Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 101: Dust off(13)


Since Liang Chengyu died in such a weird way, then his dead soul must not be able to come out so easily, otherwise there would be no need to leave any hints to us. It's better to guess his intention. "

The two people began to carefully observe Liang Chengyu's gestures, and saw four fingers bent, with the tips of the middle finger and thumb touching each other, forming an irregular circle when viewed from the side. Obviously, Liang Chengyu wanted to imply that his death was related to a round thing. Xingchen frowned and asked: "Why is it related to the circle again?" Lin Yuanyin shouted: "Could he be referring to the copper piece?" He has never even heard of the legend, so how could he know about the copper piece?" Lin Yuanyin said in frustration: "Then what round shape is there?" Xingchen recalled: "He came here to catch the basketball. By the way, basketball, isn't a basketball round?" Lin Yuanyin said: "It's impossible." Xingchen said: "How do you know?" Lin Yuanyin said with certainty: "I also had doubts about that basketball , I took it out and took a closer look, but found nothing. Moreover, the texture of the basketball is hard, how could Liang Chengyu find a way to leave a reminder in such a short period of time."

One by one, their assumptions were overturned, and the two of them suddenly fell into trouble. Xingchen said helplessly: "Is it related to the corpse? The round thing on the corpse?" As soon as these words came out, the two people froze and turned to look at Liang Chengyu's head. Liang Chengyu closed his eyes peacefully. Although swollen and pale, his expression was still lifelike, as if he wanted to show Lin Yuanyin his last smile. "We only have one basketball, so we must pick it up." Liang Chengyu's bright smile flashed through Lin Yuanyin's mind, so clear and so impactful. At that moment, Lin Yuanyin finally discovered why she felt something was wrong after Liang Chengyu jumped into the lake that day, because her brain's intuition had actually told her that there was the biggest anomaly in the scene that day! Lin Yuanyin staggered back two steps: "I know... I know... it's Liang Chengyu's smile... What he really wants to warn me is not a gesture, but a smile! His gesture is to remind me to pay attention to his smile!"

Xingchen, who had not seen Liang Chengyu's death with his own eyes, was confused: "Pay attention to his smile? His smile is indeed weird, but what does it mean to notice this?" "No," Lin Yuanyin held on tightly. Xingchen's hand said: "I don't mean that his smile looks weird, but the way he laughs is weird." Xingchen was confused and said: "The way of laughing?" Lin Yuanyin said: "Xingchen, you Let's smile and see. Let's make a comparison and you will know easily." Xingchen's face suddenly darkened: "I can't laugh. Why don't you laugh?" Lin Yuanyin could only say: "Liang Chengyu Pingshi Although he is a hot-tempered person, he is somewhat similar to you in terms of personality. Neither of them likes to smile very much. If such a person who doesn't like to smile usually smiles, he will only show a row of teeth. No, or put it this way, most people talk while smiling. Sometimes, he would only show one row of teeth. But Liang Chengyu that day, from the beginning to the end, he talked to me with two rows of teeth!"

Xingchen said calmly: "In his teeth?" He quickly stepped forward and pried open Liang Chengyu's closed mouth. A stream of dirty, smelly black water immediately flowed down. Xingchen had already shouted: "Sure enough, it's here!" He took out a long black thread from the gap between Liang Chengyu's teeth. Lin Yuanyin recognized it at a glance: "Water plant!" Lin Yuanyin said, "Come forward and take a look." Lin Yuanyin came forward and took a look. Sure enough, the stick in Xingchen's hand was not dry, twisted, or even split like those lumps. It is black and shiny, with a natural curve. When you pull it with your hands, it is still elastic. Lin Yuanyin said in surprise: "This is..." Xingchen said slowly: "Real human hair."

