Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

Chapter 35: ancestral hall


We didn't go directly into the gate, but slipped to the wall first. Only then did I see at a close distance that the outer wall was not painted with earthy yellow paint, but many walls were covered with putty in large areas. I touched it with my hand, and the putty is still not dry, so it should have been painted on recently. As we all know, putty is not water-resistant. If you brush it on, the putty will be washed away when it catches up with the continuous rain. This is very problematic. I thought to myself, could it be that someone came here to brush it recently? But there is no pattern in the place where the putty has been brushed piece by piece.

Qin Yiheng also found it strange, and pondered for a while, then took out a Swiss Army knife from his bag and scraped off the putty, revealing the dark wall. Then he turned his head and said to me that there were bloodstains in it. I opened my mouth wide when I heard it, and looked up briefly. Not to mention other places, on the wall in front of us alone, there are more than a dozen scattered places covered by putty. If this is really blood , How much do you have to splash!

I asked Qin Yiheng, could it be human blood? If it was human blood, it would be too terrifying. Fortunately, he told me, it was probably cow blood. Before many projects, road construction or building construction, there will be the habit of killing cattle and offering sacrifices. It's just that there is so much blood and a lot of cows are killed, but he can't figure out the reason for it. Let alone whether to live sacrifice or not, just pouring the cow's blood on the outer wall is already a big deal. Bogey. The evil spirit of the blood is very heavy, isn't it equivalent to splashing the face of the worshiping ancestors? The two of us thought about it for a long time, but we couldn't figure out why. Qin Yiheng had no choice but to say, let's take a look inside, maybe we can find the answer.

We slipped outside the gate and shone in with our flashlights. Entering the gate is a small courtyard, and after passing the courtyard, you can reach the front gate of the ancestral hall. Qin Yiheng told me to try not to make any noise, and he walked in first by himself. As soon as I stepped into the mansion, I felt like a thief, because the mansions I have been to before, regardless of whether it is inauspicious or not, have been approved by the owner, so they are all ostentatious. This time, I am still very uncomfortable with sneaking around. Tiptoeing forward seems light and easy, but in fact it takes a lot of energy. Fortunately, the yard is not big, and Qin Yiheng and I walked to the gate of the ancestral hall very quickly. He flicked the door, but it wasn't locked. He frowned a little, turned off the light, and immediately disappeared in the darkness. We had already entered the yard, and most of the moonlight was blocked by the eaves, so after I saw him turn off the flashlight, and I did the same, neither of us could see the other clearly.

After a while, my eyes got used to the darkness, and I saw Qin Yiheng still standing in front of the door, as if thinking about something. I went over and asked him in a low voice, it should be a normal thing that the door of this ancestral hall is not locked, after all, there is nothing valuable inside, and in addition to this remote place, it is estimated that no one will steal it.

Qin Yiheng whispered, "That's not the case. I feel that there is resentment in this ancestral hall. It seems that it is not young. I was shocked when I opened the door just now."

When I heard what he said, my heart rose in my throat, and I quickly asked him what to do now.

Qin Yiheng whispered again, didn't I give you a lottery? The one is made of peach wood. If you feel something wanting to touch you when you go in for a while, you just poke yourself, poke hard, and it will be fine if you poke it.

I nodded quickly, and said to myself, all he knows are self-harm moves. But he spoke so seriously, and I couldn't help but tighten my hands.

Qin Yiheng waited for a while, gestured to me, opened the door and went in. I followed behind. After entering the ancestral hall, Qin Yiheng didn't turn on the flashlight immediately, but held his breath for a moment before turning on the flashlight. I immediately followed suit and turned on the flashlight to scan randomly.

I first looked at the corner, always feeling that if there are things in this room, they are probably hiding in the corner. Seeing that there was nothing in the corner, I was relieved a lot. Under the light of the flashlight, I saw that the room was very small. It must be just the outer hall of the ancestral hall, and it was probably used for people who worshiped ancestors to change their clothes and get rid of dust. I swiped the flashlight forward, this sweep almost didn't scare me to death, I saw a bloody man standing in front of me, looking at me without saying a word!

I screamed uncontrollably, before the sound came out, Qin Yiheng covered my mouth. I thought he didn't see that person, although he couldn't make a sound, he kept making gestures with his hands, trying to remind him.

