Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

Chapter 82: bath center


I told Qin Yiheng my guess, and he said that he was not too sure, but judging by the posture, the well should be an ancient well, otherwise it wouldn't be so hard to hide it in the house. I am afraid that when the house was first built, it also had this purpose in it, which was to keep the ancient well as its own and hide it at home. And what is the origin of the ancient well earlier, I am afraid we will not know.

Qin Yiheng's analytical ability is always superior to mine.

I closed my eyes and simply wanted to rest my mind, but there was still a mess in front of me. I patted my face and simply lit a cigarette.

He dropped me off at home and unexpectedly kept sending me back upstairs. I wanted to keep him at home for a meal, but he refused.

When he left, I still felt a little bit emotional, did I hold him back too much for so long

I didn't have any appetite either. I didn't even brush my teeth when I got home, and fell asleep when I went to bed. During this sleep, I dreamed all the time, but luckily I slept until dawn. I got up the next day, ate something casually, asked about the current situation of some small businesses I run, and prepared to go online to pass the time.

After looking online for a while, I suddenly came up with a question.

It was a bit fucking abnormal for Qin Yiheng to send me upstairs yesterday, thinking that he and the old man deliberately memorized the address of the house the day before. Damn, didn't he go by himself

I called Qin Yiheng, and it turned out that the call was transferred.

Now I can't sit still, if he really went through fire and water for me, then I'm too fucking human. I quickly called the old man, but he didn't answer the phone. When the old man called me back, his tone sounded quite surprised. I asked him if it was my friend who told him that he was going to see the house again. The old man gave me an affirmative answer, saying that Qin Yiheng had contacted him last night.

I hung up the phone with mixed feelings. However, I really didn't have time to feel emotional, so I simply cleaned up and set off according to the address given by the old man without stopping.

All the way without words. I have been to that city before, so it is not unfamiliar along the way.

I bought the plane ticket for that afternoon. When I arrived at the place and settled down, I called Qin Yiheng and took a taxi to the house. His phone has never been connected, but this is quite normal, because when the two of us enter the house, the phone is usually in airplane mode, in order to fear that a call will come in at a critical moment, and something will happen again. After all, we went there The house is not a safe place.

It's just that the house surprised me. I didn't look carefully at the contract before. I just knew that the house was very big, covering more than 1,000 square meters. I didn't expect to take a look at the place, but I found out that it was actually a closed bathing center.

I'm not a person who likes romantic places. I used to go to such places just for entertainment, and I haven't been there a few times, so this kind of place is still quite unfamiliar to me.

I looked outside and guessed that this bathing center had been closed for a long time. Not to mention the dilapidated inside, the words on the signboard were almost rotten. Out of professional habits, I looked around and found that the location was not bad, barely considered a commercial street, but I don't know why it was empty for so long and no one took it over. However, the house in the hands of the old man may not be simple, and it should be normal if no one takes it over. Before it was dark, I wanted to go inside the house and take a look.

When I walked to the door, I was a little surprised, because the door was locked and the big lock was very big, so Qin Yiheng should not have arrived yet.

I walked around the building, but there were a few windows that were rotten, and people could climb in if they were not too dirty. Without much hesitation, I turned in.

The inside is even more dilapidated than it looked from the outside before. The dust is thick, there are many footprints on the ground, and there are a few cotton pads in the corner. It is estimated that some homeless people will sleep here at night. Turning around, I found that the layout is no different from the usual bathing center, the hall is not big, except for the men's and women's changing rooms on the first floor, it is the place where male and female guests take a bath. Also out of curiosity, I only went to the female guest's side to have a look. The smell of tide was strong, but I didn't see any water, and it was dark inside, which looked quite creepy, so I didn't stay long, and walked out along the stairs On the second floor. The second floor is nothing special, as can be seen from the decoration, it used to be a rest area, where massages, pedicures, etc. are all available, but there is no reclining chair, and it looks a bit empty. The carpet on the ground has not been removed, and it is soft when walking on it. I was still a little worried. Someone would sneak up on me after a while, but I couldn't even hear the footsteps. There are no windows on the second floor, which is inevitable. This kind of place is usually full of filth and filth. It's just that it affects the sight too much. I found a switch, but there was no response when I pressed it. I could only take out my mobile phone to illuminate it.

I checked it briefly again, but still didn’t find anything. I wanted to go up again. After thinking about it, I still thought it’s okay. Watch, it's getting dark, there might be some danger in this place.

I reckoned that, if nothing else happened, there should be small private rooms one by one above, which is a place for sex trade, and there is nothing to see. Just as I was about to go downstairs, I heard something faintly. At first I thought it was Qin Yiheng who came, but I didn't dare to call him. After listening patiently for a while, I felt something was wrong. Because this movement is very familiar, it seems that some place is rushing water.

Now I dare not move, this place has been abandoned for so long, it stands to reason that the sluice should be closed. Even if the pipe breaks, it won't leak. I thought to myself, someone opened the water gate to take a bath? Just as I was thinking, I heard another clacking sound. However, the clattering sound this time was not the sound of water, it sounded like someone was shaking the plastic sheet vigorously.

It is obviously not filthy that can make this movement.

I reckoned it might be time, and homeless people began to come here to stay overnight. The plastic sheeting can keep the moisture away and make it cleaner, so I put my heart in my stomach and walked down step by step. I didn't take my steps lightly when I walked. The other party must not have guessed that there was someone in here. It was getting dark, and I was afraid that I would scare someone if I appeared out of the blue.

When I went downstairs, I looked around, but found no one. The footprints on the ground itself are very messy, and it is impossible to tell if anyone has come in again. I thought about it, and decided it was better to go out, so I didn't go into the bathroom. Since no one saw me, I saved myself from doing so much, so I turned out the original window and patted the dirt on my body.

