Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

Chapter 77: Messy teeth


Thinking of this, I couldn't stay any longer, so I hurried to ask Qin Yiheng for verification.

He kept staring at the thing on the top of the umbrella, I patted him, he came back to his senses, listened to me, hehe, and told me: "Umbrellas indoors will not attract ghosts, but there are many folk ghosts. It is said that children who hold umbrellas indoors will not grow tall; women who hold umbrellas indoors will leak at home; and men who hold umbrellas indoors will become bald."

Of course, these are just some folk sayings, and no one can verify whether there will be such consequences. However, as far as his experience is concerned, it cannot be taken seriously. The so-called opening an umbrella indoors will attract ghosts, but there is no necessary connection between the two. The reason for this saying is that ghosts usually like corners or shady places, and when people hold umbrellas indoors, the yang energy of people under the umbrella will be covered. If there are ghosts in the house, they are usually lonely people passing by. Souls and ghosts, when people themselves catch up with frailty or low yang energy, it is easy to see filth, so there are such misinformation among the people.

This umbrella has been a very cloudy object since ancient times. There is a custom in many places that the umbrella cannot be kept at home for a year. It must be taken out on a sunny day in the middle of the year to dry it. I am afraid that there will be some filth hidden in the umbrella, which will bring disaster to the family after a long time. This is called "drying basket" in alchemy. Simply put, it is to take out many things like umbrellas in the house that do not see the sun all year round. Let it dry. In the early days, when the deceased died in some places, even if it was not raining, a relative of the deceased would be specially selected to put a black umbrella on the head of the corpse on the coffin, and they would accompany the funeral procession all the way to the burial. The place. It is said that this is to help the deceased block the sun, so that the soul of the deceased can not be blinded, and then take a good look at the world. Because the corpses put into the coffin are all lying down, with their eyes facing the sun. After cremation was implemented, there was no chance to apply it gradually, and no one knows about it until now.

Although Qin Yiheng spoke clearly, I still felt confused after listening to it. What is the meaning of this umbrella? When I asked again, he waved his hand and reached out to touch the inner top of the umbrella. He held the umbrella down so low that I couldn't see what he was trying to touch, but I could guess that he was trying to peel off the sticky thing inside the umbrella.

Sure enough, after tinkering with it a few times, he took out the piece and put it in his hand for a closer look. I looked down and saw that it was really a piece of adhesive plaster, but there was something stuck on the other side of the adhesive plaster. When I took a closer look, I shivered. It turned out to be a human back molar, which was obviously glued to the umbrella with adhesive plaster.

What does it mean? This tooth is obviously an adult tooth, not like a baby tooth replaced by a child. Besides, even if it is a deciduous tooth, I have heard that the lower teeth of the replaced deciduous teeth are thrown up and the upper teeth are buried. It is said that after doing this, the child will not grow into buck teeth, and I have never heard of sticking the teeth to the umbrella. above!

Thinking about it, I also reached out and peeled off the sticking plaster inside my umbrella. The back of my piece is also a back molar. I looked at Qin Yiheng, he was also looking at that tooth wondering. After a while, he suddenly said "ah" and shouted, "Look for it! Find it quickly! There are tooth marks in this house!"

When he yelled, it startled me. At first I didn't hear clearly, I thought something had come into the room, so I quickly turned around and looked around, but I didn't see anything. Looking back, Qin Yiheng was already running around the room quickly, and after walking a few steps, he bent down, as if he was looking for something.

I followed and found him checking the furniture in the house. He looked at each piece very carefully, not letting go of every corner and corner. After watching one piece, he quickly went to another one, as if he was in a hurry.

I asked him what it was for, and he pointed to the furniture on the other side of the room and told me to check it out, "If you find any special scratch marks on the furniture, especially teeth marks, please tell me immediately."

I was made quite helpless, cooperating with the rats in this house, would they chew on the furniture? But why are you so nervous? Or is it that the tooth marks he was looking for were human? This is not a fucking mental hospital, who is fine to grind their teeth on the furniture at home, want to ask more clearly, but Qin Yiheng keeps urging me. I had no choice but to follow his example and bent down, looking at each piece of furniture.

