Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 113: Dust off(25)


Said: 'Yes, you are just a mortal, but you are not a mortal at the same time. Do you know why it hates you so much? Your birthday is on the eighth day of the fourth lunar month, which is the birthday of the Buddha. When you were born, the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth were perfect. Your Yintang is the appearance of heaven, but at the same time, you are a woman, a feminine thing, and your chin is a sharp beak. The appearance is the appearance of the heroine of the Yinsi Division. You are a treasure given to me by God, and I never imagined that such a perfect existence as you actually exists. You are the reincarnation of God, and you are sent down from the mortal world by God to suppress it. Only you can display that great formation - the fallen Nuwa! '

Before I could react, my father had already stared at me with his piercing eyes and said, "Didn't you say you hate that thing?" Didn't you say you would do anything to stop that thing? My little darling, have you changed your mind now? 'I looked at him and was speechless for a long time. My hatred and fear did not stop, and my mind did not change. But what I remember more is that he told me to endure pain that ordinary people cannot bear. I'm afraid of pain, it's something I've had since I was a child. I was not prepared, not to mention that this preparation might mean sacrificing my own life. I didn't speak. At that time, I suddenly had a strange feeling. Why did my father, who had always loved me so much, show such a completely opposite attitude towards this important matter of my life and death, and even be a little enthusiastic about my sacrifice? Seeing that I didn't answer, my father finally lowered his head in disappointment and sighed: 'Okay, I won't force you, you can think about it slowly. Some things have to be chosen. Remember what dad told you, you don’t live in this world for yourself. The reason why people are human is because they know how to help each other. 'After saying these words, Dad walked straight away. At that time, looking at his slightly aging back, I was a little sad. Dad still loved me. That thing killed so many students. Dad must have been sad. He himself was constantly making sacrifices. He tried to use my happiness To save him from staying in this school, I cannot accuse him of being selfish. But I'm sorry, Dad, please forgive my selfishness. I am really, really not ready to leave this world and leave behind the happiness that I have firmly grasped in my hands.

Soon, like all romantic things that happened in this university, I fell in love with a boy. He is a person who likes to read quietly, and then when he sees a touching passage, he will raise his head and smile at you. That smile is enough to make the clouds between the sky and the earth lose their meaning of flow, and then make you blush. Dare to look up. There is no need for a confession or even a vow of eternal love. The two of them can already hold hands and lean on the verandah covered with vines and flowers. He won't tell you that he will always protect you, but you already feel that you will be able to go to the end of the world. However, beauty has always been for envy, and is too fragile to be attacked. One day, I received a small note from him in his book, asking me to go to his old place and wait for him. But when I ran over excitedly, all I saw was the familiar light, the familiar stooped and thin back in the light, and then - the familiar him. However, he was already lying on the ground, and the blood was like a flower in full bloom, so dazzling and vivid, but with a bit of arrogant tenderness, just like himself.

My world collapsed in an instant, and then merged into one. I rushed forward and hugged him. He told me calmly that he didn't know what happened, but he would still hold on to his gentle smile until the last moment. , because he doesn’t want me to be sad. I raised my head in grief, but the light was long gone. Did it, which always liked to chatter endlessly, finally feel that it had nothing to say and chose to leave? At that moment, the pain of losing Xiaoying, the pain of seeing so many students die innocently and tragically, and the pain of breaking up a lifelong relationship, all came together, and it was already beyond my endurance. I ran home like crazy, knocked open the door with disheveled hair, and yelled at my frightened father: 'Depraved Nuwa—let me become a depraved Nuwa! ! ! 'Watch and help each other, watch and help each other, if I had understood this truth earlier, then maybe he would not have died. I wish I could stand far away and watch him hug another girl on the verandah, and then cry silently for the rest of his life. "

Such a poignant story with an equally poignant ending confirms the huge pain hidden under the mottled snake scales. She spoke so calmly and gently, without shedding a single tear, but the part she least wanted to mention ended in a hurry. Yang Cong didn't feel anything strange about his eyes, but his palms could catch the warm water drops that kept flowing down. Yang Cong had already seen the spirit of helping each other in his sister, but he never expected that their paths would be so similar. Lin Yuanyin's calm expression also showed a trace of confusion. She felt that she had always sympathized with this innocent girl, but she didn't expect that she had such a tragic past and such a tortuous mental struggle. "What's your name? Can you tell me?" Lin Yuanyin reached out to lift the hair covering her forehead, but she immediately raised her head and avoided it: "Just call me Xiaojing. Name." It’s just a symbol.”

