Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 118: Dust off(30)


Two forked roads lead to the same destination, the last holy land of Buddhism - Mount Wutai.

On Wutai Mountain, the purple golden bowls were placed on several tables in the abbot's room. The bowls shook violently, making a rapid "buzzing" sound, and burst out thousands of golden rays of light, sweeping every corner of the room. The three people surrounding the stage all had solemn expressions. Master Zhi sighed and said, "Juepan has fallen." Master Chanyue and Lone Xinghan were both startled, and then fell silent again. This was expected, and with just Wu Gangying alone could not defeat the Fox Clan's outpouring of force and the magic world's alliance even with his divine soldiers and generals. They just had illusions in their hearts, but fate cruelly shattered the illusions in advance. Master Zenyue carefully chose his words and said: "Master, are we already... no chance of winning?"

The wisdom master smiled lightly and said: "What is the chance of winning? In numerology, there are only two kinds: destiny and variables. The Buddha said that the sea of suffering is boundless, and people in the world are often blinded by the desire for gain. They only remember the variables, but not the destiny. Destiny is reversible, but it is not absolutely reversible. Whether it is reversible or not depends not only on heaven, but also on man. If man and nature cannot be integrated, it is irreversible." Lone Xinghan secretly looked at Master Chanyue: "Do you understand?" Master Chanyue was actually at a loss, but facing Gu Xinghan, who was several decades younger than him, he could not hold back his old face no matter what. He nodded and said, "Of course I understand." Gu Xinghan asked happily: "Then tell me what you mean?" Master Zenyue sat calmly and replied calmly: "Master means that it is a fact that Juepan has been taken away, and it is destined to be taken away by fate. , It’s irreversible." Lone Xinghan was stunned for a moment and muttered: "Isn’t this nonsense?" Master Zenyue: "What did you say?"

"Zen Yue," the intelligent master suddenly turned around. Master Zen Yue, who was about to teach Lone Xinghan a lesson, stood up reflexively and said, "Yes!" The intelligent master took out a talisman and said, "Go down the mountain and plant a departed soul. After setting up the array, place this talisman in the center." Master Zenyue reminded: "Master, this soul-leaving array is ineffective against demons." Master Intelligence said: "I know, you just do it." Master Zenyue did not If you dare to ask more questions, say "yes" and hold up the talisman to exit. Gu Xinghan also hurriedly exited. "Lone Xinghan, please stay for a while." Master Intelligence said kindly. Lone Xinghan's whole body trembled, and he grabbed Master Zenyue who was about to withdraw and whispered: "Master Zhizhi is not interested in my intelligence and wit, and wants to pass the throne to me, right? I can't betray Zhongnan." Master Zenyue also whispered: "Don't worry, we have another person here who is smarter and more resourceful than you. He has no chance, let alone you?"

Seeing Master Zen Yue leaving, Master Zhi said: "Sit down." Lone Star Han sat back on the futon uneasily, watching Master Zhi twisting his gray beard, and after a long while he said: "Did Tianji teach you the Seven-Star Longquan Sword?" "Relevant spells?" Gu Xinghan thought to himself, isn't he here to secretly learn Zhongnan's spells? He replied: "I have never taught him, because the disciple is still young. Even though he is very smart, but..." Master Zhi interrupted first: "Zhongnan's tradition is that you have never practiced magic. You must first read the classics and history. Although my nephew has never practiced it, , but I must be familiar with the relevant spells of Longquan Sword." Gu Xinghan thought for a long time and said: "Theoretically, it can be said like this." Master Zhi said: "Okay, do you want to save Zhongnan?" Gu Xinghan was overjoyed: "Master Is there any way?" Master Smart said, "I am also desperate, you have to do what I do." Immediately he said something like this.

Lone Xinghan was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. He kowtowed quickly and said, "My disciple just spoke big words. I would never dare to do this. Spells are one thing, but using them is also another thing. Master often teaches his disciples, saying You can't do it by force. If I hurt Longquan Sword in this way, wouldn't I become a sinner for the ages?" Master Zhi said: "When things have developed to this point, who wouldn't do it by force? The fate of the world depends on you. In the blink of an eye. Now I can only adapt to the situation and decide what to do as I see it. It is up to my nephew to decide which one is more important." After saying that, he stood up and left. Lone Xinghan stared blankly at the flickering candlelight, feeling depressed for a long time. He lowered his head: "Master, why are you not satisfied with the Longquan Sword?"

