Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

Chapter 51: Retrograde


I was about to pinch again when something hit my shoulder again. This time the impact was stronger than the last time, and it hurt me so much that my arm slid off Qin Yiheng's shoulder.

In a panic, I hurriedly tried to get on it again. As soon as I raised my hand, I felt like my fingertips had touched something. I couldn't describe it specifically, but it was definitely not a hard object. Now I'm completely at a loss, where did Qin Yiheng take me leisurely? Thinking about it, I tentatively stretched out my hand and patted it out, but I didn't touch anything.

I also subconsciously reached out to touch it just now, and then I suddenly remembered that Qin Yiheng had told me not to take my hand away, so I put my hand on it again. As soon as I put my hands on his shoulders, I felt a chill all over, because at that moment, I clearly felt that there were also hands on my shoulders. A chill spread from the neck to the whole body. At this time, at this place, this is definitely not a living person.

I haven't been so scared for a long time, and I wanted to yell instinctively, but I still remembered Qin Yiheng's instructions in my mind. Enduring so much, I had to pinch him hard with my hands, trying to remind him that something was wrong with me. But no matter how hard I tried, he didn't respond. Now I really can't bear it any longer, I'm worried that he's caught in the wrong too, maybe there are hands pinching his neck at this time!

Thinking about it this way, I yelled "Qin Yiheng", and I couldn't care less about it. I opened my eyes directly, wanting to see where I was now. As soon as I opened my eyes, I was completely numb. This shock was still so strong even after I had dealt with so many weird houses, because in my field of vision, there were dozens of black shadows. Some looked like people, while others looked like animals. They all came towards us one by one. Even if we were very close, we could only see a blur. I squinted my eyes and looked to the side of my body, and then I realized why Qin Yiheng was moving forward before turning left and right. At this time, we are walking in the opposite direction, he is hiding from the shadow!

Now my heart is completely cold, and I said that this time I have confessed here, with so much filth, Qin Yiheng must be helpless. Once I lost my hope, I was not afraid anymore. I followed Qin Yiheng, and I was numb to everything in my sight, but the hand on my shoulder was still there. It seemed that the other party was also walking out with the same rhythm.

Originally, I had already given up struggling, and if I went on like this, I would probably go directly to the Palace of the King of Hades. Suddenly, Qin Yiheng let out an "Ouch", and as soon as he said that, all the black shadows around him disappeared, and I couldn't even feel the hand on my shoulder.

After Qin Yiheng yelled, he sat down on the ground, turned his face and cursed: "Damn, I told you, why didn't you listen? If it wasn't dawn, you really killed me this time! "

He scolded and scolded, but I was not angry at all when I heard it, and I was still happy in my heart. The feeling of killing my life almost made me cry.

I looked up and saw that the sun hadn't seen it yet, but the sky had turned a little pale.

I had been tense just now, but now I felt weak as soon as I relaxed. I slumped on the ground and asked Qin Yiheng why he didn't answer just now.

Qin Yiheng didn't answer, and first "poohed" to the ground a few times, his expression was quite painful. He has sheep dung balls again? Before I could ask, he continued to curse: "I've been fucking desperate to hold the 'salt wax' in my mouth, and I have to protect the candle wick with both hands, can't you let me save myself? "After finishing speaking, he "bah" a few more mouthfuls, probably because there are still a lot of candle crumbs in his mouth.

I quickly got him a bottle of water from my bag. He waved his hand at me, lit a cigarette, and continued, "I've already told you about this ghost gate last time, so you don't need to review it anymore? The behavior of this group of people is so weird that even I was fooled. Until I It was only when they found out that what they threw in the end was a funeral pot that they finally understood.

"This funeral pot is also called the Yin-Yang pot. It is used to burn paper money when setting up a coffin to keep the spirit. Before the funeral, the eldest son or grandson should smash it into pieces. In folk customs, this represents the pot of the dead. The more broken it is, the more dead the dead will be." It is easy to carry, and you can continue to live with a pot on the other side of the underworld. However, there is a saying in alchemy that this is an object used by the deceased to collect Yin money from his family. To put it bluntly, it is similar to his own mailbox. If it is broken, not only the dead person in the underworld will lose the incense in the future, but also the family members in the yangworld will have disasters and bloody disasters. Therefore, this kind of mourning basin is made of pottery or earthenware, because these two materials are fragile and scary. It's just that when the time comes, a miss can't break it, and it will cause trouble for the upper body.

