Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 104: Dust off (16)


Wu Gangying was shocked. At the same time, everyone felt that the air around them seemed to be flowing strangely. A strange expression appeared on Xingchen's face. He slowly turned his head and looked at the mirror on the window. He said in one sentence: "The ninth class room!!"

Everyone looked at the large and small mirrors in horror. The mirrors clearly revealed a dim corridor. The gray-white pillars next to them clearly told people that the place where this scene took place was a teaching place decades ago. Inside the building. A girl with shoulder-length hair held a candle in her hand and walked over carefully step by step. Everyone held their breath. It was obviously a momentary scene, but every step of the footsteps and the strange uneven breathing could be heard so clearly and distinctly. Except for Xingchen, who had a tense face, and the principal, who was uncertain, the faces of everyone else in the classroom were full of fear and tremor, including the unsuspecting Wu Gangying, who thought it was Xingchen who had also predicted... An ambush was set. Lin Yuanyin felt as if she had knocked over a five-flavor bottle, with all the ups and downs, bitterness, and spicy. She never expected that her joke would really lead to the appearance of the ninth classroom.

Yang Cong's sister walked over step by step. Although she was so slow and careful, she still walked to the window of the classroom after a while. , there are several obvious big wrinkles. "Could it be..." Before she had time to figure it out, the dead soul suddenly stopped, then raised her head, slowly, tilted her head towards the classroom, and a ferocious smile gradually bloomed on her face. , that is a different kind of fear, that is a different kind of beauty. The loose lips and black teeth were exposed under a strange curve, like a crocodile whose body had rotted, and yellow liquid was flowing out of its eyes. Except for Xingchen, Lin Yuanyin and the principal who had seen the scene before, Wu Gangying and Chen Xian were trembling involuntarily. As well-informed Buddhist disciples, they had never seen such a strange thing before. Such a smiling undead. According to common sense, dead people have given up their emotions and desires. If they have to leave something behind, it is hatred.

However, this vision was different from the previous ones. The sharp-eyed Xingchen and Lin Yuanyin discovered at the same time that in the mirror closest to the door, that is, the mirror that shined in the direction of the undead, there was an additional object clearly - a slowly opening door. door! The door was painted an outdated khaki color, and there was an old lock on it that had been out of use for a long time. Finally, even Lin Yuanyin couldn't hold it anymore: "That... that's..." The principal's appreciative tone sounded discordant: "That's the ninth classroom, what a wonderful space, as long as you go in, you can..." Get eternal happiness and endless satisfaction." Just as he was talking, the door had opened a large gap, and then, suddenly, a dazzling white light was released from inside. Everyone was caught off guard and rushed in and turned their heads. At the same time, a large group of screams, sobbing, and even distorted laughter came overwhelmingly, "Hee hee... haha..." The misty strange sounds floated in the air, seeming to carry powerful magic, giving everyone a splitting headache. , except Xingchen. He just slowly closed his eyes, and in the darkness, an arc of light flashed through.

After the white light passed, everything returned to calm. Only the principal murmured: "Coming soon, the storm of death is coming." No one paid attention to him. Xingchen stared closely at Chen Xian and Wu Gangying: "What are you doing here?" Wu Gangying sneered: "Come on Reveal your true identity, demon fox, stop hiding your true identity." Xingchen, who was extremely smart, immediately guessed the whole process of the incident. He no longer looked at Wu Gangying, but turned to stare at Lin Yuanyin closely. : "Did you bring them here? Did you bring me here on purpose? In fact, you didn't know that the ninth classroom would appear today, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't have a more surprised look on your face than others. " " I..." Lin Yuanyin wanted to say something, but nothing came out. Facing Xingchen's unusually cold and questioning gaze, her heart seemed to be stabbed severely by a sharp bamboo thorn. Chen Xian interrupted: "Shut up and look at my demon mirror! Show your true colors!" The demon mirror suddenly emitted colorful neon light. Chen Xian slowly pointed the mirror at Xingchen and at the same time looked at the person next to him. Lin Yuanyin said: "Look, see what's in the mirror clearly. Then you will wake up from the nightmare." Xingchen didn't panic as Lin Yuanyin expected, he just stood steadily, She looked at Lin Yuanyin solemnly, her eyes never moving away. This usually cold boy's eyes contained such complex emotions at this moment: hatred, disappointment, questioning, and even Lin Yuanyin would rather believe that it was an illusion. , with a hint of vague pain. The smooth mirror faced Xingchen, and Lin Yuanyin held her breath for a moment. After a strange light flashed, the mirror was empty and there was nothing. Instead, facing the principal, a fat and fat one suddenly appeared. Fox sight. All the surprised eyes were immediately directed at the principal. The principal suddenly covered his face and let out a weird howl before turning into a fox and running away hastily.

