Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

Chapter 92: Invitation from HTC Group


In fact, this express delivery came very strangely. Hongda Group actually knew my address, and even my surname and Qin Er's surname so clearly. But I don't want to delve into it. After all, the business can reach such a large group. It is too easy to check a small role like me. I think I should go and see it, because I thought about it, if there is any conspiracy in this group, I can't hide it, so I might as well go and see it.

After making a decision, I was ready to leave, but when I was packing my luggage, I realized that there were two people invited over there, and I was worried that something would go wrong if I just went there.

After thinking for a long time, I finally called Xu Chuanxiang, promised him a high commission, and asked him to pretend to be Qin Yiheng.

At first he refused to agree, but the price I offered was very attractive, so he finally agreed, and we agreed to meet at Hongda Group. Then, I went to the airport.

It is actually quite appropriate to find Xu Chuanxiang. First, he knows a little about metaphysics, and it is difficult to apply it, but it should be enough to chat with others; second, we also know each other, and we barely know the basics, so I can rest assured.

When I arrived in the city where Hongda Group was located, Xu Chuanxiang had already opened a room and waited for me. I was not in a hurry to find him, but first went to the mall to buy an outfit and a new hairstyle.

I have been to Hongda Group once before, but I still use another identity. I am worried that people will recognize me. This time I have completely changed my style. If you don’t look closely, you may not be able to see through.

When I finally met Xu Chuanxiang, I told him not to talk nonsense, just concentrate on pretending to be cool. The two had eaten and went to bed early to recharge their batteries.

The next day was the opening day of that tender.

I woke up very early and went directly to the Hongda Group building with Xu Chuanxiang. I was quite nervous when I got out of the elevator, but luckily no one recognized me.

This time we went directly to the top floor. After entering a conference room and waiting for a while, a man in a suit and leather shoes came in. Without introducing himself, he turned on the projector.

This meeting room is not big, it is already full, and there are quite a few people coming. At a glance, there are more than a dozen people.

I quietly looked at these people, all kinds of people, and I couldn't tell what they were doing. However, I guess, maybe they are people in the field of metaphysics, after all, people who are in this field can't tell it with the naked eye.

After waiting for a while, the person presiding over the meeting coughed lightly, which was considered an opening, and then put a photo on the projector. As soon as this photo came out, I almost cried out.

Because the photo is of a house, this house is too familiar to me. It was in the yard of this house that Qin Yiheng and I dug out the bureau of Jiuzi Town Zhenlong.

This is the villa of Liuzhi!

I buried my head subconsciously, but the people around me didn't pay attention to me, they all looked at the projector seriously.

The photos of the house were not very clear. It looked like they were scanned from something, but they were quite complete. The person who presided over the meeting even changed a few photos, all of which were panoramic photos of the house from all angles.

After the photos were finished, the person presiding over the meeting spoke. He spoke with a distinct southern accent, and I couldn't hear him very well.

He first said that it was presumptuous to invite everyone here, and then he said that since everyone has registered in Cage Street, he will not go around.

He said that this house needs to be visited by knowledgeable people, and he hopes that everyone can go there in person. After the completion, there will be a large commission. If you are interested, the car they arranged will be waiting downstairs, and you will leave as soon as the end here; if you are not interested, I hope that those who know about this matter will keep it secret after they go out. After speaking, he also put an envelope on the table in front of everyone. I opened it and glanced at it. Inside was 2,000 yuan, which I gave directly to Xu Chuanxiang.

I looked at the others, and they seemed to be thinking about it, but no one whispered to each other.

I thought to myself, are these people registered on Cage Street? Qin Yiheng told me before that there are indeed a group of people on Cage Street who are willing to use alchemy to do things that are harmful to nature and reason. Because the business is not well-known, they all find employers through Cage Street. But how do you count me in

Moreover, this person said that there was a problem with that house, so it couldn't be about the real dragon in Jiuzi Town, right? They don't know that the game has been broken, or have they suddenly discovered that the game has been broken and now they are looking for someone to fix it

Anyway, no matter what, I don't bother to guess, I definitely want to go.

