Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

Chapter 12: Ghost jade sucks souls


Qin Yiheng spoke a long paragraph at once, and I couldn't digest it for a while. After thinking for a long time, I finally understood what he meant. If according to what he said, the bodyguard died violently, but the soul was gone.

How is this going? I asked Qin Yiheng.

He thought for a long time with a sullen face, and said, if all of this is true, then there is only one possibility—the soul of the bodyguard was taken away by someone.

Hearing what he said, I was also taken aback. This assumption is really outrageous, no wonder he has such a gloomy expression. Although I don't know much about ghosts, ghosts and gods, but looking at his expression, I feel that things may be troublesome.

I asked, what next

Qin Yiheng also murmured, saying, judging from the current situation, if the bodyguard's soul is taken away, we can't even imagine what the person who took his soul will look like. If he's in a bad mood and turns around and wants to take some more, I'm afraid we'll end up in this house.

I can tell you what you said, this trip was wasted. Back at the hotel, we were ready to pack up and head home the next day. That night, Qin Yiheng spent the night pondering on the bed by himself. I couldn't help anyway, so he just fell asleep.

Before leaving early the next morning, Qin Yiheng was still a little unwilling, so he called the boss directly. I don't know what he was muttering to the boss, but the boss actually told us not to leave and come over to chat with us later.

Surprised, I asked him what he had told the boss. Qin Yiheng said that he thought about it for a long time on the bed. If he said that the soul of a child can be used to refine a little ghost, I am afraid it has been said many times in many horror novels or film and television dramas, but the soul of this adult has basically merged with the body. It is not easy to be hooked away. What's more, after picking out the soul, how to store it is also a problem, and more importantly, this thing is not very useful.

According to legend, when smelting weapons in ancient times, souls could be used to forge swords. Everyone knows the story of Ganjiang Moxie, but who would open a furnace to forge weapons now, and although many Taoist disciples also used souls to make alchemy, most of them only used animal souls, and rarely involved people. In this way, he felt that the problem was the jade pendant.

This jade pendant came from a wrong place. The boss probably got hacked and bought a defective jade back. It's just that he didn't know the specifics of this jade, and he had to read it to find out, so he called the boss and made up a few nonsense about that jade. The boss was quite interested to come and listen, so he called us Don't go and wait for him to come.

Originally, I was quite anxious to leave. After all, Qin Yiheng didn't even have a clue about this matter. How could I have any reason not to run away? But hearing what he said, I was very curious and wanted to see what kind of jade that choked to death was like.

It didn't take long for the boss to come and meet him. He was not as philistine as I imagined, but it was a pity that he didn't bring the jade. After entering the room and chatting briefly, the topic came to this jade. The boss briefly talked about the origin of this jade. According to him, he bought it from a businessman in Thailand, and he won't talk about any more, because it seems that he has reservations. I guess he is afraid that we will lower the house price because of this.

It might not be necessary to continue talking like this, Qin Yiheng simply fooled him a few words, and we were ready to leave.

When he was about to go out, Qin Yiheng curiously asked how the boss's business was doing recently, whether it was not going well. The boss's eyes lit up obviously when he heard this, and he hurriedly asked Qin Yiheng if he knew the solution.

Qin Yiheng shook his head, and took me out with his bag on his back. The boss still wanted to ask questions from behind, but Qin Yiheng took me away quickly, and the boss let out a "hey" from behind, and there was no movement.

On the way to the airport, I asked Qin Yiheng how he knew that the boss's business was not good. I thought it must not be based on the analysis of the market environment from any national policy. There must be a reason for him to ask this question.

Qin Yiheng said that in fact, people's beliefs are a very powerful force in comparison. Although we can't see and touch it, and there is no scientific evidence to directly prove its existence, if the beliefs of many people are gathered together, it will There will be a wonderful reaction. To put it simply, 10,000 people believe that a piece of stone in front of them can ward off evil spirits. As long as everyone's beliefs are unified and there are no impurities, then this stone can really ward off evil spirits. In the final analysis, it is not stones that ward off evil spirits, but everyone's beliefs.

