Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 2: Female ghost


He Jianfei took a few steps back and stood still at the door. Qin Xiaotian looked at He Jianfei with a gloomy expression and silent words in shock, wondering what on earth he was going to do to him. In fact, He Jianfei was opening his Dharma Eyes to look at the form of the wronged soul. A hazy white figure gradually became clear in the green air. It was a short-haired woman with a beautiful face. Half of her tongue protruded from her mouth and rested softly on her chin. There were no eyeballs, only the whites of the eyes. At this moment, they were coiled around Qin Xiaotian's neck like a big snake. It was obviously a hanged ghost. Looking from left to right, he saw that he was just an ordinary wronged soul. Not only was he not very powerful, he was also not very resentful. In this case, why didn't she reincarnate and stay here to protect Qin Xiaotian? The more He Jianfei thought about it, the more puzzled he became. He couldn't help but use ghost language to send a message to the wronged soul: "I am a disciple of Mount Wutai, and I have something to ask you. Who are you? What is your relationship with Qin Xiaotian? Why do you want to protect him?"

Qin Xiaotian saw He Jianfei watching him intently for a while, then looking at him with a strange and confused look, and then his mouth moved rapidly, opening and closing, but there was no sound, so he thought He Jianfei had suffered a major blow and was mentally disturbed. He was so frightened that he became even more paralyzed. He leaned against the table and shouted hoarsely: "Help! Someone is coming! He Jianfei is crazy!" Unfortunately, most people in the whole building ran to see the scene, and no one heard him. A low, frightened cry. He Jianfei already hated him, so he didn't bother to explain to him at this time. He just concentrated on waiting for the wronged soul's answer.

"Who am I?" After a while, the wronged soul finally responded. His voice was slow and dull, not as vague as ordinary wronged souls should be. "I don't know who I am. People are already dead, but they still remember their identity before death. What's the point? It's enough for me to know that I still love him. Although I died because of him, I can't blame him. It was all because of being seduced by those hateful women that he told me to break up. Yes. In fact, I know that he still likes me. Yes, he still likes me. So, I want to stay here, and I want to drive away those women. Then, Xiaotian belongs to me alone. The soul, together with His body will belong to me forever and ever." He Jianfei felt a chill in his heart as he listened. This woman has decided to merge with Qin Xiaotian's soul and control the body together. This is for someone who is not strong in magic power. For an innocent soul who can only avoid pain by finding a substitute, it is a huge sacrifice, but at the same time, Qin Xiaotian will no longer be Qin Xiaotian if this continues. When love has developed to this point, what is the difference between it and hate

According to the rules of the magic world, if someone is possessed by an evil spirit, he or she must provide help. But He Jianfei really hated the culprit who committed the murder with a knife, and secondly, it was out of pity for the woman. He Jianfei sighed secretly in his heart, closed his Dharma Eyes, came back to his senses, and said sternly to Qin Xiaotian, who was still shouting hoarsely: "To be honest, I really want to kill you with a knife. But Chuanxun was killed by the unjust ghost Lu. You do not know the inside story. If I kill someone for my own selfish reasons, I am afraid I will be punished by God. So I will let you go for now. But you must listen clearly. This does not mean that I, He Jianfei, forgive you. I still think that you He is not qualified to be a human being, not even qualified to be a dog." At this point, He Jianfei paused, took a deep look at Qin Xiaotian's aura, and said word by word: "Those who play with fire will die. Qin Xiaotian, yours Retribution will come soon." After saying that, he turned around and left, ignoring the shocked Qin Xiaotian.