Lin Yuanyin had no choice but to take back her hand. It seems that this stubborn girl has never been able to forget and face the past: "Then you and the principal started to seal the fallen Nuwa, right? Your seal was undoubtedly successful. But I have a question. I once suddenly saw a scene where you were sitting on a circular chair and said to the principal: 'I have become like this, why don't you give up?' Yes. Didn't you feel unwilling to give up later but found that you couldn't go back, so you had to keep going?" At the same time, Lin Yuanyin secretly made up her mind. As long as Xiaojing said "yes", she would meet the principal one day. , he will definitely be thrown into the lowest level of hell, where he will suffer the pain of gouging out his eyes and cutting his flesh for the rest of his life. Unfortunately, to her disappointment, the head shook slightly and said, "No, that sentence was not meant for dad, but for the principal." "What?" Lin Yuanyin was stunned, and it took her a while to remember. This principal is not the other principal: "Ah... what's wrong with him?" "He hasn't given up his dream of controlling that thing. He is still opposing dad's plan." Yang Cong couldn't help but ask: "Did the opposition succeed?" As soon as I said it, I regretted it and felt like an idiot. Sure enough, he replied calmly: "No, he was killed by that thing."

Lin Yuanyin muttered: "So your father doesn't know what that thing is?" "I came here to rescue you, not just to tell you about the unbearable past." Lin Yuanyin suddenly raised her head: "Then What is it for?" The head shook the dry hair: "Because you are the ones who really help each other, and for the re-sealing of this legend!!" "What?!" Yang Cong simply couldn't believe his ears: "Are you okay? It was easy to escape, but now you actually ask us to use your body to seal it again, so that you can suffer again?" Those eyes that have been somewhat assimilated into reptiles shine with a determined light that only humans can have: "But Only in this way will the world be at peace! I have become like this, and I don’t care about anything anymore!" As she said that, she turned to Lin Yuanyin and said: "You are a spiritual medium, aren't you? My father said that if you are a spiritual medium, If the medium is medium, it is easy for this formation to be launched successfully. You overturned this formation and made this big mistake. You must take responsibility and set up this formation again."

"Impossible!" Yang Cong answered first: "Are you kidding? Xiaojing, you are so kind that it makes people feel bad. You should not have suffered these hardships in the first place. What's more, even though Yuan Yin is a spiritual medium, she will not go there. Using this vicious formation, do you want her to sink to hell and never be reincarnated again? There must be another way!" A line of cool water streaked across the sky quietly: "I promise..." "What? Lin Yuan Yin you..." Yang Cong was completely stunned. Lin Yuanyin's face was smiling, but in Yang Cong's eyes, it was just trying to be happy: "Yang Cong, there is no other way. You and I have known it from the beginning, except re-seal. If you have to let me do it, I won't refuse this sinner's words. Compared with Xiaojing's pain, even if I am riddled with sins, what does sinking mean to me?" Yang Cong was so shocked that he couldn't say a word: "You..." Lin Yuanyin wiped Qu Tears said: "I have indeed wanted to seal the legend from the beginning. Only by re-sealing it can it be possible to destroy that thing. Even if Xiaojing is not willing, I think I will force her to do this. You can do whatever you want Call me despicable, call me shameless, but reason tells me that when you have to use the wrongness of this thing to redeem the rightness of that thing, which one can you choose?"

Yang Cong stopped talking, just squatted down, wrapped his arms around his head, and cried deeply inside. How could she blame Lin Yuanyin? What reason does she have to blame Lin Yuanyin? This girl, who was a hundred times stronger than herself, even thought about giving up her life and her happiness with Xingchen, just to keep the secret of the true identity of the ninth classroom - just like her sister. What makes her sad is that the legend in the ninth classroom has taught her too much helplessness that ordinary people may never encounter in their lives. She chooses to go against the legend in order to prevent people from being hurt, but in the end she ends up hurting herself. Someone else will complete the killing of the legend. She could no longer tell what was right or wrong, and now she could only believe in Lin Yuanyin's choice. Because Lin Yuanyin has always been soberer than her.

