Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 112: Dust off(24)


His fingers gently traced those hard scales, and he said in a low voice: "This is the most widely circulated and well-known legend. However, I once saw an extremely ancient book in the scripture collection pavilion of a certain sect. I read the online version of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" out of boredom and read it as a novel to relieve my boredom. I actually found that there was a small booklet called "The Classic of Mountains and Seas Supplement" attached to the back of the book. I have been interested in gods and monsters since I was a child, and this "Classic of Mountains and Seas" I have read "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" hundreds of times, with dozens of editions, but I have never seen any supplementary version. I thought someone was following suit, but when I looked down, I knew I was wrong. That grammar is not for future generations. It can be imitated, and there are many blank parts in the middle, and some records are also intermittent. It seems that the ancestors of this sect copied it from somewhere. The legend of the fallen Nuwa is recorded in that supplementary volume. The legend of Nuwa When creating humans, many ancient gods objected, believing that humans would cause harm, but Nuwa was unmoved and still insisted on completing the work. It is said that Nuwa was dissatisfied with some ancient gods relying on their own abilities. She created some inferior creatures as slaves or abused them wantonly, so Nuwa pulled the scales from her body into cores, endowed them with human wisdom, and hoped to rely on the gradual strength of humans to restrain the slaughter of the gods. However, Nuwa did not expect that Yes, after the birth of human beings, they did not have the yearning for peace that she hoped for. Instead, they developed greed, evil thoughts, and lust, and launched wars with each other, causing chaos in the world. God was angry and blamed Nuwa. At this time, in order to punish mankind , a new underworld was built, but the collision between the underworld and the earth was too great, and the gods joined forces to create countless barriers that were broken. At this time, some gods proposed that Nuwa had extraordinary supernatural powers and could use her body as a barrier to escape once and for all. God agreed, so he sent Nuwa to the underworld. Nuwa entered the underworld. Nuwa was originally the god of the earth. Even her divine body could not stop the invasion of Yin Qi for thousands of years. Over time, her beautiful appearance gradually became dirty and ugly, and her body was as holy as starlight. Her scales also became rough, and even half of them turned into poisonous black. People no longer respected her as a mother goddess, but cursed her as a monster. This made Nuwa extremely sad, and she couldn't even break free at the last moment. There is no will left, and she is willing to sink forever. This is the legend of the fallen Nuwa."

Lin Yuanyin's voice was gentle and pleasant, and the story was told eloquently, but Yang Cong did not feel that it was a kind of enjoyment. On the contrary, he broke out in a cold sweat. A generation of mother goddess actually reduced to this? Looking at the monster in front of me, it doesn't look like it came out of nowhere. Lin Yuanyin continued: "Later in the Qin Dynasty, the burning of books and the humiliation of Confucian scholars in vain increased the resentment. Qin Shihuang was worried about the instability of the emperor's throne, so he summoned all the alchemists who were looking for the elixir of immortality for him to discuss. One person thought of this nearly lost legend. Legend has it that this formation of the fallen Nuwa was created to find a young and pure woman. With the help of Bagua Tai Chi, half of the body was saved and the other half was thrown into the underworld. The body was invaded by Yin Qi, and after suffering all kinds of suffering, she transformed into a human. A monster with the head of a snake and the body of a snake, specializes in eating dead souls, and also kills living creatures. After the Han Dynasty, this formation developed into a sealing formation, and the monsters produced no longer eat dead souls, but have vicious nature and murderous functions. But it was completely preserved, and was abused in the troubled times that followed. After the Three Kingdoms, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, it gradually disappeared and was completely lost." "Wait a minute," Yang Cong interrupted with a trembling voice: "Lin Yuanyin, are you early in the morning? Do you know the truth about the monster?" Lin Yuanyin sighed: "I have thought about this sinister conjecture, but I am not sure, so I asked you to find out. But there is no need now, because someone will tell me this conjecture personally. Is it true?"