Then, Qin Yiheng said, we in Asia, especially China, have a rich heritage of jade culture. Jade has the function of protecting the body from evil spirits. It is said that jade articles worn for a long time will have spirituality and help the owner to ward off disasters. If one day you find that the jade that has been worn for many years has cracks, or the red thread breaks inexplicably, it will help the owner to avoid disaster. And jadeite is a branch of jadeware. After thinking about it, the most likely reason is that the jade Buddha pendant is an evil Buddha. If a piece of jade pendant with good color, high craft value and cultural value, 300,000 yuan may not be able to get it. Presumably the people over there are eager to make a move, and they are well aware of the terrifying place of this jade pendant.

And after the boss bought it, because there were many evil spirits at home, he had a dream at night, in fact, he wanted to tell him to throw away the jade pendant. The boss was really scared, so he gave it to the bodyguard beside him. In the end, the bodyguard was sucked into the soul and died by accident. Although the boss escaped unharmed, his fortune is bound to decline, so it is the most normal thing for the business to decline. I'm afraid this is just the beginning, and if it is serious, it will hurt the limbs.

In addition, Qin Yiheng also talked about one point, that is, all the personal items that have been consecrated - jade pendants, golden Buddhas, things hanging on the car to pray for safety and fortune, etc., if they are specially made for you alone, after you wear them or After using it, remember not to let others reach out and touch it. After touching it, you will lose your spirituality and lose the value of consecration.

What Qin Yiheng said didn’t seem to be deceiving the public. Although there were no twists and turns in this experience, I still benefited a lot. At least I heard him tell a lot of related background stories. It's just that this time it's still a waste of time, and I still feel very unwilling. Fortunately, after this matter was over, a small house came to the door.

Although there are some things in it, it is not harmful, and it is interesting to say. The owner of the house came to me on his own initiative. Anyway, it was a friend of a friend who I met on the way. He bought a 26-square-meter bachelor apartment with a loan. It is a high-rise apartment on the 13th floor, and he lived with his girlfriend in. It was nothing at first, but after staying for half a month, the two discovered something strange in the house. Originally, this kind of small apartment was not big, and I didn’t buy too much furniture, but for some reason, I felt that the house was crowded when two people lived in it. The crowded here is not really crowded, but a feeling. Although his house is really small, it is also a small house, and some houses will not give people such a cramped feeling. The two didn't pay attention at first. After that, every night when going to bed, this person's girlfriend would be crushed by ghosts, almost every night.

Suddenly one day, they noticed that the slippers placed by the bed in the morning had changed positions. At first they thought they had made a mistake, but later, they noticed that the slippers would move by themselves the next morning.

The two of them were very scared, so they came to me in all directions. They didn't want to sell the house, but just wanted us to help take a look. After all, it is not easy for two migrant workers to have their own nest in the same city. Although I really want to make money, but because he is a friend of a friend, I can only help to see it.

He took Qin Yiheng to have a look. The house was not big, and he could see the whole house by standing in one place.

After reading it, Qin Yiheng simply asked them a few words, to the effect that the two of them had sex every night, and the couple generously admitted. Then, Qin Yiheng told them to remember to close the curtains when they go to sleep in the future, otherwise many passing things will be attracted to look at them, and at this time, many passing ghosts will mistakenly think that it is time for reincarnation. It's not a big deal, but one day if you don't pay attention and get caught again, it will be miserable.

After the couple listened, Qin Yiheng simply hung a mirror on the wall facing the window, and put red paper under the feet of the four beds, saying that he would be fine in the future.

Since then, no strange things have happened in this apartment again, and the two of them lived a peaceful and shameless life, holding hands and running towards sweet happiness.