Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 106: Dust off(18)


After a while, I remembered that there was old money on it, so I reluctantly put down the old bolt, picked up the flashlight and went up. Far away at the end of the second floor, which is the door of our renovated classroom, I saw Lao Qian dancing there. As I walked I started shouting: 'Old money! What are you doing? come over! 'Old Qian continued dancing and ignored me at all. Thinking of Lao Shuan's death, I knew something must have happened to Lao Qian. I quickly ran forward, hugged Lao Qian who was wandering around, and shouted: "Old Qian, it's me!" 'This hug didn't matter, Lao Qian's face happened to be right up against mine. I took a flashlight and looked at it. Oh my god, what kind of face is that! The eyes, nose, and mouth were completely distorted, as if there were convulsions all over the face. The old man was smiling ferociously, with white teeth, and he wanted to bite me in the face. I was so horrified that I slapped him several times. After being beaten, Lao Qian seemed to wake up a little, stopped laughing, and looked at me suspiciously with his eyes open. I shook him desperately: 'It's me. 'She recognized me, her eyes suddenly opened wide, and his face turned red from holding back. He wanted to say something to me, but he muttered, but nothing came out. Suddenly, he pushed me away desperately, made a circular shape with his two stiff stick-like hands, pointed to the classroom, and finally stretched out two fingers to shake at me. Thinking of what Lao Shuan said before he died, I couldn't help blurting out: 'Two classrooms? 'Old Qian took a long breath, and then returned to his ferocious smile, but he no longer had the energy to dance. He just collapsed on the ground until his eyes were completely closed. One night, in just a few dozen meters, two brothers died. "Wait a minute," Wu Gangying interrupted: "I want to ask a casual question. Is there a moon that day?" The man nodded, and Wu Gangying asked again: "Can the moonlight reach the inside of the building?" "Wu Gangying actually asked such an idiotic question. Yang Cong couldn't help but glance at him, but unexpectedly the man slowly shook his head.

"After Lao Qian died, I rushed into the classroom angrily, but I didn't see anything. The wall was still the same wall. I stepped forward and took a closer look with a flashlight. Sure enough, the wall had been repaired. . Lao Wang did not lie. So what is the meaning of the 'two classrooms' that Lao Shuan and Lao Qian emphasized before they died? I knew this mystery the next night, but the mystery of the circle that Lao Qian compared , but I haven’t been able to figure it out until now. Two brothers died in one night, and the whole group began to feel confused. A group of men gathered together to cry. I was so anxious that I directed the brothers to contact the funeral home to send them to a car to rest in peace. Lao Zhao He came to me with red eyes and said: 'Boss, I see something is not right about this place. Why don't we stop asking for wages? Let's hide first.' I was filled with anger and wanted to find out what was going on with the dean. What happened was that I was willing to give up and insist on letting everyone stay. I went back alone and made a phone call. After I went back, I unexpectedly found that my daughter had stopped crying and smiled straight at me with a smiling face. She smiles so cutely. . ”

"After receiving the call, the dean came quickly. His face was gloomier than mine. Before I could ask angrily, he had already asked: 'Did someone touch the things I hid?' "He revealed his whereabouts so readily that I choked up. He looked at me with a serious and slightly angry look and said: "Things have been ruined by you. The two of you who accepted them found the door of hell on their own. Go ahead, all my efforts to save you have been wasted. "What?" I suspected that I heard it wrong. This guy in front of me, who had already been identified as a pest, kept saying something about saving us. He sighed and said: 'Now that the matter is over, I'm not afraid to tell you. There have always been some things in this school. You know what I mean, those invisible things. They accumulate over time, settle down for a long time, and become very scary. You know the school Why are you willing to pay such a high price to hire you to do this project? That's because you are an engineering team from other places. You don't know how powerful it is, and even the local ones don't dare to take it on. The principal only thinks about his future and doesn't care about it at all. I don't care about your life or death. I am the most Bodhisattva-hearted person and can't bear to see people die. I secretly found an expert and placed a magic weapon to suppress the evil spirits. I originally wanted to save you, but who knew that you destroyed it yourself.' It turns out. The truth of the matter was like this. My hands and feet went cold after hearing this, and I quickly defended myself: "But they didn't break down the wall." The teaching director said disdainfully: "It has nothing to do with the wall. My magic weapon is subject to the yin energy of the moonlight." Moisturizing is effective. Once you come up and pour Yang Qi into it, it won't be able to suppress it.' Seeing that I was still dubious, he pointed at my daughter and said: 'It's not just them, your daughter is also possessed by a ghost. .Look at her forehead.' I quickly turned around and saw that a green aura appeared on the girl's forehead. I was so scared at this moment that I had forgotten all about seeking revenge, so I knelt down and kowtowed. I begged him to save my daughter. He frowned and thought for a long time, and finally said in embarrassment: "This girl of yours is weak, small, and very possessed by evil spirits. They can kill her at any time. It's not impossible to save her." The solution is that I'm afraid you won't be able to let go. It's best for you, this little girl, to stay with me. I'll ask an expert to cast a spell to slowly exorcise her. It'll probably take decades. Are you willing? 'Ah? I was stunned on the spot. I couldn't give up my daughter anyway, but if I didn't, she would die. Seeing my conflicted look, the dean said to me Wen Yan: "Don't worry, your baby girl is so cute." , I won’t treat her badly, let her be my goddaughter, I will support her to go to school in the future, why don’t you recognize each other again when we are older?’” Yang Cong frowned when he heard this, and couldn’t help but cursed. : "Insidious and despicable villain!"