Wu Gangying was shocked and angry: "Chen Xian, what's going on? Is the demon mirror malfunctioning?" , His eyes never left Lin Yuanyin. After saying this, he still looked at her intently. That look was enough to make everyone feel awe-inspiring and want to escape, until he finally stepped out of the classroom. The moment he reached the door, he finally put his eyes away and turned around and left decisively. At that moment, Lin Yuanyin finally couldn't help but collapsed on the ground and cried bitterly.

With a "clang", the radiant mirror fell to the ground with a crisp sound. Chen Xian stared blankly at Xingchen's leaving figure: "Impossible, how is it possible... She is obviously a demon fox... Why..." After saying that, she suddenly covered her face and ran away crying. For just a short moment, only the stunned Wu Gangying and the grief-stricken Lin Yuanyin were left in the empty classroom. Wu Gangying never thought that tonight would end like this. He no longer had the mind to think about Xingchen's true identity. Looking at Lin Yuanyin who was holding her knees and crying like a child, Wu Gangying's body was trembling slightly. He wanted to say a few words to comfort Lin Yuanyin, but as the culprit of the whole incident, he was not qualified to say any word. He was even more afraid that every word he said now would be a waste to Lin Yuanyin. A different kind of injury.

However, Wu Gangying was not allowed to regret or blame himself. The most terrible disaster he had ever seen in his life quietly played the opening music of death. Just when Wu Gangying was in a dilemma with Lin Yuanyin, he suddenly heard a strange sound like shoes dragging on the floor from the corridor, and there was more than one sound. What happened? Wu Gangying hurriedly ran out to take a look. When his feet just stepped out of the threshold, his whole body was already as stiff as being frozen. What unfolded in front of him turned out to be a picture that was even weirder, more terrifying, and more horrifying than the illusion in the ninth classroom just now! The corridors were crowded with students, some of whom were constantly pouring out of the classrooms. Wu Gangying remembered that when he passed by just now, elective exams were being held in many classrooms nearby. It was only 7:50 and the exam only lasted half an hour. Why were all those people pouring out

But the more frightening scene has just begun. A strange grin with gaping teeth appears on everyone's face. There is a soft tongue hanging halfway between the two rows of teeth. The lips are blue-white, and the corners of the eyes are slanted. On one side, the limbs were stiff and they walked like a leper, staggering and swaying, their shoes scraping against the ground and making a loud noise. "You... what's wrong with you? Are you crazy?" Wu Gangying was extremely shocked, but no one looked at him, and no one answered his questions. Everyone just stared at the front, with an astonishingly unified pace, Walk forward slowly. People kept pouring out of the classroom, and Wu Gangying even spotted the teacher invigilating the exam, who was also smiling strangely and drooling in the crowd.

"Fa... what happened?" Wu Gangying's whole body was coldly pressed against the door frame. The scene in front of him always felt like déjà vu, very familiar. He had seen it somewhere before, but it seemed a little different. "Huangquan Slope!" After searching hard for a while, Wu Gangying finally remembered that there had been an illustration in an ancient book, depicting this scene. Huangquan Slope is the only way to hell or reincarnation after passing Naihe Bridge. All the souls of the dead must pass there. On the empty Huangquan Slope, there were densely packed souls from all over the place. After drinking Meng Po Soup, they forgot everything they had ever had in the world and walked on the plank road of death with expressionless expressions. But this is the human world, so why does this kind of scene unique to the ghost world happen? And most importantly, if they have really become undead, and what appears in front of him is really a scene from the ghost world, then these faces should have abandoned all joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, and there will be no such creepiness. The smile is. Could it be that this is the disaster the principal just mentioned

