Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

Chapter 63: The old love is gone


I turned my neck and asked Qin Yiheng, but he just pursed his lips and asked me to stand up. After speaking, he went to open the door of the house on his own.

Qin Yiheng walked in and walked around the living room for a long time, looking left and right as if he was looking for something.

Finally, he stopped under the lamp in the living room, stepped on the folding chair, stood up and touched the lampshade, touched it a few times, shook his head and got down, and went to another room.

I was so helpless by him, I had no choice but to stand up and follow in.

I saw Qin Yiheng standing under the lamp in the master bedroom again, still stepping on the folding chair to feel around under the lampshade.

Although the furniture in this house has been evacuated, the lighting is still left over from before, and they all look like high-end goods. I wondered, did he fall in love with this lamp and was going to take it apart and take it back

After looking up for a while, I didn't feel like it, so I had to ask him. He said "hmm" and told me to hold on to the chair. I reached out and pressed the folding chair, and he exerted force on it, as if he was pulling something.

After a while, he came down from the top, holding a few pieces of yellow paper in his hand.

As soon as I saw the yellow paper, I cried out inwardly.

These are obviously talismans. Although Qin Yiheng rarely uses these things, at least I have seen many in movies.

Was the mansion touched by someone before co-authoring it, or was it put on it when Xu Chuanxiang first came to see the mansion

Asking about Qin Yiheng, he took these yellow papers and thought for a while, and said, "I have figured out this house now, but to confirm, we have to go out and take a look around."

He is still trying to keep things secret as usual, but I am not so blocked in my heart.

Since he said that he had already figured out the reason, the house was basically taken down. If there is money to be made, people will naturally be in a good mood.

I followed Qin Yiheng out the door, entered the elevator and went downstairs, and finally stopped outside the community.

Qin Yiheng inquired with the security guard and asked if there was a waste recycling station or a garbage disposal center nearby. Not to mention that he really asked him, the security guard told us that just walking east in the community, there is a big waste recycling station.

After asking about the location, we didn't delay, so we directly hailed a taxi and went straight to the recycling station.

On the way, I saw Qin Yiheng's expression was always gloomy, and I was still a little worried. According to the current situation, the source of those shoes is probably this waste recycling bin. However, how could they run to the door of that house for no reason

Moreover, I saw that his expression didn't look like he was happy after making money, why did he look like he lost money

I couldn't help it anymore, and asked him what was going on, and whether the house could be taken down.

Qin Yiheng still didn't explain, just nodded, and told me that the house problem is easy to solve, just prepare the contract later.

His virtue is really lacking, but after all I got used to it, so I just kept my mouth shut.

The waste recycling station was farther than what the security guard said, and I don't know if the taxi driver took us around. Anyway, it took more than ten minutes to get there.

After opening the door and getting off the car, Qin Yiheng walked straight in. This waste recycling station was opened in another relatively old community. It was not a store, but a yard surrounded by red bricks in a corner of the community, and a small house was built in the yard.

At this time, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. Although the light was on in the small room, the waste recycling station had already closed. Qin Yiheng yelled a few times, but no one agreed at first, but the dog tied up in the corner of the yard barked first. After the dog barked for a while, an old man came out of the small room.

Qin Yiheng didn't even exchange greetings with them, he went up and asked the old man if his family had died a dog this year.

The old man was taken aback by the question, at first he thought it was because his dog wasn't tied properly and something was wrong, so he quickly shook his head and said no.

Seeing this, Qin Yiheng persuaded the old man a few words, saying that we are not here to make trouble. The old man narrowed his eyes and nodded, telling us that a dog did die, but it was two years ago. That dog is the cub that my family raises now, and the rest were given away. Only the puppy was closer to me at that time, so I stayed. Unexpectedly, after a few months of raising, the dog turned out to be He sneaked out to play by himself and was run over by a car.

Qin Yiheng nodded after listening, as if he was satisfied with the old man's answer, then took out a hundred dollars from his wallet and stuffed it to the old man. At first, the old man didn't dare to ask for it, and after many excuses, he finally accepted it.