Due to such a major incident, the entire college was forced to suspend classes. He Jianfei didn't want to go see the scene so as not to arouse his grief. He stayed in the dormitory and saw the things that would make him nervous. He had nowhere to stay, so he had to go to the audio-visual education building to explore Chigangding, which he had not found that night. Last time the moon was dim and I couldn't see clearly. Today the sun is strong and I can almost see it at a glance. There is a white trace winding in on the left side of the audio-visual education building. The weeds on both sides of the road are half as tall as a person. It's lush and green, and it hasn't been pruned for I don't know how many years. The grass at the exit has some grass half lying on the ground, slightly separated to both sides, which seems to be the traces left by someone passing by not long ago. After parting the weeds and entering the intersection, I realized that this was not actually a path. Although the grass and trees on both sides were extremely dense and extended their branches and leaves in all directions, it could not hide the fact that the road was still wide. From the neatly planned road boundary that still has faint marks in the middle of the road, you can vaguely see how it was a bustling and bustling scene when it was the main school road. Now it is desolate, withered and dilapidated everywhere. On the right side of the intersection, there is a low and crooked iron sign. After brushing off the rust stains on it, three large characters "Chigangding" with flying phoenixes are clearly visible. Among them, the font of "Red" is slightly smaller than the other two. It's larger, much more scrawled, and obviously altered. All this is consistent with the legend of the Ghost Road. Terror, like ripples, gradually spreads on this extremely quiet abandoned road.

O To others, this is a seemingly ordinary path, but to He Jianfei, who is a member of the magic world, looking at it is a kind of torture. The moment he pushed aside the grass and entered the intersection, He Jianfei shivered involuntarily. Chills surged from the soles of his feet and spread to the top of his head. His skin began to feel numb. After a while, the contents of his stomach began to stir. . Dizziness, coldness, nausea, the body's natural reaction to anger after practicing magic, all came together on this path. The depth of injustice in Chigangding has reached a shocking level. He Jianfei underestimated the power of the Wrongful Ghost Road. He did not bring any protective weapons except for a few yellow talismans. Now he could no longer support the inspection, so he had to hurriedly break a piece of grass by the roadside to use it to test the Wounded Ghost Road. After weighing a lot, he quickly escaped from the path.

Back in the dormitory, those who were watching the investigation had not returned yet, but He Jianfei still carefully sealed the doors and windows, lowered the curtains, and left only a small crack in the balcony window to vent the air. He pulled the table over, put the plucked grass on the table, then took off the prayer beads on his wrist and put it around the grass, and used a lighter to light the grass. The blades of grass were burnt into blackened powder, and the slight "squeaking" sound sounded particularly clear in this completely silent environment, and a smell began to spread to every corner of the room. He Jianfei stared at Xiaocao intently, and in an instant, the vision finally appeared. The beads slowly expanded outward at first, and each beads violently collided with each other due to the stimulation of resentment, but there was no scarlet evil spirit appearing on the grass. He Jianfei's heart sank. If the evil spirit could not be detected and the Buddhist beads reacted so strongly, there could only be two situations: one is that the ghost is a kind person and has no intention of harming others, so there is no evil spirit; the other is that it is an evil spirit. It's so deep that I can't pray for it. Now it seems that it can almost be concluded that Yuenguilu belongs to the latter situation.

He Jianfei sat weakly on the chair and began to think intently about the whole incident. Judging from the legend of the Ghost Road, the murders on the Ghost Road began after the death of the girl who was raped and murdered, so the murderer was targeted at the girl who hanged herself first and the boy who later hanged herself. After that, several people died every year. The gathering of these innocent ghosts further strengthened the power of the Ghost Road, and eventually developed into the unshakable forbidden land status it has today. So, did those who died later join the ranks of murderers? If there are any, defeat them one by one, and the Enemy Ghost Road will be easily disintegrated. "Did you go? If you have any resentment, let it out." The words of the neurotic senior brother flashed through his mind, and He Jianfei jumped up excitedly. Yes, why not ask that senior brother to help him get out of his grievances? What's the whole truth about Ghost Road