Seeing that Yang Cong didn't stop her anymore, Lin Yuanyin turned around and said, "Then tell me how to activate the sealing formation?" "In this forest of steles, there are four special stone steles, with the third row vertically on them. The last word of is painted with red paint. After finding these four stone tablets, compare it with the words on the copper piece in your hand to find the place where the word "王" is in the middle, re-establish an inverted triangle there, and then come here again , I'll tell you how to activate the formation." Lin Yuanyin asked strangely: "Is the copper piece used for this? No wonder the principal left it to us on purpose." The snake's body curled softly and said: "You go and prepare. , the sooner the better, so as not to cause unnecessary problems." As he said that, he was about to ride on the wind and leave. "Wait a minute," Lin Yuanyin hurriedly called her, and then hesitated again. After a moment, she said softly: "It's nothing. I just want to ask, does it hurt when you are in the formation?" It was inevitable. If it weren't for this horrible pain, how could she be as ugly as she is now? Lin Yuanyin just hoped that these small cares could alleviate the girl's long-term loneliness. However, to her surprise, "No, I am very happy." When that dirty head turned around, it turned out to be the style of another world.

The chess game was still being played unhurriedly, and the chess game had changed several rounds. Unknowingly, the elder couldn't tell how many rounds he had lost to Xingchen. He was suddenly a little afraid of Xingchen's wisdom, which was far beyond his expectation and made him feel even more unsafe. He expected Xingchen to be impatient and ask him to go back, but he didn't expect that he would become more and more interested and had no intention of stopping. While he was annoyed, a subordinate hurried over and said a few words in his ear. The elder's expression immediately changed. He was about to get angry. He raised his head and met Xingchen's questioning gaze. He was startled and quickly suppressed it. He looked down and said, "What do you mean? If you have something to say, you should report it to the Lord. What's the use of telling me?" The man was stunned and looked at Xingchen for a while, then he came back to his senses and said to Xingchen He knelt down and kowtowed: "You deserve to die, my lord... Just now a spy from the magic world came over and was chased away by us, but unfortunately we didn't catch him." Xingchen would not listen to his nonsense, and he didn't He said nothing and just continued to focus on the chess game. The atmosphere was very awkward for a while, and finally the elder broke the deadlock with his anger: "Pull this disrespectful guy out and give me fifty blows." I thought I had delayed this old guy for long enough, so I just let him go and went to see how Lin Yuanyin was doing. After thinking about it, he said to the elder: "Elder, if you have something to deal with, you can retreat first." The poor elder had been waiting for this sentence for so long that he didn't even need to be polite and just said "Thank you, Lord" and hurried away.

"Damn it! Against a girl who doesn't know any magic, both of your groups actually failed? Are you doing it for a living??? Do you still need me, an old man, to do it myself?" The anxious elder also said Before he had time to enter the hidden palace, and without caring whether there were spies sent by Xingchen outside, he started shouting angrily at the door. There are a lot of old people in the hall, and they are undoubtedly very anxious to welcome him. An old woman screamed: "Could it be that the Lord used spiritual power to interfere?" The elder shouted angrily: "Impossible, I am right opposite him, how could I not notice if he interfered? Someone is here. , is it so dead that no one is left? Tell me what is going on?" A servant ran in tremblingly and knelt down and said: "I don't know, I just heard from the people following behind that a faction was introduced. After entering the building, they never came out again. Someone saw them dancing a strange dance in the corridor, and they probably went into the ninth classroom. There was also a group that exchanged news with us, saying that they had caught Lin Yuanyin. He was about to be executed soon. But when our people rushed there, they found that only more than half of the corpses of our companions had committed suicide. Lin Yuanyin and Yang Cong, who suddenly came back from the killing, were missing. The people from Mount Wutai The spies reported that Wu Gangying had just come down from the mountain and could not have come back in such a short time. It is currently unclear who rescued the two of them."