Lin Yuanyin opened her eyes wide, and a rush of blood rushed through her limbs: "What Liang Chengyu wants to tell us is that his murderer was a man!" Xingchen slowly continued: "To be more precise, The owner of the snake scales, the owner of these water plants, the murderer of the murder in the computer room, that monster that we still cannot classify into a category, his true identity is human!" How could it be? Lin Yuanyin covered her mouth and took a step back. She always thought it was a combination of snake demon and other races, but she didn't expect...

"Huhu..." A strange sound suddenly came from the corpse. When the two turned around in horror, they saw that Liang Chengyu's tightly closed lips were slowly relaxing, and his eyelids were gradually relaxing to a natural state. Then, suddenly, from Liang Chengyu's nose, eyes, ears, and mouth , viscous blood flowed out respectively. Bleeding from all seven orifices! It was only at this moment that Liang Chengyu finally returned to the state he should have been in after he died of drowning! Lin Yuanyin couldn't help but burst into tears: "Liang Chengyu, I knew you hadn't left yet, and you weren't willing to leave like this. You have always stayed with your body, and we already know what you want to tell us. I'm sorry. , I couldn't save you, I'm sorry..."

"We only have one basketball..." A vague voice came from the door of the morgue. When the two hurriedly turned their heads, Liang Chengyu's translucent figure stood by the wall with a smile, holding a wet basketball in his hand. His expression was as peaceful as the one on the corpse before, but it was truly peaceful. Liang Chengyu bent slightly towards the two of them, turned around and drifted out of the door. "Liang Chengyu—" Xingchen quickly stopped Lin Yuanyin who was about to chase him out: "Let him go. He is already a person in our two worlds. It is his blessing that he can go to reincarnation, and the dead souls remain in the human world. It is very painful. I hope he will not have the fate of dying young again in his next life."

After walking out of the funeral home, the two realized that they could not go back. Very few cars pass by here, and the surrounding area is desolate. There is not a single home within dozens of miles. Xingchen said, "It seems we have to wait here until dawn. Are you afraid?" Lin Yuanyin shook her head, her sad expression not completely gone. Xingchen led Lin Yuanyin to a slightly clean stone bench, sat down and said, "Let's take a rest. We still have a lot to do when we go back. Now all the lines are clear, as long as we can crack it again If we get the copper piece, we will surely be able to see the mysterious ninth classroom." Lin Yuanyin followed his instructions and sat next to him and said, "I'm so tired, can you lend me your shoulder to lean on?" Xingchen His eyes flashed, and he opened his mouth to say something, but suddenly stopped, and after a moment, he said: "Fuck it."

Lin Yuanyin lay on Xingchen's shoulder, her eyes gradually closing until there was only a crack left: "Xingchen, I am not only tired, but also mentally tired. You have always believed that we can find the ninth classroom, but we can't find it." Can we defeat it? How capable is it of killing people? Will anyone else die on this campus? Will anyone else die like this while I watch? It takes ten years to grow a tree and a hundred years to grow a person, but one person’s life How hard it is to get." Xingchen said: "If you never try something, then you will never know what your chances of winning are. Since we are no longer afraid of death, then Don't question the path you are taking now. You are tired, go to sleep." A comfortable smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yuanyin's mouth: "Xingchen, I used to be very unconvinced with you and I would fight against you in everything. . But now, to be honest, I admire you a little bit. Although I have established the belief of compassion and saving people, I will still be afraid, shaken and doubtful in the face of many puzzles. Unlike you, She has always been so determined and will not be affected by anything." Xingchen asked: "Are you just a little impressed?" Lin Yuanyin smiled happily: "Now it seems that the person who wants to fight has become you." She suddenly did With an unexpected move, Xingchen hugged Xingchen's arms tightly with both hands, rested his head on his shoulders, and fell asleep sweetly.