"What?!" The senior brother looked at him in shock. "You... you said you can do magic?" He Jianfei sat opposite him, drinking tea leisurely: "Not bad. In other words, I have the ability to take your girlfriend's The ghost calls out to meet you. Of course, I can't help you if you don't believe it. But I have to remind you that if you miss some things, you will regret it for life." The senior brother's longing for his girlfriend had already reached the point of madness. After hearing this When He Jianfei said that there was a way to ask her to show up to meet him, his eyes turned red and tears burst out from his eyes. He didn't hear clearly the last two words of He Jianfei's provocation. He just grabbed He Jianfei's arm, nodded fiercely and said, "I'll help." Let me help me! Take me there quickly!" Eagerness and longing intertwined in his eyes. He Jianfei looked at the man who was tormented by longing in shock. It took him a long time to come back to his senses, and hurriedly broke away from him and said: "Then at eleven o'clock tonight, I will wait for you at the corner of the main school road. Remember to be careful, don't Be seen. Otherwise, our plan tonight will be ruined." The senior brother grinned and said, "Don't worry. Even if someone sees me going out, no one will ask me, because in their eyes, I am already a psychopath. ”

After many social appointments, He Jianfei went to attend Zhang Chuanxun's memorial service. Putting aside the condolences and comfort from the college leaders and classmates, He Jianfei opened the drawer and took out a sandalwood box and opened it. A strange necklace lay quietly inside. The necklace is made up of small transparent light yellow pine resin beads strung together. A colorless round bead as big as a quail egg hangs in the middle. When light shines on it, it immediately reflects the gorgeous scene of overflowing colors, and at the same time, you can see the faint inside. There is movement of objects. This is the relic necklace, one of the five secret magic weapons of Mount Wutai. It has the strongest protective ability in the magic world. When ordinary wronged souls encounter this, their souls will disappear. Even those with strong skills have to surrender to the ground. This is He Jianfei's childhood master The life-protecting magic weapon given to him. He Jianfei has never used the magic weapon once since he received it. Unexpectedly, the first time he used it was on campus. The Wounded Ghost Road is like a newly discovered creature, full of mystery everywhere. No one knows how deep its grievance is, nor can it be inferred how high its magic power is. Today I am taking another person with me, so He Jianfei To provide the safest guarantee, he didn't want to have an accident in his hands.

After leaving the dormitory and coming to the corner, the senior brother was already waiting there. He Jianfei smiled silently at him, waved and went straight to the audio-visual education building with him. Despite the protection of the relic necklace, He Jianfei still did not dare to go in rashly and just stood far opposite the exit.

The senior brother asked anxiously: "Where is my girlfriend? Why didn't you see her?"

He Jianfei asked: "What's your girlfriend's name?"

"Xiao Fang."

He Jianfei glanced at him and said, "I'm asking for her full name, not what do you call her?"

"Chen Qingfang."

He Jianfei put a few yellow talismans on the back of the senior fellow apprentice and pushed him to the side: "You stand back." Then he took off his prayer beads, clasped his palms with the beads in both hands, pointed at the exit of the Wrongful Ghost Road and recited: "Wutai Mountain Intruder Disciple He Jianfei wrote a letter to inform the messengers from the underworld that our Buddha is merciful and liberates all living beings. He specially orders us to protect the world. The unjust ghosts have led to the devastation of life in the campus. People and gods are angry and they should be punished. Please open the door for the soul of Chen Qingfang to come out. See, in order to help me achieve Buddha's salvation." As soon as he finished speaking, the Buddha beads immediately emitted a burst of faint white light and shot toward the exit of the Wrongful Ghost Road.

