Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

Chapter 49: Funeral procession


There are more people in this group than we imagined, there must be more than twenty people. What surprised me the most was what kind of flags were held by the people in front of the team. The flags were white and more conspicuous, and I noticed them at a glance. The people behind the flag-raising crowd were clustered together, and it was unclear whether it was the formation of the team or what. I kept breaking out in cold sweat, what the hell are these people doing

I asked Qin Yiheng to confirm whether this is a living person. He stared at the group of people, and then he spoke for a while, his tone was also very startled: "It looks like a funeral procession, the front is carrying the soul-inducing banner, and the people behind are carrying the coffin."

Before he finished speaking, I felt the hairs on my body stand up one by one. Who ever heard of midnight funerals? It is logically early in the morning, if you don't rush to take advantage of the sun, aren't you afraid of attracting some kind of filth? And if you go to the funeral, go to the funeral, why don't you need a lighting device, and walk so far in the dark

I'm completely bewildered. Qin Yiheng didn't think about anything, hesitated for a while, then lowered his voice and said that he wanted me to wait here, and he came a little closer to have a look.

Frankly speaking, seeing such a situation, I really didn't have the guts to follow him forward, but then I thought about it, I would still be terrified to stay here alone, so I might as well let go of my courage and go together, at least there is a support. I expressed my attitude to Qin Yiheng, and he didn't object. He just told me to run quickly if there was a situation, and he took the lead in touching it.

After getting out of this pile, the front became open again, and there was basically no place to hide. Fortunately, the clothes we both wore today were dark tones. No matter whether the other party could find it or not, at least we felt safer. After exploring more than ten meters, Qin Yiheng told me to lie down and go forward, it was too close.

My heart jumped into my throat, and I looked over there, and the other party seemed to be resting, and it seemed that their posture had not reached their destination. We looked into the distance, and the current location is estimated to have reached the edge of the third phase, and there are a few dark buildings ahead, and we can only see a rough outline. I recalled the plan, which should be the commercial buildings around the entire real estate.

I thought to myself, are they going there? Otherwise, you will have to leave the construction site. I communicated with Qin Yiheng in a low voice, and he whispered: "This group of people should have something to do with the developer. This way, even if it is an unfinished building, there must be shift workers or dormitories for migrant workers. There are a lot of building materials such as steel bars in the construction site, and it is unreasonable to leave them unattended."

I woke up like a dream, and I had been ignoring this before. While speaking, the group of people started to move again, still moving forward at a leisurely pace. We waited patiently for the other party to go almost, and then followed.

After half-walking and half-crawling for more than ten minutes, my whole body started to ache. The pedestrians really ran towards the unrepaired commercial buildings, and finally stopped by the building. The two of us spent a while patiently, and carefully made a detour to the corner of the wall.

This position is much clearer than before. Because we were afraid that the other party would notice something, neither of us dared to poke our heads out rashly, but just glanced at it every ten or so seconds. After reading it, Qin Yiheng whispered in my ear and asked me, "Look carefully, is there something crawling out of the coffin?"

He said this lightly, but I heard it was thunder on the ground—crawled out of the coffin? Fraud? Fear is fear, but I couldn't hold back my curiosity, so I bravely poked my head out.

Sure enough, there was a figure crawling out of the coffin, and at this time most of his body was already protruding. I gasped, turned around and wanted to ask Qin Yiheng what was going on, but I didn't dare to shout out loud, which made me choke very hard.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yiheng smiled and told me not to be afraid, that person must be alive. Judging from the current situation, this whole situation is a situation. It is estimated that the people in the coffin are either very superstitious and have listened to someone's advice, or they are terminally ill and desperate. This whole situation is actually very common in metaphysics, and it is called "coming out of the temple" or "shouguaixing" in alchemy. The "out temple" here refers to the sideburns of the temples, which is a different word from the same pronunciation as "out of the funeral". It is estimated that this was taken on purpose at the beginning. This was a trick to extend life in ancient times, but it is rare to hear of anyone succeeding. The reason why it is called "out of the temples" is that the whole process is exactly the same as the real funeral after this person dies, but in the end, only the person's hair is buried in the coffin, in order to deceive the ghosts who came to fetch the soul, so that the ghosts Mistakenly thinking that this person is dead and his soul has been dissipated. If he didn't find out for a while, this person would have a time difference and live a few more years or months. The other appellation "Shouguaixing" also has the same meaning. It probably means that this person's life has taken another turn and can continue for a while.

I don't know who this person is, but if I have the chance to see the lifeline on this person's palm print, I must have pricked a few inflection points with a needle dipped in cinnabar. In fact, this cannot be called a standard alchemy. There are folk customs in many places, but it is very simplified. Most of them are just to let relatives fake mourning at home. It is basically useless for psychological comfort. It was the first time he had seen something so weird like these people did.

When Qin Yiheng said this, he glanced at the group of people again, and then continued: "As for those firecrackers, I can only guess now that they should be used to drive away lonely souls and wild ghosts. Firecrackers are set off before funerals in many places. 'Scary hooves' is to remind those lonely and wild ghosts to get out of the way and not to cause trouble; secondly, it is to invite nearby wandering souls to follow the funeral procession to receive Yinqian. Here, this group of people did not throw money, I don’t know if it was arranged in advance or there was a mistake, originally there was a soul-inducing banner in front, so it should be fired to open the way.”