The wisdom master smiled lightly and said: "What is the chance of winning? In numerology, there are only two kinds: destiny and variables. The Buddha said that the sea of suffering is boundless, and people in the world are often blinded by the desire for gain. They only remember the variables, but not the destiny. Destiny is reversible, but it is not absolutely reversible. Whether it is reversible or not depends not only on heaven, but also on man. If man and nature cannot be integrated, it is irreversible." Lone Xinghan secretly looked at Master Chanyue: "Do you understand?" Master Chanyue was actually at a loss, but facing Gu Xinghan, who was several decades younger than him, he could not hold back his old face no matter what. He nodded and said, "Of course I understand." Gu Xinghan asked happily: "Then tell me what you mean?" Master Zenyue sat calmly and replied calmly: "Master means that it is a fact that Juepan has been taken away, and it is destined to be taken away by fate. , It’s irreversible." Lone Xinghan was stunned for a moment and muttered: "Isn’t this nonsense?" Master Zenyue: "What did you say?"

"Zen Yue," the intelligent master suddenly turned around. Master Zen Yue, who was about to teach Lone Xinghan a lesson, stood up reflexively and said, "Yes!" The intelligent master took out a talisman and said, "Go down the mountain and plant a departed soul. After setting up the array, place this talisman in the center." Master Zenyue reminded: "Master, this soul-leaving array is ineffective against demons." Master Intelligence said: "I know, you just do it." Master Zenyue did not If you dare to ask more questions, say "yes" and hold up the talisman to exit. Gu Xinghan also hurriedly exited. "Lone Xinghan, please stay for a while." Master Intelligence said kindly. Lone Xinghan's whole body trembled, and he grabbed Master Zenyue who was about to withdraw and whispered: "Master Zhizhi is not interested in my intelligence and wit, and wants to pass the throne to me, right? I can't betray Zhongnan." Master Zenyue also whispered: "Don't worry, we have another person here who is smarter and more resourceful than you. He has no chance, let alone you?"

Seeing Master Zen Yue leaving, Master Zhi said: "Sit down." Lone Star Han sat back on the futon uneasily, watching Master Zhi twisting his gray beard, and after a long while he said: "Did Tianji teach you the Seven-Star Longquan Sword?" "Relevant spells?" Gu Xinghan thought to himself, isn't he here to secretly learn Zhongnan's spells? He replied: "I have never taught him, because the disciple is still young. Even though he is very smart, but..." Master Zhi interrupted first: "Zhongnan's tradition is that you have never practiced magic. You must first read the classics and history. Although my nephew has never practiced it, , but I must be familiar with the relevant spells of Longquan Sword." Gu Xinghan thought for a long time and said: "Theoretically, it can be said like this." Master Zhi said: "Okay, do you want to save Zhongnan?" Gu Xinghan was overjoyed: "Master Is there any way?" Master Smart said, "I am also desperate, you have to do what I do." Immediately he said something like this.

Lone Xinghan was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. He kowtowed quickly and said, "My disciple just spoke big words. I would never dare to do this. Spells are one thing, but using them is also another thing. Master often teaches his disciples, saying You can't do it by force. If I hurt Longquan Sword in this way, wouldn't I become a sinner for the ages?" Master Zhi said: "When things have developed to this point, who wouldn't do it by force? The fate of the world depends on you. In the blink of an eye. Now I can only adapt to the situation and decide what to do as I see it. It is up to my nephew to decide which one is more important." After saying that, he stood up and left. Lone Xinghan stared blankly at the flickering candlelight, feeling depressed for a long time. He lowered his head: "Master, why are you not satisfied with the Longquan Sword?"

On this side, the elders of the Fox clan and Master Kong Ming conspired to exterminate Wutai Mountain, but there was a big stir. "What? Destroy the Wutai Mountains? You can tell me!" Taoist Master Tianji stood up with a "swish" sound, cold sweat running down his back: "Are you kidding? If Zhongnan Mountain does this, all the disasters from heaven will not be too much. It might as well be It's a pleasure to send us directly to destroy us!" The other sect leaders said one after another: "Yes, although Wutai is stubborn this time, it is a Buddhist holy land after all. If we fight against it, not only do we not have the slightest advantage in reason, but also our subordinates Disciples will also be dissatisfied. This will never work!" The elder's expression changed, and just as he was about to speak, Master Kongming stopped him: "Elder, let me tell them."