A transparent figure began to gather and take shape at the exit of Wrongful Ghost Road. The senior brother recognized the familiar figure that he had missed day and night almost the moment she took shape. "Xiaofang." The senior brother howled: "I miss you so much!" He immediately pounced on him, startling He Jianfei next to him. Unexpectedly, what happened next surprised him even more. When the female ghost saw the senior brother rushing towards her, she was still hanging motionless. He Jianfei noticed that the fingers of her drooping right hand were slightly raised, and five wisps of green energy floated out from the fingertips. He Jianfei shouted: "No! Go away!" "He ran up and pushed the senior brother to the ground. At the same time, he waved seven yellow talismans to form a barrier. When the green energy hit the barrier, it bounced to the weeds nearby. Immediately, there was a strong smell of corrosion. Toxic resentment? The senior brother was startled at first, and then wanted to pounce on him. Fortunately, He Jianfei stopped him firmly. The senior brother lay in the barrier and said in agony: "Xiaofang, it's me, don't you recognize me?" The female ghost's eyes suddenly glowed red, and she said sinisterly: "Those who follow me will prosper, those who go against me will prosper. Whoever dies."

He Jianfei was baffled by a series of unexpected events on the side. As long as the ghost did not drink the Meng Po soup at Naihe Bridge, it would still retain the memory of its previous life. Since Zhang Qingfang is an innocent soul, he will naturally be rejected by He Qiao, so why does she seem to not know that senior brother at all, and is even full of hatred for him? He Jianfei looked at his senior brother who was crying on the ground. With a thought in his mind, he picked up a willow leaf, put his tears on it, and shouted: "Buddha's light shines everywhere!" and shot it towards the back of the female ghost. With a "crash" sound, the air seemed to be torn open, and dozens of thick and thin red lines appeared in the air behind the female ghost, which were tied around the female ghost's hands, feet and neck. As expected! The female ghost disowned her relatives only after she was controlled. The mastermind behind the scenes used the ghost world to blind people and wanted to kill people with a knife!

After He Jianfei used a rosary to cut the red thread behind the female ghost, the female ghost slowly woke up with a "yeah" sound. The senior brother was so happy that he rushed to hug her and shouted: "Xiaofang, it's me, do you recognize me now?" Tears flowed down again. Because of the protection of the yellow talisman on her back, the yin energy in the female ghost cannot harm him. He Jianfei watched this touching scene of life and death coming together and couldn't help but smile and say nothing. The female ghost opened her eyes, and first looked at the senior brother with disbelieving eyes. When she saw the broken red line behind her, her expression suddenly changed and she said, "Why is the red line broken?" He Jianfei was just about to explain that it was him. When it was broken, the female ghost had already shouted: "Why don't you run away quickly? A disaster is coming!" A huge wave of resentment came silently. Seeing that it was too late, the female ghost immediately rolled away. The senior brother was underneath him and took the blow for him. He Jianfei's relic necklace immediately emitted thousands of golden lights, surrounding He Jianfei's whole body like a halo. The anger of grievances was instantly evaporated when it touched the golden light, and flew away in all directions.

"Xiaofang, how are you? Xiaofang, open your eyes and look at me!" He Jianfei heard the cry and knew something was wrong. When he hurried over to see, Chen Qingfang was already on his deathbed due to serious injuries. Reluctantly hugging the crying senior brother, his face was desolate. He Jianfei regretted that he had not paid attention to his surroundings and had harmed others instead. It was hard for him to ask about the origin of the Ghost Road while standing aside. Chen Qingfang, on the other hand, smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know much about the Ghost Road either. I just know It originated in 1949, and it has complicated twists and turns that are definitely beyond your imagination." She stopped, took a quick breath, and then continued: "Just give up, no one can fight it. Some people will continue to die. . What that woman wants to do is to kill all the humans in the school!" Finally, she glanced at the senior brother with a nostalgic look, stretched out her increasingly transparent hand to touch the senior brother's face, and said softly: "Forget me, don't live in my shadow, then it will be my liberation." A wisp of green smoke curled up from the arms of the senior brother, and the most beloved person disappeared under the most holy moonlight. trace.

"Xiaofang—" the last shrill cry echoed in the sky above the audio-visual education building, completely breaking the silence of the night.