Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 303: (9)


Gods kill immortals, and heaven and earth are also afraid of them. If you encounter this kind of creature, no one without the Vampire Emperor or the full strength of the Virgin Sect can fight it. You should run for your life, remember this! "Shui Lan always thought that this was just a legend. There was no record of black-nailed vampires in any history books. However, at this special time and special environment, this terrifying legend was finally created! I want to pour my heart out. The whole family was in a predicament where only the strength of the Quanzhen girl could manage everything, but now there were only two seriously injured people fighting against each other.

Shui Lan's heart suddenly became gray. Even if the three lying on the ground now were once gods, that was still the past. What's more, the beasts now have the terrifying power to meet gods and kill gods. Thinking of Dodo, Chen Xuanfeng, Gao Gao, and Phenix who died tragically, and then thinking of the gentle cat that eventually became empty, Shui Lan's tears couldn't help but flow down with a "swish" sound. Seeing the price of many days of blood, she was about to get married. Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin appeared halfway, sending everyone into a desperate situation of death. Shui Lan murmured: "If we lose, we are completely finished." "I don't agree with your opinion." The calm voice made people wonder if he had been seriously injured. Qi Yunfei, who was in so much pain just now that he could not move at all, came here Shi Jing forced himself to straighten up slowly. Shui Lan said in surprise: "Stop trying to be brave, otherwise your injuries will kill you at any time. You don't know that Beast Beast's nails have turned black, and now he is no longer an ordinary vampire." "I know!" Qi Yunfei gasped and interrupted: "As a member of the vampire race, how could I not know what kind of abilities this terrible monster has." Shui Lan said: "Then you are still planning to fight him? You are asking for death!" Qi Yunfei smiled lightly and said: "So you think we are not his opponent? Just because he has the power to destroy the world?" Shui Lan She said sadly: "Isn't that the case? Is my logic wrong?" Qi Yunfei said in a low voice and slowly: "No, your reasoning is not wrong. What I want to say is that you and I are different. Even if you What I said has really been destined to become my fate, and I will continue to resist until the moment I die. Because I have always been a betrayer of fate!"

This sentence made Shui Lan and Yang both tremble and move, and Qi Yunfei had slowly stood up. The blood in his abdomen was no longer flowing so fast, but the exquisite dagger handle, the black hole-like wound, and the wound The cracks caused by the pulling of the dagger became so terrifying and clearly visible. Qi Yunfei stabilized his shaky body a little, then slowly walked towards the beast in the center with trembling legs. Beast Beast looked calmly at his staggering opponent in front of him, without any trace of the arrogance or contempt he had towards Yang and Zhang Di in his eyes. He always held a fear in his heart for this opponent who was once too high to look up to. Qi Yunfei walked to the beast and stopped in front of him. He opened his right hand slightly, and a whip suddenly appeared in his hand. Qi Yunfei held the whip, and the whip body immediately danced gracefully in the air like a dexterous snake, flying up and down between the beast and Qi Yunfei. From a distance, it looked like a winding black ribbon. Qi Yunfei said in a deep voice: "Come on, Beast Beast!"

Beast beast suddenly said: "Wait a minute!" Qi Yunfei sneered and said: "Don't you dare?" Beast beast said: "No, I just can't figure out a question. I want to ask you clearly before you die. We are in the same boat Vampires, why do you hate us so much, even more than sheep hate vampires? We have no grudge against you, so why do you put such a terrible curse on a bird? I can't figure it out, I really want to It doesn't make sense, where did I provoke you?" Qi Yunfei glanced at the sheep, who looked at him quietly and did not answer. Qi Yunfei pondered for a moment and replied: "No, I don't hate my race. . I love my mother deeply. All I hate is those of your kind who make a living by sucking human blood." The beast laughed and said, "You are crazy! It is our nature to suck blood. Except for you, a monster, I think all All the vampires in the world drink human blood." Qi Yunfei said: "The nature that was distorted and misrepresented by you at that time, the so-called nature, is just the instinct that creatures have to do in order to survive. Vampires do not need to drink human blood. Only in this way can we survive. If our ancestors had not done such evil things in the beginning, then we would not have been given such a terrible name, and we would not have been discriminated against by humans for thousands of years!" The beast said in a state of laughter: "You actually have an arm Turn around and help humans talk about their ancestors. What is human nature? Human nature is to completely slaughter all non-human creatures! They will not stop hating you because you have hurt humans. Sheep Chasing you for so long is the best example!" Hearing this sentence, Yang frowned, but he still refrained from interjecting. This time Qi Yunfei did not look at the sheep, but replied very briskly: "No, human nature can also be distorted by hatred. I always believe that vampires and humans should have the same nature - cherish life. After all, vampires and Humans have the same ancestor."