Master Kongming walked among the crowd and said to Taoist Master Tianji: "I understand your mood. I once thought that Buddhism should be practiced carefully and Taoism should be strengthened. However, what happened later was incredible. Things changed Lao Na's view. Ten Bon Bon Festivals, six Buddhist ceremonies, eight consecration ceremonies, Wutai relied on it as the chief Buddhist holy place, and frequently issued orders to us. Zhongnan was originally a Taoist holy land, not related to Buddhism Wutai actually uses the name of a holy land of Buddhism to point fingers at Taoist affairs, telling them to cooperate in doing this and that. Isn’t this the most ridiculous thing in the world? It’s the first time I’ve heard that people are in charge. It's gone outside! Wutai is so rampant, does God, who we think is fair, punish it with any calamity? No! Then again, why is Wutai so arrogant? Isn't it because of the treasure of the human world? Purple Golden Bowl? But have you forgotten how Wutai obtained this treasure? Their ancestor accidentally discovered it during a siege in the magic world to sweep away the ghost world. It is said that everyone has a share in the siege, no? The Shaomen sect also suffered heavy casualties, and Wutai was not eligible to receive the treasure based on merit and seniority. However, their founder actually shamelessly said that Zijinbo chose to stay in Wutai Mountain, so he appeared in front of him, and Zijinbo was born in this way. Stay in Mount Wutai. This is naked robbery! What punishment has God given to Wutai? None! Now that Juepan has come out, Wutai is afraid that whoever gets this Juepan will overwhelm them, so they start spreading rumors again , saying that it is a treasure of the underworld and cannot be used by humans. You have also seen that my most beloved disciple Wu Gangying has been instigated to rebel. Only now do I understand that all the laws of heaven and justice and mercy are all nonsense! Wutai It has deceived us for so many years with this set of lies. If it is really fair, why doesn't it bring out the purple and golden bowl for us to have a good competition, and the stronger one will take it? The fact is already obvious. In this world, there is no so-called old man. God, what is the so-called retribution? Real justice should be the law of the jungle, the winner should be the king, and the loser should be the bandits! Zijinbo’s opportunity has been lost, do you still want to lose Juepan’s opportunity??”

What he said made the crowd restless. Taoist Master Tianji shook his head and sighed: "Wutai's order to the Taoists is too much. However, since Juepan has been obtained, Wutai will naturally restrain itself, why do we have to be enemies with Wutai?" Kong Ming The master sneered and said: "Taoist Priest is too simple. That old man Zhi Zhi is very insidious. As long as we underestimate him, we are waiting to be plotted against him. How can Mount Wutai give up easily if we get Jue Pan? We will definitely invade in a big way. In the name of justice, we must snatch away the Jueyan. To gain strength by attacking first, instead of just sitting back and waiting for death, it is better to destroy it first!" Taoist Master Tianji shuddered: "I don't think it is appropriate. Although Wutai is too much, after all, we belong to the same sect. , but isn’t the Fox clan eyeing Juepan? Pindao believes that the alien clan should be exterminated first before internal disputes begin.”

Master Kongming did not expect Taoist Master Tianji to say this, and was secretly surprised. Just when he was thinking about how to deal with it, the elder had already walked up with a smile: "Taoist Master is a happy person, and I like it. For the sake of this, I You might as well tell the truth. Yes, our fox clan does have a plan to wipe you out quickly, but that plan must rely on the demon fox to realize it. You also saw that Xingchen rebelled, and I had no choice but to pick off its moonlight. Gems, you all are sensible people. Even if our fox clan wants to cultivate another demon fox, we will have to wait for hundreds of years, not to mention that it may not succeed. If we were not reduced to such a situation, our fox clan would never want to compete with your magic world. Join forces. The Taoist Master just missed one thing. If we destroy Wutai, we will have an extra treasure - the Purple Golden Bowl. We can make an agreement that after Wutai is destroyed, we will compete fairly and the stronger one will take possession of it. How about never going back on your word? If you fight among us now, you are playing into Wutai's hands. If you want to continue to be bullied by Wutai like this, I have nothing to say. The Fox Clan should fight alone and never give up the dignity of life. "