The man seemed to have heard nothing and continued to talk calmly: "As soon as I heard what he said, tears rolled out of my eyes. We are a poor family. Originally, she had no food, clothing or warmth when she followed me. Don't say that she had no money. Reading, I guess I will have to help with the work when I get older. Now a rich man has come, which is the blessing accumulated by our family for generations. I nodded and agreed with tears in my eyes. The dean said to me kindly: "There is one more thing Brother, you should express your condolences. I am not being alarmist. All of your brothers are contaminated with evil spirits. I will try my best to save them, but whether they can be saved or not depends on God's will. But your daughter can definitely be saved.' It was like another bolt from the blue: 'You said they will all die?' The dean said with a stern face: 'Not necessarily, I'm not sure. But just one thing, don't say anything, otherwise not even your daughter can be saved.' He said After saying these words, I walked straight away. I was left alone holding my daughter and crying uncontrollably. I thought of the dead Lao Shuan and Lao Qian, and of a group of brothers. I wanted to rush out several times and tell everyone to escape, but Seeing my daughter's smiling face and hearing her sweet laughter, I couldn't help but feel sad. In the end, I chose to save my daughter and abandoned the good brothers who followed me all over the world. I'm sorry for them, I don't deserve to be theirs. Boss, I feel even more sorry for their parents and brothers..." When it came to the emotional point, the 1.8-meter-tall strong man burst into tears and started crying like a child. Wu Gangying said hurriedly: "I'm tired, let's take a rest."

But the man seemed not to have heard, and continued talking after calming down for a while: "The next morning, Lao Zhao came to me again and told me that it was best to evacuate. There were three brothers in Lao Zhao's family, and two of them were working on the construction site. He died unexpectedly, and now he is the only child in the family. His family is urging him to go home, get married and have children, and he is also very worried about his life. Unfortunately, at that time, I was already a dog with no conscience, and I was facing him With that timid look in his eyes, I could actually pretend to be very calm and calmly say to him: "I have talked to the dean. After today, I will get paid and leave. Don't worry, the boss will not harm you." Zhao believed me and left without saying a word. It was a very sunny day, so I thought nothing would happen, but I was wrong. At noon, I asked everyone to come down to eat, but there was no movement upstairs for a long time. My heart skipped a beat. As soon as I knew it was broken, I ran up desperately. In that dirty corridor filled with cement and bricks, all my brothers were lying on the ground. I almost fainted on the spot. By the time I When I was crying and trying to rush over, I saw the most unbelievable and unbelievable sight in my life - opposite to the wall-built classroom, outside what was supposed to be an empty balcony, an identical room appeared. Classroom—the ninth classroom!!!”