Before Wu Gangying could figure it out, something more terrifying happened. The first few boys walking at the front had reached the end of the corridor on the second floor. In front of them was a hard wall. Wu Gangying thought they would turn and go downstairs, but the boys stopped and then jerked their heads. Hit the wall. Wu Gangying screamed, blood and flesh flying everywhere, and his brain was blurred. He only saw a few cracked black objects being twisted from his neck due to the huge impact force, and rolled to the ground. "Crazy! They're crazy! They're all crazy!!!" Wu Gangying's mind went blank. The students behind kept coming one after another, violently hitting the wall with their heads, leaving fresh blood, brains, and some broken limbs on the wall.

"Stop! You all stop! Do you want to die?!!" Wu Gangying himself finally went crazy. He ran forward crazily and violently grabbed a boy who was about to hit his head against the wall. But he could hold one, but not the second. Next to him, new heads kept rolling down, or heads that had been split in half and stuck to the wall slid down. Blood and brains were intertwined and mixed, hitting Wu Gangying's face. This usually strong boy who didn't say anything about his discomfort finally couldn't help but cry when faced with the disappearance of a group of living lives: "Stop, you all stop! I beg you to stop!" "Let him go. !" A clear female voice suddenly came from the other end of the corridor. Could anyone still be normal? Wu Gangying's eyes were densely covered with brain matter. He freed up a hand and wiped away the debris on his eyelids. He saw those drunken people in the distance walking towards him. A girl's eyes were full of suppressed grief. "You are..." Wu Gangying was stunned. The girl swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said: "My name is Yang Cong, and I am Lin Yuanyin's friend. Who I am will be discussed later. Where is Lin Yuanyin?" Wu Gangying shouted: "First tell me why you are here. Will this happen?! Don't you save these people? I don't know how many people have been killed here!!" Anger appeared in Yang Cong's eyes: "Thankfully you are still a member of the magic world, couldn't you see that they had already died? Are they no longer human?! They are just going to where they should go now. Anyone who has seen the ninth classroom is not human!!" Wu Gangying said blankly: "You... what did you say?" Yang Cong said : "Look at the blood on the ground, which is dark red and coagulated, and the brain plasma. Normal brain plasma is pure white, but these have turned yellow. They are all on corpses that have been dead for more than a few days. "How many days have they been dead? Are you kidding me? They were taking exams just before I came in, and now you tell me that they are walking zombies who have been dead for a few days?!" Wu Gangying Xie Si He was roaring from the bottom, being so stimulated, his mental defense was constantly breaking down.

Yang Cong was also very annoyed that Wu Gangying was always entangled in this matter and refused to tell her where Lin Yuanyin was: "I don't know! As I told you, everyone who has seen the ninth classroom is no longer a human being! As for why they suddenly changed from living people to walking zombies, we have to solve the mystery of the ninth classroom to know! Tell me where Lin Yuanyin is?!" "What is the ninth classroom?" Wu Gangying said to No one knew anything about this long-standing horror legend. Before Yang Cong could continue to answer, Wu Gangying's eyes were suddenly shocked, and he slowly lowered his head and looked at the arms of the boy who was trying to hit the wall that he grabbed with both hands. On the inside of both arms, although there was a mixture of blood and brain everywhere, Wu Gangying could still clearly see that two blue-black marks were slowly expanding—that was the color of rotten flesh! Not only his hands, but also the boy's face began to turn blue. Wu Gangying was frightened and immediately let go. The boy immediately rushed towards the wall desperately. A heavy muffled sound came, and then a few drops of liquid splashed onto Wu Gangying's face. Yang Cong's words were verified one by one. These people who were alive just now turned into corpses in an instant, and then began to decay rapidly. All the incredibleness is perfectly and seamlessly interpreted in this corridor, in these smiles that are not human expressions.