The elder said that Taoist Master Tianji couldn't utter a word for a long time, and the head of Longhu Mountain added: "The Fox Clan has always been secretive and unfaithful. After all, Wutai has made a huge promise, so why should we choose the Fox Clan instead of Wutai?" Where is the platform?" The elder looked up to the sky and laughed: "Wutai is a promise worth a thousand dollars, that's because it is now a holy land, so it naturally has the appearance of a holy land. It is no longer a holy land, who knows what will happen to their words and deeds? The secrets of the Fox Clan are also with you. What I learned is that now that our strength is weak, it will not be difficult for the magic world to destroy us. We should be the ones who should be worried. How come the leaders don’t have big eyes to take advantage of such a thing?" That’s right. The leader of Longhu Mountain lowered his head in shame. Seeing this, Master Kong Ming burst into laughter and said: "Okay, okay, since we are all willing to abandon our prejudices, let's discuss the plan together and see how to destroy the Wutai clan and restore the prestige of the magic world."

Taoist Master Tianji said: "In this case, what else is there to discuss? Just go to Wutai. Now that there is Juepan, Zijinbo can't resist it. It is not an easy task." The elder said: "Not necessarily, this Since Jue Pan is a treasure that suppresses the underworld, the person who uses it is naturally unusual. If a mortal uses it forcefully, he can only use the power of Jue Pan. Even self-protection against Zijin Bo is a problem." Taoist Priest Tianji. Said: "Then the elder means who is qualified to use this Juepan?" The elder smiled and said: "Taoist master, don't be suspicious. I admire everyone's skills now. It is not a problem to win Wutai, but be careful. In the New Year, if we want to defeat Wutai, we have to give Wutai no chance of winning. But now we still have a potential danger. If this opportunity is taken by Wutai, I am afraid we will all be shattered to pieces."

Master Kongming was startled: "What danger is it?" The elder raised a finger with a cold face and said: "Xingchen. Everyone knows that Xingchen is a demon fox of our clan. His body is a spiritual body, and he is soaked in the power of the moonlight gem. His magic power It is no small feat, being able to exert more than 70% of Juepan's skill. If Xingchen helps Wutai, it is very likely to suppress the Juepan users on our side and greatly reduce Juepan's skill. It should be noted that Juepan is also a spiritual thing , Loves the strong. In this way, there are many variables to defeat Wutai." Taoist Master Tianji said doubtfully: "As far as I know, as long as the demon fox takes off the moonlight gem, he will die within three days, and they escaped It will take five days at the fastest to go to Wutai. What is the elder worried about?" The elder was speechless for a moment, and after a long time he said: "Wutai will never be willing to let Xingchen die like this, and will definitely try every possible means to retain its soul. The underworld knows that the treasure is there. In our hands, we will naturally do our best to help. Wouldn't it be a bad thing if Wutai really takes away the Moonlight Stone and resurrects Xingchen?"

Master Kongming said: "The elder is right. We should deal with Xingchen first. Anyway, Juepan is in our hands. Wutai dare not attack easily. It is only a matter of time before the clan is destroyed. What do you think?" Shaolin Abbot said: " But now they are running away in two sides. Can the elder be sure which side is Xingchen?" The elder sighed slightly and said: "I am not sure at all. This matter must be foolproof. Since we can't tell which side is Xingchen, why not do both sides? After the pursuit, all four people died, wouldn't it be more careful?" Taoist Master Tianji couldn't help but gasped: "This... this... if there is too much blood debt, I'm afraid..." Master Kongming smiled coldly: "Taoist Priest, are you today? Will the crime of coming down to rob Juepan be lighter than these blood debts? If heaven were to punish us, all our sects would have been wiped out long ago, and Wutai need not be so nervous." Everyone laughed: "Yes, it's time to do it Restore order in the world."

Physical Book Part 4 Soul Sacrifice (Part 2)