What he said made Beast Beast almost choked. He gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I have finished all the questions I want to ask. For the sake of being of the same race, I will give you a pleasure. You are here alone." Or are you looking for help?" Qi Yunfei was about to answer, but Yang was already at the side and said: "He's not alone, I'm joining in." Beast Beast looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile and said, "Do you still have the strength to stand up? "Yang propped his lightsaber on the ground, forced his body to stand up, staggered to Qi Yunfei's side and said: "Human nature is not to slaughter, I will prove it to you. Zhang Di, if you If you are still willing to lie down on that cold ground, then I guarantee that no matter how many times you are reincarnated, you will regret it for the rest of your life." Zhang Di climbed up from the ground with difficulty, almost falling down several times and came to the side of the two of them, and smiled miserably. : "It hurts. Beast beast, do you know one thing about human nature? It's hatred!" As soon as these words came out, Qi Yunfei and Yang Jun looked at each other and turned pale: "What did you say?!" Zhang Di calmly continued: " It’s hate for hate!”

Qi Yunfei frowned slightly and said: "Zhang Di, don't play word games with me." Yang Youyou said: "He is not the only one who plays word games. You just said that you don't hate your race, but Do you hate it? If you don't hate it, why do you still implement that plan?" Qi Yunfei said: "Shut up! If you want to go up, go up, if not, just stay aside." Yang said: " Go! Of course go!" The three of them pointed their weapons at the beast at the same time, and the three pairs of eyes burst out with a soul-stirring cold light, and a thick murderous aura continued to spread around the three of them. Shui Lan watched from the side, crying uncontrollably. She seemed to see the essence of the original four-person alliance in these three people. She couldn't help but loudly said: "I will join too!" "No!" Yang roared. : "Your mission is to watch the bird!" Qi Yunfei shouted: "Go!" The three of them were like three bolts of lightning from the clouds, suddenly striking the beast's body, and like a dragon coming out of the sea, carrying the force of thunder. Rushed over. The beast's face was serious, and he opened his five fingers and suddenly drew several streaks of green light, receiving one move from the three of them respectively. But this time the beast didn't have it so easy. Qi Yunfei's whip had already wrapped around his neck. He was trying to resist Zhang Di's broken sword, but the sheep's lightsaber had already sliced through his ear. The beast was so shocked that he broke into a cold sweat.

The three of them were fighting together when Tina suddenly staggered out of the inner hall. Shui Lan was taken aback. When she looked back, Tina's face was filled with tears. Shui Lan was surprised and asked: "What's wrong with you?" Tina shook a little, knelt on the ground with a plop, and cried: "I... I did something wrong. I've done everything wrong... I've done everything wrong just like Senior Sheep..." Shui Lan walked up to her in shock and looked at her and said, "What happened?" Tina grabbed Shui Lan and said: "Do you know the real reason why Qi Yunfei set up this death force? Do you know the real reason why he has been so desperate to protect the barrier?" Shui Lan shook her head in confusion, and Tina said: "That's because He is carrying out a plan, a plan that is like a myth but he believes it will become a reality. If I had to know this, I would not..." At this point, Tina burst into tears. Shui Lan looked at her in panic and said, "What is the plan? Tell me clearly!" Tina was about to answer when suddenly there was a earthquake and a landslide. Both of them fell to the ground unsteadily. When they looked back in horror, Zhang Di, Qi Yunfei and Yang were knocked away by the beast again. Since Qi Yunfei was attacked from the front, he received the greatest elastic force. He flew up to the ceiling and hit a huge hole before falling hard to the ground. The dagger and the hilt were completely inserted into his belly. He spat out a large mouthful of blood and no longer had the strength to hold his head up. It was not easy for the sheep either. The lightsaber was completely knocked off his hand and he was rolling on the ground in pain. The wound stabbed by Zhang Di further expanded and almost covered the entire heart. Zhang Di was injured the least this time, but he had been injured the most before. This setback made him bite his tongue desperately to resist the cramp-like pain deep in his bone marrow.