Xu Chuanxiang seemed to be quite hesitant. He probably didn't expect to really go to the house, and poked me several times.

I wanted to tell him to calm down, but when I turned my head, I saw him holding a note under the table and gesturing. When I took a look, I was a little dazed.

There was a line written on the note: See you in the house!

Otherwise, there is no signature or stamp, and it is not known who wrote it. I looked at Xu Chuanxiang, which meant that this note was found in that envelope of mine.

I quickly took the envelope and opened it, only to find that there were only RMB in it.

Now I was even more strange, I glanced at the person who presided over the meeting, I didn't know him. When he sent the envelope just now, I didn't see him pay special attention to me. I thought to myself, this note was given randomly? Otherwise, why is there no such thing in Xu Chuanxiang's envelope

I stared at the note for a long time, sifting through my mind, trying to see if I could recognize whose writing it was. To be honest, my first feeling was that Qin Yiheng wrote it to me, but this is not his font. In the end, I had no choice but to put the note in my pocket first.

I'm probably the only one in the conference room who made a decision so straightforwardly. The others thought about it for a long time, and several of them decided to leave. Taking advantage of this time, I also persuaded Xu Chuanxiang, telling him that there would be no danger there, and I also added a commission to him. Xu Chuanxiang hesitated again and again before agreeing to go with me.

In the end, only seven or eight people were willing to stay. The person who presided over the meeting took us downstairs, and sure enough there was an Iveco car waiting. When I got in the car, I chose the back seat and began to close my eyes and meditate. I don't want to have any communication with other people, because I know very well now that although these people are all knowledgeable, none of them are good people. They will do anything for money, so it's better to stay away from them.

Xu Chuanxiang is quite curious about all this and has always wanted to ask me about it. I kind of wanted to laugh, it reminded me of my old self. However, I have nothing to give him an answer, because I am also at a loss about all this.

There were two drivers in the car, working shifts and driving non-stop. At first, I thought that the person didn't disclose any information during the meeting, and someone would come to explain it in the car, but it turned out that there was no information at all. However, the treatment along the way is very good, and the food and accommodation are the best in the local area. I always find it ironic when I look out the window in the car. After a long detour, I'm back where the hell the mystery started, and I hope there's a decent answer to all of this.

On the second day, I suddenly realized that something was wrong, because we were taking the highway, and the city where Zhenlong's house in Jiuzi Town was located was not in the same direction. At first I thought there was a detour for some reason, but the further the car drove, the farther it was from the city. It wasn't until the next night, when I arrived at my destination, that I realized it was another province.

I was very strange, but I couldn't discuss it with anyone. After all, none of them knew that I had been to that house before, so I had to settle down in the hotel first and wait for the next instructions.

I also slept in a five-star hotel that night, but I didn't sleep well. Early the next morning, everyone continued to drive on their way. After driving for another three or four hours, we finally stopped in front of a house.

When I got out of the car and took a look, I was shocked. This house is too similar to that house, or it is exactly the same at all.

I looked around, and even the general location on the mountain was the same.

I thought to myself, what the hell is going on? Designed by a designer? Walking into the yard, I found that not only the houses are the same, but even the sculpture decorations in the yard are the same.

Stepping on the ground in the yard, I was muttering in my heart, wouldn't there be a nine-piece game here

The people in the same group got out of the car and started to take out the things in their bags to get busy. I took a rough look and found that there were some with compass, some with mirrors, some with posture and some with burning paper and incense. Anyway, there were all kinds of things, so Xu Chuanxiang and I were left alone. In order not to be seen through, Xu Chuanxiang and I had to pretend to touch the outer wall of the house with our hands.

After working for thirty to forty minutes, I saw that other people started to clean up, so I hurried back into the crowd. I want to hear if these people have any opinions.

In the end, they all seemed to be on guard, and no one said much, but some returned to the car to rest, and some stood outside the house looking at the mountains.

Seeing this, I can only ask Xu Chuanxiang what he thinks, and he should treat it as a dead horse and a living horse doctor.

After asking him a question, he mysteriously pointed in the direction of the car and asked me if there was someone who didn't get out of the car