Xingchen looked at Lin Yuanyin in shock for a long time, then stretched out her other hand, trying to push Lin Yuanyin away. But the hand finally stopped in mid-air. He looked thoughtfully at the hand he stopped, and after a while, he sighed and put it down. "I have never been soft-hearted to anyone, except for you, Lin Yuanyin." Xingchen said secretly in his heart: "I don't know why, and I can't figure it out. But I know one thing very well. You are often soft-hearted, so I will definitely kill you as soon as what happens in the ninth classroom is over. If I want to be the king of this world, fragile emotions such as soft-heartedness must not appear in me." Next to her, Lin Yuanyin Sleeping quietly, Xingchen could hear the gentle and even heartbeat.

A slight sound flashed out of the window. Chen Xian was frightened. She quickly opened the door of the dormitory and came to the outer wall. She saw that the person on duty did not notice that she had already flown over the wall and landed outside. . Chen Xian rushed to an alley outside the playground, where a figure in a gray robe was standing there quietly. Chen Xian hurriedly bowed down and said, "Master is here. It's my fault that I didn't greet you." The man turned around and saw that he was a thin nun. She glanced at Chen Xian and said sharply: "I came in person? Do you think I want to come in person? I came here out of no choice. Look at you, how did you get things done?! Do you know how important that thing is? ? With it, our sect can flourish and become the largest sect in the magic world, but you have not done anything at all in the past few days, how do you explain it? "

Beads of sweat broke out on Chen Xian's head: "This disciple deserves death, but Master should know that Wu Gangying, a disciple of Luojiashan who is a strong candidate for the first disciple of Buddhism, also sneaked into this school. Disciple knows that he is not His opponent can only wait for the opportunity." The old nun said with a sharp smile: "Luojiashan? Does that old Taoist also want a share of the pie? No matter how powerful Wu Gangying is, he is just a disciple. In this case, just Let me finish him off first, so as not to ruin things." "Master!!" Chen Xian was shocked and quickly hugged the old nun's legs. The old nun said angrily: "What are you doing?" Chen Xian gasped. : "Master, please think again. It would be easy for Master to kill Wu Gangying, but Luojiashan will definitely become enemies with us. Now the enemy's situation is unclear, so it is not appropriate to make enemies again. Moreover, Wu Gangying is here, and he can also contain the demon fox and distract them." . When the time is right, Master will be unable to kill you." The old nun thought for a moment, nodded and said: "That's fine, anyway, if that thing appears, we will definitely fight to the death. Then you act quickly, I'll leave first. "Yes." After saying that, he sneered again and said: "I hope what you just said was really for the sake of our Emei sect, and not to excuse that brat Wu Gangying." Chen Xian kowtowed hurriedly: "Disciple always remembers Master's teachings and never dares to get emotional. Master, please go back and wait for good news."

Seeing the master's figure walking away, Chen Xian let out a long breath and turned over again into the playground, but unexpectedly she happened to fall in front of a person. Chen Xian was so shocked that she almost screamed. That person turned out to be Wu Gangying! "You..." Chen Xian was extremely shocked. Did he hear the conversation between himself and his master? Wu Gangying did not look angry, but looked at her in confusion and said: "What are you doing here? I've been looking for you for a long time, do you know? Fortunately, I know tracking skills and followed you to the playground. What are you doing out of the playground in the middle of the night?" ?" "Ah..." Chen Xian finally came to her senses: "I... I just felt the breath of a ghost passing by. I suspected it was related to the serial murder case on campus, so I went out to take a look and found that I was just passing by. Does Senior Brother Wu have something urgent to do with me?" Wu Gangying's face was obviously ugly: "Xingchen and Lin Yuanyin went out for almost a night and didn't come back, did you know?" Chen Xian asked in surprise: "Where have they gone? ?" Wu Gangying said with a stern face: "I don't know. I didn't know they were working so hard, without even sleeping, to investigate one after another. I'm afraid what they are investigating is really extraordinary. If we continue to follow them like this, maybe We've lost all our opportunities." Chen Xian opened her eyes wide and said, "Senior Brother Wu, are you going to..." Wu Gangying punched the wall with his fist: "I'm going to show my cards! I can't let Yuan'er stay in that ghost place anymore. When it comes to people, I want to see which one is the winner, me or him!"