I was bewildered by the side, how could this be condolences to the widowed and lonely elderly

But I can't ask questions in front of the old man, so I can only wait patiently until Qin Yiheng finishes talking with the old man, and then ask him on the return journey, why does this house have something to do with the dog

Only then did he answer me, because the filth had touched my shoe, so he used my shoe as an introduction to see what kind of thing it was, but the result was quite unexpected. The mark I saw in the corridor before was the mark of a dog's paw. This is why there is only one shoe every time it comes and goes, because the dog has no hands and can only hold it with its mouth, so it can only carry one shoe.

When Qin Yiheng said this, I recalled the incense ash pattern, not to mention, it really looks like a dog paw print, but I don't have the habit of keeping pets, so it's hard to think of it here. It seems that I guessed it right, the shoes in front of the house really came out of this waste recycling station.

Qin Yiheng rolled the window of the car, lit a cigarette, and continued, the dog's paw print is actually impossible to find, even with alchemy. The reason why we can see it now is because he put "shaped thorns" in the shoes in advance, and these "shaped thorns" are also things to ward off evil spirits.

Although this dog is not a ghost, it is still a filth, so when the dog's soul picks up the shoe, it will naturally feel that the shoe is extremely heavy, and the imprint of the paw will be left behind.

That's why the shoes were not taken away, but moved only a short distance and left in the middle of the corridor.

That's because the dog's soul couldn't take it anymore, so it had to let go.

And judging from the current situation, it would be fine if the "stinger" was accidentally picked up by the cleaning or the residents on the same floor, otherwise the dog's soul might have been gone, and the "stinger" , is its last grave.

After finishing speaking, Qin Yiheng took a deep puff of cigarette, pretending to be quite melancholy.

I don't understand what I heard, although what he said is clear enough, but why does this dog go to this house to pick up shoes for no reason? Would rather the ghost linger and not go to reincarnation, but insist on doing this

I said to myself, there is still the soul of that dog's mate in this place? Is it because of love, so there will be no vicissitudes? But I haven't heard from this family that they have raised dogs before.

I threw the question to Qin Yiheng and waited for him to give me an answer.

But he took a long breath and said, "If my guess is correct, then your guess is a little bit right."

While we were talking, we returned to the community, got out of the car, and Qin Yiheng took me to the gate of the house again.

After standing still, he looked around, took out the yellow talisman in his hand and told me: "This talisman is the most common type in Taoism, and it is widely used. It is the most common town house talisman. People can write, so even if it is not popular in many places to use Daofu to house houses, they will still be seen often.

"In fact, this talisman also has a certain effect. It can lock the house, keep the family safe and healthy, and the people will not be separated.

"But one thing needs to be noted. Although this Taoist talisman is also called the town house talisman, it is not used to drive away evil spirits. This 'town' may be more appropriate as a 'pillow', because it can only keep the house The air pressure of the person is so that it will not disperse. The most important point is that this kind of Taoist talisman can only be pasted in the house with earth atmosphere, that is, standing in the house with the soles of the feet sticking to the ground. Even if It is a building, and this kind of Taoist talisman can only be used in the room on the first floor. This is the case that the total floor of the building cannot be too high. The first floor of such a high-rise building cannot be pasted.

"A lot of people today are superstitious, listening to the wind is the rain, and blindly following the wind to apply this kind of thing, but it is easy to bring disasters to themselves. Take this Taoist talisman as an example, many people who don't know what it means just stick it in their homes. If the conditions mentioned above are not met, then this talisman will bring many bad effects. The most obvious one is that it is easy to cause depression. If the person is a person whose mood is not easy to stabilize, use The jargon is hysterical, so basically I didn't run away.

"This talisman is not grounded. It is placed on a high place, and it is an invisible mountain. The higher the floor, the more powerful this thing is. The mistress of this family committed suicide, and it must have been affected by this, plus that period of time. I quarreled with my husband, became depressed and unable to extricate myself, and finally committed suicide. This family member presumably posted this talisman on it, but it turned out to be self-defeating and hurt myself. This is not uncommon in the industry."

