as I opened the door, the scene inside the house almost scared me to tears. I'm not an atheist, but I've never been this close to something like this. I saw bloody handprints on all the windows and doors, and there were many on the walls, as if a person touched the chicken blood I had spilled before and kept wiping it everywhere. Qin Yiheng said that the souls of the previous souls have now disappeared. He used a method of suffocation, that is, trapped the souls in the house, leaving them nowhere to hide, as if they were suffocated. Even ghosts can't do it. He explained that this is a very vicious method, but there is really no way, because if other methods are used, it is too difficult to get rid of these wronged souls. I didn't comment on what he said, but the handprints in front of me told me that it all seemed to be true.

In the end, Qin Yiheng said that the house is clean, and I can sell the house I live in now and move in. Even though I said that, but someone just died here, how dare I live here? I thought to let it go for a while before talking. In order to reward him, I treated him to a big meal in the evening, and the banquet ended very late. As soon as he got back to the gate of the community and was walking home, Qin Yiheng's call came after him.

His voice was very urgent, saying that he had misread during the day, and there was a little ghost and an old ghost that hadn't been removed. I'm afraid the two of us had already attached to me when we entered. He told me to be careful and hide. Adults leading children—no matter what kind of person they are, must not approach them.

As soon as he finished speaking, I shuddered all over and looked around quickly. Fortunately, there were no adults leading children. It was almost midnight at this time, apart from the lit supermarket and mahjong parlor, where else was there anyone in the community? However, I still felt scared in my heart. I was trembling every step of the way home. When I finally entered the house, I hurriedly closed the door and immediately collapsed to the ground.

I called Qin Yiheng to report that he was safe or something. In fact, I just have a guilty conscience and want to listen to someone talk, so that I can calm myself down. He told me to just get home, and told me not to cover myself with a quilt when I slept, but only with a sheet. If you hear any noise at night, don't look at it. As long as you cover your head and sleep until dawn, everything will be fine.

Hearing what he said so lightly, I still had no idea. If I had known it was so scary, I would never have bought that haunted house. I asked him to come and stay with me. He said that there is no need to mobilize people for such a trivial matter, and nothing will happen if you do what he said.

I put down the phone and got under the sheets. I also presciently prepared an empty mineral water bottle in case I needed to urinate. According to Qin Yiheng, if the ghost hides under the sheet, it won't be able to see me. All it sees is the bed. I don't know the basis for these fallacies, anyway, I dare not challenge the "authority".

I didn't fall asleep at all that night, and I waited tremblingly until dawn, when I could hear the birds singing outside, before I dared to raise my head. After looking around for a while, he quickly put on some clothes and ran out. I didn't dare to go back until noon. Thinking back to last night, there was actually no weird movement, it was completely scaring myself. However, when I got home, I realized that what Qin Yiheng said was not alarmist at all—through the sunlight, I saw many footprints beside the bed, circle and circle, as if they were circling around my bed.

There's no way these footprints are mine! I obviously didn't hear any noise last night, but the footprints appeared so strangely. Now, I completely believed what Qin Yiheng said, so I hurried out and took a taxi to find him.

Find Qin Yiheng and tell him about the footprints. He comforted me for a long time, and I was a little calmer. Then, he said that he would help me get rid of the two ghosts on my body. Naturally, I was so moved that I burst into tears.

Afterwards, the so-called exorcism ceremony was not like what was shown on TV or passed on by those magic sticks. Qin Yiheng found a rope, hung me upside down, and then beat my whole body with a small wooden board. My phone and keys fell out of my pocket.

About ten minutes later, my head was so congested that I couldn't bear it, so he put me down and gave me another handful of coins, telling me to go out and spend them, not a single one left.

It's easy to spend money. I went to the supermarket and bought some random things and spent all the money, but I felt very puzzled in my heart. What kind of ghost exorcism ceremony is this? It's not serious at all. When I went back after spending the money, Qin Yiheng had prepared a basin of water waiting for me. As soon as I entered the room, he dragged me to the toilet and drenched me from head to toe. The water was so cold that I started sneezing non-stop, one after another, and couldn't stop. Qin Yiheng has been standing by the side smoking a cigarette and looking at me. I wanted to complain at first, but when I saw his serious expression, I felt embarrassed to say anything.

It took a while to finish sneezing. Qin Yiheng handed me a cigarette, and then told me that the piece of wood that hit me was a shoehorn. The soul is likely to be shaken out from the Tianling Cap. This is done to shake the two ghosts and make them less attached to my body. And the coins I spend are merit money from the temple, which has a certain amount of mana. When I spend them, I can take out part of the evil energy in my body. The water that was poured on me in the end was even simpler, it was boy's urine and rice washing water. By the time I finished sneezing, the two ghosts had been completely ejected from my seven orifices.

After speaking, he looked at me with a malicious smile. I didn't have the courage to ask him where the boy's urine came from, but I could figure it out just by looking at his expression. It's really disgusting to think about it, but for my own life, I can only do this.

I don't know who taught him this method of exorcising ghosts. Although it doesn't look very reliable, I only know him as a knowledgeable person. Even if I don't believe him, I really can't find other experts. After this incident passed, I never saw the footprints by the bed again, and when I went to the house again, the eerie feeling when I entered the house disappeared. After another two months, I saw that the house was quite safe, so I mustered up the courage to live in it. For the first week, I dragged Qin Yiheng to live with me, first to strengthen myself, and second, to borrow his immortal energy. And my previous house was rented out by me, and the rent was okay, at least my life has stabilized.

Seeing that it is profitable, I plan to use this method to build a few more haunted houses. I thought about using these haunted houses as mortgages so that I could start a bigger business. I discussed it with Qin Yiheng, and he also agreed. So we started to search for such news all over the country, and I really came across many similar haunted houses.

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