Chen Xian had long expected that the two of them would have a duel one day, but she didn't expect it to be so soon: "Brother Wu, have you thought about it clearly?" Wu Gangying said in a deep voice: "It's clear. Don't you also want to know Xingchen's strength? Is it? Before his abilities are fully released, let’s take advantage of it first. Getting rid of the demon fox will also make a great contribution to the human world.” Chen Xian sighed faintly: “Why bother? Brother Wu, there are so many high-sounding reasons. , In fact, the only thing you are nervous about, what you care about, and what you care about is Lin Yuanyin, right? You can't stand her change of heart, you can't stand the end of this relationship." Wu Gangying shuddered slightly, and turned around in silence. Chen Xian smiled lightly and said: "It doesn't matter if you just say it, I won't laugh at you. Because this is the reaction a man should have. This is a man's battle to defend his dignity." Wu Gangying stamped his feet and left directly. It seemed that she was embarrassed to say anything to Chen Xian again.

Suddenly it began to rain continuously from the sky, and the thin needles penetrated into people's collars, hair, and skin. On a windless night, it felt like a different kind of coolness and silence. "Brother Wu, feel free to do it, I will support you. I also believe that Lin Yuanyin will definitely come back to you." Looking at the back of the lone figure, Chen Xian murmured, not knowing Before I knew it, my breasts were wet with tears.

It wasn't until 8 a.m. that the tired two returned to school. Lin Yuanyin stretched out and said, "I just realized yesterday that handsome guy Xing's shoulders are really better than pillows." Xingchen glanced at her sideways and said, "Did you expect more?" A chance to go to the funeral parlor?" Lin Yuanyin stuck out her tongue: "No, don't let anyone die again." Xingchen said, "Go back to the dormitory, I haven't slept all night." Lin Yuanyin laughed. Said: "I didn't sleep in vain. You go and have a rest, I will continue to investigate." Let’s look at the scene at the moment.” Xingchen said: “The cause of Liang Chengyu’s death is already very clear, what else do you need to see at the scene?” Lin Yuanyin smiled slyly and said: “I didn’t say I saw the scene at the moment of the murder?” Nian Yidong said: "I understand, you want to see if there are any corpses buried underneath, right?"

As expected by Lin Yuanyin, there was a corpse missing its head and right leg buried in the lake. Xingchen muttered: "We know where the right leg is in the house, and now all that's left is the head." Lin Yuanyin said: "The hiding place of the head will either be known after something goes wrong, or we can crack the copper plate first "Mystery." Xingchen said: "What if you find the head?" Lin Yuanyin asked in confusion: "What?" Xingchen said: "I mean, even if you find the other parts of the body, what can What role does it play in solving the puzzle in the ninth classroom?" Lin Yuanyin said leisurely: "Are you really not aware, or are you pretending not to know? Generally speaking, people's souls will remain after death, which is what we usually call the undead. But the dismembered corpse is different. Since the body is scattered in different parts, the soul is also incomplete. Even if you can see it and feel it, it cannot speak and has no consciousness. This is why many people who were tortured in ancient times were The reason for requesting to keep the whole body. Because this way they can still reincarnate and know the way to hell." Xingchen muttered: "Are you going to call out the girl's soul and ask?" Lin Yuanyin tilted her head and said : "Can you think of a better way?"

