Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

Chapter 84: Fetal dream


I was so impressed with the patterns that it was impossible to remember them wrong. I discussed with him at that time, and he told me that although these patterns are not the same, they should depict a kind of thing, but the movement of that thing is different.

"Why did this thing come here? Is this bathing center related to Fang Wanjin? Is it their family business?"

I was completely confused, and Qin Yiheng also said that he couldn't tell why. However, what he can be sure of is that the thing in front of us is a bed, because there is a very shallow groove on it, and he guesses that it should be the place where jade pillows or magnetic pillows were placed earlier.

Listening to his reminder, I also found that groove, but this is even more unpredictable. This room is the same as other rooms, is it a massage room? Not to mention that the bed is so high, it is very inconvenient to get up and down, just say that this is a metal bed, can it be comfortable to lie on? Is this for massage and enjoyment, or is it to seek guilt? And the pattern on the ceiling doesn't make sense, does it

I thought about it, and suddenly I was taken aback, because I seemed to have found a reasonable explanation. It seems impossible to sleep a person in this room, but if it sleeps a corpse, it would be normal. In an instant, I felt a chill on my neck. Damn, is this room a mortuary

I stepped back and moved a little further away from the bed before I spoke out my guess and discussed it with Qin Yiheng.

He listened to it and pondered for a moment, saying that it seemed to make sense, but he also had a guess, related to our previous analysis based on that house, that table was recorded by a certain woman in the Fang family's own menstrual table, Afraid of getting pregnant with something, if you think about it in that way, there must be a living person sleeping in this room.

Qin Yiheng cleared his throat, and continued: "I'm afraid I have found the reason why different patterns are recorded on the house. Those are all women's fetal dreams! That's why they are recorded in conjunction with the menstrual chart. And here, I'm afraid It is also recording someone's fetal dream!"

After Qin Yiheng finished speaking, I didn't react for a while. I didn't understand until he explained it to me again.

To be honest, I think his guess is a bit outrageous. I tried to imagine the picture: a pregnant woman is lying on this cold steel frame bed, surrounded by several people waiting to record her fetal dream, this is more frightening than watching an autopsy.

Many people should have heard of this fetal dream. In short, it is the dream that women have when they are pregnant. It is said that this dream is full of strange things, and a lot of information can be extracted from the content, such as the sex of the fetus, the future fate, and even a little more outrageous, the previous life of the fetus can be learned from it.

Earlier, I had a college classmate who was pregnant, and I talked about it in the qq group of our class, so I still have some understanding. At that time, she told us that when she was three or four months pregnant, she would often dream of a man who could not see her face chasing her with a knife. The dream was very real, and she woke up several times. I also went to someone to look at it, and they told her that this child was her enemy in the previous life, and this time he came to take revenge, so they bluntly advised her that this child must be a troublemaker, and suggested that she get rid of it.

The person she found is well-known in the local area, and what she said should not be to cheat money, but as a mother, she must be reluctant to abort her own child. Therefore, although my classmate was skeptical, I still didn't make up my mind in the end.

Later, when the child was born, everything was calm, but I don’t know if it’s a coincidence. When the child was more than one year old, my classmate’s husband took the child out in a car. For some reason, the child suddenly burst into tears. How can I comfort him? It was useless, and finally there was nothing to do. My classmate's husband had to stop the car on the side of the road first to see if the child had any sudden illness. Strangely, the child stopped crying as soon as the car stopped. But before he restarted the car and started on the road, a car came from behind and chased him out of control. In the end, there was nothing wrong with the child, but his arm and the bridge of his nose were hit and fractured.

This matter inevitably reminds people of the previous fetal dream, so during that time the group discussed this matter for a long time.

Helplessly, I hadn't gotten in touch with Qin Yiheng at the time, so I didn't interrupt, just diving as a spectator.

Now I heard Qin Yiheng say that it might be related to the fetal dream. I thought about my classmate's experience, but it was still very puzzling.