The ninth classroom finally revealed its original ferocious appearance. Wu Gangying and Yang Cong felt chills in their hearts. Neither of them thought that this classroom that had carried so many lives would be born in this way. . Wu Gangying stayed for a long time before saying: "So, the ninth classroom is actually the reflection of the eighth classroom?" The man said with tears: "You can say that. I saw the ninth classroom, and I really ate it. I was so shocked that I didn’t even care to look at the person lying on the ground, and stumbled over. I knew it must be that thing. I wanted to dig out the thing and throw it to the ground hard. I was about to go over, A man on the ground grabbed my trousers. I looked down and saw Lao Zhao looking at me with pained and expectant eyes: "Head... don't... know how to kill..." His muscles were twitching violently, his teeth and lips He was trembling constantly, and saliva mixed with blood flowed down, falling on his rough old hands that were peeling off. He couldn't speak clearly, but I understood what he meant. I squatted down, hugged him and cried loudly. , yes, a group of people are not enough to fight it, so if I run over alone, am I not going to die? For my daughter, I abandoned the lives of these brothers. For my daughter, I personally sent them to hell, and then in the end, they did it for I was holding on for dear life. 'Tou... tell my parents... I will be filial in the next life... I will continue to be filial...' Old Zhao closed his eyes forever with a painful smile, and my heart seemed to have been hit hard by something. Suddenly, it was torn apart in an instant. I cried loudly. I held Lao Zhao’s body. I held them one by one, confessed my sins to them, and sang our favorite songs. I felt that they were not gone. The soul is still beside the body, sing along with me." At this point, the man suddenly laughed, and tears flowed smoothly along the laugh lines. It was an irreplaceable vicissitude and helplessness, a person who has been tortured by his conscience for many years. The soul ascends to heaven and is purified at the moment when its sins are revealed. Yang Cong looked at him blankly, and suddenly thought of Xingchen, Lin Yuanyin who was asleep in bed, himself, and Wu Gangying beside him. Sometimes, cherishing is better than everything, and losing means sinking. Xingchen, Xingchen, why haven’t you understood this truth yet

"I went to the dean like crazy, grabbed his collar, and slammed him against the wall. I wanted to see the miserable state of his head cracking to heal the huge trauma in my heart. 'Are you crazy? ' He broke away from my impact and looked at me in horror. I gasped and looked at him with red eyes: 'I'm crazy, my brothers, all my brothers are dead!' He yelled angrily: "What does it have to do with me if they all die? I said they were contaminated by evil spirits and may not be able to save their lives..." Before he could finish speaking, I pushed him to the wall again: "Shut up! Do you think I really believe it?" Are you talking? What evil spirits or pollution, tell me, why all kinds of weird things have happened since you put that thing in? Why is there an extra classroom at the end of the corridor?!" There is an extra classroom A classroom??' His whole body was shaken, and he seemed to be talking to me, but also seemed to be talking to himself: 'How can it still be like this? I have obviously sealed it. Do you want to...' I can't listen. He grunted like this again and punched him hard: 'Give my brother his life!' Half of his face was bruised and swollen, but he still looked calm and sneered at me: 'Don't you? Responsibility? Don't forget, who promised me to stay for wages that led to the tragedy? Who was willing to sacrifice these lives for his own selfish interests?' I never expected that he would actually beat me up. This is true. It hit the most painful and painful part of my heart. I was stunned for a moment and didn't know what to say. Seeing that I had slowed down, he relaxed and said, "Actually, there is nothing wrong with what you did. This is human." It's normal. Who doesn't want their daughter to be successful in the future? They are old people, but your daughter is just a baby. She still has many opportunities, many hopes, and many roads to go. As her father, for her Doing anything, even by unscrupulous means, is not unethical.'"

At this point, the man suddenly stopped talking, lowered his head and stopped talking. Wu Gangying had already guessed the outcome and asked softly: "Did you accept such an excuse?" The man raised his head with a wry smile: "Yes. For her to study and for her to live a better life in the future, this For more than ten years, I can only secretly come outside the school, look at the wall from a distance, and imagine what she looks like inside. Am I really worse than a beast?" Wu Gangying smiled and said: "The Buddha said , the four good things are the root of wisdom. People always have selfish motives. Even after enlightenment, they may not have all the thirteen good things. The uncle does not need to blame himself too much. I think the uncle is a person who has been born good. If he wants to eliminate this evil fate , just do more good deeds and release animals." The man said in a harsh voice: "I personally don't think anything, I just hope that God will let my daughter go. I hope that she can be reincarnated into a rich family..." He cried with sadness at this point. . Wu Gangying comforted him a few words, then changed the topic: "Uncle, I want to ask you a few questions, but it may bring back your sad past. I will apologize now." The man wiped away his tears and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as I can I am not afraid of anything to avenge my brother and daughter." "Okay, first question, are your brothers, including the two who died before, anything special about their bodies besides being twisted?" The man thought hard for a long time and found nothing. Wu Gangying had to remind: "For example, will there be some strange things on them?" The man thought about it carefully and said: "By the way, there are some things on them. There were a few very light cyan marks on the arms, some on the thighs, and some on the chest. At the time, I thought they were paint, so I didn’t pay attention.”

