Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

Chapter 60: Shoes outside the door


I have been in the industry for so long, and I have seen too many similar things, big and small, but every time I see them, I still feel that this is a consideration of people's psychological quality. Seeing traces left in the tangible world is really indescribable panic. This panic comes from your uncertainty about the known world.

However, in life, making money is the kingly way, and you can't be hungry if you think so much. We left the house and went straight to the best restaurant in the city. Anyway, even if the contract has not been signed, the money is already in his pocket. After Hu Chihai had a drink, we asked Xu Chuanxiang to sign the contract in the afternoon.

The contract was signed very smoothly, and Xu Chuanxiang had settled his mind, so he invited us with bloodletting at night. Xu Chuanxiang drank a bit too much during this meal, and he wanted to introduce us a business, so I just pretended to be a perfunctory drink and said that I would wait for his news. Unexpectedly, before Qin Yiheng and I returned the next day, Xu Chuanxiang called and said that there was still a house. If you are interested, you can go and see it with him in the afternoon.

According to Xu Chuanxiang, this house was also collected by him when he speculated on haunted houses before. At that time, the house had just finished work, and the price was not high. But he looked at the house at the time, and couldn’t find an effective way to deal with it. In the end, the business failed. This house has not been sold so far, and the price is still lower than before. If we can continue, the profit should be good, and this house is also in this city, the distance is very short, and it is very convenient to come and go. If we can solve it, it won't even take us much time. The only thing is that he can get a little introduction fee after the hope is done.

Xu Chuanxiang's proposal really moved me. In fact, there is nothing serious to do when I go back now. Qin Yiheng and I have hired people to take care of our small business, and we just sat down to discuss the matter of Hongda Group when we went back.

To be honest, I instinctively resisted going back, and I don't know why, but I always feel that I have a headache when I talk about the series of things before. So, I immediately discussed with Qin Yiheng, expressed my attitude, and said that since I am here, I will earn the money I can earn along with it.

He didn't object, nodded, and asked me to make an appointment with Xu Chuanxiang on the phone.

The two cleaned up, had lunch, and went to see Xu Chuanxiang in the afternoon. The three of them got into the car without much delay, and went straight to the house.

On the way, Xu Chuanxiang gave an overview of the situation in the house. This house was built three or four years ago. At that time, it was considered a very expensive building in the city. It was all about 20 storeys high-rise. The house where the accident happened was on the 14th floor. The wedding room, after getting married and renovating it, within a few days of moving in, something happened at home, and the hostess committed suicide by swallowing sleeping pills inside. Not long after the two got married, the woman committed suicide, which obviously made people feel strange, so this incident was widely spread in this area at that time. Everyone was guessing why the woman chose to commit suicide. Most people said that it was the woman who discovered the man. Having an affair, I couldn't think about it for a while, so I committed suicide.

However, this is just echoing what others say, and I am afraid that the specific reason can only be asked by the deceased. When Xu Chuanxiang looked at this house, he managed to get something out of the family.

According to what the family said, it seems that after the two got married, the man found out that the woman was not a virgin or had a miscarriage. Anyway, similar to these situations, the man collapsed. The two quarreled almost every day because of this, and the man was angry. , simply moved to a friend's house, at this time, the woman chose to commit suicide.

Although the person who died was his wife, after all, the young couple was in a state of cold war before the death. I don't know if this man is guilty, afraid of getting emotional, or is afraid of this haunted house. In short, this man didn't dare to come back to live in for several months, and listed the house in the intermediary, hoping to sell it. Reluctantly, the house had been placed on the order for several months, but no one dared to pay any attention.

However, after a long time, the man didn't have so much resistance to the house, and finally moved back to live by himself. In order to gain popularity, he also brought his parents and his cousin who was looking for a job in this city to live together.

However, not long after the family moved back, strange things began to happen in the house.

At first, they didn't associate it with the theory of ghosts and gods, because this so-called strange thing is just that their family often loses shoes for no reason.

The habit of this family is to put a shoe rack in the corridor outside the door. Before entering the door, take off all the shoes worn outside, put them on the shoe rack, and change into slippers directly from the door to enter the house. Also avoid bringing dust into the house.

When the family went out to put on shoes the next day, they found that the shoes on the shoe rack were missing, and they were thrown one by one, not in pairs. The family didn't pay much attention to it at first, thinking it was just a prank played by children on a certain floor. At that time, they searched floor by floor, but they couldn't find it.

This neighborhood is relatively high-end, and people living in it are not short of money, and there are people patrolling and cleaning the corridors on time every day, so the possibility of being stolen is relatively small. Walk with one shoe.

The family had no choice but to make up for it and put the shoe rack in the house. This time the shoes were not lost, but after that, something even weirder happened.