The age of these furniture does not seem to be very long, maybe it is well maintained, anyway, I have not studied the antique wooden furniture, so I can't tell whether it is good or bad. There are some small bump marks on it, but they are not obvious. I will report them to Qin Yiheng truthfully. He came over and took a look, then shook his head and told me to keep looking.

The two of them searched like this for more than ten minutes. I was terribly tired, not because I was tired from looking at the furniture, but because I kept holding the umbrella in my hand, and my arms were already a little numb. The furniture in the living room was checked by both of us, but we couldn't find any teeth marks. Qin Yiheng was not reconciled, so he said that he would go to another room separately, and then went into another room.

To be honest, if I were to look for it alone, I would still be a little confused. Originally, the house was very evil, and with such a large area, there was no time to take care of each other if something happened. I chose Qin Yiheng's room next door to check. This house is not big, judging by the decoration, it should be a tea room, which really suits the old man's hobby. I searched around, and found that there were not many pieces of furniture in the room itself, but it was easy to see. I didn't find any teeth marks, and I didn't even find any traces of bumps.

Just as I was about to go to another room to see, I heard Qin Yiheng cough a few times. It's just the two of us in the house, and when it's late at night, his coughing sounds very loud. I also wanted to care about him, but before I opened my mouth, I heard him say "ah", as if surprised, and then there was no movement.

I pricked up my ears and listened for a few seconds, but there was no sound from him at all. I stood in the same place and was very conflicted. I was afraid that something would happen to him, and I was also worried about rushing over blindly. The two of them talked together and called his name. Come answer me.

Hearing his response made me feel uneasy. Ordinarily, although the lifting of the foot is a small movement, it doesn't take much effort to open the mouth. Could it be that something happened to him and he can't make a sound

I suddenly realized that the movement on his side just now should not be the tip of his shoe hitting the floor.

This time we came out and he was wearing a pair of New Balance jogging shoes. I also have several pairs of that kind of shoes. The soles are very soft. Although they can make a movement when they hit the floor, they won't make the loud noise just now. I get it, that seems to have poked the floor with the tip of the umbrella. Damn, didn't that person tell you that you must wear an umbrella in the house? Qin Yiheng put away the umbrella

I couldn't wait any longer, so I ran to the door of his room and saw him standing by the wall, looking at something, so I felt relieved and went in to see what he was doing.

Qin Yiheng's umbrella has been put away and put aside. I saw that he was engrossed in watching, so I didn't take a picture of him. I stood behind and watched with him. This house should have been a study room before, and one wall in the house was a bookshelf that was pulled out directly from the wall, but there was not a single book on the bookshelf, and there was a lot of dust on it.

Qin Yiheng guessed that when he checked just now, he blew through the dust with his mouth, and he coughed only when he choked.

I searched with my eyes, but there was nothing there. Seeing that he had put away the umbrella, there was probably no danger, so I put the umbrella down too, lit a cigarette, and asked him if he had found the tooth marks.

He turned his head, said "um", pointed to the bookcase, and moved the place out of the way for me to see it myself. I looked over, and still didn't see any teeth marks, but the place he was pointing at had been cleaned of dust, it looked like he had just written on the dust with his fingers.

I got closer and saw that it was written in four traditional Chinese characters, "One Household of the People", which sounded a bit like a Japanese name. I was very surprised, so I asked him what he meant by writing this.

Qin Yiheng shook his head, lit a cigarette, and said, "I didn't write this word, I just traced it with my finger just now. These imprints were originally on the bookshelf, and it seems that there should be something placed here before. , it was taken away after being placed for a long time, so the dust here is lighter than other places.”

I tried to imagine what it was in my heart, and I estimated that it should be a decoration similar to carvings based on calligraphy characters, and it should not be worth much. Otherwise, it wouldn't be possible to put this thing here, and it wouldn't be remembered to take it away until the surrounding area was covered with ashes.

