Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

Chapter 83: Burnt room


What Qin Yiheng was referring to was a bathing pool in the center. I didn’t pay attention when I came in just now, but when I looked at it, I found that the pool was full. I guess what I heard upstairs was the sound of water being released here.

I don't know if he sprinkled something on the surface of the water, or it was already in the pool, anyway, there is a layer of things floating, and the water below cannot be seen. I didn't dare to reach out to touch it, so I turned my head and asked him, "What's wrong?"

He bent down and fished something out of the water. The thing is not small, it looks like a mess.

Qin Yiheng told me: "This thing is a coir raincoat, and it is very difficult to buy now. I spent a lot of money to get one for tinkering."

I heard that it is a coir raincoat, and I am also quite new. But before I reached out to touch it, he put it back into the water, and reached out to grab something floating on the water and said, "These are wheat bran."

After listening to his introduction, I was even more confused.

I know what the coir raincoat is for. Although I have never worn it myself, I can see it from some martial arts dramas. It is the raincoat that people wore in the old days. And wheat bran is wheat husk, which is the raw material of many feeds, and it is also used in wine making. It's just that I don't understand the combination of these two things at all.

I asked Qin Yiheng: "What are the curative effects of using this bath?"

He explained to me that he also inquired about the ins and outs of this bathing center before, and came in to check around, and found that the things inside hadn't gone. This bathing center is too big, the filth is in the dark, and the people are in the light. To ensure safety, he intends to use this method to draw out the filth.

This is called lure in alchemy. Seduction is not a kind of alchemy, but a method. It means literally when you explain it. If you are greedy for money and filth, use money, if you are greedy for filth, use sex.

And the one he is using now is also a kind of lure. Usually, the wronged souls who die violently will instinctively avoid the things that caused them to die. This is contrary to many folk speculations. As in some Hong Kong ghost movies, the kind where a person is so gluttonous that he is fed up to death, and then turns into a ghost to steal food after death, it almost never happens. In the same way, people who were burned to death in this bathing center would actually avoid flames or heat sources after death. But because he died violently, he could only stay in the same place, and there would be traces on the wall that would linger on.

This is actually a torment for them. Therefore, he put the water in a good place, sunk the old coir raincoat under the water, and sprinkled the wheat bran on the surface of the water, trying to draw these filth into the water, temporarily Give them a safe place to go. If they did come, there would be traces of them in the bran on the water's surface. However, he stayed here for more than ten minutes, but found nothing.

Hearing what Qin Yiheng said, it's really a bit strange.

According to past experience, his method sometimes backfired, but not many times it was ineffective.

I asked, "Then what do we do next?"

He actually confidently came up with the second set of plans, and asked me to help support a small steel frame. Under the frame, he put a piece of solid alcohol on a tray. In the end, he fiddled with a large piece from nowhere and pierced it with an iron braze. Good meat, put it on the rack and prepare to ignite and roast.

While he was tinkering with the meat, I heard the sound of the plastic sheet being shaken off again. It was so loud that I didn't look at it. It sounded like he had a lot of meat with him. This actually found the source of the sound I heard upstairs before, and the co-author knows how to enjoy it. Is this a barbecue on the spot or something? I think with this posture, I can only go out to buy some beer and side dishes, and I was just about to insult him: As expected of this job, everyone goes to the beach or grassland, you come to the fucking house for barbecue. Before I could open my mouth, Qin Yiheng told me not to move around and pay attention to my side. After finishing speaking, he explained to me while grilling the meat: "I couldn't lure you just now, so this time I can only drive you away."

This is the same reason as explained before, the smell of barbecue smells delicious, but the filth of burning dead is not willing to get involved no matter what. If you force it like this, see if those things will show up.

At this time, Qin Yiheng's searchlight had been turned off, and only the solid alcohol in front of him was on in the bathroom. The light reflected on his face, making him look very weird, and there would be a lot of echo in the bathroom. When I moved, the sound of footsteps was very clear, and I also became nervous.

Qin Yiheng may be really good at barbecue. I have never had a self-service barbecue with him before, and I really didn't notice it. After a while, I really smelled the aroma of meat. It's just that the stronger the smell of meat, the more uneasy I felt, so I moved closer to him, and felt a little more comfortable near the light source. If it weren't for this ghost place, I'm afraid I'd be a little hungry.

Qin Yiheng roasted for a while, lit a cigarette, looked around, shook his head at me, probably didn't notice it. The pain of waiting is really hard to put into words, let alone waiting for ghosts. I also lit a cigarette and looked back at the bathing pool, but saw nothing.

Time passed by every minute and every second, seeing that a piece of solid alcohol was about to burn, we still didn't notice any abnormalities. When the meat was cooked, Qin Yiheng handed me a piece and told me not to waste it. I didn't answer and said to him: "You can eat it yourself. This meat has no seasoning at first glance. It smells good, but it tastes nothing to eat." Just as the two of us pushed each other because of this meat, we suddenly heard a movement from outside the bathroom, it was not loud, and it sounded like it came from a relatively far away place.