Seeing the sudden change, Shui Lan and Tina were caught off guard. The little bird shouted from behind: "Shou Beast, kill Qi Yunfei, kill Qi Yunfei!" Beast Beast said "Okay!" A line of green energy shot out from his fingernails, and he rushed towards Qi Yunfei quickly. Both Shui Lan and Tina's faces changed color. At this critical moment, Yang used his last bit of strength to summon a lightsaber, flew over quickly, and barely managed to deflect Qing Qi. Qi Yunfei weakly raised his eyelids and looked at the beast. He felt that his vision was gradually getting blurry. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart and closed his eyes in resignation. Upon seeing this, Tina hurriedly said to Shui Lan: "Quick, help me go to Qi Yunfei's place." Shui Lan said: "I won't send you there and stab him again so that he will die immediately?" Tina said anxiously: " No, I promise not to hurt him. Please, I beg you, Sister Shui Lan, send me there quickly, I really can’t walk. The situation is very critical now. If it’s any later, we really have no chance to defeat the beast. ." Shui Lan's eyes shone: "Do you know how to defeat the beast?" Tina nodded, and Shui Lan said without hesitation: "Okay, I'll help you over."

Zhang Di suddenly turned over and jumped up. Because he bit his tongue, his mouth was full of blood, and his face looked a little ferocious and terrifying. This move startled the beast, and Zhang Di shouted to the sheep at the top of his lungs: "Sheep, come on! Get on top of me and merge with me!!" The sheep was startled and asked: "Now I will merge with you? "Zhang Di said: "Didn't you say that? If the spiritual medium merges with you, we will be invincible! All your potentials and all my potentials will be stimulated to achieve maximum energy fusion. Come and merge, and then It's too late!" Yang Yi gritted his teeth and said: "No, we can't join together now! You are so seriously injured, if I forcefully invade your body again, you will die!" Zhang Di became anxious and cursed angrily: "It's your mother's fault. , and now you are telling me whether you will die or not. If I am afraid of death, I will not come to Chengdu at that time, nor will I fight side by side with you here. Hurry up, Yang, and don’t act like a mother-in-law." Yang hesitated. After a while, the bird screamed: "Don't let them merge! Beast, kill Zhang Di first!" The sheep held back the tears in his eyes and shouted: "Shou, your doom has come!" Before Beast could react, Coming over, a golden light had already shot into Zhang Di's body. Zhang Di felt his body tremble violently, as if his whole body no longer belonged to him, and at the same time, his facial muscles were slowly spasming and paralyzed. In an instant, Zhang Di's appearance had transformed into the image of a sheep.

Sheep said with tears in her eyes: "Zhang Di, hold on, I will resolve the battle as soon as possible." Zhang Di could not speak, but Sheep clearly felt a warm flow of heat rushing through his heart, and all the blood in his body seemed to be flowing towards him. His brain was flowing eagerly, and his whole body was extremely comfortable as if he had been reborn. The sheep's blond hair was flying, and the sharp energy was swirling around him, forming a huge vortex. In the billowing air, a silver mark faintly appeared on the sheep's forehead. Shui Lan couldn't help but feel trembling. She knew that it was the mark when the potential of the Virgin disciples fully exploded. The mark was said to be a symbol of the God of Virgins descending to earth. . The sheep slowly raised the sword, and the lightsaber and the broken sword merged into one, turning into another bronze sword. The sword was engraved with a portrait of the Virgin God, and it faintly emitted an incomparable sacred light, turning the beast into a sword. My body hurts a bit. The sheep said coldly: "Shou Beast, I swear in the name of the supreme virgin god that you will stay in the ninth level of hell forever, suffer countless sufferings, and never be reincarnated!" The beast also said coldly: "That one of yours What god can't control me?" Sheep raised his sword and struck directly at Beast Beast's head. Beast Beast couldn't help laughing and said, "With your kind of attack, you won't be able to touch a hair on my head."