I asked Qin Yiheng, I was looking for tooth marks just now, why can't I get along with this thing now, what about the tooth marks that were agreed

He said: "There is something wrong with this thing." After speaking, he asked me to stretch out my hand and wrote a word on the palm of my hand. He wrote this character very slowly, and I watched it with my eyes, so it was easy to tell that what he wrote was a character for "house". After writing, he asked me if I had figured out anything.

I thought for a few seconds before I suddenly realized that "ten thousand people, one household", doesn't this mean the word "house"? Co-authoring these four characters is not a Japanese name, but an anagram? What is the special significance of this

I took a breath and asked Qin Yiheng what this meant. Literally, that old man in the hat is a house slave? Use this thing to remind yourself to pay off the mortgage or something? Or does this thing refer to something else? The word "fang" doesn't refer to the "fang" Wanjin, right

Qin Yiheng looked at the bookshelf thoughtfully, took out his mobile phone and took a picture of those words, then shook his head at me, walked to the door of this study room, stretched out his hand to touch the edge of the door frame a few times, and then As if picking something up from the ground, he walked back and spread out his palm for me to see.

There are two teeth in his palm. However, unlike the ones found on the umbrella before, these two are front teeth. They are estimated to be a certain age. The color of the teeth is very dark. brush teeth.

I didn't dare to pick it up with my hands. Even if this thing is not evil, it still feels a little disgusting to look at. I asked him directly: "Is this thing found on the door frame?"

Qin Yiheng nodded and told me: "This is called 'chaotic teeth'. The so-called chaotic teeth literally means that the teeth are not aligned and crooked, but it also contains a layer of immoral meaning. In metaphysics, chaotic teeth are divided into Two kinds, one grows on women. According to legend, in the old days, after the death of some women who cheated on women, their teeth would be pulled out, tied with threads and hung on the archway in the old street. It is said that doing so can prevent family members from Among the later generations, there are also people who do not obey women's morals. Because of the gravity, no matter how much the teeth hanging on the archway swing, they will eventually fall vertically, which also means "downright".

"Moreover, there are some boudoir secrets that have also been recorded. Hide this kind of messy teeth under the dining table at home, and eat with men who want to seduce, and it will be a matter of course. In many brothels in ancient times, prostitutes for better To attract business, people usually hide a random tooth in their own room. Most of the random teeth are left by the prostitutes in the brothel. Before the prostitute died, they would give the random tooth as a unique gift to others. It can be seen that the random tooth was at that time Prostitutes have high status in their hearts.

"However, no one can say whether the messy teeth are useful or not, because they have already been invited to the boudoir for dinner, and whether they can go to bed or not has nothing to do with the messy teeth."

When Qin Yiheng said this, he paused for a while, stubbed out his cigarette, and continued:

"The second kind of promiscuous teeth grow on men. This kind of promiscuity is not promiscuous, but rebellious. According to legend, this kind of promiscuous teeth can only be found in the mouths of generals who have rebelled. The number of rebellious people There are many, even if there are many generals, there are not many generals, so it is usually difficult to find this kind of disordered teeth, because after the rebellion is suppressed, these generals will not only be executed in a hurry, but the teeth in their mouths will also be killed. They were pulled out one by one, except for the front teeth which were hidden on the gate of the capital city, the rest of the teeth were distributed by postmen to military locations all over the country and buried in the city, but few people knew exactly where they were buried. And the reason for burying the messy teeth is similar to that of women's messy teeth. It is to prevent such things from happening in the future. This is no longer a part of metaphysics and alchemy, but a complete superstition. Only one can be taken. Psychological comfort, otherwise China’s dynasties would not have changed so much.”

When he said this, I became confused. What does this have to do with this house? So he interrupted and asked. Qin Yiheng just laughed, squeezed my two words of IQ not good, and told me that these messy teeth probably did not come from the mouth of the so-called rebel general, but from the mouth of a man who betrayed the old man in the hat! The old man should know that this kind of game is useless, so his purpose is obvious, which is to kill chickens and monkeys.

Qin Yiheng glanced outside the door, as if he was worried about something, his voice lowered, and he probably understood what it meant when he said those umbrellas, they were used to block the light, but the purpose of blocking the light was not because he was afraid of the light, but rather It is to hide the shadow! There are no shadows of people who come to this house!