Master Zenyue was looking at the Soul Leaving Formation he had set up. Suddenly he felt a gust of wind blowing behind him. He turned around and shouted, "Who is it?" Master Intelligent said, "Have you set up the formation yet?" Master Zenyue said, "Master, you are Why did you come down in person? If you have anything to do, just tell the disciple to go up." Master Zhi said: "Now they have sent out troops to kill in two directions." Master Chanyue was surprised and said: "Who to kill?" Master Zhi said: "Of course It's Wu Gangying and the four of them." Master Zenyue said in a trembling voice: "Then... what should we do? We will fight with them." Master Zhizhi glared and said: "What fight? You use the purple golden bowl to fight with Juepan? That is to die!" The situation is urgent, Zen Yue listens to the order!" Master Zen Yue immediately knelt down and said: "Disciple, take the order." Master Zhi said: "Wu Gangying is a hundred kilometers southeast of the foot of Mount Wutai. Hold my Zen staff and go to the rescue quickly. ." After saying that, he handed the Zen staff to Master Zenyue. Master Chanyue said in confusion: "That side of Xingchen..." Master Zhizhi sighed: "As soon as Juepan comes out, people's hearts will be in chaos. There are strong soldiers gathering over there in Xingchen, and you cannot resist it. Go quickly, they two Everyone is destined to bear it, and there will be noble people to help. You just need to bring Wu Gangying and Wu Gangying back safely." Human lives were at stake, so Master Zenyue did not dare to ask any more questions and hurried down the mountain. Master Intelligence looked at the prepared soul-leaving formation. After a long while, he sighed and said: "Master, the matter of Juepan will eventually lead to a catastrophe. After this disaster in the magic world, I don't know if there is still energy left to resolve the seven-way catastrophe." . God will destroy me in Wutai!" At the end of the sentence, he covered his face and cried bitterly. The temple suddenly emitted thousands of meters of light, and the purple golden bowl seemed to be affected by it, buzzing continuously. For a while, everyone in the temple burst into tears, and the miserable clouds were thick, making it difficult to see.

Although the fox clan's sniffing skills are unparalleled in the world, they can only identify escape routes, not who is who. However, the elder was more careful. Although both sides were chasing him, Xingchen was unconscious and Lin Yuanyin was carrying a heavy load, so the speed was bound to be slow. Therefore, he sent his subordinates with higher magic power, himself, Master Kong Ming, Taoist Master Tianji and other masters to rush towards the slow pace. one side, and the rest chase the other side. Who knew that God had played a special joke on them. Although Lin Yuanyin was carrying a heavy load, she knew that the situation was critical and stimulated her instinctive will to survive. Therefore, she had exhausted her energy in the past few days, constantly changing various means of transportation, and driving faster.

On the other hand, Wu Gangying and Yang Cong did not know that a disaster was coming. On the contrary, they saw that the journey was uneventful. Presumably the Fox clan had captured Xingchen and Lin Yuanyin, so they gave up tracking, which obviously slowed down their speed. In addition, Wu Gangying was seriously injured. , I have to come down from time to time to buy medicine for self-cultivation, but it stagnates slowly. When the elders and the others caught up and attacked them by surprise, everyone was dumbfounded. Wu Gangying was regulating his breathing on the ground, and Yang Cong was helping him change his dressing. Suddenly a group of people rushed out and surrounded them. The two of them were dumbfounded. The two groups of people looked at each other dumbfounded for a long time. Master Tianji said in disappointment: "It's not Xingchen's side." When Wu Gangying heard this, he was overjoyed: "Didn't you catch Lin Yuanyin and the others?" The elder said angrily: " Bah! What does it have to do with you? Why are you walking so slowly?" Wu Gangying retorted: "Are you unhappy that we are walking slowly? If we weren't walking so slowly, would you be able to catch up with us?" The elder pointed with his finger in anger. I couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Traitor!" Master Kongming came out from behind with a cold face. Wu Gangying's face also darkened when he saw it was his master. The two of them were frozen in place, not knowing what to say for a moment. Seeing that the situation was not good, Yang Cong quickly approached Wu Gangying and said quietly: "Hurry up and resolve the matter between you and Master. Sooner or later, you will have to face it. It is better to resolve it as soon as possible." Wu Gangying nodded, stepped forward and still followed the instructions The usual master-disciple meeting said: "Master." Master Kongming said sternly: "Since you still recognize me as master, you should turn around and find another way." "Is it possible to turn around?" Wu Gangying suddenly laughed, and from that smile, Kong Ming Master Ming smelled an ominous breath.