I found a nearby restaurant for dinner, and came here in a hurry, I was really hungry, and if it wasn't far from here, I might run into Qin Yiheng. After eating something briefly, I called Qin Yiheng again, but I still couldn't get through. In this way, I can only go back to the hotel, after all, I can't stay here all the time. When checking out, I asked the proprietress if she knew why the bath center was closed. Unexpectedly, this inquiry also let me know a lot of things.

The proprietress said that the bathing center was very prosperous earlier, and the boss had a backstage. The place was very stable and made a lot of money in several anti-vice operations. But the good times didn't last long, and then one fall, a fire broke out inside and four people died, and it was even on the news at that time. It is said that a lady inside was infected with AIDS by a regular customer and felt that she could not survive. When the regular customer came again, she used a cupping alcohol lamp to light up the private room on the third floor. In addition to her and the guest, two people next door were also implicated and burned to death. The fire was not small, and it was lucky to burn four people to death. After that, the original boss didn't know if he was implicated because of this incident, and the higher-ups began to investigate him, anyway, he just went out of business and quit. Later, another boss came to take over. It is estimated that there is also a backstage. After the decoration, he still wants to continue to dry bath.

But this boss didn't work for long, and it was rumored that there was a ghost here. There are various rumors about how it happened. What the proprietress heard was that human-shaped black marks would always appear on the wall for no reason, as if someone had soot all over their body and threw themselves on the wall. At first, the people inside didn't pay much attention to it, but later they gradually discovered that there were also such black marks on the roof and the sheets of the massage table. Originally, people were burnt to death here, and it has long been known in this city, but this time there are so many black marks, although I have never heard of anyone being injured, it is still quite scary. In this way, gradually no one dared to come.

Therefore, the boss specially asked someone to do a ritual ceremony. At that time, there was quite a commotion. Many people were invited to set up a stage to sing, burn paper and burn incense. Finally, he specially got a big anchor to go in. where is it.

But after working for a long time, the black marks still appeared as usual. In the end, the boss had no choice but to suspend his business. He didn't know whether the building was sold or not. Anyway, it has been vacant since then. It is estimated that the boss did not rely on this business to make money.

The proprietress is from the Northeast, and she speaks vividly, which is quite interesting to listen to. I thought in my heart that I sold it to Yuan Zhen after I co-authored it with that boss? Then Yuan Zhen sold the house to that old man again, or is Yuan Zhen himself the boss? In order to confirm, I told the proprietress about Yuan Zhen's physical characteristics.

The proprietress said that she often saw the boss at the beginning, because he drove an eye-catching sports car when he came in and out, so he was definitely not the person I mentioned, and the age was quite different, the boss was a middle-aged man.

After confirming that it wasn't Yuan Zhen, I felt even more guilty. The price of this house is definitely high, which is why I have been speculating in real estate for so long and rarely involve commercial buildings. First, the funds are limited; second, it is difficult to sell. Because business people are more cautious when buying shops or stores than private houses, and these people believe in Feng Shui metaphysics, so this kind of business is generally difficult to do. This is probably the so-called money not life. However, although this house does not belong to Yuan Zhen, he must have passed through it. And obviously no one would buy such a house for no reason.

Thinking about it this way, I feel that it was too reckless to go in hastily just now, and it is easy to confess inside.

When we came out of the restaurant, it was already dark. This street is quite lively. Although there are not many people walking, there are many vehicles passing by, which makes people feel at ease. Seeing that it was still early, I walked back to the outside of the house, wanting to look around again, even though I couldn't see anything, I was still a little bit unwilling. After just a few steps, I felt something was wrong. Because when I passed by the window I turned in just now, I could clearly see bright light in the bathing center. Although the light source cannot be seen directly, the light is very bright and it is very clear to see.

I was a little surprised, looked at the watch, and felt that the previous analysis was a bit wrong. It's not too late, it's less than eight o'clock in the evening, so it stands to reason that homeless people shouldn't go to bed so early, right

I thought of Qin Yiheng again, could it be him

I called "Qin Yiheng" inside, but no one answered me. However, this is also a normal phenomenon, and I didn't dare to scream too loudly. I braced myself and looked inside, but there was no one there. However, when I listened carefully, I could still vaguely hear footsteps.

I thought about it, and just flipped right in. Those who can light up must not be filthy, and it doesn't matter who they are.

After landing, I looked around and found that the light was coming from the bathroom, so I tiptoed over. I walk this way, purely out of human instinct. In this environment, I unconsciously became cautious. Through the dressing room, there is a small door between me and the bathroom. It is obvious that the light inside can be seen turning around, as if someone is observing with a bright flashlight.

People here, there is no way to hide.

I didn't even knock on the door, just opened the door. I just heard the specific details of the haunted here, and now I can't help but sweat a little. However, I am no longer the timid me I was at the beginning. When I opened the door, I didn't close my eyes. When I looked inside, I couldn't help laughing.

The figure inside is too familiar, isn't this fucking Qin Yiheng? I don't know where he got a huge portable searchlight, the kind with a battery hanging underneath, it is estimated that it can last for several hours. Hearing the movement, he turned around and took the light on me.

He was surprised to see it was me, and even let out an "ah". The two of us have become so familiar that we don't need to explain to each other. We both know why we are here.

I walked over and punched Qin Yiheng, scolded him a few words, and asked him what he was doing here alone. He didn't explain to me, just continued to shake the light around, and then asked me to see if there was any dirty place on the wall. I understood the meaning of his question. It should be the so-called black mark, so I just told him what I heard from the proprietress.

After hearing this, Qin Yiheng told me that it was the same as what he had inquired about, but there was something strange in it, so he pointed it out to me after he finished speaking.