"Tell me where Lin Yuanyin is. We have to escape as soon as possible, because I don't know if the ninth classroom will appear again." Yang Cong said quickly when he saw that Wu Gangying had calmed down. Wu Gangying took a deep breath, calmed down the trembling in his body, and pointed to a classroom next to him. Lin Yuanyin had already fainted from crying because of the tremendous grief, and she didn't even notice what was happening outside. Wu Gangying quickly carried Lin Yuanyin on his back and said to Yang Cong: "Let's go." Yang Cong said: "You can't go by the stairs! When I passed by just now, there was no incident on the first floor. A bunch of people were running around like crazy. I don't know the legend. Has it spread to the first floor?" Wu Gangying asked: "What should I do?" Yang Cong said: "You must know Qinggong and help me jump off the balcony." Wu Gangying said without hesitation: "Okay, let's go!" After that, The two struggled to push away the dense crowd on the balcony and jumped to the ground.

After jumping down, Wu Gangying found that he had not escaped from the excitement just now, but instead came to a scene that could be called a hell on earth. I don’t know if something happened on the first floor, or because everyone ran out, it was deserted. The seventh floor was also closed due to recent renovations, and there was no one there. In addition, the balconies from the third to sixth floors were densely packed. Looking down, a huge cry came from upstairs. Seeing Wu Gangying and Yang Cong jumping to the ground, suddenly more crazy and hoarse cries came from the building: "Help us!! Help!!" Wu Gangying felt cold in her heart: "There is nothing up there yet, they can't come down, I Go up and rescue them." Yang Cong said flatly: "No! What if you happen to see the ninth classroom when you go up? And now the stairs are blocked with corpses, how can you go up?"

While the two were arguing, a boy shouted hoarsely from upstairs: "Tell me, what happened?" The two looked up and saw a boy with glasses sitting on the balcony of the fifth floor, with his legs on the floor. It was dangling in the air, with its large eye sockets exposing the entire eyeball. Its mouth was open, its muscles were twitching, and its face was full of fear and panic. Wu Gangying opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to explain this complicated scene that he would never believe if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes. Yang Cong began to shout desperately: "If you don't want to die, close your eyes, don't look behind you, don't look at anything, remember, never look back!" "Tell me what happened?!! Tell me why there are so many corpses down there!!!" The boy went completely crazy. He pulled his hair desperately: "Tell me!!" Blood seeped out from his scalp and slowly flowed to his face. Yang Cong took two steps back in shock: "He's gone crazy!" Wu Gangying said calmly: "It's normal. Faced with the strange direct impact of death, who else can remain normal?" A higher-decibel sharp sound came from the building. Shouting, those people who were still crowded on the balcony suddenly began to run and cry like crazy. The two of them clearly heard someone crying: "Candle... Candle..." Wu Gangying's whole body shook violently. Trembling: "That illusion just now..." Yang Cong's eyes were also wet: "Sister... The ninth classroom finally started killing people." The boy who was sitting had already stopped pulling his hair and hurt himself, and just stared blankly. There are two people, Wu Gangying and Yang Cong. Yang Cong tearfully shook his head at him and said, "Don't look behind you, don't look back, just look at the two of us." The boy's teeth trembled: "Candle... what does candle mean?" Without waiting for Yang Cong answered, and the boy had already made the last decision in his life—putting his hand on the balcony and letting his body fall freely in the air. "No -" Yang Cong cried out, and Wu Gangying closed her eyes in pain. Her eyes were pitch black and she couldn't see anything. It seemed that after a long, long time, she felt the faintest vibration from the ground, and then , it’s that continuous familiar dull sound of “bang bang”…

Life and death, sometimes, are only a few steps apart.

Wu Gangying and Yang Cong did not know when the military police car arrived. They only knew that other students in the school had fled one after another, the principal was missing, the school was completely disintegrated, and the army announced that it would take over the school and implement strict closure measures. In this incident, except for a few people on the first floor who ran away in time, none of the 338 students who were studying for exams in the building at the time were spared. All of them died. Except for one who jumped to his death, the rest had their heads separated from their bodies. The death was horrific. . The military struggled to clear the scene and had to start clearing the bodies from the first floor. The incident shocked the country and abroad. After an investigation by the military, no success was achieved. In order to calm people's hearts and quell the criticism from media from all walks of life, the government announced that the cause of the incident was the use of biological and chemical weapons, which caused people in the building to have hallucinations and then committed suicide. . The school was never re-established. Because this mass suicide was so tragic, it was said that the ground was full of broken heads. Many parents who came to deal with the aftermath went crazy because they couldn't accept it. Some committed suicide and some went crazy. Later, the media called this incident the "Skull Death Building Incident." These are nothing to mention.