Wu Gangying's deep voice sounded in the empty sky: "What is the shore? Where is the shore? The Buddha said that greed, anger, anger, and desire are all the sea of suffering. Only by making a boat with compassion and upholding concentration can we survive. Master once It was the shore, and now it is the sea. I can't understand this choice, and I can't control it. People want to be demons, and Buddha can't help it. But you shouldn't involve Luojia Mountain in the whirlpool. It's pity that our sect's reputation for generations has been destroyed in one day, disciple I don’t even have the shame to face Wutai and the common people.” When the disciples of Luojia Mountain heard Wu Gangying’s extremely painful words, they all looked at each other in shock, bowed their heads and remained silent in shame. Many of them had tears in their eyes and wanted to call out, “Big Brother.” "Senior Brother", they glanced at the angry Master Kongming and chose silence.

Master Kongming was angry and anxious. He couldn't figure out why Wu Gangying, who had always been clumsy and clumsy, seemed to be a different person at this moment, with sharp tongue. Most of the disciples of the Luojia Sect were originally unwilling to go down the mountain and were forced to come. Now that they were incited by Wu Gangying, their hearts became even more unstable. Master Kongming was eager to refute Wu Gangying and stabilize people's hearts, so he blurted out without thinking: "Shut up! You said that I am not allowed by nature, and you don't even think about it. You yourself have rebelled against the teacher and the Tao. What qualifications do you have to criticize others and judge right and wrong?" "

Master Kongming expected that the "rebellious master" was Wu Gangying's weakness, so he must be stunned and unable to answer. Who would have thought that Wu Gangying was not furious, but turned around and showed a strange and gentle smile to Yang Cong. Yang Cong, who had been standing silently behind him, also smiled slightly. As if reaching some kind of tacit understanding, Wu Gangying said loudly: "Disciple is just trying to end this matter. The reason why I am a master is because he is a disciple of the Buddhist family. Now that the master has abandoned the Buddha, the disciple is still a disciple of the Buddhist family. Danggui traces her roots back to her origins and recognizes Buddha as her teacher. I swear an oath here today that Wu Gangying and Luojiashan will no longer have any ties to each other!" After saying that, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to the stunned Master Kongming: "Thank you, Master, for raising me and teaching me. After kowtow, the relationship between master and disciple disappeared, and you and I went our separate ways! God has punished us, and Gang Ying has shouldered the responsibility."

Wu Gangying's move stunned everyone. Taoist Master Tianji secretly glanced back at the disciples behind him, thinking to himself: Gu Xinghan has been missing for a week, and I don't know if he sneaked into Wutai. If he also used such a move, there would be no guarantee that Zhongnan Mountain would not be in chaos. Wu Gangying's bloody oath moved the Luojia disciples deeply. Three people immediately stepped forward, knelt down to Master Kong Ming and said: "Today, my disciples also renounce their friendship with Luojia. From now on, they will no longer be Luojia." Disciple." Then he stood up and stood next to Wu Gangying. They all saluted Wu Gangying and said, "I have met senior brother." Wu Gangying returned the greeting with a smile. One person said to Wu Gangying with tears in his eyes: "Actually, we are still disciples of Luojia Mountain. In my heart, senior brother represents the real Luojia Mountain." Wu Gangying was heartbroken and almost shed tears. He was busy but couldn't bear it. He stopped, drew his sword out of its sheath, and smiled reluctantly at Master Kong Ming and others: "I've said it, and it will be much easier to do it next."

Master Kongming was so angry that his face turned red and his neck was thick, and he couldn't say a word for a long time. Seeing that the situation was not good, the elder hurriedly said: "You don't know how to live or die, you think you are in the limelight by doing this, don't you? Don't you think that with your strength, you can fight a few of us here?" Wu Gangying smiled faintly. : "I have put my life and death at risk for a long time. Be a man and be bold. Don't chirp there. Just start fighting." The elder smiled strangely and said: "You are not qualified to challenge Jue Pan. You must wake up and show your respect to your master." Admit your mistake, and I will protect you from death." Wu Gangying was about to spit, when a loud voice suddenly came from the woods: "Amituo Buddha, I have been cruel and cruel to cut off all kindness, but my heart is devoted to me. Don't let go?" The elder was surprised: "Who?!" A fat monk wearing cassocks walked out with a smile and clasped his hands to Master Kongming and others: "Disciple Chanyue has met all the masters."