Xingchen said: "No, if this is the case, we will be in danger." Lin Yuanyin was stunned and said: "What?" Xingchen said: "Because the person who buried the body was the last murderer who knew the truth about the ninth classroom , may be exhausted now. If I were him, I would invest heavily in protecting the last place where the body parts were buried. So, even if we figure out the mystery of the copper pieces, we probably won't be able to get close to that place." Lin Yuanyin said from the star Chen heard another meaning in his hesitant voice, and couldn't help but shiver all over his body: "You mean, that person must have been monitoring our actions. As soon as we figure out the mystery of the copper piece, he will immediately Start?" Xingchen said calmly: "It may not be impossible. If it were me, I would do this." Lin Yuanyin thought to herself: Now she really has to find Wu Gangying no matter what.

Wu Gangying was also anxiously looking for Lin Yuanyin and the others at this time. He visited most of the campus and was about to give up when Chen Xian appeared. "Lin Yuanyin and the others are back." Wu Gangying jumped up suddenly: "Where are they?" Chen Xian said: "Just entered the school gate." Wu Gangying said "good" briefly, without saying a word, Turn around and leave. Chen Xian hurriedly caught up: "Brother Wu, what are you going to do?"

"You go back and rest first. I want to go to the laboratory to test whether it is real human hair?" Xingchen said to Lin Yuanyin. Lin Yuanyin asked doubtfully: "Xingchen, you don't seem to have slept much all night. Aren't you sleepy? Are you a human?" : "Hey, are you angry? I don't care about you, I'm going to rest." He immediately pulled away and walked to the campus. In fact, she really wanted to go to the laboratory with Xingchen, but when she thought about the truth about the ninth classroom and the danger approaching, she trembled all over. Wu Gangying had also lost contact with her for a long time. The most important thing right now was to first find him.

Seeing Xingchen walking away from a distance, Lin Yuanyin turned into a small road, turned around, and walked toward the boys' dormitory group. As she was walking, a figure flickered in front of her: "Wait a minute!" Lin Yuanyin was shocked: "Who is it?" After a closer look, it was Chen Xian. Lin Yuanyin hated this guy so much. She looked at her coldly and said, "What are you doing here again?" Chen Xian's silvery laughter echoed in the shady green bushes: "It seems that Miss Lin is not very good. You like to see me appear." Lin Yuanyin said disdainfully: "That's natural, I'm not like some people who like to humiliate themselves." Chen Xian was not as angry as Lin Yuanyin imagined, Instead, he looked at her with a slight smile and said, "But I'm afraid you have to thank me this time, because my appearance is not necessarily a bad thing."

Lin Yuanyin said boredly: "What are you going to do? Just tell me, I don't have time to accompany you here." Chen Xian smiled and said: "No time? Is Miss Lin going to find someone?" Lin Yuanyin She was stunned and said: "You..." Chen Xian put away her smile and said seriously: "I'm here to take back my things." Lin Yuanyin was confused and said: "Your things?" Chen Xian suddenly drank and said: "The magic light on the lotus platform returns to Emei." A shiny object flew out of the bag Lin Yuanyin was carrying and ran directly towards Chen Xian, stopping firmly in her hand. In just a moment, Lin Yuanyin's face changed drastically: "Are you from Emei?" Chen Xian said: "Apart from Emei, who else do you think has the power to recall the lotus platform?" Chen Xian is from the magic world. ? Although Lin Yuanyin reacted quickly enough, she still didn't recover. Chen Xian smiled again and said, "Now, you should know why I know you are here to find someone, right?" "Wu Gangying?" Lin Yuan Yin suddenly realized: "You and him... the reason why he hasn't been seen these days is because you sent him away?" Chen Xian smiled and said: "How do I have such ability? You also know Brother Wu's ability, I I don’t think I’m an opponent.”