After finishing speaking, Qin Yiheng handed me the Dao Talisman. I held it in my hand and looked at it, and it was no different from a ghost painting talisman, but there were a few scattered brush characters on it, but I couldn't make out a single word.

I scratched my head and thought about it. I understand Qin Yiheng's meaning very well. This talisman was pasted by their family members themselves, which caused the hostess to commit suicide because of depression. But what does this have to do with dogs? Besides, someone died in the house. The cousin of the host also committed suicide. Could it be because of this talisman that he was so depressed that he couldn't think about it

I asked Qin Yiheng, and he nodded and said, "People can't be resurrected after death. We can only deduce from the clues we know now. Ninety percent of the host's cousin died because of this talisman." We don’t know exactly which day he died, but we can guess that those days were very cloudy. It is said that the cloudy air is heavy, and the pressure of the talisman goes downward, and it can only be squeezed on people in the end. Associating, it may have something to do with the oppression of the human spirit; in metaphysics, this is called a catastrophe. And the dog's soul... "

When Qin Yiheng said this, he paused for a moment, looking at his posture, it seemed that he was still a little bit embarrassed.

He's going to make me anxious like this, but when it comes to this point, I don't need to rush him anymore. I lit a cigarette and waited patiently for him to organize his words.

He let out an "ah" and continued: "This dog actually has a very simple purpose. It doesn't have any evil purpose to pick up the shoes or steal them away. We have been habitually associating before that every filth is Li Gui, they are all here to hurt people, so they ignored such a simple clue. The shoes are worn on the feet, and the feet are used to walk, so this dog has been reminding the house in its own way The people in the house, leave the house. Presumably it knew there was a problem with the house before, so it desperately wanted to save the people in the house."

This is really surprising. Even if a dog is a spiritual thing, with a pair of eyes that can see Yin and Yang, it is not so spiritual. So, after thinking about it carefully, he felt that there was only one possibility. This dog was the dead mistress of the previous house.

It might really have something to do with love. Even if a person is dead, he still cares about his husband in Yangjian, and cannot bear him to repeat the same mistakes. And because she took her own life, although she was lucky enough not to turn into a ghost, she couldn't be reincarnated safely, so she could only wander around the house, looking for a way.

It was also a coincidence that she caught up with the cub of the bitch at the waste recycling station, and because the puppy was just born and her soul had not yet filled her body, she took the opportunity to occupy the puppy's body, and wanted to come back to remind her family in this way.

But there is a definite number in the dark, even if it is attached to the dog, it still cannot avoid another death. Presumably this is not an accident, but a mistake.

Her belief is very tenacious, and she doesn't know if it is the power of love, or if this is her only belief before death, so she instinctively wants to complete it after death. Anyway, after she died, she tried to warn her family over and over again, but the warnings were not successful, but she scared people away and became a haunted legend.

That cousin left a shoe at the door before he died, which was probably her last effort. It is said that the spirit body moves the entity, and it is also divided into grades and grades according to resentment. Some ghosts can even push cars, but like her, holding shoes is already the limit.

After listening to Qin Yiheng's analysis, I also sighed.

To be honest, although I have always heard him talk about the cause and effect of the house before, I have never heard him talk about it in this tone. Even in the ancestral hall, he didn't use this tone.

This passage is still very emotional, not at all like his previous sharp language style, it always sounds a little sensational.

According to what he said, this is really a poignant love story. However, the title of the story is not poignant.

There are so many things in this world that we can't figure out. If everything is really out of kindness or love, then no matter how scary the house is, it won't be scary.

I have known Qin Yiheng for so many years, but I understand why he is so moved. It may be that he has been influenced since childhood. Most of them are ghosts and gods. Willing to reincarnate, would rather be a dog but also remind his lover, this really subverts his "professional concept".

I wanted to comfort him a few words, but when I reached the point of my mouth, I realized that I was at a loss for words, so I simply asked him how to deal with the house, and diverted his attention.

Qin Yiheng quickly smiled and told me that the house is not dirty after all. Although the cousin died here, he did not stay in the house. Paste a layer of red paper on the gate, let it go for a few days, and the house will be safe. Now that the town house talisman has been uncovered, the hostess has fulfilled her wish, and she will never come again.