The elder was slightly stunned, silent for a long time, sighed, and sat on the throne and said: "Strange, where can such a master come out again? It can't be someone from the magic world, and it can't be the Lord. Who could it be? ?" The old woman screamed: "If I had known this, why didn't the elder kill Lin Yuanyin early in the morning? In this way, the secret of the ninth classroom would not be exposed." The elder said: "It was my mistake. I didn't think of her. It will be so powerful. At the beginning, we agreed to let the Lord explore the secret alone. This would distract him from the plan we secretly implemented. Although he was extremely smart, he was determined not to find it. Who would have expected that it would suddenly happen? Adding a psychic medium puts the secret of the ninth classroom at risk." An old man said: "I still don't understand, elder, no matter how powerful Lin Yuanyin is, she is just a psychic medium. How could she do anything to that thing? "The elder said: "Do you know why that damn traitor was able to seal the ninth classroom in the first place? It was because he ruthlessly and unscrupulously sacrificed the lives of several companions as the price of blood sacrifice, but the spiritual medium was not there. It's the same, that is a body blessed by the gods, and can communicate with the underworld. As long as she masters the formation, it is easy to create a barrier between the two worlds and seal the legend. Now that thing is still needed I have been bloodthirsty for a while, but if I were sealed like this by her, all my previous efforts would be wasted. Not only that, but I am even more worried that once it is sealed, people from the magic world will swarm it, and if they get that thing, the world will really be in chaos. "

For a moment, the hall fell into unbearable silence. After a long time, the elder said slowly: "I don't think about ten thousand in everything, I only think about what is possible. Although I don't know who rescued Lin Yuanyin now, I can be sure that the rescuer must know the ins and outs of the matter, and maybe he also knows Our whole conspiracy. Since the matter has reached such an emergency, I have no choice but to take action myself." As soon as he said this, everyone exclaimed: "The elder takes action personally? How can that be done? What if the Lord finds out about it? , we have completely broken with him. What kind of skill does the Lord have now? To contend with him is to seek death. Anyway, Lin Yuanyin doesn’t necessarily know how to implement that formation now." The elder said with a pale face: "But also No one dares to guarantee that she will not know now, right? This matter has consumed the energy of several generations of our clan, and we cannot take such a big risk. And..." At this point, the elder suddenly changed his face and opened his teeth. He bit loudly and said with a gloomy smile: "We will definitely break up with the Lord. Everyone here should be prepared, right?" Everyone looked at each other in silence, and finally there was a skinny little old man. He said tremblingly: "There is a treasonous question that everyone dare not ask, so I will say it first. What if, I mean what if, the Lord threatens us in this matter, what should we do?" The elder He said numbly: "I have thought about this situation a long time ago. You have been with me for so long, and you should believe in my character. I still understand that I will do whatever it takes. In addition, this is not a treasonous issue. After all, he is not our real master. superior!"

On the other hand, Lin Yuanyin and Yang Cong went back to see Uncle Liang first. They couldn't bear to tell him the truth of the matter, let alone mention that his daughter was still alive. Lin Yuanyin made up a lie and said that through the guidance of an expert, she roughly knew the real location of the ninth classroom. She also saw the soul of his daughter, saying that she was living a good life down there and was waiting for reincarnation to be reincarnated as a human being. Waiting and so on, it made Uncle Liang cry sadly. Lin Yuanyin finally forced a smile and said: "Uncle, this is not a bad ending. She is a kind girl. Although she died unjustly, she has no resentment in her heart. The underworld will treat her kindly. If she is reincarnated into a royal family, she must be rich. Life." When she said this, she suddenly thought of that weird body, the rough snake scales, or the ugly head. Lin Yuanyin's nose felt sour and she hurriedly held it back. Uncle Liang didn't hear anything unusual. He sobbed for a while and said, "Forget it, it's me, the father, who didn't take good care of her. I hope there will be competent parents who can treat her well in the next life. In this way, I'm here The trip is considered complete, and it's time to leave." Lin Yuanyin said softly: "Exactly. Karma will eventually bring displeasure, and the good uncle will have a safe life." She wished that Uncle Liang would leave quickly. The teacher in the ninth classroom The answer to the mystery is about to be revealed, and there will inevitably be another killing. She doesn't want innocent lives to be involved.