Yang Cong placed Lin Yuanyin on the bed in his small room. He turned around and said to Wu Gangying, who was huddled in the corner with his head hanging down: "Don't worry, she's fine. She just fainted from crying." Wu Gangying muffled her voice. Authentic: "I know, can you tell me what happened in the ninth classroom now?" Yang Cong then detailed the ins and outs of the legend, including the copper pieces discovered by Xingchen and Lin Yuanyin and the mystery of the girl with a broken leg, etc. He also told him together, and finally said: "I know that you may not be able to accept the sudden telling of so many incredible things to you, but I can assure you that Lin Yuanyin is really verifying the legend. She told me As she said, she will do her best to save all sentient beings." "Go through all the suffering and save all sentient beings." Wu Gangying took a deep breath: "These are what I told her. It's really ironic. In the end, she wants to save all sentient beings. Teach me to understand this truth." Yang Cong sighed and said: "Don't blame yourself too much. Chen Xian is deliberately instigating it. I believe Lin Yuanyin will not blame you." Wu Gang said in a stern voice: "Blame it. You don’t blame me, but secondly, I have never seen her look so sad. I... I feel very sad, but I seem to understand... I don’t know what you are talking about." Yang Cong shook his head and said, "I understand, because you are like this I feel like I've had it before. I don't want to say anything to you. Some things can only be obtained by yourself, and some truths can only be understood by yourself. But I believe you can do it. "

Wu Gangying closed his eyes, but his expression showed no sign of relaxation, as if he was asleep, and there was no movement for a long time. Yang Cong looked at the unconscious Lin Yuanyin and sighed secretly. He saw that the two of them were getting closer and closer to the truth about the ninth classroom, but unexpectedly a misunderstanding occurred and they parted ways, which also led to the ninth classroom taking advantage of the situation and killing her alive. Countless lives have been harmed. "Xingchen is missing and you are unconscious. Yuan Yin, you have to cheer up. If you don't wake up, what will you do if you call me?" Yang Cong looked at Lin Yuanyin's pale cheek and said in a low voice. . "The two of them can't do it right now, so let's hold on to it for now." Wu Gangying suddenly said a voice from behind, startling Yang Cong, "What did you just say?" Wu Gangying opened his eyes and looked at her, his eyes still the same. He was tired and dim, but his words were completely different and firm: "I say the two of us should take the lead. If I had known that there was such a terrible legend lurking in the school, I would never have been so impulsive with Yuan Yin. Wrong I have already committed a crime and there is no way to undo it. But I can choose to take a path of atonement." "We? Can we?" At first, Yang Cong just stared at the man in front of him who was still covered in blood and spoke in a muddled voice. The boy, then, slowly, his eyes glowed with light, "Yes, I forgot, Lin Yuanyin said that you have very strong magic power. Thank you for your willingness to help." Wu Gangying said nothing and closed her eyes again. Eyes, he once went down the mountain to help many people subdue the evil ghosts, and also saved many people's lives. He heard many people say "thank you" sincerely and tearfully, but this time "thank you" sounded so awkward. So ironic.