Unexpectedly, he told me in my ear, don't be nervous, that is not a human being, but a standing Buddha statue. Only then did I stabilize my mind, and after motioning for Qin Yiheng to let go, I squatted on the spot and panted heavily. Only when I was out of breath, did I have the courage to shine a light on it again.

Just now I was flustered and didn't look carefully, but now I look at it, and it really is a standing Buddha statue, which is as tall as a person. It's just that this Buddha statue has been drenched with a lot of blood. At first glance, it really looks like a bloody person. Although I was a little scared, I still couldn't hold back my curiosity and took a closer look. The blood on the Buddha statue was still wet, and it was obvious that the smell of blood could be smelled after approaching. I used a flashlight to light it, and found that the Buddha's eyes had been covered with two leaves, which were stuck firmly with adhesive tape, and I was even more surprised. Qin Yiheng happened to be checking the Buddha statue up close, so I asked him what was going on.

He sniffed it closer and said, it must be blood, but I'm not sure what kind of blood it is, but as far as this method is concerned, it should be the blood of a black dog, and the two leaves are willow leaves.

After Qin Yiheng finished speaking, I was even more surprised. Why did you pour the blood of the black dog on the Buddha statue

Qin Yiheng said, everyone must know that this black dog's blood can ward off evil spirits, but it also depends on how it is used. Blood is a thing of evil spirit, and black dog blood is plainly said to be a thing of urgent evil. It is actually equivalent to using quick evil to flush the yin, and it has the meaning of using violence to control violence. And this Buddha statue was splashed with black blood, obviously to destroy the spirituality of the Buddha statue and make it lose its role as a town house. It is easier to understand the blindfold. Eyes have a very special cultural position in both world culture and Chinese culture. Idioms are said to be the finishing touch. Nowadays, when the artist paints the appearance of many works of art or folklore, the last touch Most of the items are also eyes. Even the younger brothers who joined Wen Longhu's upper body in the club, the last stroke on the eyes must be done by the eldest brother himself. This is actually the meaning of the finishing touch to survive. Willow leaves cover the eyes, and people can go to hell if they use them, but here, covering the Buddha statue has the same purpose as pouring blood.

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, and then went on to say that this would break the situation of the town house, and this person wanted to bring some filthy things in.

Hearing what Qin Yiheng said, I immediately shivered. Someone wants to bring dirty things in? But how does this make sense? This is the ancestral hall. Although I haven't seen the spiritual tablet yet, at least it is dedicated to the ancestors of this great family! Although the ancestors are not gods, they can indeed play the role of town houses to protect the children. I have heard before that some people keep the ancestral tablets in their homes, and they can make noises to scare away the thieves. Although this is not true or not, at least it can be seen from the side that the ancestors' apparitions are not empty talk.

Thinking of this, I glanced at the Buddha statue again, and suddenly seemed to understand a little bit. Could it be that this person even destroyed the ancestral tablets inside in order to bring dirty things in

While I was thinking about it, Qin Yiheng had already walked behind the Buddha statue to check the back room. I tiptoed over and asked him, can you feel the dirt in this room

But he shook his head, saying that when he opened the door just now, there was indeed an obvious resentment rushing in, but it disappeared strangely at this moment. Now it seems that he can only take one step at a time, at least go to the back room first.

After finishing speaking, he pushed the door of the back room, glanced through the crack of the door, but it was dark inside, hesitated for a while, pushed the door open again, and people got in.

When I saw him go in, I definitely had to follow suit, so I turned sideways, trying to get in like him. Usually, when we pass through such a small space, our postures are similar, but according to personal habits, some people are used to sticking their heads first, while others are used to stepping their legs first. I belong to the former, but I didn't expect that as soon as I poked my head in, before I could move my legs, I tripped over something, immediately lost my center of gravity, fell into the back room, and knocked open the door.

This fall made me quite hurt, Qin Yiheng quickly pulled me up from the ground. It's good now, don't sneak around anymore, the door was knocked out by me so loudly, it's useless to hide. I simply stood up, and immediately shone behind me with a flashlight, trying to see what was tripping me up, only then did I realize that it was actually a very high threshold. Qin Yiheng's movement of getting in just now was very coherent, and I didn't even notice that there was such a high threshold. This threshold must be known, and it is usually seen in ancient buildings or ancient buildings. Whether in terms of metaphysics or ancient etiquette, this threshold actually has a great effect. According to legend, there are special regulations on the height of the threshold. It is said that it can block the entrance of evil spirits and prevent Yin Qi from entering the house. There are even more outrageous claims that the threshold is just higher than the height of a zombie's vertical jump, so it is also possible. tripping zombies. In ancient times, it was said that everyone who is a lady does not step forward, in fact, it also has this meaning in it. In ancient times, women's feet were a very private part and could not be shown to others. Therefore, even if a woman stood inside the door and looked out, the threshold could just block her feet.