Uncle Liang went to pack his luggage quietly. Yang Cong, who had been hiding in the house and couldn't bear to watch this scene, ran out, looked at Uncle Liang's slightly stooped figure, and said without giving up: "Are you really not going to tell him? ? Cheating is also one of the sins, and you will go to hell, right? I feel that this is so unfair to the father and daughter. They are so close, but they can't recognize each other. There is no greater sorrow than to die. He won't go back like this What a comfortable life you have lived." Lin Yuanyin said: "God will forgive good-intentioned deception. If Uncle Liang knew about his daughter's current situation, he would be even more miserable and even feel ashamed for the rest of his life. Why bother? It's numb. Life is better than living in pain." Yang Cong said: "What about Xiaojing? She is too pitiful, isn't she? She hasn't enjoyed any love since she was a child. In the end, although she found a boy she loved most, her love was shattered in a short period of time. Do you believe that the principal is sincere to her?" Speaking of Xiaojing, Lin Yuanyin's eyes turned red and said: "I don't believe it, but there is no need to tell her. Xiaojing so simply believes in the truth that there is love in the world, So even though her body has been corroded, she still maintains a high degree of human conscience in her heart. If she knew the truth, I can't imagine what things would be like." As she spoke, Lin Yuanyin raised her head and looked at the flawless sky. Silk Baiyun said in a trance: "I always believe that cause and effect in this world has always existed. There will definitely be retribution, there will definitely be... "

After persuading Uncle Liang to leave, Lin Yuanyin and the two immediately started rebuilding the formation. However, when they returned to the forest of monuments on campus, they unexpectedly found that there was one more person inside, a slightly rickety old man with a sharp gaze that could shoot others, waiting there with a cane. Yang Cong asked strangely: "Who is this? Such a big thing has happened, how can anyone dare to come here for sightseeing and fun?" Lin Yuanyin saw the old man, but she couldn't help but trembled all over her body: " You... are you the one who sent someone to kill me??" "What?" Yang Cong was shocked. He turned around in panic and saw the old man nodded with a smile. Faced with such a harsh question, this gentle old man who could nod calmly and even smile made Yang Cong get goosebumps all over his body. He didn't know why, but just looking at his eyes full of fish patterns was enough. It makes people feel chilling and frightened. This old man is anything but ordinary. This person was the elder. He tried all kinds of calculations in the hall but couldn't figure out who had the ability to save Lin Yuanyin. Seeing that the date was approaching, in order to prevent Lin Yuanyin from ruining the big thing, he finally decided to take action himself. Relying on his extremely high skills, he came alone without bringing anyone else with him to see if he could meet the master behind the scenes.

When the elder saw Lin Yuanyin guessing his identity at a glance, he looked up to the sky and laughed: "You are indeed a spiritual medium. It seems that I really underestimated your ability. I used the power of legend to kill my first team. The whole army was wiped out. I really can't bear to attack such a smart and beautiful woman." Lin Yuanyin opened her mouth slightly, but the elder had already rushed to say: "You don't have to ask me who I am, I won't tell you, and you have no chance to know. ." He slowly played with the extremely weird and fierce monster head carved on the head of the cane, and said in a low voice: "The legend of the Ninth Classroom is very important to us, and we will never allow anyone to try to decipher it. Miss Lin Yuanyin, you have caused us too much trouble since you appeared. Don't blame me. If you want to blame me, I can only blame you for knowing too much and being too smart." Lin Yuanyin smiled slightly and said, "You I have long expected that you are going to kill me. I have no intention of resisting. To you, no matter how spiritually medium I am, I am just a piece of meat on a chopping board. You can chop it whenever you want. However, since You are strong men, can you have the demeanor of a strong man and answer one of my questions before I die?" The elder rolled his eyes, thought for a moment, and said with a sinister smile: "It depends on what Miss Lin is asking. That’s a problem. I’m not that easily fooled. If I’m rescued again like last time, I’ll be in vain.” Lin Yuanyin smiled and said, “That’s natural, I won’t let you suffer. You can kill me and then tell the person next to me, so there is no risk to you at all." Yang Cong was shocked and said: "Lin Yuanyin, you..."