Wu Gangying said again: "Let me make a bold guess. Your brother's body must have decomposed within a few hours after being delivered to the funeral parlor, right?" The man's eyes widened and he shouted in surprise: "Oh! , how did you know? Could it be that my brother Tuoling gave it to you?" Wu Gangying smiled and did not answer, and continued to ask: "Is their hair curly and messy, and feels dry and hard to the touch?" Yang next to him Cong's body trembled slightly, hair? The hair that Xingchen brought that day had exactly the same symptoms as Wu Gangying described! Could it be... The man continued to nod in surprise: "You seem to know everything." Wu Gangying smiled faintly and said no more. Yang Cong knew that he had finished asking, and asked hurriedly: "Wu Gangying, are you What do you know? Have you guessed what that thing is?" Upon hearing this, the man became obviously nervous and stared at Wu Gangying. Wu Gangying shook his head and said: "No, it's still some wild speculation. Uncle, do you still have the design drawings of this building from back then?" The man nodded and said: "I have always kept these information. I will bring them tomorrow Come and give it to you." "Thank you, uncle." Wu Gangying's smile was very gentle, but Yang Cong could clearly see a trace of heaviness and worry condensed between his eyebrows. Things seemed to be more complicated. Yang Cong was not a psychic medium, but her feelings that day were surprisingly accurate.

"Hehe, that's good, that's good, let these two fools slowly solve the puzzle. We just sit back and enjoy the results. When we get that thing, we won't be afraid of anything. Phew, we won't be afraid of anything." Shu Shulin. Inside, an old man with a cane and a hooked nose looked at the three people's backs and smiled gloomily. A short man next to him approached with a flattering smile and said: "The elder is wise, this trick is used to fight against each other." It's really good. The chief disciple of Luojiashan is willing to work for us. I think those trash in the magic world will not rely on us in the future. However, there is one thing that my subordinates don't understand... I don't know why he has always been so docile. Will the ninth classroom of sheep suddenly go on a killing spree?" The old man said faintly: "Suddenly? Fool, that is its true face! It is the god of killing and death, and only such a cruel and beautiful blood color is worthy of it. It is known as the most terrifying legend on campus. However, decades ago, it was plotted by some trash and banned in a despicable way. Fortunately, God opened his eyes and sent me a once-in-a-lifetime breakthrough. This is a good opportunity to break the seal. Hahaha, all this is thanks to your good Lord. Without him, I would not be able to break this seal. I would not be as close as I am now to the castle in the air that I have been pursuing for decades." The man seemed to Knowingly asked: "Since the Lord can break it, why don't the elders just tell the Lord directly?" The old man sneered: "Tell him? He is almost like an ant that dare not trample to death. Tell him that you are counting on him. Are you going to ruin our business?" The man suddenly realized: "The elder is talking about that woman Lin Yuanyin? Does the elder suspect that the Lord is attracted to her? No, she is very mediocre in appearance, and she likes to contradict others..." The old man Interrupted: "Don't you know that your Lord has always been different? No matter what, I can't let that woman stay by his side and continue to ruin his affairs. Making her comatose is only the first step. Come down, let her go to the underworld to charm King Yama, hahahaha..." The wanton laughter echoed in the empty woods for a long time, startling a group of birds that were perched and looking for food, and they flew out of the trees one after another. It jumped up, causing many broken leaves to circle and dance, and slowly fell to the ground.

The two of them didn't notice that there was a person sitting quietly and soundlessly on a tree not far away. No matter how the birds flew away and the fallen leaves sang their sad songs, he just stayed calm and motionless like a statue. However, after the two people walked away, you could see a clear blue like the deep sea flashing through his eyes like lightning.