The monster seemed to twist its huge snake body in pain, but did not speak. Lin Yuanyin looked at her with pity and said: "The supplementary version of the Classic of Mountains and Seas does not say what kind of pain Nuwa suffered, but I can imagine that if a mortal comes into contact with Yin Qi, his internal organs will explode and his limbs will split apart and die. , not to mention having to turn half of his body into a ghost for a long time. The principal is so cruel that he can ignore his own fate, even if he is never reincarnated, even if his sins are heinous and he has to suffer ninety-nine and eighty-one kinds of suffering in hell, but suffering One day, after all his sins have been eliminated, he can still wander around the underworld as a lonely ghost. But what about you? Humans are not humans, ghosts are not ghosts, despised by heaven and earth, not tolerated by the three realms, not tolerated by the six realms, and immortal. Your body is just a drag, and you will always suffer unimaginable pain. He has harmed you for the rest of your life! If I have a chance to see him, I will never let him go!!"

"No!" The soft female voice came out from that filthy mouth, which was really a huge disharmony: "Don't blame him. I did hate him at first, but later... I did it willingly. Dad loves me very much. , He has never forced me." When these words came out, Lin Yuanyin was stunned: "What?!" Yang Cong said in disbelief: "He hurt you so much, and you still speak for him?" "What you see is just For some superficial things, you don’t know my father’s difficulties. Not only me, he also paid a huge price for this. But we do this to benefit the entire human race. My father taught me that we should take the world as our own responsibility, so I don't regret the suffering I have suffered over the years." "Benefit mankind?" The corners of Yang Cong's mouth raised slightly. She thought this was the most ridiculous joke she had ever heard since she was born. She wanted to say: "Do foxes think about mankind? ?" But she looked at the monster and felt that this little girl probably didn't know the principal's true identity. She had suffered enough and she shouldn't be hit again, so she had to endure it for the time being. Lin Yuanyin's expression has always been serious, but her voice is still very gentle: "Then tell us the true nature of the matter. Isn't that what you brought us here to tell us?"

"Dad is very good to me. Ever since I was sensible, he often took me out to play, told me stories, and bought me a lot of delicious food. Dad was still the dean of the school at the time, wasn't he? Principal, he is very unhappy at work. The principal and the others often use their authority to squeeze him out, but my father never brings these troubles home. He always puts a smile on his face, plays with me, and coaxes me to do things. His little darling. Although my father kept silent, the conflicts between him and the school leaders became more and more intensified and open. Until one day, when I was playing alone outside, I saw the principal angrily facing us. When my father came over, I hesitated for a moment, because he had never been very nice to me, but I remembered my father's teachings and greeted me politely. He looked at me with contempt, and then said, "Picked it up." Treat it as a treasure!' I didn't know what he meant, and he ignored me. He kicked the door open with a very rough movement and went in. I was startled, worried that my father was in danger, and wanted to follow me. I went over to look, but the door slammed shut with a bang and was locked from the inside. I had no choice but to put my ear to the crack in the door to listen. I only heard a "clang" that seemed to be a pile of dishes falling on the door. The sound on the ground, and then the high-pitched and harsh voice of the principal rang out: "You are so ungrateful! We agreed at the beginning, everyone has a share, what do you mean now that you are all alone? The few of us are living in an ignoble way." What's the purpose of opening a school here to hide from others? If they come after us, we have no power to resist. Do you want everyone to die?' My dad's voice was low, but I could see that he was also very excited:' Death, death, you only know how to be afraid of death! If you were afraid of death, you shouldn't have led us to do this! If you did this, you should figure out what it was! In fact, I knew that day Something is wrong. There are only two people keeping watch on such an important thing far away. Do you know why? It’s not that no one wants to steal it, but they know that anyone who steals it will definitely use it. Death! This thing is the messenger of death, the edict of death!'