The elder smiled again and said: "Okay, okay, so considerate, gentle and considerate, but it's a pity that I am old, otherwise I would be tempted. Just ask, if you ask sharply, I will wait for you to die. Tell the girl next to you." Lin Yuanyin said: "Thank you so much. But there is one thing, you must tell the truth. I will definitely find out the details under the underworld. If you play any tricks to deceive me, I will tell you the truth. I'll sue you in front of the messenger from the underworld. No matter how strong my body is, there will be a day when I will die. Then don't blame me if you can't eat and walk around in hell." Such a vicious threat popped out of Lin Yuanyin's mouth, Yang Cong was the first to see him. It can be seen that this question is very important to Lin Yuanyin, and she must get the answer at all costs. The elder was shocked. He really wanted to agree first and then go back on his word, but the theory of hell must obviously not be ignored. Hell hates treacherous people the most. Lin Yuanyin was right. He would one day go down and be treated as a chopping block. meat day. Thinking of this, the elder hesitated for a moment, and then thought about it. This little girl set a trap for herself just because she wanted to know what was hidden in the ninth classroom. To go deeper, she wanted to ask what our plan was. , according to her wish, the thing and the plan will be revealed to the world sooner or later, so it doesn't hurt to tell her in advance. Thinking of this, she finally nodded slowly.

Lin Yuanyin said: "The question I asked is very simple - what is Xingchen's identity?" Yang Cong's shocked expression immediately overflowed: "What did you say?" She had the same idea as the elder, and she was sure that Lin Yuanyin would definitely ask Something related to the legendary riddle. Suddenly, Yang Cong suddenly understood that she had misunderstood Lin Yuanyin's intentions. Although the legend was so scary and important, the most important thing in Lin Yuanyin's heart was always Xingchen! The elder's face instantly turned pale, and his body, which had been as stable as a rock, couldn't help but sway slightly. This time, it really capsized in the gutter, and it was this little girl's fault. Xingchen's identity is a huge secret. To some extent, it is more important than the legend. Lin Yuanyin saw through the pros and cons at a glance. Now she was in a dilemma. Let's talk about it. The harm to the race is immeasurable. If I don't say it, , and it goes against the promise I just made. The elder misunderstood the true meaning of Lin Yuanyin's heart. She thought that the location of the ninth classroom was already known. Given time, Wu Gangying would definitely be able to get to the bottom of it and completely crack this terrifying twisted space legend. But Xingchen, that "I refuse" sentence has always been a knot in her heart - a knot that cannot be untied.

Lin Yuanyin didn't know that the elder's heart was like a turbulent sea at the moment, and she was in a fierce struggle. She raised her eyebrows and said: "How? Master, do you choose to tell me first, or tell her after I die?" After all, it was after the storm. The elder soon made up his mind. The worst he could do was tell the woman next to him and then kill her. That would be all over, and there would be no danger left. Thinking of this, his expression softened: "Okay, as a gentleman, if you are willing to commit suicide and die, I will naturally tell your companions the truth." Yang Cong couldn't help but cursed: "Despicable!" The elder obviously wanted to take advantage. After all, if Lin Yuanyin commits suicide and dies, this debt will not be borne by him in the underworld in the future. Lin Yuanyin smiled and said: "Okay, I'll lend you a sharp weapon, sir." Yang Cong couldn't hold himself back anymore. Lin Yuanyin was so calm. It was obvious that Xiaojing might be lying in ambush nearby to save people. But it's been a long time, why? There was no movement for a long time.

The elder handed over the crutch: "Ms. Lin, just put the monster's head on her neck. It's guaranteed to be painless and clean." Lin Yuanyin took it with a smile, without any hesitation, and put it on her neck. passed. The surroundings were still so quiet that no wind could be heard. Yang Cong was startled, his mind went blank, and his whole body was covered in cold sweat. Could it be... could it be that Xiaojing didn't come at all? Has Lin Yuanyin really been determined to die? "No—" By the time Yang Cong reacted and wanted to pounce on him, Lin Yuanyin had already touched the head of the stick to his neck. At this critical moment, a bright object suddenly shot out from the woods in the distance. Just hearing Lin Yuanyin's "Ouch", the crutch was bounced to the ground. Yang Cong shouted with joy: "Xiao Jing!" He saw a slender figure descending from the sky. Yang Cong's opened mouth had not yet been closed, and he immediately froze in mid-air. Where was Xiao Jing? The person who came was clearly missing for a long time. The starry morning! !