Hearing Chen Xian call Wu Gangying "Brother Wu", Lin Yuanyin's heart went cold. She took a step forward, stared at Chen Xian with bright eyes and said, "Tell me! Where is he now?" Chen Xian's eyes flickered. Circulation: "Don't you want to ask what happened between me and him?" Lin Yuanyin knew that Chen Xian wanted to provoke her, so she became calmer: "If you want to tell people so much, you might as well post a notice at the school gate. If you don't want to tell where he is, then get out of the way and let me pass." Chen Xian's eyes flashed coldly: "It's absolutely fine to let you pass. But let me tell you in advance, Brother Wu is not in the dormitory at this time. Now Only I know where he is. If you really want to see him, I hope you can be gentler to me." Lin Yuanyin sneered and kept her temper: "You want me to beg you? I may not be able to find him without you. Go to him. Don't think that just because you are a disciple of the magic world, you can be domineering in front of me. Tell you! Although I am not from here, I have seen more of the world than you. If you are He Jianfei from Wutai Mountain, then use such a tone to talk to him. It's not too late! Get out of here as soon as possible!" With that said, Lin Yuanyin had already squeezed past.

Lin Yuanyin calculated that Chen Xian dared to show up suddenly to announce her identity, and she was very proud of it. There must be something she must tell her to show off, otherwise Chen Xian would be very unhappy. This move to provoke the general worked really well. Chen Xian immediately said: "Wait a minute! I'm afraid that by the time you find Brother Wu, the situation will be irreversible." The stone in Lin Yuanyin's heart almost reached her throat, but she didn't move at all. Instead of slowing down, she turned back and laughed: "I am here alive and don't need to save you." Chen Xian saw that she almost missed the opportunity to be happy, and in a hurry, she blurted out: "You know why you Why can't you find Brother Wu after searching for so long? It's not that he went out by chance, it's that he doesn't want to see you at all! Lin Yuanyin, you bitch, not only do you have no sense of shame, but you dare to shout loudly here, if I were You, I will find a hole in the ground and crawl in!"

Lin Yuanyin's footsteps suddenly stopped: "My reason? I'm afraid it can't be separated from your sowing discord, right?" Chen Xian sneered: "Without your change of heart first, even if I have a smooth tongue, I can say it Do you want to touch him?" "Change of heart?" Lin Yuanyin suddenly turned around: "What did you say? What change of heart??" Seeing that she was finally willing to look back, Chen Xian was overjoyed and said reservedly: "Of course I know the whole thing If you had a better attitude towards me and I was in a better mood, I could still tell you the whole story." Lin Yuanyin looked at her blankly for a while, and a big drop of sweat rolled down her ears. It flows from the cheeks to the neck, bringing the only blazing warmth to the cold body. Change of heart... Xingchen... Lin Yuanyin suddenly shouted: "No!" She ran in the direction she was going and immediately knocked Chen Xian off her feet. By the time Chen Xian got up with her face covered with dirt, Lin Yuanyin had already rushed to an unknown place like an arrow from a string.

Xingchen saw Lin Yuanyin's figure fading away, pinched the hair in her hand, turned around and walked towards the laboratory. Just as he took a step forward, something seemed to flash behind him. Xingchen turned around and shouted, "Who is it?" As soon as he finished speaking, a slight wind sound came from the right back of his neck. Xingchen stood on his left foot. Without stopping, he made a quick turn of his right foot, turning his body ninety degrees in an instant. Almost at the same time as he turned around, Xingchen felt an extremely cold feeling on his neck, wiping past him as quickly as a dragon. He lowered his eyes slightly and saw that a gleaming sword, as thin as an iron blade but as powerful as thunder, was touching the blood vessels and windpipe of his neck impartially. The blade touches the skin lightly, and the cold feeling comes from this. As long as you use more force, the blood flow will definitely surge out.

"Good skills!" someone cheered from behind. Xingchen tried his best to keep his neck still and glanced back. He saw a boy about 1.78 meters tall wearing a sky blue shirt. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes. Although his face seemed to have no expression, the tight The fist holding the sword hilt with protruding veins already revealed the anger in his heart that was about to flow down like a ten thousand-foot waterfall and even tear people to pieces in an instant. Xingchen lowered his eyes and looked at the sword again, and said calmly: "Can you tell me who you are first?" Wu Gangying smiled slightly and said: "I'm afraid you are not qualified yet." Xingchen glanced at him again, still He said calmly: "Then can you tell me why you put a sword on my neck like this?" Wu Gangying shook his head and said: "You are even more unqualified to ask this."