The principal yelled angrily: 'Nonsense, you are talking nonsense! This is a peerless treasure. Whoever gets it can rule the three realms and even challenge the God Realm! Are you willing to live your life in such an ordinary way? Are you willing to be angry with them? Dad shouted: "Yes, it is a rare treasure, but we are not the ones who have the ability to control it." Lao San, didn’t Lao Wu’s death wake you up? The principal said: "Their deaths were accidents..." Dad interrupted him angrily: "Do you think it's not an accident only if we both die?" Then you can tell this to the King of Hell! 'For a while, the house became quiet, and all I could hear was the principal's rough breathing. I couldn't understand what the two of them were arguing about, but it seemed that my father was always on the right side. After a long time, I heard the principal's voice rang again, very calm but also very anxious: 'Then what do you want to do with this thing? Dad said: "Seal it so we can't use it, but we can't leave it to them. God knows what they will do to us with that thing." You might even die happily if you say this. The principal sneered: "We can't even use it, how can we still seal it?" It's so simple for you to think about it. 'Dad said: 'I am doing research and I believe there will be results soon. The principal said: "When the results come out, everyone on this campus will be dead." Now that it is killing people, I can hardly hold it down anymore. Even if there are bandits stationed in the mountains behind, they are not so rampant. Dad said: "I already have the safest way, but the tools are not ready yet, and it will take some time. Now I can only use some other methods to temporarily suppress him." Believe me, if you wait another ten years, you can be far away from this nightmare. '

The principal said no more, seemingly convinced. There was silence in the room for a long time, and then the principal said fiercely: "It's up to you, but I tell you, I won't give up. I will get it sooner or later. I will eventually rule the three realms." ’ I listened to his footsteps walking towards the door and quickly stepped aside. He opened the door and came out. He looked at me with a strange look in his eyes and walked away without saying anything. I ran into the house, huddled in my father's arms, and asked him fearfully what had happened. Dad carried me to the steps outside the house and sat down. He pointed to the depths of the woods and said to me: 'You know what? There is something very evil hidden inside the campus. Something you can't even imagine or imagine, but when you grow up, you will see its power. '

I never knew what it was, but it gave me an inexplicable fear of that forest. I know that at that time, people often died inexplicably on campus, although the school later announced that it was homicide or suicide. , but I know it’s not that simple. The circumstances of their death are said to be incredible, and some even didn’t find their bodies. Every time something like this happens, my father comes back with a livid face and murmurs: 'I hope you don't touch me. 'Dad said that when I grow up I will know what it is, but it is so scary that I wish I never grew up. However, I didn't have to wait until I grew up to see its power. At that time, I had a very good playmate, a teacher’s daughter, named Xiaoying. We often play together. One day we played hide-and-seek. I pretended to be a ghost and she pretended to be a human. She was a little fool, and she was easily found by me every time she hid. But I searched for it for a long time that day, and the sun was almost setting, but I still couldn't find it. I was very frustrated, so I shouted around: 'No more playing, I admit defeat. Come out. 'I called several times, but there was no response. I was frightened for a moment, so I started crying, which alarmed the students coming and going. After everyone asked about the whole story, one boy said, "I seemed to see a little girl going into the teaching building. Could it be her?" Go find it. ’ Someone immediately retorted: ‘No way, I’ve been reading on the railing on the first floor and didn’t see any little girl. 'Every word you said to me made me feel even more overwhelmed and cried even harder. At this time, a big sister squatted down and asked me: "What game are you playing?" 'I answered: 'Yin and Yang are hidden. ’ She continued to ask: ‘Is it true that one is pretending to be a human and the other is pretending to be a ghost? The ghost needs to find a person to become a human, but when a person is found, he becomes a ghost? 'I nodded. Her face suddenly became a little ugly: 'Who taught you this game? 'My father taught me this game. He has always played with me. I raised my head and looked at her in confusion.