"Wu Gangying, what do you know? Tell me, okay?" Wu Gangying stopped helplessly and said, "Didn't I tell you? It's still some speculation. When I find the basis, I will tell you naturally. "And please, sister, please don't circle around me, okay? My head is almost dizzy." Yang Cong said without giving up, "Can you tell me your speculation? Everyone is dead now. Where are you going to find the evidence?" Wu Gangying said: "The secret must not be leaked. In short, I will not bring this secret into the coffin. It's just that this evidence is really hard to find. Do you know where there are large books here? Library?" Before Yang Cong could respond what he was doing in the library, Wu Gangying had already hurriedly added: "Want a place with more Buddhist scriptures?" Yang Cong asked doubtfully: "Buddhist scriptures? You are not Luojiashan Chief disciple? You should be familiar with all the scriptures, so why should you look for a library?" A rare hint of shame appeared on Wu Gangying's honest face: "I'm sorry, I only know those magic scriptures about subduing monsters and catching monsters. I know the text by heart and only remember the title." Yang Cong stood there dumbfounded for a long time. This is the chief disciple of Luojiashan...

In the end, the two of them couldn't find any library. Even if there were no more than three books that recorded Buddhist scriptures, Wu Gangying was so worried that he was sweating profusely. He finally thought of a way and found a long-distance phone booth and dialed: " Hello, I’m Wu Gangying. What? Which Wu Gangying? Damn, how many more Wu Gangying are there? The one on your mountain. He helped you catch a ghost last month... Yes, help me call Huiming, who is in charge of Jingji Pavilion. Junior brother, come here... It doesn't matter if you don't know him. Just stand at the door and call Wu Gangying to look for him. He will definitely show up within a minute. Okay, hurry up." Wu Gangying hung up the phone. Yang Cong was confused and said: "You guys Is Luojiashan very big? I need to call someone later." Wu Gangying took a breath and said, "No, the master is very stingy and is not willing to spend money to install a phone. I called the small liquor store at the foot of the mountain. Went." "Can Buddhist disciples drink?" "I don't know... what do you want me to do? I am a layman." "Aren't laymen not considered Buddhist disciples?" "To a certain extent..."

Before Wu Gangying could dial the phone, the phone rang. Wu Gangying rushed over, grabbed the phone and said: "Hello?" Then he shouted ecstatically: "Huiming, is that you? Quick, help me look through that book called Underworld Record." Inside the phone A clear angry cry came: "Damn! Why didn't you tell me earlier if you wanted me to get the book? Do you know how many meters the road up the mountain is?" Wu Gangying said helplessly: "Then do you still remember that there is a paragraph describing the messenger from the underworld? Amnesty for the Wei family? Remember... ah, my God, you actually remember? Recite it to me quickly." There was an unbearable silence afterwards, Wu Gangying listened attentively, and made a few strange notes in his notes from time to time. symbol, just when the itchy Yang Cong couldn't bear it anymore and decided to go shopping, Wu Gangying hung up the phone, took a long breath and said: "Although I don't know what the thing hidden by the principal is, but... I think the mystery of the spatial distortion in the nine classrooms has been solved! The mystery of those weird smiles and those rapidly decaying corpses has also been completely solved!"

"What?!" Yang Cong, who had never thought that the truth of these complex puzzles could be found in a phone call, was dumbfounded. After a while, he asked in a trembling voice: "What is it?" Wu Gangying glanced at the note and scribbled it. A strange symbol said: "Have you heard the allusion about the underworld pardoning the Wei family?" Yang Cong shook his head, Wu Gangying said: "It's normal if you haven't heard of it. This allusion is usually only spread in the underworld, and is rarely recorded in the human world. , only a few sects have preserved the "Underworld Record", a book that records the messengers of the underworld. Originally, birth, old age, illness, death, and the six paths of reincarnation are the common law of heaven, and even more the common law of life and death. Except for the Buddhist and immortal ways that can jump out of reincarnation, all living beings will inevitably go. On the road to hell that there is no turning back. However, the underworld, like our human world, is not without mercy. Under certain special circumstances, the underworld can personally break the world of reincarnation that it has established. This is the case with the Wei family. Special case. According to the records of "Underworld Records": The family of Wei Dian, from the Song Dynasty, entered the underworld and turned over the books. He was good at releasing animals and helped countless people. He lived in thatched huts, cultivated his body and purified his energy. He had transcended the human realm and was reincarnated into the immortal realm according to the laws. As he was leading the way, he met a woman on the road who cried out that she had not been able to fulfill her filial piety. The guard took pity on her and offered her twenty years of life in exchange for the immortal way. The envoy felt this and agreed. Then he turned to the human way. He passed by Naihe and saw a bad wave. Thousands of people were wailing below, and there were traces of the punishment of tearing off skin and burning with fire. Wei Ji was shocked and asked why. The answer was that those who have perished in hell should suffer hunger and humiliation in retribution. Wei couldn't bear to see it, so he died. He took off his clothes, jumped off the bridge, and the ghosts cheered, feeding on his skin and flesh, temporarily relieving his hunger and suffering. The ghosts and gods were moved by the guard's feat, and suddenly there were flying flowers all over the sky in the underworld, and he saw a dead lotus resurrected by the Naihe Bridge, and it bloomed like a flower. The other side of Shahua. Officials are messengers of retribution. The good hearts of all people move heaven and earth can be reversed. The messengers are decreed to reshape the soul body, return it to the sun, and protect its reincarnation and immortality after eight, eight, ninety-one years." Wu Gangying's expression Yang Cong quoted this ancient original text solemnly without blinking his eyes. The good deeds nearly a thousand years ago still sound so shocking and touching today. "Compassion is the greatest power in the world." Lin Yuanyin's smile was like a faint flash of light in her memory, but it illuminated her entire mind.