This new pair of partners encountered many difficulties when they first explored the mystery of the legend. Yang Cong first discovered that the information they had was pitiful. They were just fragments of words that she had heard from Xingchen and Lin Yuanyin before. In order not to disturb her mind, there were many things that the two of them mentioned in a vague way. . Wu Gangying once went out to look for stars, but of course he found nothing. No one knew where he went, and no one saw him appear. This mysterious boy appeared as if falling from the sky, and then disappeared as if he had evaporated. Chen Xian is also missing. During this period, Yang Cong also tried to guess the words on the copper plate, but the more he guessed, the more confusing he became. The two were at a loss for a few days, but nothing made any progress. Wu Gangying said depressedly: "It can't go on like this. Can we just sit back and wait for death now?" Yang Cong sighed: "There is nothing you can do about it. Even if you are determined to start looking for information again, there is no environment. Even if there are still remaining The school has already searched all the evidence." Wu Gangying said: "In the past few days, I have been thinking about the content of the legend of the ninth classroom day and night, and there are always some things I don't understand. You said no one has ever seen it. The ninth classroom, but there is a description of how many people this classroom can accommodate." Yang Cong nodded and said: "That's right." Wu Gangying continued: "Then who will stay with this description? " Yang Cong recalled that Xingchen and the two had discussed this issue before, so he shook his head and said: "I have thought about it a long time ago. I don't know, maybe it was left behind by an early student before he died." Wu Gangying said: "No. , you haven’t understood what I mean. Let’s put it this way, if you were asked to describe the classroom in your class, what words would you use to describe it?” Yang Cong thought hard: “Bright, spacious, and close to the toilet. , the smell is bad..." At this point, she suddenly stopped and looked at Wu Gangying blankly. Wu Gangying said with satisfaction: "Understood? As ordinary students, when we describe a classroom, we will never use words like how many people it can accommodate. Even if we want to describe it, we will only say classroom." How many people are sitting in the room, or how many people are in the class. Generally speaking, the word "accommodate" is often used in two situations. One is the conference hall, usually to show off its size, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people. The other is that in building construction, the design drawings usually use 'how many people can be accommodated' as an explanation of the size of the separated rooms." Yang Cong suddenly jumped up: "You mean, the original spreader of that legend , are the construction workers of the ninth classroom?!" Wu Gangying said: "Since the ninth classroom is not an illusion, but a real scene, how can something like this built brick by brick be born with the ability to kill people? Ability? Someone must have tampered with it along the way. Also, the ninth classroom has never appeared again since the day it was completed. These facts have clearly told us that the process of the ninth classroom's mutation is During the period from the construction to the completion of the building. In other words, the killing ability of the ninth classroom was designed from the beginning, and it was not an extra thing at all! "The ninth classroom was designed? This inference that simply overturned the content of the legend made Yang Cong unable to calm down for a long time: "How did you come up with this doubt?" Wu Gangying took out an old newspaper from behind: "I also saw it accidentally." Yang When Cong took it and read it, he found that it was a newspaper from 1940. It had a big front-page headline: "Ten construction workers were murdered by gangsters and only one managed to escape." It was also accompanied by a picture of a work shed at the scene. Below is a slightly smaller line: "Liuhai University expresses great regret for this incident. At the same time, it also stated that it will strengthen school security and protect the personal safety of students." Yang Cong's head went blank with a "buzz": "This is... Wu Gangying bit her lower lip and said, "This is the first murder in the ninth classroom that should be remembered forever."

Yang Gong hurriedly continued reading. After a series of exaggerating the horror of the murder scene and boring comments from crime experts, he finally came across a thought-provoking sentence: "The reporter went through all kinds of trouble to find the worker who escaped by chance, but he refused to disclose anything. He refused to cooperate with the police investigation and voluntarily gave up his claim against the school. Some experts believe that he may have suffered a mental disorder due to severe stimulation." "That worker!" Yang Cong shouted. : "The worker who escaped must be the originator of the legend of the Ninth Classroom!" As she said this, she suddenly thought of something: "Do you want to find this worker?" Wu Gangying looked at her: "How about that? Why do you think I worked so hard to deduce it?" Yang Cong said: "It's impossible to find it, it's been so many years, I don't know where they have wandered." Wu Gangying said: "Sometimes there are things that are far away in the horizon. , or it can be right in front of you. Such a big thing happened in the school, which has already shocked the world. Now the authorities have tightly blocked the news, and at the same time announced to the outside world that the murderer has been caught. I think if the worker is still alive, he will definitely come over. Let's see. After all, when he left, he was so unwilling and humiliated, and he was still carrying the bloody secrets of ten co-workers. If the truth comes out one day, he will definitely tell it. "