People around her also noticed the inappropriateness of her tone and asked questions one after another. She said nervously: 'I heard my grandma mention this ancient game. I heard that when playing this game, the child pretending to be a ghost will attract those unclean things and guide him to another world in exchange for Their transcendence. If the pretending child cannot find her in time and call her back, she will never come back to this world. Another name for this game is Yin and Yang, which is really Yin and Yang. 'When she said this, everyone around her became nervous. The boy said: 'Then what are you waiting for? Look for it quickly. The nearest building from here is the teaching building. Regardless of whether she has entered it or not, it is wise to look for it first. If what you said is correct, the child is in danger. 'The girl said: 'Wait a minute, if what I think is right, this game can only end when someone finds the ghost. In other words, the game is not over yet, it is still going on! If we go to find someone, it means that we have all voluntarily participated in this game, so everyone must abide by the rules of the game, that is, we are just helpers. If we find Xiaoying, we cannot call her or pull her away, we must come back and tell her This girl. Because from beginning to end, she was the only one who played the role of a human being, and she was the only one qualified to call Xiaoying back. Otherwise, everyone is in danger! '

Then everyone started to take action. I couldn't understand what they were saying, but I knew that Xiaoying was in danger, and only I could save her. Yes, only I could save her. At that moment, for the first time as a young child, I truly felt the fear that seized my soul and surged up from my heart, like a huge dark cloud in the sky, oppressing you so darkly that I couldn't breathe. I wanted to continue crying, but there was something stuck in my throat and I couldn't cry. I didn't enter the teaching building. I don't know why I had a natural fear of that building. I walked around outside the teaching building and looked for it in the alleys between the buildings. At that time, I had a very strong feeling that Xiaoying had not left yet, she still had a strong attachment to me, and she would definitely see me again. Sure enough, in a very gloomy alley behind the teaching building, she was walking alone with her head lowered, walking slowly, her hair spread down, completely covering her eyes, and she looked completely innocent. Brilliant, lifeless. The surrounding environment is also very strange. It is still daytime, but darkness is spreading everywhere, and the eerie cold is biting, making people tremble all over.

I was overjoyed and just about to fly over, when suddenly a strong big hand grabbed me. When I looked back, it was the sister who explained the rules of the game to us. It turned out that she was worried about me and had been following me. I shouted to her excitedly: 'Found it, found it, she is Xiaoying, Xiaoying is fine! Her face was unusually pale, and she stretched out her trembling fingers to show me: "Did you see it?" 'She was pointing to the position of her feet. I looked over and realized something was wrong. Although Xiaoying kept moving forward, we could clearly see from here that she had been staying in place. , didn’t even move at all! To use a vivid metaphor, it is as if there is suddenly a wall in front of you. Even if you keep walking, you can't get past it. The sister's voice was extremely heavy, and she whispered in my ear: "Did you see it?" You can't go. The road she is taking now is the road to the underworld. The reason why she can't go there now is because she has not yet shed her human body and is still attached to life. She is waiting for you to call her now. According to the rules of the game, only you can call her back. So now you call her name loudly, hard, and desperately to see if you can pull her back. '

That severe atmosphere affected me, and I shouted with all my strength: "Xiaoying, Xiaoying, Xiaoying is back!" Xiaoying is back -' Xiaoying's head was still lowered, and there was no movement at the corner of her mouth, but her hair had an unusual flutter. Her pace began to slow down, and the sister said nervously from the side: "Keep shouting!" ’ So I kept shouting, and finally, Xiaoying stopped completely and stood there. I don’t know why, but at that time I suddenly felt very scared. The pores on my body suddenly enlarged, and then there was a strange coldness that spread to my whole body. There seemed to be a shadow following me vaguely. He closed his mouth suddenly, unable to shout another word. The sister's hand that grabbed my shoulder became tighter and tighter. It hurt so much that I almost cried. I could only hear her saying a few words to herself: 'Strange, why are there no other dead souls next to her? Could it be said that the entrance to the underworld opens automatically? '