As soon as Beast Beast finished speaking, the sheep's body suddenly turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards Beast Beast's face at the speed of light. Beast Beast had no idea that the Virgin Gate had such unpredictable and profound magic. He couldn't react in time, and out of desperation, he instinctively raised his right hand to block it. Accompanied by a shocking light and a deafening sound, like a sharp blade suddenly cutting a line of light in the air, the beast screamed and took two steps back. The sheep returned to its human form, still holding the bronze sword high, and there was an aura between its brows that made Ni the world's most arrogant. That kind of angry look is enough to make everyone who faces him shiver. One of Beast Beast's hands fell to the ground bloody, rolled over a few times and then stopped moving. The little bird watched from behind and couldn't help but gasped, and all the hair on the back of his hands stood up.

The bird knew that from that moment on, the sheep had resumed his original identity. The sheep became a god again!

Beast endured the pain, snorted coldly, picked up the severed hand from the ground, and placed it on the crack. The broken place miraculously healed again. The beast smiled ferociously and said: "Sheep, you can't kill me without beating me to pieces. But you have no chance, because I will never underestimate the enemy again. It seems that the combination of the two of you is indeed a bit of a headache." , Okay, let me get rid of you two first. Anyway, Qi Yunfei is almost a dead man." Sheep stared at him without saying a word, and Beast Beast was a little creeped out by him, and smiled hurriedly and sinisterly: "I know that you are a superior god, and we lowly creatures are not qualified to talk to you. Then use your actual actions to disperse these things that you don't want to see!" Sheep stared at him. One sentence said: "You are right, fighting you is really beneath my status. But today I have no choice, I can only fight with you." Beast Beast said: "I really don't understand, you obviously want to Shaqi Yunfei is so jealous, why are you fighting me desperately to save him today?" Yang said: "Because today, I want to do something I want to do." He was helping Tina slowly move towards the Shui Lan, who Qi Yun flew in, trembled when she heard these words. Tina asked in surprise: "What's wrong?" Shui Lan whispered: "The words Yang said were said by Gao Gao before he died. Tina looked at her in confusion: "Gao Gao?" Shui Lan cried and said, "Gao Gao can rest in peace, because his most respected brother finally understands the meaning of his death."

Beast Beast seemed to understand the meaning of the sheep. He gritted his teeth and smiled viciously: "I didn't expect the world to be so teasing, but I, Beast Beast, have always been a person who doesn't believe in fate. Even if you all become gods, I will fight you to the end. I want to kill all the gods and Buddhas in the sky and risk all my freedom and dignity. Sheep, take the attack!" He said, opening his nails and attacking the sheep like a whirlwind. "Ding", with a crisp sound, the sheep pressed the copper sword against the beast's nails. The two of them were trying their best to maintain a stalemate, and Beast Beast said: "If I don't show off my power, you'll just think I'm a sick cat. I only used 30% of my skill just now, do you want to try what 60% of my skill is like?" Thousands of green lights suddenly erupted from under the beast's side. Each green light was like an extremely powerful and burly beast, charging toward the sheep with bared teeth. The sheep couldn't resist and was violently knocked away. A mouthful of blood spurted out of its mouth and it slid for five or six meters before regaining its balance.

While the sheep and beasts were fighting, Shui Lan supported Tina and finally came to Qi Yunfei's side with difficulty. Shui Lan put down Tina, who wanted to touch Qi Yunfei's body with her hand, but the wound hurt so much as long as she stretched her hand a little. I was running around too excitedly just now, and my injuries finally became more and more serious. Tina could only call out with tears in her eyes: "Feifei, Feifei..." After calling two or three times, Qi Yunfei slowly opened his eyes. He glanced at Tina with a distracted look, then closed his eyes weakly, and sighed softly: "Are you here to kill me again? Just stab her, I will die by your hands without any regrets." No," Tina burst into tears: "I..." She had thousands of words to tell Qi Yunfei, but when it came time to say them, they were all stuffed in her throat, her lips trembled, and she could no longer say a word. After holding it in for a long time, Tina took out something and cried to Qi Yunfei: "Everyone says that you are a murderous devil and the culprit who deserves to be cut to pieces, but I know you are not. Why don't you Justify?" When Shui Lan looked carefully, she saw a patched heart. She was confused and was about to ask Tina, but Qi Yunfei had already opened his eyes and saw clearly what Tina was holding. He wanted to smile, but because of the pain of the injury all over his body, he only twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "It's not me... I don't want to defend myself, but sometimes, excuses are useless. I... am used to being said that, no matter what I do... you guys They only believe in my identity... After all, I was the one who killed him... "