Wu Gangying and others were surprised and happy: "Master Chanyue?" The elder's expression changed, he stared at Master Chanyue and smiled sinisterly: "Is the noble Wutai finally willing to come out to see people?" Chanyue The master said calmly: "Wutai is worthy of heaven. When can we not see people?" Wu Gangying hurriedly pulled Master Chanyue and said: "Don't talk nonsense to him. Have Xingchen and Lin Yuanyin arrived in Wutai?" Master Yue looked at him helplessly and did not answer. Wu Gangying's heart sank. The elder over there had already shouted loudly: "Everyone, go ahead, kill them, and give Wutai a kick in the ass!" The leaders were originally afraid of facing Wutai's accusations. When they heard this, they got what they wanted. Immediately gearing up, for a while, many magic weapons complemented each other, and rainbows burst out.

"Wait a minute!" At the critical moment, Master Zenyue put his Zen staff on the ground. The Zen staff glowed with a strong white light, suppressing the light of all the magic weapons: "This is the foot of Mount Wutai. Wutai is a sacred place for Buddhism. On that day, various sects The Patriarch made an oath not to start killing people in Wutai. The Master thought that all the Masters and Uncles were eager to start a war, so he specially ordered his disciples to go down the mountain with this Zen staff to spread the word. These two people are related to the safety of the world, and Wutai is in danger. Please be patient. The master will hold a banquet on the mountain to entertain the master uncles, what do you think?"

When Master Kongming saw Master Zenyue, his eyes almost burst into flames: "What holy land? This place is at least 1 kilometer away from the foot of your mountain. Even if you force it to be your area, we are determined to break through Mount Wutai this time. !" After hearing this, everyone immediately started making noises. Seeing that the momentum was not good, Master Chanyue hurriedly shouted: "Uncles, please think about it. Breaking into Wutai by force is against the ancestral teachings of each sect, and it is such a breach of trust. In the future, how will our magic world face the common people at the foot of the mountain?" Master Kongming spat: "Bah! You first ask Wutai, do you have the face to face the common people? Our purpose this time is to restore order in the magic world and return to the principles of nature. , even if there is any offense, the Patriarch will forgive you underground." The elder shouted: "Why talk so much? To paraphrase Master Wu Gangying's words, just start fighting."

Master Chanyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Just as he was about to say a few more words, the impatient head of Longhu Mountain could no longer hold back. He offered the Arhat Golden Pill and shouted: "Liangyi Kaifa!" He directly hit Master Chanyue. The Golden Pill is a dragon. Master Zenyue did not dare to neglect the treasure of Hushan Mountain. He turned around, drew a circle on the ground with his Zen staff, and said: "cross the sea of suffering!" A wall of light appeared, as bright as stars, barely blocking the golden elixir. Went back. One golden elixir was okay, but with dozens of mountain-holding treasures being deployed, Master Zenyue was helpless. Especially when he saw Taoist Priest Tianji pulling out the Seven-Star Longquan Sword, which corresponded to the seven-star Beidou in the sky, shining like a colorful cloud, Master Chanyue's face immediately turned pale, and he pulled Wu Gangying and said: "You guys run!" Wu Gangying said with great anger: "What are you afraid of? Let’s try our best and we won’t win.”

Master Zenyue said anxiously: "What are you fighting for? They are all unique treasures of our sect. We can't win with the Guanglongquan Sword. My master has ordered us to withdraw everything to Mount Wutai before making plans." Wu Gangying said in confusion: "They The magic weapon is so powerful that it is useless to go to Wutai Mountain, and it will bring trouble to Wutai." Master Zenyue said while resisting: "Wutai has a barrier formed by the ancestors of the past generations, and they may not be able to attack it so easily." While he was talking, the Longquan Sword had already attacked, and Master Zenyue hurriedly held his Zen staff against it. The two weapons collided, and Beidou exerted force, knocking Master Zenyue to the ground. Wu Gangying gasped and quickly helped Master Zenyue. Master Zenyue threw a handful of Buddhist beads, formed a Tiangang formation, and said: "Run!" Wu Gangying hurriedly pulled up Yang Cong, greeted his two junior brothers, and then Following Master Zenyue, he took a small path and left.