Of course I couldn't understand what she said. All I saw was that Xiaoying slowly turned around to face us. Although her eyes were still obscured by her hair, I could clearly see the corners of her mouth moving slightly. Upward, a strange arc, a strange smile. Although my scalp was numb, I couldn't help but feel happy. Does that mean that Xiaoying has been 'called' back by me? But I immediately realized that I was wrong. Xiaoying did not come towards us. Instead, she stretched out a hand to me and said to me in a hoarse voice that I had never heard before: "Are you reluctant to let me go?" Do you also know that I am waiting for you? Then come over and play with me, come on, let's go-- let's play in that world. 'I was stunned, not knowing what happened, but the sister screamed, hugged me tightly and said: 'Close your eyes, don't think about anything, I will carry you out of here. Xiaoying suddenly laughed "hehe". The laughter was so harsh that it filled people's ears with a painful agitation: "It's too late. This is a game, and you must abide by the rules of the game." Don’t you know? There is another hidden rule in this game, that is, if a person finds a ghost but cannot take the ghost away, then the ghost will take the person away. Now I have won this game, so you, and you, you two must come with me, come, come to my side, come to this world -' Her hair flew up, in this dark In the corner, it looked like a huge black spider.

At this critical moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind me: 'What are you doing here? 'I turned around and shouted happily: 'Dad! The sister also turned around and called out in fear: "Director?" ! 'Dad stood behind us with a dark face. His tall figure instantly gave me a sense of security. I broke away from the sister, rushed forward and hugged Dad's legs. Xiaoying smiled and said: "Is there another one?" The more the merrier. The father angrily said to the sister: "What on earth are you teaching my daughter?" Do you know she would be in danger? The sister said, "I'm just abiding by the rules of the game. Only in this way can we save two people." Dad sneered: "The rules of the game?" Haven't you discovered it yet? There are no undead spirits around Xiaoying, and according to the rules of the game, she must be guided by the undead spirits before she can move to another world. The sister's face changed: "What you mean by that is..." Dad continued gloomily: "This game has never started, and the rules have never taken effect." From the very beginning, something has subverted and destroyed this rule and created other rules. What you are now trapped in is a brand new game! '

Xiaoying laughed crazily: "So smart, but I'm afraid it's too late for you to see through it now." The sister said in panic: "How is that possible?" This game is actually a contract between the human world and the underworld. What soul has such great ability to subvert the rules and create a contract on its own? Dad glared and said, "Did I say that thing is a soul?" Could something that can automatically open the entrance to the underworld be as simple as a soul? ’ After saying that, he ignored the sister, turned to lean over and hug me, and said to Xiaoying: ‘I know what you are thinking. You have worked so hard to find such a tool just to take my daughter’s life, but I won't let you succeed. She came here to finally restrain you. Since you set up this game, I will abide by the rules of the game and play with you to the end. 'As he said that, my father whispered a few words in my ear. When I heard this, I burst into tears and shook my head desperately: 'No! I don’t want Xiaoying to leave! Dad said softly: "Little darling, you must listen to daddy. Dad is doing it for your own good. The real Xiaoying has left, and she doesn't want you to follow her." So for Xiaoying and daddy, please be brave, okay? '

My heart hurt so much at that time. At such a young age, I had always been so carefree and only knew the taste of happiness. For the first time, I knew that it could hurt so badly. It hurt so much that my hands and feet would twitch, and my five senses would all hurt. He was about to lose his shape and was so uncomfortable that he felt like he didn’t even have the strength to cry. But in the end I did what my father said and shouted to Xiaoying: 'If I don't go with you, you are no longer my friend and I will sever ties with you! I saw Xiaoying's body froze, and her father smiled and said, "The rules of the game have been broken. She doesn't miss you at all. You can't take her away. Go back, go back to your world." 'Xiaoying didn't say anything else, she just turned around slowly. Her father told me that she was no longer Xiaoying, and she would never remember me as a friend in her heart. But why did the moment she turned around, I clearly saw the tears streaming down her face? Two drops of crystal tears

The crisis has been resolved, but the atmosphere is not calm. The sister stood up, looked directly into her father's eyes and said, "It turns out that something has always existed on this campus. My feelings didn't lie to me. Why didn't you tell the students?" Dad said calmly: "Every school will have something like this or that. So what if I tell you, if you are calm and you are not panicking now, what about the others?" If you want people here to be in chaos and more people to die, then tell them to do it. If you have the ability, then go find that thing yourself. 'After that, my father hugged me and left straight away, leaving the sister collapsed on the grass...