The beasts and sheep, who were fighting fiercely, were startled and each jumped back. Hearing Qi Yunfei's cry, Yang's hand holding the sword trembled slightly. He tried his best to force himself not to look in Qi Yunfei's direction, and concentrated all his attention on the beast's possible sneak attack. Shui Lan stared blankly at Qi Yunfei and Tina, then slowly knelt down on her knees, murmuring: "I'm sorry, Qi Yunfei..." Xiaoniao looked at the dumbfounded Tina in surprise. She no longer regarded those two people as a threat, but why did Tina, who had vowed to kill Qi Yunfei to the death, start to cry more and more while talking to Qi Yunfei? She vaguely felt something was wrong, as if the balance was slowly tilting towards Qi Yunfei. Their originally fragmented group is now united as one, without any barriers or doubts. With Qi Yunfei and Yang as the center, they are gradually forming an increasingly sharp knife. She couldn't help but shout loudly: "Shou Beast, use your fastest speed to kill the sheep." Beast beast was shocked and rushed forward without knowing any moves. The sheep was distracted and scrambled to resist the beast's attack. The beast turned from defense to attack and launched a desperate attack on the sheep's body. The effect of this was remarkable, and soon the sheep's body was covered with large and small scars. The sheep staggered back, and the beast saw that it was a good opportunity. Before he could land on the ground, he turned around and thrust his nails into the sheep's throat.

Like an atomic bomb exploding, tens of thousands of purple lights suddenly burst out from the side, like a huge rainbow, illuminating the whole house. Beast's eyes flashed, and his offensive could not help but slow down. The sheep took advantage of this moment and ran away quickly. "What's going on?!" Beast Beast turned around in surprise. But he saw Tina lying on the ground with a happy smile on her face. Qi Yunfei, who was kneeling next to him and who had not known when to get up, was slowly raising his head. Suddenly, Beast Beast saw blood around Qi Yunfei's lips. A thunderbolt from the clear sky immediately cut Beast Beast's mind into blankness. He could hardly believe his eyes. Did Qi Yunfei suck blood? ! This monster who never wanted to admit that he was a vampire sucked blood! ! And he was sucking the blood of his favorite person. What on earth is going on? Could it be that Qi Yunfei has gone crazy? Yang looked at the corner of Qi Yunfei's mouth infatuatedly, and whispered to himself: "Here it comes, finally here. The most terrifying legend of the vampire clan..." Beast Beast has never heard of the most terrifying legend of the vampire clan, But he knew that the sheep never lied. He just looked at Qi Yunfei intently. A cold chill started from the top of his head and spread to the whole body. The blood was cooling rapidly. The kind of feeling that he had surrendered to Qi Yunfei before. The fear and awe that he felt at that moment inexplicably filled his limbs again.

Qi Yunfei's body began to undergo obvious changes. The beast watched helplessly as his eyes changed from pure black to sparkling purple. The two fangs in his mouth also began to slowly appear, but there was no elephant beast. It was so long, so huge and sharp, it only grew until its lips were exposed and then stopped. However, unlike the beast, the tips of the two small fangs had a faint purple tint. But the most obvious change is the hair. Qi Yunfei has turned into a full head of purple hair, and even the fingernails have gradually turned purple, a very deep purple. However, the fingernails did not grow even one centimeter. Beast Beast opened his mouth wide and looked at Qi Yunfei who had completely changed. He had never seen such a weird vampire in the world. The flying purple charm looked so refreshing and beautiful. Just like those violet flowers blooming outside, they are elegant but not arrogant, noble but not vulgar. If someone suddenly breaks in from outside at this time, he will definitely think that he has entered heaven.

The little bird's eyes almost bulged out. She vaguely felt that Qi Yunfei's outfit was very familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before, but she was so nervous and scared that she couldn't even breathe, and all her thoughts were in her mind. It's confusion and fear. What is the most terrifying legend about the vampires that Yang told... Yang looked at Qi Yunfei's changes in ecstasy, and his tone became extremely sad: "You have finally come to this step... a step that your mother is not willing to take until she dies. ..." Qi Yunfei lifted his body slightly, then floated into the air, and then landed steadily on the ground. His purple eyes were filled with particularly dazzling red bloodshot eyes, and the tips of his fangs were pressed tightly against his lower lip. The desperate and crazy momentum, the helpless and desolate expression, the extremely painful and sorrowful eyes, The beast stumbled four or five steps in panic.