Every morning when the family opened the door, they would pick up shoes in front of their house every now and then. The shoes were all old, not the ones they had lost before, and they didn't appear in pairs, they were all one. One was placed next to the door.

At first, the family thought it was a new trick of the person who stole their shoes before, so they went door to door and asked about the shoes. Unexpectedly, no one claimed them.

Now the family really started to get scared. The old couple moved back to their own house first, and the host also found a place outside. Only the cousin of the host was left. move away.

Although there have been deaths in this house, and some unexplainable strange things have happened, but there has never been anything that endangers people's safety. Therefore, this cousin lived in fear at the beginning, but after a week of persistence, he also Seeing nothing else happening, he settled down in peace.

The male owner who moved out saw that his cousin was safe and sound living alone, and hesitated to move back. After all, renting a house outside is also a big expense. However, before he could move, the cousin committed suicide in the house, and it is said that he also took an overdose of sleeping pills. This has to be said to be a very weird coincidence, and the most frightening thing is that the male host was the first to discover the cousin's body. At that time, my cousin did not wear a shoe on one foot, and that shoe was actually placed at the door of the house.

Now the matter of this house has exploded among the residents of the community, and it is clear that it is a murder of a wronged soul.

The house could not be sold in the first place, and it is even more impossible to sell it now, so it has been put on hold until now.

Xu Chuanxiang's narration was clear and coherent, as expected of someone who had bluffed and deceived earlier.

However, I was confused when I heard that the shoes were placed by the door every day. Is there something to say

I remember listening to old people talk a few times before, saying that shoes, because they have been grounded for many years, have a lot of yin, and the soles of the feet are originally the parts with light yang and are easy to be invaded, so they are still I can see that many old people don’t use the insoles in the shoes when they buy new shoes. They have to change in the insoles they prepared themselves to wear with peace of mind.

Thinking about it this way, I thought to myself, could the mystery be on the insole? The family must have never paid attention to the inside of the shoes, maybe they overlooked something.

I glanced at Qin Yiheng, and he seemed to be thinking about it, so I told him my guess and discussed it with him. He listened, thought for a while, and said what to say now can only be guesswork, or wait until he sees the house for himself.

However, judging from what Xu Chuanxiang said, that cousin really died strangely.

Originally, according to what Xu Chuanxiang said, we only had a 20-minute drive to the house, but there happened to be a big traffic jam on the way, and it took us an hour to get there.

The owner of the property right is the male owner, who has been waiting downstairs for a long time. He didn't say hello or even shake hands when we met, so he took us upstairs, opened the door, and gave us a brief introduction. Once again, it is said to find another place to negotiate the price.

The decoration of the house is not bad, and because the family has not lived in it for a long time, it looks like a new house at first glance. The house is about 130 square meters. It is a standard three-bedroom house. It is very similar to the house I live in now. From the window, the surrounding environment is also good, and the potential for appreciation is great.

I was tempted when I saw it, but I can't have any joy on my face, at least I have to wait for Qin Yiheng to pass my eyes.

I winked at Qin Yiheng, and then dragged the host into the corridor to bargain.

I did some preparatory work before coming here, and I still have some understanding of the market price of this community.

The host quoted a price, which was slightly higher than I expected, but within my acceptable range. Now, as long as Qin Yiheng finished looking at the house and said ok, seeing the anxious look of the property owner, I am afraid that the contract can be signed directly.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Qin Yiheng came out.

I saw that his expression was quite calm, and I knew that there might not be a big problem with the house, so I made a wink to confirm with him.

He didn't respond to me, but just asked the property owner abruptly: "The shoes outside the door at that time, did the toes of the shoes face the door or the corridor?"

The property owner was taken aback by the question, thought for a while, and told Qin Yiheng that no one paid attention to such details at the time, and it had been such a long time that he couldn't remember it long ago.

Qin Yiheng listened, nodded, and then asked him: "Did you notice anything on the soles of those shoes, that is, it looks like you stepped on something?"

The proprietor still shook his head.

Qin Yiheng's words made my heart go cold. Judging from this posture, it seems that it is still a bit tricky.

However, I couldn't get in my mouth right now, so I lit a cigarette and took a look in the corridor.

There are four families on this floor, and there are two on each side of the elevator. The corridors are quite clean, and the floor tiles are so polished that they reflect light. The doors of the four families are all the original doors of the real estate, and they all look the same, and they don't know what kind of people they live in.

I took a look, and suddenly remembered the fairy tales I read when I was a child. It was said that a group of thieves would leave a mark on the door of the house they wanted to rob the next day in the middle of the night, so that they could be easily searched at dawn.

I thought to myself, if I associate it like this, would the shoes also have a similar function, used to guide some kind of filth