Xiaoying's body was later found. On the rooftop of the teaching building, all her blood had been sucked dry. Her little body was curled up, with her head resting on an iron pipe. My father didn't let me see it, but I saw it. People said it was so scary that they couldn't sleep. Xiaoying's mother cried so much that she fainted several times and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. People in her family were burning paper money every day, lots and lots of them. They said that Xiaoying died unjustly, and they could still hear her crying at night. Voice. This incident had a great impact on me. I had a fever when I came back. My father took leave to serve me for several nights. Looking at my thin face, my father said to me: "Little darling, do you want Xiaoying to die?" 'I shook my head, it's natural. 'Then if Xiaoying still plays with you in the future, do you want her to die again? ’ I shook my head and blurted out: ‘I hate that thing. Dad said: "I have a way to stop it from doing evil, but you will suffer a lot. Are you willing?" 'I nodded, that was the first time I established the determination to seal it.

Later, my father didn't know what method he used to temporarily seal the thing, and the campus gradually calmed down, but I would never see the sister who saved me again. The fallen leaves withered again and again, and the flowers bloomed again and again. Finally, I grew up and was old enough to study in this university. I still don’t know what that thing is, but the fear that started in childhood has never diminished. Passed. There have been a few deaths on campus, including suicides and homicides. Those are all official statements. Only the principal knows how many deaths were actually caused by that thing. The principal came to my house and quarreled a few times, but eventually things calmed down. Just when I gradually thought that this incident would eventually pass and was trying my best to forget it, something else suddenly happened.

One day, I came out from home to study in the evening. Because I was almost late, I took a small path. But after walking on the trail, I immediately regretted it. I only walked here during the day, and I never expected that there would be no one in such a remote place. At that time, I thought, maybe nothing will happen, right? So in order not to be scolded by the teacher, I insisted on walking. I don’t know why, but my heart suddenly felt like it was being swallowed by thousands of ants. It was as if an electric current suddenly rushed from the soles of my feet to my scalp. The hairs all over my body stood up. I stopped in surprise. It was quiet all around, not even the chirping of insects could be heard, there was no wind, but the dust on the ground was moving slowly, and I felt that the atmosphere was a bit abnormal, but I didn't find anything wrong. I stood quietly for a while, looked up at the dim street lights, and started walking again. However, after taking only one step, I stopped. Because I know something is wrong! The nearest streetlight is directly in front of me, so my shadow should be slanting backwards, but now, in front of me, there is a long shadow, and behind me, there is nothing One piece! I have no shadow, but there is an extra shadow on the ground!

In fear, I covered my mouth and staggered back two steps. Sure enough, the shadow did not move with my figure. It still stayed in place quietly, maintaining the same posture I had just now. It also felt that I discovered its flaw, right? I couldn't help but scream, turned around and ran away like crazy. At this time, a soft voice came from behind: "It's not good, Xiaojing, for leaving me behind so cruelly, letting me expose my body on the rooftop, and preventing me from reincarnation." After all these years, you have been so at ease, don't you feel any guilt at all? 'My body shook violently and stopped. Xiaojing? What a familiar and distant title. I turned around stiffly: "Xiaoying, is that you?" A light as weak as an oil lamp lit up in the distance, and there was a thin and slightly stooped figure in the distance. Although the unbearable memory was far away, the most simple person in my heart was Emotions tell me who that is. At that moment, all my fear failed to give me the ability to run away. After all, I owe Xiaoying!