In my impression, I heard Qin Yiheng say a few words that this threshold cannot be stepped on because it has blocked Yin Qi for many years. It is said that those who step on it will recite their words and their luck will be hindered. Thinking of this, I recalled it. I should have just stumbled and didn't step on it just now, so my luck will not decrease. So, I turned around and wanted to continue to follow Qin Yiheng. At this time, he had already walked to the other side of the room, and the flashlight was sweeping there. I also took a photo with my flashlight, and found that the room was surprisingly large, about the same size as a lecture theater that could accommodate hundreds of people in college. I followed quickly, but saw that he had already stood still, frowning at what the flashlight was shining on.

What he was photographing was actually a spiritual bit. Seeing the spirit tablet, let alone this room, it must be the ancestral hall for worship.

I also raised my flashlight and scanned it, and I was immediately taken aback when I scanned it, only to see that two-thirds of the entire house was filled with densely packed spiritual tablets, one next to the other, all placed on the same stone on the base. This family is really a big family. There are already so many dead people just worshiping? I used the flashlight to look at several memorial tablets. On the spiritual tablets, there were words such as the name of the deceased and when he died. The people I saw from the spirit cards were all surnamed Wan, and their names were all well-mannered. They were probably named according to the family tree, and then arranged according to their seniority. I scanned it a few times, but I didn't have much interest. When I turned around and saw Qin Yiheng still standing still, I patted him, and he regained his senses.

Seeing that there was a lot of sweat on his forehead, I was shocked and asked him if he felt something dirty.

Qin Yiheng shook his head, then scanned the densely packed tablets with a flashlight, and asked me, didn't you find that there was something wrong with these tablets

My heart beat faster immediately, and I said to myself, if you see something is wrong, just say it directly, this tone can frighten people to death! But in such an environment, it's not easy for me to have a seizure, so I had to turn around and continue to scan a few more times. I saw that the spirit tablets were neatly arranged one by one, but there were no tributes. I thought to myself, is it strange that no one worships these ancestors

Before the words were spoken, Qin Yiheng told me the answer first. The people on these spirit cards all died in one day.

Died in one day? At first I didn’t understand what he said, and I thought, people must die in one day, I’ve never heard that a person can die for several days, then I suddenly understood what he was referring to, and quickly took I turned on the flashlight to take pictures, and took pictures of several tablets in a row. I was not reconciled, so I randomly took photos of a few tablets that were farther away, and now, the cold sweat on my head had flowed down to my eye sockets.

Qin Yiheng is right. Although I don't know the year and date referred to in the old calendar, at least I can read. Even though these people lived in different ages and dynasties, they all died at the same time. The same day of the year! This is really unbelievable. It is a family tradition to die on that day? But this is completely unreasonable. Unless it is suicide, who the hell can calculate so accurately that they all die on the same day

I want to ask Qin Yiheng, who knows, but he has already started checking the cards one by one with a flashlight. He first glanced at the first few rows, then went straight to the last row to check a few times, and finally settled in front of a tablet and did not move. I knew something was wrong, so I hurriedly followed him, followed his gaze, and my whole body shivered! This tablet is no different from others, but the name engraved on it is actually Wan Jinrong! This name is not unfamiliar to me, he is the late famous architect, and I still have a chess piece from his family. Now I understand why Qin Yiheng has been staring at this spiritual seat, because there is a big doubt, first of all, we don't know what the old man's family does, just judging from the scale of this ancestral hall , presumably a large and wealthy family. Although the ancestral hall will be built in the place where the family first rose, but this village is too remote, and the surroundings are also very strange, and the old horse was tied up with its feet, all of which seem very unreasonable, and the most important thing is Well, this Wan Jinrong didn't die for a long time, so his spiritual seat must have been established here recently. Could it be that the person who brought the dirty things here is the one who honored Wan Jin? There are too many places where I don't understand.