Xingchen looked at him again, as if looking at an injured puppy on the ground, which made Wu Gangying feel uncomfortable all over: "Since I don't have the right to know who you are, I don't have the right to know why you want to If you do this, don't you think it's funny that you come here to attack someone like me who has no qualifications?" "Shut up!" Wu Gangying's eyes began to shine with a sharp light, and she continued After provoking him with words many times, seeing Xingchen still acting as if nothing was wrong, Wu Gangying finally became impetuous when thinking about Lin Yuanyin's behavior. Excellent, I have never believed it. It seems that you are indeed not a simple character. You are the first one who can stand under my sword without changing your temper!" Xingchen said lightly: "I'm so happy that you finally have something to praise me. "It's a pity." Wu Gangying walked up to Xingchen. He looked directly into Xingchen's eyes, and the anger in his eyes was burning towards the other person without any concealment: "Today you will disappear here. Xingchen raised his eyebrows: "You want to kill me?" Wu Gangying laughed: "You think I don't dare?" Xingchen said coldly: "It's not that I don't dare, but I'm not qualified yet."

Wu Gangying laughed angrily: "Hahaha, it's really extraordinary. No wonder my master has always been so jealous of you. Since we are going to have a decisive battle in Mount Tai sooner or later, we might as well end it here. False fame is not what I yearn for. I can give it to you. My decisive battle with you today is for the most important thing that I cannot lose!" Seeing Xingchen's extraordinary demeanor, Wu Gangying had already identified him as He Jianfei, but Xingchen said one word He didn't even understand, so he just gave a cold "hum". Wu Gangying said: "Let's do it! With your skills, it shouldn't be difficult to escape from my sword. I will have no regrets even if I die in this decisive battle!" A blue light flashed across Xingchen's eyes: "If I ask you to survive Why don't you want to die?" Wu Gangying said: "It depends on whether you have such ability!" Xingchen said: "Okay!" Wu Gangying felt his eyes blurred, and the tip of the sword had been used by Xingchen Pinch with two fingers. Wu Gangying was shocked. He quickly used his hands and recited the incantation silently. The sword glowed brightly and shook slightly. The moment he was about to pull it out of Xingchen's hand, Xingchen sneered and pulled hard with his fingers. Wu Gangying almost took him over without paying attention. In shock, he struck a sword with his backhand, and Xingchen lowered his head to dodge. Wu Gangying had sharp eyesight and quick hands. Before he could stand still, the edge of the sword had been turned, and instantly the sword was pointed at Xingchen's throat again. At the critical moment, a clear female voice suddenly came from the distance, calling anxiously: "Wu Gangying, stop!" The two of them were shocked and each stopped their movements. Wu Gangying's face was uncertain: "Why did she come here??" Xingchen sighed softly: "This annoying woman..."

Lin Yuanyin just had time to catch up with this wonderful scene. When she saw Wu Gangying's sword pointing at Xingchen, and Xingchen's life was in danger, Lin Yuanyin was shocked and said: "Wu Gangying, put down your sword! Why are you doing this?" Wu Gangying gritted his teeth and groaned, but the sword did not move at all. At this time, Lin Yuanyin did something neither of them could have imagined. She ran to Xingchen, pushed him away, stood in front of him, her throat facing the sword, and said to Wu Gangying: "If you want to kill him, , just kill me first." Wu Gangying's face was ashen, and the stable sword he had just held was now shaky: "You... you actually protected him like this?" With a sore heart, what Chen Xian said unfortunately turned out to be the truth. How did Lin Yuanyin know Wu Gangying's current mood? She just felt that as a highly practiced Buddhist disciple, he could be so ignorant of right and wrong and use magic to bully others at will. It was simply unreasonable. Although she was angry, she looked at him with a depressed face. After thinking about it for a few times, I finally couldn't bear to scold him, so I turned to Xingchen and said, "Are you okay?"