Do you still remember why you called me Xiaojing? It's because the two of us often play together. Others joke that we are inseparable. Jingying Jingying, my name is Xiaoying, you might as well call me Xiaojing. Hence your nickname. 'The figures in the light never became clear, they just turned their backs to me. Tears began to well up in my eyes, but I did not lose my last bit of reason: "Xiaoying, I will never forget you. I know it was my fault for ignoring you." However, it was not me who made you embark on that road of no return. More importantly, you are not Xiaoying at all! The real Xiaoying has disappeared since the day she disappeared. You are just using her soul. ''Then tell me, if I wasn't Xiaoying, why would I shed two tears for you the moment I turned around? 'I was as stunned as a toad struck by lightning. This knot in my heart that I have never been able to untie. This unsolved mystery that even my dad who talks endlessly hesitates when I ask about it. This is what is locked in my heart. The deepest pain in my heart was completely torn apart by this simple question.

'I am still Xiaoying, you have changed, you are no longer that Xiaojing. Xiaoying is still waiting for her Xiaojing to come back, if Xiaojing still exists in your body. 'I stood there, my lips trembling, trying to say something, but nothing came out. Then, suddenly, tears surged down like a river bursting its banks. The figure in the light stretched out his hand to me: 'Come on, Xiaojing, come here. Xiaoying will always be your good friend. As long as you promise to accompany me, I will forgive you. 'I ran towards her crying, then stopped less than one meter away from her, and shouted in a changed voice: 'Then tell me, if you are really Xiaoying, you will let me come with you. Go to that world? Don't you always want me to live happily? 'The figure paused and didn't say a word for a long time. I shed tears and shook my head: "Jingying and Jingying are not separated, that's because Jingying is happy and happy." I know who you are, you are that thing! As expected, you haven't let me go yet, and you still remember this game, but I'm no longer that innocent little girl, and I won't fall for the same trick twice! '

The figure finally lowered his head: 'Well, it seems that I underestimated your ability... But, I'm afraid there are some things that you, a girl who is no longer innocent, can think of. This game is not over yet. As long as you are in this world for one day, I will want to destroy you for one day. Because you are my natural enemy! ''What did you say? Natural enemy? 'I was deeply shocked: 'Are you kidding me? I'm just a mortal, how can I be your natural enemy? The figure smiled faintly and said: "Is the natural enemy necessarily someone stronger than myself?" It is indeed easy for me to kill people, but have you ever thought about why I don't just kill you, but why I have to play a game to force you into the game? That's because your lovely father planted a life-saving poison in your body, and I can't do it! But you have to know that although the life-saving Gu can save your life, you have to pay a price that even I can't imagine! '

I looked at it in horror and finally turned around and ran away. The direction I ran was not the self-study classroom. I pushed open the door with my shaky body. My father was holding a candle and looking at me with a dark expression under the bright light. I looked at him, panting, and said nothing. Instead, he spoke first: 'It really won't let you go, right? I always thought it was just a thing, but I never expected that it actually had a will of its own. Regardless of whether this will is at the same level as human will, it clearly knows that you threaten it and knows that it must kill you. It looks like our time is running out. 'I shouted: 'Tell me, why does it say I am a natural enemy? 'Dad looked back at me: 'Don't you always want to know what that evil thing is? 'I was stunned and stood quietly, waiting for the terrible words to come out of his mouth. But my father's answer made me even more disappointed: 'I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't answer your question, because even I don't really know what it is and where it comes from. The only thing I know is It must be an object passed down from ancient times. Maybe it was once a divine object, but now it has become an evil object. My father and some friends stole it from a mysterious place in the early years, originally thinking it could do something big, but at that time people were dying and disappearing, and no one could control it. It is arrogant, and will attack those it disdains sooner or later. So I keep wondering if I'll be next tomorrow. But there is no absolutely invincible person in the world, and the same is true for things. One thing suppresses another, this is the way of nature. No matter how powerful it is, there is always a way to restrain it, although no one has ever succeeded in this method. '

I looked at my father in disbelief: 'You said I was the way to restrain it? I'm just a mortal. 'Dad interrupted me