"However, this group of people did the opposite. After the funeral process was completed, they buried the coffin and then dropped the basin, which was tantamount to reversing the entire funeral ceremony. In this way, they should have followed the funeral procession. The lonely ghosts who received money were all tricked into waiting for this group of people to send money! And there must be objects or corpses of some kind hidden in that coffin. Buried in such a feng shui eye, it is equivalent to turning the whole area Wild ghosts for several kilometers are attracted here, and this place has been turned into a bureau. When all the projects are completed, this commercial building will definitely lose its fortune, but other buildings will prosper. Such a big bureau , People who don't have a little bit of Taoism can't think of it at all.

"The background of this developer must be very deep, and every step is in their plan. Didn't we see that they fiddled with something before they left? Looking at it now, they must have tampered with the inside of their shoes, because I haven't seen it with my own eyes, so I can't say for sure, but it must have been used to ward off evil spirits on the insoles or shoelaces, so that they will not be afraid of running into evil spirits when they walk. We can also use this method, In fact, you can just put the shoes on backwards, but I was worried that it would be inconvenient to move, so I had to use this 'salt wax' to open the way, but luckily I walked out."

After Qin Yiheng talked so much, he could hear that he was very tired. I also inadvertently noticed just now that the palms of his palms were already blistered, probably because he was too close to the flame while protecting the candle wick and got burned. I was very guilty, looked back, closed my eyes and didn't feel how far I had gone, and the commercial building was already far away.

It was already dawn, and my heart completely calmed down. I lit a cigarette, and then suddenly remembered that there was a hand on my shoulder just now, and I hurriedly reported it to Qin Yiheng. Qin Yiheng shook his head and said that it was not a serious problem. Many people know that there are three fires on the body, and there are two on the shoulders. It is estimated that some of those things are particularly obsessed with life. They took the opportunity to want to get on me. Fortunately, it was dawn It's time to go back and bask in the sun and you'll be fine.

The two of us worked all night, and our backs ached from exhaustion. After resting in place for a long time, we barely stood up and returned. Qin Yiheng walked all the way and cleared his throat and spit. I handed him water, but he still didn't answer it. When I asked why, he told me that the "salt wax" in his mouth was not an ordinary candle.

The so-called "salt wax" is not a candle soaked in salt water or salt grains, but is mixed with cow semen when it is made. After the candle is made, its appearance is the same as that of ordinary white wax. The only way to distinguish it is to touch it lightly with the tip of your tongue. A knowledgeable person can feel that the candle has a faint salty smell, so it is called "salt wax". This "salt wax" has the effect of exorcising evil spirits and warding off ghosts. In ancient times, many metaphysical scholars would take one with them when they traveled far away, just in case they stayed in barren mountains, wild temples or Yizhuang, it can be regarded as a general purpose for self-defense and lighting. s things. Candles were also considered a luxury in ancient times, and ordinary people could not afford to light them at home, not to mention this kind of "salt wax", which many warlocks carried with them all their lives, and they were never willing to use it until their death. His root was left by someone earlier, but he didn't expect it to come in handy today.

Now I understand why he keeps spitting. Even if the "salt wax" tastes nothing unusual, it's not a good psychological test. It's really a bit heavy.

Seeing Qin Yiheng's current behavior, I wanted to laugh inexplicably, but I didn't dare to show it too obviously, so I could only grit my teeth and hold back, which made me choke. Fortunately, he was walking in front of me at this time and couldn't see my expression. I imagined the smell of that candle in my head, and couldn't help but spit twice.

We didn't go back the same way, but walked out of the entire real estate first, circled a big circle from the outside, and returned to the gate of the first phase.

The third phase is indeed deserted. We walked a long way to get a taxi. When we got back to the starting point and got into our own car, it was almost ten o'clock in the morning. I was so sleepy, Qin Yiheng originally said to eat something to cushion his stomach, but I refused, and asked him to take me back to the hotel. Unexpectedly, when I went to bed, I couldn't fall asleep. All I could think about was what I had just experienced. I thought to myself, the time and coordinates in the ancestral hall looked like they were talking about what happened last night, but who wrote it down? We followed it all the way, but we didn't see anyone else. Could it be written by the people who carried the coffin? But why are they writing this out