"But what does this have to do with the mystery of the space distortion in the ninth classroom?" Touched, Yang Cong has not forgotten the right track. What does Wu Gangying want to explain by mentioning these old events at this critical moment? Wu Gangying said: "Don't worry, let's get to the key point below. Because the Wei family was unwilling to be reborn as a human being and waste ten years of growth, the messenger from the underworld opened the door to convenience and decided to personally escort him to the Yang Realm and release him There is no rotting body yet. I should have said before that there is no turning back from the underworld, and there is only one exit from the underworld, which is the way of reincarnation. If you want to avoid the way of reincarnation and go out, the only way is to use external force to destroy the barrier of the underworld. There is a way. A long time ago, the human world and the underworld were not separated. Everyone could freely enter and exit the two worlds, which caused a lot of unnecessary trouble. Therefore, after the decisive battle between the four realms, the human world made an agreement with the underworld. A powerful barrier is set up on the edge to prevent most ghosts from staying in the world. It also prevents the escape of death and injustice and maintains the order of the human world. This barrier is jointly established by the treasures of the world and the underworld. It is indestructible unless the two One of the treasures cannot be broken. When the messenger from the underworld broke the barrier, there was a description in the book: The stele cracked and the stone opened, sand and dust rose, the light forced the crack and could not enter, and it broke on the stele." At this point, Wu Gangying suddenly stopped. , and then asked Yang Cong: "Do you understand?" Yang Cong shook his head blankly, and Wu Gangying reminded: "Didn't I ask that uncle a question that you think is extremely idiotic?" Yang Cong suddenly remembered that Wu Gangying had indeed asked just now asked an incredible question about whether moonlight can shine into the corridor of the building.

Yang Cong jumped up suddenly: "Underworld?! Is the ninth classroom related to the underworld?!" Wu Gangying nodded gently: "There are many purely physical explanations for the distortion of space, but now that the ninth classroom has been determined It has something to do with the supernatural, so there can only be one reason for the distortion of space - there is a rift between the human world and the underworld!" Yang Cong said: "But why is there a rift in the underworld and space distortion in the human world? In the past, people were not free to come and go. Are they from two realms?" Wu Gangying explained: "That was just in the past. After tens of millions of years of isolation, the two realms were closed to each other, and their respective structures have undergone earth-shaking changes. The underworld is full of death energy. If a crack appears, a large number of The leakage of dead air will cause strong squeezing of the air in the human world, causing deformation and distortion. This distortion is so powerful that even the fastest light cannot be spared, let alone people. If a person encounters this This kind of space distortion can lead to death with internal organs shattered to pieces, or no bones left at worst." Yang Cong said with horror: "So, the ninth classroom is actually the product of this weird space distortion? But, I What's going on with the smiles on my sister's face and those people's faces? The death aura in the underworld shouldn't have the ability to confuse people." Wu Gangying hesitated for a while, and suddenly sighed heavily, with an unbearable look on his face. The expression on his face said: "Actually... Actually, that... on your sister's face... is not a smile at all!" "What did you say?!" At that moment, Yang Cong was completely stunned.