Shui Lan rushed to Tina almost immediately, picked her up and said, "Tina, what's going on? Why did Qi Yunfei become such a weird person?" Tina's smile never left her face. Fading away: "Shui Lan, have you heard of it? Just like humans have a noble ruling class such as the Virgin Gate, the vampires also have strict hierarchies. Their highest class is called the vampire royal family. But, that is us The name for them. According to their internal name, this royal family has a dream-like and beautiful name." Shui Lan was frightened when she heard this: "What is the name?" Tina took a deep breath and spoke word by word. Answered: "Purple - Luo - Lan - blood-sucking - ghost."

At this time, countless violet petals suddenly appeared in the room. Driven by the wind, they were spinning aimlessly in the room. Some were swirling and flying around Qi Yunfei's body, and some were flying around him. The strands of hair were cut piece by piece, some stayed on his shoulders, and then slowly slid down his arms, and some even lightly covered his face, feeling the breath of each breath. . They are flying happily, they are dancing wildly, they are flying wantonly, Ziyun's grace shows the most beautiful and shocking and unparalleled in this small house. Qi Yunfei was surrounded by a sea of flowers, his face expressionless, and a vine whip full of violet flowers gradually appeared in his hand.

The little bird suddenly remembered something. She couldn't suppress her extreme fear and screamed: "He is a violet vampire!" Then her whole body collapsed to the ground as weakly as mud. When Beast Beast heard the scream of the little bird, he suddenly woke up. His whole body trembled violently for a while, he pointed at Qi Yunfei and stammered: "You... what is your... relationship with the Vampire Emperor?" Qi Yunfei Gritting his teeth, cold words popped out one by one: "It has nothing to do with you, as long as you know that you are going to die." Suddenly, a sharp purple light shot out from Qi Yunfei's eyes. , the little bird screamed and rolled desperately on the ground in pain. Beast Beast was shocked and angry: "You... you are despicable! What kind of man are you if you have the ability to attack me and bully her?!" Qi Yunfei pointed at Tina lying on the ground, his eyes full of that sharp and vicious light: " I treat others the same way I treat them. I never use any means to kill the people I want to kill!" Facing his vicious gaze, Beast Beast couldn't help but shudder. He opened his mouth but couldn't say anything. come out.

Yang Yang was a little shocked. He noticed that Qi Yunfei's personality seemed to have changed drastically. He didn't know whether it was because of Tina or the recovery itself.

"No, you didn't." Tina cried so hard that she couldn't speak: "You know that Kaka has been poisoned by the beast. Even if he is not bitten by the zombies, he will die sooner or later. So it was not you who killed him, but you I'm saving him. That's why Kaka looked at you with gratitude at the last moment before he died, because he understood your thoughts." Shui Lan couldn't help but ask: "What are your thoughts?" Tina said with tears: "A person whose heart is eaten by a zombie cannot be reincarnated in the underworld because he gave his soul to the devil. Qi Yunfei's last act of tearing out the heart was actually to allow Kaka to reincarnate as a human smoothly." Shui Lan Deeply shocked: "Qi Yunfei saved Kaka? But he... why did he bite Kaka's heart in front of everyone?" Tina cried: "That's because he was angry, he didn't kill anyone, everyone falsely accused him To kill, he has to do something to show others. Since he can't be understood by everyone, he might as well fight with everyone to the end." Qi Yunfei said tiredly: "No, I still killed someone. I killed Chen Xuanfeng , I killed Gao Gao, I killed Phenix, my hands are still stained with blood. But I have no choice, as long as they are willing to give in even a little bit, I can let them live. But they are pressing forward step by step, I... I have no other choice. I have paid so much for Dongli, but once my identity is exposed, everyone will turn their backs and fight me desperately. "