He talked a lot, and I summed up a central idea, isn't this fucking fooling ghosts? Even if it is a formality, the coffin cannot be sent here. Could it be that they are passing by

When I asked Qin Yiheng, he shook his head and said, "We can only wait and see." Glancing at it, he said, "It is said that people who have used this method will be tortured in the underworld after death, and they will not be able to be in the next life. People. However, this is just people's guess, after all, no one has ever seen Lord Yan with their own eyes."

Since the other party is a living person, I am not so afraid, even if I am discovered, I will run away at worst. Taking another look, the group of people were still standing there, not sure if they were talking or not, and they seemed to be standing there stupidly. When I feel relaxed, I can naturally calm down and observe. The things that this group of people brought were neat, and there were quite a few paper figurines, chariots and horses, and they piled up a small piece on the spot. I thought to myself, let's burn it all, and I can see clearly and clearly by light.

After almost another cigarette, the group of people started to move, carrying the coffin into the building in a mighty manner.

I turned around and called Qin Yiheng, but he was not in a hurry, he just said to wait patiently for a while, even if they carried the empty coffin, it would not be too light, and they would not be able to move fast.

Now that he was confident, I simply sat down against the wall to rest, took the opportunity to smoke a cigarette, and we tiptoed into the building again. I stood outside the door of the building and watched for a while, because the moonlight couldn't get in, the room was surprisingly dark, and I could only see something by the window opening. I squinted my eyes and looked hard, but I could barely see the soul-inducing flags that the group of people were holding up, and there were only a few hazy dots in my sight. On the contrary, their footsteps could be heard very clearly, the building was really empty, and the echo was very loud. Qin Yiheng reminded me not to make any noise when walking for a while, and walked in on tiptoe after finishing speaking. After walking for a while, I found that the building was even more empty than I imagined. It probably has something to do with the purpose of the building, and there are no walls. It may be used as a large supermarket or shopping mall after it is completed.

This is also convenient, and you don't have to worry about turning around in the dark, but it is more difficult to track, and there is no place to hide temporarily. Fortunately, after a while, the group of people stopped, and the footsteps could no longer be heard, only rustling movements remained.

We squatted down and waited for a while, and suddenly there was a light in front of us. The group of people turned on several flashlights at once, and several beams of light dangled in front of them.

I was in the dark all the time before, but I didn't feel scared, but this time I saw the light and panicked instead. At first, I thought we were exposed, but just as I was about to move, Qin Yiheng held me down and told me to lie down with him. He whispered to me: "The other party didn't intend to turn around. They probably didn't notice us. It's probably because they themselves couldn't go on because they were too dark."

If people are always highly nervous, it is inevitable that they will become soldiers. After I got down on the ground, I found that it was true, and the group of people did not intend to turn around. There was a light in front, and they could be seen clearly. The group of people were dressed in ordinary clothes, and no one could be seen to be special. At this time, the coffin had been placed on the ground, and the lid of the coffin was closed. It was not known whether the person who crawled out of the coffin just now was in the coffin or standing among the crowd.

After watching for two or three minutes, the group of people didn't move at all, they just stooped down and sorted something on the ground from time to time. As for what they were tinkering with, I really couldn't tell.

I wanted to ask Qin Yiheng, so I pointed him with my finger. He made a few gestures at me, but I couldn't understand what he was trying to express. In the end, he pointed his finger to the front helplessly, and he probably let me see it myself.

I just had to wait and see patiently. After watching for two seconds, I suddenly realized. The line of sight was obstructed just now, and I didn't think about it in this direction. Now when those who tidied things stood up, I realized that they were going to lay bricks together! Damn, is a group of workers coming to work overtime in the middle of the night? Is this fucking too dedicated

Not only my eyes, I'm afraid my mouth is wide open. The other party started working surprisingly quickly, and he was busy within a few minutes. This group of people seems to have made an appointment, they work on tiptoe, and handle everything with care. The strangest thing was that they hadn't even heard a word from them, not even a sound like "ah". Seeing that my heart was faintly chilled out.

This group of people has been busy for about ten minutes. It is estimated that they have finished the preparations. A few more people came out to lift the coffin. The people next to them immediately made way for the coffin. After a few steps, he stopped again.

At this time, my sight was blocked, and I couldn't see what was in front of the coffin. From the gap between the coffin and the person, it seemed to be a wall. I was even more puzzled. Looking at this posture, it was a bit like the meaning of a few soldiers carrying a big tree trunk into the city gate in those ancient war movies. Are they trying to knock the wall down? Before I could think about it, the group of people lifted up one end of the coffin, and the other end of the coffin slanted toward the ground. At first I thought they were trying to erect the coffin on the ground, but after looking carefully for a while, I finally realized that there was a big gap one person high in the wall in front of them, and several people worked together to push the coffin into it. Get into that gap and stand in it.