"I know this fact is difficult for you to accept. But the truth is like this. You are right. Death Qi can only cause death, but has no ability to confuse people. We might as well think about it from another angle. If Death Qi can really confuse people, it will Even if a person feels happy, he will not show such a ferocious smile. The reason why everyone uses the word "weird" to describe that expression when they first see it is because human beings also have a skill that has been passed down from ancient times. Instinct - Intuition. Most of the things that are wrong in intuition are problematic. Because those expressions do not belong to human beings at all. It can even be said that they do not belong to any world, so you feel weird, scary and incredible. Your sister The smiles and the smiles of the dead classmates were just a malicious joke played on us by the ninth classroom! It was just an illusion caused by the distortion of human faces in space! From the beginning to the end, no one had Smile, no one will smile in the face of death." Wu Gangying's voice came like a flowing stream, but every sentence was still like a sharp knife, piercing deeply into Yang Cong's heart. Her hands and feet were cold, but in the blink of an eye, her clothes were soaked with sweat.

Wu Gangying played with the notebook in his hand that contained strange symbols, and said leisurely: "Now all the seemingly unbelievable puzzles have been solved. Everyone who sees the ninth classroom is no longer a human being, so to speak. Because anyone who is directly exposed to space distortion will die, that’s why your sister taught you to use a mirror to see to avoid the scope of space distortion. Those who hit the wall actually saw your sister’s illusion from the moment they saw the frontal space distortion. Already dead. Because they died so suddenly, their souls have not yet left their bodies, and their minds can still control the corpses, so they will continue to move towards the end of the corridor, because that is the instinct of ghosts - just like the instinct of humans. , they no longer belong to the human world, they want to go where they should go. The strong smell of death from the ninth classroom made them mistakenly believe that the end of the corridor is the underworld, so they desperately want to go there. Still There is a mystery about the rapid decomposition of the body, and it seems that it is also a ghost of death. The ninth classroom is a terrifying legend that will kill people as soon as it is born! However, fortunately, judging from the records in the "Underworld Record", if the rift in the underworld is huge, , the space distortion is so severe that even the stone monument will crack, but the corridor of the building remains intact, which shows that the crack in the ninth classroom is still relatively small, otherwise I can't imagine the consequences." At this point, Wu Gangying seemed to have finally held back. The depression that had been in my heart for a long time was released.

Yang Cong turned back: "You mean, the eighth classroom actually hides the gap between the human world and the underworld?" Wu Gangying said helplessly: "It seems that we can't say that, because if there is a gap in the classroom, The phenomenon of space distortion will always exist. But what we see is that the space distortion only lasts for a while and then disappears. I am more inclined to think that the thing buried by the principal will indirectly create the crack, but what exactly is it? Where are the things?" Yang Cong said: "Then what does it mean that my sister kept reminding us to pay attention to candles in the diary? Did she and Hong Jingdu go in the wrong direction to learn the answer to the riddle?" Wu Gangying said: "No, they did not go wrong. Your sister called you What matters is not the candle, because the meaning of the candle has far exceeded itself." Yang Cong has thought about this classic saying many times in private, but he can't think of a reason. Now Wu Gangying is so understated. Quoting it, it was clear that he had a new understanding of this topic, and he couldn't help but asked with surprise and joy: "What is the real meaning of the candle?"

"The true meaning of a candle is the flame - the flame above the candle!" This sentence was as shocking as a thunderbolt hitting Yang Cong's head: "Flame?!" Wu Gangying said calmly: "That's right, flame. Death in the underworld Although the ability of Qi to distort space is so terrifying that it can change the color of heaven and earth, there is one thing it can never distort, and that is fire!" Yang Cong couldn't help asking: "Why?" Wu Gang answered loudly: "Because flames are the underworld. It is a purifier that can destroy all dead energy. You should know that the cleanest, most secure and thorough way for the magic world to deal with a building that hides too many resentful spirits and cannot escape is to use a fire to destroy these karmic obstacles. Burn them all. Fire can purify the soul and resolve grievances. Therefore, I think your sister’s intention is to ask you to use the flame to discover the secret of space distortion. More importantly, because the space is distorted, you cannot find the true third world. Where the nine classrooms are located, only by lighting up the surroundings with flames can you find the normal path to the eighth classroom, and you will not take the wrong path that may lead to the illusory ninth classroom by jumping off the building. This is Candles far outweigh this