This sentence made Wu Gangying's heart tremble again. In an instant, he had mixed feelings. His hand was no longer able to hold the heavy sword, and he lowered it to the ground. He just stared blankly at Lin Yuanyin, whose face had turned to the other side. Over there, Xingchen didn't appreciate these words that hurt Wu Gangying's heart: "Do you think he can let anything happen to me?" As long as he was a step late, he might die in the underworld. Seeing Xingchen face such a situation, he still couldn't help it. Being so conceited, Lin Yuanyin couldn't help but purse her lips and smile: "If I had known I wouldn't have saved you, I would have let you go to hell and see you again. What do you think?" Seeing the two of them flirting with each other, they simply regarded themselves as transparent people. Wu Gangying was originally just sad and helpless. His emotions were immediately filled with anger and jealousy. He raised his sword again and pointed it at Lin Yuanyin and said angrily: "If you dare to protect him anymore, don't think that I dare not kill you!"

Lin Yuanyin suddenly turned around and scolded: "Then try it!" Her wide-open eyes showed an aura that made people angry: "But tell me first, what is the reason for you to kill me? Wu Gangying, the compassionate and compassionate No. 1 disciple of Luojiashan!" Wu Gangying was at a loss for words. Indeed, if he was asked to produce evidence of killing Xingchen, he could not produce any definite evidence. Lin Yuanyin's momentum made him breathless. He knew that it was invincible righteousness. However, people in the world cannot help themselves, Lin Yuanyin, Lin Yuanyin, even if I know that what I am doing is wrong, I still do it, because I can't bear the risk of losing you, and I can't imagine the world without you. . Wu Gangying secretly said to himself in his heart that he must muster up enough courage to face this question that he could not answer at all: "I know what I did was wrong, but I want to say that I must kill someone today." If you kill him, even if you hate me forever."

Lin Yuanyin's eyes opened wider, but this time it was not because of anger, but because of extreme surprise. She never expected that Wu Gangying could actually say these words. Seeing that the boy who grew up with him now seemed to be a completely different person. The facial features on his face were almost distorted by anger. The one who was reasonable, gentle and honest, the one who hated the most and loved the chivalrous man who did not distinguish between right and wrong and loved to save people with justice. The demeanor of Wu Gangying, who was always calm and calm without the slightest trace of panic, seemed to be completely dead. Lin Yuanyin, who hated her, suppressed the anger in her heart and forced herself to analyze the current situation calmly. It seems that Wu Gangying was most likely instigated by Chen Xian and believed in the rumors of a change of heart. Now if a head-on confrontation takes place, Wu Gangying His character is bound to be chaotic. If something like this happens, let alone the first disciple of the Buddhist family, I am afraid that he will not be able to be a disciple of Luojiashan. Xingchen silently watched Lin Yuanyin's reaction from behind. The look in his eyes made people feel that this matter had nothing to do with him. He was just gloating about watching a farce that didn't know how to end.

Lin Yuanyin had already thought clearly. She tried her best to calm her breathing, control her speaking speed and said, "Are you so angry because you think I'm sorry for you?" Wu Gangying was stunned. He didn't expect Lin Yuanyin to be so angry. Yuan Yin would bring up this juncture so directly and say something about the core. Wu Gangying felt a pain in his heart and tried his best to hold back the embarrassing tears. Seeing that Wu Gangying remained silent, Lin Yuanyin continued: "First of all, I want to explain my anger just now. I didn't expect you to disbelieve me so much and question me so definitely. You once said, what's wrong? We must maintain good communication about the problem and not let the conflicts get bigger due to misunderstandings. But now why are you unwilling to listen to even a word from me and avoid me