I listened carefully and thought it should be a wild cat, because it was very similar to the sound of a wild cat calling spring.

Qin Yiheng was also stunned for a moment, and went to the door to listen for a while, and when he came back, his face was not very good, so he asked me to put out the fire, and said, "The sound seems to be coming from upstairs, we have to go and have a look."

Seeing him so serious, I also became nervous.

After the fire was extinguished, Qin Yiheng turned on the portable searchlight, and then led me upstairs.

He walked very slowly, from the first floor to the second floor, stopping and going, it took almost five minutes. During the period, the movement did not stop, but became bigger and bigger. It sounds like it's upstairs, but it's not the second floor, it should be the third floor. We paused for a while on the second floor and exchanged whispers. I asked if I could tell what it was. I still suspected it was a wild cat. After all, the house had been abandoned for so long, and it was not fully enclosed. It was normal for a cat to come in.

Qin Yiheng thought for a while, shook his head, and actually asked me: "Do you know where the upstairs is?"

I was completely stunned by his question, cooperating with him to come in for so long and haven't gone upstairs? No wonder he walked so slowly before. It turned out that he was observing the terrain while walking.

I told Qin Yiheng: "I didn't go up to the third floor before. According to my experience, it should be a small private room for massage." He listened and thought for a while, then told me to wait where he was, and he went up first Check it out and call me after you're sure there's no danger. After speaking, he took the searchlight and moved up the stairs.

I don't need to follow him up, it's exactly what I want. But when he left, he took the light source with him, and the surrounding area suddenly became dark, so I had to lean against the wall to feel more at ease.

He went up for a long time, and he didn't hear any movement from him, but the sound similar to cat meowing before gradually disappeared. Since I have been paying attention to this sound, it is obvious that I feel it. If you look at it this way, it is a wild cat. Now that you hear someone coming, you will naturally run away. Thinking of this, I simply squatted down in a relaxed manner.

After waiting for another ten minutes or so, Qin Yiheng walked down step by step with a searchlight.

He stood still for a long while without speaking, took out a bottle of mineral water from his bag and filled half of it, then asked me to follow, turned around and went upstairs again. This time he walked so fast that I couldn't keep up. When I went upstairs, I found that it was exactly as I expected. There was only a deep and long corridor left on the entire floor, and the rest of the place was built into small single rooms one by one. I made a rough count, and there are quite a few single rooms, which shows that the business of this bathing center should be very good. Because of the purpose, this floor is also covered with a thick carpet, and the decoration and decoration give people a very ambiguous feeling. There are also no windows, and it is more claustrophobic than the second floor, and it feels a bit depressing to walk inside.

Qin Yiheng didn't stop, and led me directly along the aisle to the innermost part. At the end of the corridor, there was only one room, and the door was not the same as the other rooms. I guess it should be something like the staff lounge before, but there is no sign on the door, and it may be a bathroom. He opened the door and stepped in first, followed by me. As soon as I entered the room, I was shocked.

Qin Yiheng took the searchlight and looked around slowly, probably because he wanted me to see the room clearly. The room is not very big, and the light is very bright, so it can be seen very clearly. It's just that the more I look at it, the more I feel at a loss, because the room is pitch black, and both the floor and the wall seem to have been burned by a fire. Moreover, there was something that looked like a bed but not a bed and a table but not a table in the center of the room. The reason for this description is because this thing looks very big, based on its shape, it should be a bed; but it is very tall, about the same level as my belly button, so it looks like a table. The material should be made of steel, which looks very heavy, and this thing should have been baked by fire, and it has changed color. I reached out and touched the wall to confirm that my guess was correct, this room really went too far. I thought to myself, this is the room where people were burned to death in the legend? But after burning people to death, didn't they redecorate? Why is this virtue still here

I exited the door and felt the outside wall, the wallpaper was intact and new, it didn't look like it had been used for long.

I walked back and asked Qin Yiheng: "Could it be that this place went too far later? Otherwise, since it has been redecorated, it is impossible to leave this room alone, or the boss likes to be independent, so he specially keeps this room as it is, and separates it from the room. Sanchawu organizes employees to observe and observe, and the alarm bell keeps ringing to prevent fires?"

He didn't answer, and put the searchlight on the thing in the center of the room, and then he came over and touched the wall, saying, "I'm afraid this room is really reserved for a special purpose." Then, he dragged me to the Next to the searchlight, he pointed to the ceiling and told me to look.

The ceiling is very white, and with the strong light, it is a bit dazzling at first glance.

After getting used to it, I realized that there was no trace of fire on the ceiling, and it should have been replaced with a new one later.

What's more, there was a small form on the ceiling, facing the thing below, and there was a pattern in the form. I took a closer look and immediately remembered that I had seen these patterns before. A few days ago, Qin Yiheng and Qin Yiheng bought it back on the house of the Fang family, which was painted on the house, and it was also such a thing!