The school cordoned off the scene. There were not many people watching outside. Due to the media's overwhelming exaggeration, this matter was rumored to be very mysterious. Many timid people hid as far away as they could, and only a few bold and boring people were there. Wait and see there. Yang Cong said: "Although there are few people, we can't ask one by one." Wu Gangying whispered to Yang Cong: "Follow me." The two came to a remote place, and Yang Cong said in confusion: "What do you do? What?" Wu Gangying said: "Cooperate with me to put on a good show." Then he whispered a few words to Yang Cong. Yang Cong was half-convinced and asked: "Is it effective?" Wu Gangying said: "A dead horse is a living horse doctor, come on." After saying that, he looked around and deliberately loudly said to Yang Cong: "Hey, have you heard? Inside? The death was not caused by any biological weapon, but by the existence of a certain classroom." Yang Cong had to cooperate: "No way? How could a classroom cause death?" Wu Gangying continued: "Ha, you don't Got it? Fortunately, that classroom was discovered, otherwise I wouldn't believe it." Yang Cong said: "Really? Then tell me, it sounds interesting." The two of them talked quickly at the same time. I glanced behind them and saw a middle-aged, slightly fat man following them nervously. The two of them thought at the same time: Appeared! Wu Gangying hurriedly said loudly: "I can tell you, but there are too many people here. Come with me to a quiet place." The two took advantage of the situation and turned around, hiding in the corner and waiting for the person to arrive.

"What are you two doing?" A cold voice suddenly came from behind. Hearing this familiar voice, Yang Cong almost jumped up: "Xingchen?" Wu Gangying looked back and saw that it was indeed Xingchen. He didn't know where he came from and was looking at him with suspicion. . Wu Gangying was very embarrassed when he saw Xingchen again. He wanted to apologize for mistakenly thinking that Xingchen was not a human being, but Yang Cong had already spoken in a hurry: "Xingchen, Lin Yuanyinhun is now..." Xingchen interrupted and said: " I don't know this person. Say, why are you here waiting to die?" "Waiting to die?" Yang Cong was extremely surprised: "No, we are planning to lure insiders over." Xingchen was a little dumbfounded: "Do you think that person Is that the worker? That person is a plainclothes soldier from the military. If you spread such nonsense, they will take action on you." "What?" The two of them were shocked. When they went out to take a look, sure enough, there was a group of soldiers with guns behind them. He came over and was gesturing with the middle-aged man just now. The two gasped, and Xingchen said decisively: "Follow me!" The two followed him and turned a few corners, successfully escaping the military's search.

"By the way, Xingchen, how do you know about that worker?" Yang Cong suddenly remembered that Xingchen seemed to know everything about their actions. Xingchen said: "Nonsense, I pushed that newspaper to him." As he said this, he glanced at Wu Gangying depressedly. He was really surprised that Wu Gangying would direct such a "good show". I originally thought that I could have fun and relax by leaving it to the two of them, but unexpectedly... Wu Gangying was so embarrassed that she wanted to crawl underground. Xingchen continued: "I have been looking for this newspaper for a long time. If it were not for this mass death incident, I guess this old almanac would not have been dug out by the media. The escaped worker did not come. If you want him Come on, I'm afraid I have to do one more thing. Go to the newspaper and report that a monster with a human head and a snake body was seen at the scene of the incident." "The principal's daughter?" Yang Cong exclaimed, "Could she be with that worker? What does it have to do with it?" Xingchen said: "I don't know what it does. I went to the reporter who wrote that report, and he told me that he felt that the worker was unwilling to tell what happened and was unwilling to cooperate with the police. I understand, but voluntarily giving up the claim against the school is a bit puzzling. Under her questioning, the man finally said hesitantly: 'I... I don't want him not to treat her well in the future.' Although he did not say specifically. Who is it? But I checked and found that the principal's daughter was probably born before 1940. In other words, the principal probably adopted this daughter in 1940 or before." "Adoption?" the two said in unison. Xingchen rolled his eyes at the two of them: "The principal is a fox and the daughter is a human being. Do you still need me to explain such a simple logical relationship?" Yang Cong suddenly realized: "I will report the information immediately. By the way, Xingchen, can you You can't tell me where you live. Sometimes we can't find you when we have something to do." Xingchen said, "No comment. I don't want to burden you to death if you invite the army again someday.