According to my understanding, even if this pregnancy dream happens frequently, the content should be the same. But looking at the posture in this room, what is the dreamer in this room still dreaming of a serial drama

I asked him, "Is your guess reliable?"

He continued to explain to me: "This dream, according to the current scientific understanding, means that when a person sleeps, the brain does not rest, but keeps imagining, so it can form a dream. It is a very illusory kind. thing.

"In metaphysics, it's quite the opposite. Dreams are solid in the understanding of metaphysics. Many masters of alchemy can even use small bottles or small gourds to collect dreams and sell them at high prices to those who need them. Like There are a lot of people buying and selling this kind of fetal dream, usually pregnant women go to buy some fetal dreams that are auspicious or herald the child's future prosperity. It is not clear whether it is useful, but there is still a market so far, it can be seen that some people Still believe in this.

"This dream of buying and selling not only sounds miraculous, but it is also very demanding to operate. The specific implementation depends on the time, place and even the birth date, so it is very complicated. I just heard about it, and I have never seen the entity of the dream with my own eyes. what does it look like.

"However, what is certain is that this so-called entity must not be a tangible thing, it should be a very abstract concept. There are many strange beasts in legends that feed on people's dreams, especially It's a sweet dream, so it can be seen that this sweet dream is still useful."

After Qin Yiheng explained it like this, to be honest, I was still a little bit lost.

In this world, there are not many things that really belong to you. The so-called cars, houses, and tickets are all fleeting things. They might not belong to you tomorrow. Now even dreams can be taken away by others. It does sound a little distrustful of the world.

However, the moment is not the time for emotion, I asked Qin Yiheng: "Are these fetal dreams all prophecies or omens? Are these people here to predict the future? Because I have heard many rumors that this dream is something that foretells the future."

He gave a noncommittal "hmm" and said, "First of all, there are many kinds of dreams. Some special types of dreams have specific names. Some of them can indeed predict the future. The reason why it is called such a strange name is because most dreams that predict the future are warnings of some life-threatening disasters or something. Simple explanation, in metaphysics, this is understood as a ghost to give you a reminder. According to the legend The underworld is not a machine, and it is inevitable that there will be mistakes. It is obviously not your fault, but it is accidentally recorded on your head. In order to make up for it, it is also a humane reminder. However, this is also It's just a rumor, whether there is such a thing or not, I'm afraid we won't know until after death."

Qin Yiheng also told me a very fresh concept: "Many people should have heard that the things in dreams are reversed, that is, the bad things in dreams may not be really bad things, but strictly In a sense, this is actually a misunderstanding. The dream in the first half of the night, that is, from 6:00 pm to 12:00 in the night, is positive, while the dream after 12:00 to 6:00 am is the opposite. I don’t know the specific reason , However, guessing it should have something to do with the delivery of yin and yang. In ancient times, people did not have such a rich night entertainment life as they do now. They all rested at sunset and worked at sunrise. If such a distinction is made, it can just make a night's sleep Divide it into two equal parts. And now there are only a few people who can go to bed before twelve o'clock, let alone go to bed at six o'clock in the evening. Therefore, it is gradually no longer true that no one dreams in the middle of the night in advance. Now, only the insiders are left to understand the inside story. Anyone with a little knowledge will check the time when they wake up when they have a dream.”

Qin Yiheng said something, I checked the time, it was past midnight.

It's not a problem for the two of them to stay in this room all the time, so I will discuss it with him. If you have no idea, why don't you go back to the hotel and rest, at worst, come back tomorrow.

He didn't object. He really didn't have a good guess about the specific purpose of this fetal dream. The only thing he could do now was to cross the river by feeling the stones. After finishing speaking, Qin Yiheng took me out of the room, took two steps and suddenly remembered and said: "It was rumored that a large anchor was brought in, we need to look for it first."