Master Kong Ming and others were blocked by the Tiangang Formation. After breaking through the formation, Wu Gangying and others had already fled. Master Kongming waved his hand and said: "Chase! They can't reach Wutai at their speed." At this time, Master Zenyue really admired Master Intelligent's ability to foresee. Although he doubted the effectiveness of the soul-leaving array on many magic weapons, this array was complicated. It was so grand that it could be blocked for a while, no matter what, so I immediately changed my formation and got in. The elders and others chased them to the soul-leaving formation at the foot of the mountain. Master Kongming said disdainfully: "I think Chanyue's brain is flooded, and he actually used this mentally retarded formation to stop us. Now Wutai will lose face." ." He was about to enter the battle immediately. Taoist Master Tianji hurriedly said: "Wait a minute! Master Zhi is in charge of the overall situation in Wutai. To set up such a large formation at the foot of the mountain cannot be Chanyue's own initiative. I'm afraid it's Master Zhi's idea. He has always been cautious and prudent, so he set up such a useless formation. , I'm afraid that if they want to lure us into the battle easily, there must be a scam inside." Master Kongming hesitated for a moment and said: "This... don't you want to enter? Just let them run away like this?" Taoist Master Tianji said: "It seems according to Yipindao "It's better to explore the truth first." Master Xuanxin, the abbot of Jiuhua, came out and said, "I can volunteer to go in and have a look."

Master Xuanxin entered the formation cautiously and walked for more than ten steps. The formation was silent and showed no movement. Master Xuanxin turned back to Taoist Master Tianji and said, "I didn't find anything wrong." Taoist Master Tianji said to Master Kong Ming, "I'm not familiar with Buddhist formations. Please help me take a look. Is there anything weird about the formations?" Kong Ming said. Master Ming carefully looked at it for a while and said: "Everything is normal." The elder interjected from the side: "Could it be that Wutai is planning an empty city?" Taoist Master Tianji shook his head and said nothing, twirling his beard and thinking to himself, this formation is obviously calm. Like water, why do you always feel that there is a dark and sinister light? Master Kongming couldn't help it anymore and said to Master Xuanxin: "Do you know how to break the formation? Just break it." Master Xuanxin nodded and walked towards the center of the formation.

A gust of cold wind blew. Taoist Master Tianji couldn't help but shudder. Suddenly, his heart moved. He looked up and saw dark clouds over the formation. He hurriedly shouted to Master Xuanxin: "Stop! Come back quickly!" Master Xuanxin was stunned and at a loss. A golden light suddenly burst out from the center of the formation. The formation changed, rocks cracked and trees moved. Seeing the critical situation, Taoist Master Tianji hurriedly drew out the Seven-Star Longquan Sword and shouted: "The world is turning around!" Dragon-shaped white light spurted out from the tip of the sword, alive. After cutting a path, Master Tianji rushed into the formation and dragged out the white-faced Master Xuanxin. Master Kongming asked in surprise, "What happened?" Taoist Master Tianji gasped and said, "Wutai really did something. I had seen Wutai set up this formation before, but I thought it was very different from the one set up today. After thinking about it for a long time, I just suddenly realized that the sky above the formation was cloudless and the weather was normal, but now, you see, it was clear just now, how could it be possible that after walking a few hundred meters, the clouds would become dense? This formation must be It's not the Soul Leaving Formation! If we had rushed into the formation rashly just now, I'm afraid we would have been trapped in the illusion of the formation and couldn't get out." Master Xuanxin broke out in a cold sweat and said bitterly: "Wutai is really insidious!"

A man's body was charred and tattered. He suddenly rushed out from the side path in panic, knelt in front of the elder and kowtowed, crying: "Something bad has happened!" The elder was worried about the Soul Leaving Array and said angrily: "Why are you crying? Why not? Okay?" The man cried: "Let's follow Putuo and Huashan to chase the Lord..." The elder interrupted him and said: "Who is your Lord?" The man hurriedly slapped himself on the mouth and said: " They went after the Lord... Didn't you commit suicide on the spot? How dare you come back to see me?" The man cried: "It was effortless at first, but I didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin came out halfway. Most of our people were dead or injured, and several leaders were also fainted. Come over." At this time, even Master Kong Ming, Taoist Master Tianji and others were shocked, and shouted in unison: "Tell me what is going on?"

It turned out that Huashan, Putuo and other disciples, together with some people from the Fox tribe, pursued Lin Yuanyin very smoothly. Even though Lin Yuanyin tried her best, she was still trapped in a small town dozens of kilometers away from Wutai, including her car and people. . Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, Lin Yuanyin no longer hid, and openly came out to confront the large group of people head-on. Seeing Lin Yuanyin appear, Master Putuo Yuqing was overjoyed and said she had given up resistance, "My dear, hand over Xingchen quickly, I will save you from death." Lin Yuanyin smiled slightly,