Tina cried: "That's why you wanted to implement that plan, and you almost risked your life to implement that plan." Shui Lan asked hurriedly: "What plan?" Tina said with tears: "Didn't you see that there are plants everywhere outside the house? Have you found beautiful violets? Those are not just for white people to watch. In a small room at the end, there are four large tanks filled with violet petals." Shui Lan asked anxiously: "Soak the petals. What are you here for?" Tina said with tears streaming down her face: "There is such a mythical legend among the vampires. As long as you sincerely repent, make a sacred object that allows you to communicate with the gods, and seek forgiveness from the gods, you can Vampires turn into humans." "What did you say?!" Shui Lan looked at Tina in shock: "Become a human..." She repeated Tina's words a little unclearly, and Tina nodded: "And those violet petals are the refining A necessary raw material for making holy objects. But all along, the vampires have only regarded it as an unattainable myth..." Qi Yunfei calmly said: "That is not a myth. Mom said, it is just an imprisoned and unwilling person. The reality of those who dare to try. I have never doubted that it will succeed, but today..." At this point, Qi Yunfei sighed and said: "Whether it succeeds or not has no effect." Shui Lan resisted the urge to cry. , carefully looked at Qi Yunfei who was lying next to him. How much pain has this boy who endured the humiliation and burden for so long, risked his life to protect the dead force, trapped all the innocent souls, just to prevent his carefully planned plan from failing due to leaks? The struggle, and the incomparable nostalgia for survival. He must think that as long as he becomes a human, all problems will be solved, right? Sheep will no longer regard him as an enemy, Dodo and Maomao will not betray him, Tina will like him, everyone will respect and love him, he will have many friends, and he will become the most promising and famous person in the history of Dongli. Webmaster. This boy who has frequently become the fuse of fights has always been the person who is most afraid of fights!

At this time, Tina stopped sobbing and said calmly to Shui Lan: "Shui Lan, please go away for a moment. I have something to say to Qi Yunfei, okay?" Shui Lan did not answer, but walked over obediently. aside. Qi Yunfei reluctantly opened his eyes and looked at Tina. He didn't know what Tina wanted to do. Tina leaned down with difficulty, her face almost touching Qi Yunfei's. She only heard her whisper: "Do you want to beat Beast Beast?" Qi Yunfei said feebly: "No. I'm tired of this kind of fighting." Tina said seriously: "Then are you willing to defeat Beast Beast for me? "Qi Yunfei's body trembled slightly, and he looked at Tina with wide eyes and confusion. Tina couldn't help but shed tears: "I have done too many mistakes, no, we have all made too many mistakes. My current thoughts are exactly the same as Senior Yang's. I want to do something I like to do. Feifei, I don't want you to die." Qi Yunfei's body shook violently this time, and he opened his mouth and looked in shock. Tina, after a while, smiled slightly and said: "If I had heard this sentence one day earlier, I don't know how happy I would be. But now I'm afraid I won't be able to see the world." Tina whispered: "No, Feifei, don't try to lie to me. I know you won't die, you have such a hidden identity. I know you have no fighting spirit, but I beg you, in order to make up for the guilt in my heart, in order to make my heart not No matter how uncomfortable it is, for the sake of the sheep who woke up halfway, and for the sake of Zhang Di who has nothing to do with it but fights desperately for you, please use all your strength to fight a decisive battle with the beast. Even if we die, we must have dignity. Die." A sentence flashed through Qi Yunfei's mind like lightning: "Feifei, remember, you must live with more dignity than human beings!" This was his mother's last instruction before she died. Qi Yunfei looked at Tina in confusion and said, "What do you want me to do?"

Tina pulled down her collar with her hand, exposed a small part of her neck and said: "Bite me, and then drink my blood." Qi Yunfei took a sharp breath and said: "Are you kidding? You want me to kill you..." Tina cut off his words and cried: "There is no other way. I was seriously injured and will die sooner or later. I hope to use the last bit of my remaining life to compensate you and everyone I have owed. Please." You protect Shui Lan, protect Zhang Di, and protect the sheep." Qi Yunfei turned away: "I won't do this! I would rather die than..." Tina interrupted him again: "You don't If I do this, I will be killed by the beast sooner or later. You said that you will have no regrets if you die in my hands. The same is true for me. I will have no regrets if I die in your hands! I beg you, don’t hesitate anymore , there is not much time left, please...please..."

Qi Yunfei closed his eyes tightly, but his tears couldn't stop flowing down.