"This... this..." Yang Cong felt like he was in a TV series now, with twists and turns in the plot, and he felt like his thinking could hardly keep up. Lin Yuanyin was so amazing. She actually expected Xingchen to come. When Yang Cong turned around, she realized that she had thought wrong. The shock on Lin Yuanyin's face was even worse than hers. If there was any difference, it was the look in her eyes. There is a hint of complicated and inexplicable concern in it. They were not the only ones who were shocked. The elder was now sweating all over his body. How could that happen? Didn't they call a group of old people to hold Xingchen back? Why did Xingchen arrive at exactly this time? Xingchen didn't look like he was going to speak right away. The atmosphere froze for a moment. Three still people and one angry person faced each other in silence at the edge of the forest of steles.

"Lord... Lord..." The elder finally spoke tremblingly. Lin Yuanyin's body shook violently: My lord? ? She had already guessed that Xingchen's identity was unusual, but she didn't expect to have such a special title. Xingchen tried hard to calm his breathing, but the anger could not be concealed from his brows: "Elder, if you still recognize me as your lord, then please ask my opinion before taking action." The reason why my subordinates just think that Lin Yuanyin must die is sufficient. If the Lord knows about it, he will definitely have no objection. If the Lord is angry about his unauthorized actions, then I will take the punishment myself when I go back. But today, Lin Yuan Yin's life must not be spared!" The elder let Lin Yuanyin go because he was afraid that Xingchen would seize this opportunity and pursue him for overstepping his authority. Xingchen naturally knew what he was thinking, and sneered: "It seems that the elders are not qualified to judge whether Lin Yuanyin deserves to die or not. If this spreads, everyone can use it as a good reason. I will definitely not Dissenters can do whatever they want!" The elder laughed dryly: "Then the Lord means that Lin Yuanyin should not die? I am willing to listen to the arguments." Of course, Xingchen couldn't come up with any strong reasons, so he had to change the subject and said: "Even if Damn it, I have to give the order personally. Foreign races are enemies and should be eradicated, but I think there is a fire in the inner courtyard and it needs to be rectified."

The elder's face turned pale. He never expected that Xingchen, who had always been forbearing in front of him, would say such harsh words for Lin Yuanyin. It seemed that he had underestimated Lin Yuanyin's destructive power. If Xingchen's heart really turns to Lin Yuanyin, then the tribe will be in great danger. If Lin Yuanyin existed for one more day, the legend of the ninth classroom would be more in danger of being cracked, and the plan would be more likely to fail. Thinking of this, the elder knew that there would be a fierce battle, so he steeled himself and straightened up. Yaoban said: "I don't think what the Lord said is appropriate. We all agree that Lin Yuanyin must be killed as soon as possible. Since the Lord intends to obstruct it, don't blame your subordinates for being ruthless." Xingchen said: "You are ruthless, so am I. It’s unjust. It’s not like the elder wanted to fight with me on the first day, so why bother pretending to be so respectful? If you can defeat me, I’ll just let you be the master.” The elder smiled viciously and said, “Okay, okay. , the wings have hardened, it’s time to fly, I may not be able to defeat you.”

Before anyone could react, the crutch that Lin Yuanyin dropped on the ground returned to the elder's hand as if it had eyes. A trace of white air came out from the monster's mouth. The elder held the crutch and flew around, shooting out several green lights. Flying out, an encirclement was formed instantly, pressing towards Xing Chen. Xingchen said: "With just your crutch, I'm afraid you won't have much chance of winning." People followed the sound, and wherever the green light struck, there was no one there. This was the first time that Lin Yuanyin saw Xingchen's true skills. She was dumbfounded and speechless for a long time. No wonder he didn't panic at all when Wu Gangying pointed a sword at him. I'm afraid Wu Gangying's teacher Even if his father comes, he may not be able to do anything to Xingchen. Of course the elder knew that he was not on the same level as Xingchen, but in the current situation, what else could he do besides fighting to the death? Without saying anything, he lowered his head and swiped his cane over the monster's head suddenly. A green cobra sprang out and bit Xingchen's wrist. Instantly, Xingchen's entire arm turned black.

"Ah!" Lin Yuanyin couldn't help shouting. Xingchen's expression did not change as usual, nor did he rush back with his hand. He just said lightly: "The elder is really good at using poison, but you should know best that these are useless to me." As he said that, he fired a shot on his hand. Jin, a strange multi-colored light suddenly shrouded around the wound. The cobra screamed and immediately retracted into the staff head. At the same time, miraculously, the increasingly dense black disappeared. In just an instant, the hand returned Restored original color. This... Lin Yuanyin was so shocked that she couldn't even think about it