Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 304: (10)


He said with a trembling voice: "I'm not the kind of person who doesn't know how to judge the situation. But you don't understand my feelings. I once watched such a powerful mother fall to the ground helplessly and let go. From that day on Since then, I have sworn that I will become very strong, so strong that no one can defeat me, so strong that I can protect the people I want to protect. But I never expected that although I defeated my opponents one by one, in the end, I still have to Watching you die. I no longer want to become a human being. I just want to fulfill my original vow so that you can live well." Tina cried until her eyes were red and swollen: "I know... I know everything. ...It was me who ruined everything for you, and it was my fault. However, I have no possibility of living anymore. But you have to understand that as long as you can let me die a worthy death, as long as you can defeat the beast, you have redeemed my soul. Things have developed to this stage, and we have no way to regret it. I beg you, let me do something that I like, do something that I am really willing to do, for you." Qi Yunfei turned over in pain. Standing alone, he raised a hand to cover his eyes with difficulty, and then, suddenly, a cry that had been suppressed for a long time burst out of his throat and was finally released. The cry of mourning made everyone who heard it feel heartbroken. Suddenly, the endless sea of violet flowers outside turned into powder, and those purple light spots fluttered across the sky, recording the trek and fatigue of the past, the vicissitudes and sadness of the present, and all the emotions. and the destruction of love. At that time, the spiritual support that Qi Yunfei had built brick by brick along the way completely collapsed.

Beast Beast was so angry that he said, "How dare you touch a hair of a bird again? Qi Yunfei, I respect you as a man. Don't do some despicable and shameless things." Qi Yunfei's eyes turned red: "Who wants your respect? I will risk my life to kill the bird first!" Beast Beast bared his teeth in anger and roared: "Okay, then I'll kill you first!" "Qi Yunfei?" Yang Da He turned pale with fright, flew forward and hugged Qi Yunfei tightly: "Wait a minute, Qi Yunfei, are you crazy? You can't save everyone at all. Even if I kill the bird for you, what's the use? ?" Qi Yunfei roared: "Let me go!" He pushed his hands outwards and broke free from the sheep's shackles. He rushed towards the bird again with red eyes. The beast hurriedly ran to the bird to protect it. "Pa!" With a crisp sound, Yang suddenly slapped Qi Yunfei in the mouth, and both Tina and Shui Lan were stunned. Qi Yunfei was also stunned, and even Beast Beast didn't realize what happened. Qi Yunfei looked at the sheep in disbelief and said, "You... hit me?" The sheep roared, "Can you please wake up?! Don't lose all your sanity when something big happens. What kind of vampire royal family is this? What kind of Qi Yunfei is this?" Yunfei!" Qi Yunfei panted and shook his head: "You don't understand. The most important person to you is going to die! Dead! Can you be rational? You were indifferent when your girlfriend died. You don't understand me at all. Such a mood! You don't have anyone important at all..." "Nonsense!" Yang suddenly shouted, his voice so high that Shui Lan's ears were buzzing. Sheep exhaled a long breath and said sadly: "The most important person to me... is you. So, I don't want you to die in vain like this." Qi Yunfei looked at him, his purple eyes were bottomless and could not be seen. Any expression, it took a long time before an extremely weak light flashed through. Qi Yunfei turned away, gasped for air, and closed his eyes sadly.

Seeing that the situation was slightly calmer, Beast Beast expected that Qi Yunfei and Yang would not dare to take action immediately, so he quickly helped Xiaoniao and asked, "How are you?" A lot of blood flowed out of Xiaoniao's bandage, and she looked extremely painful: " Beast, I'm in so much pain." Beast said hurriedly: "Then let me use my power to heal you, okay?" Xiaoniao said: "No, you kill Qi Yunfei first and lift my curse first." Beast hesitated for a moment before saying. : "Are you really okay?" Xiaoniao forced a smile and said, "I'm really okay. I will take care of myself. Don't be distracted when you fight." Beast Beast pressed his lips softly on her forehead. After a while, he said: "Okay." He stood up and said: "Qi Yunfei, Yang, I am impatient with such mother-in-law and mother-in-law's actions. If you have any last words, just say it. If you don't, I will take action." Yang said to Qi Yunfei in a low voice. : "You wrap him up with the whip, and I'll stab him with the lightsaber." Qi Yunfei whispered: "No, you wrap him up, and I'll kill him." Sheep said: "My sword is straight. How to entangle him? Don't be impulsive, let's go together."

As soon as the plan was made, the beast on the other side had already covered its whole body with black energy, rolling towards the two of them like a big coal ball. The sheep made a show of force toward Qi Yunfei and stepped forward. Qi Yunfei whipped his whip violently, and the whip tightly wrapped around the beast like a soft-skinned snake. Beast Beast was forced to stop in the air, and just when he was about to use his power to break the whip, the sheep suddenly jumped out from behind, and stabbed him with a sword like lightning, hitting Beast Beast's waist without any hesitation. Tina and Shui Lan were overjoyed and said, "We've hit it!" Beast Beast's face darkened and he said, "It's not that easy!" His belly suddenly swelled up like it was inflated. The sheep was caught off guard, and he was knocked into the corner with his sword. Qi Yunfei's expression changed, he jumped up and launched the attack himself. Beast smiled, and with an effort of his body, he easily broke the whip. Now, even Tina and Shui Lan could see that Beast Beast's skill had increased by several percent, and the contrast with Yang and Qi Yunfei was even greater. Seeing that the attack was hopeless, Qi Yunfei had no choice but to retreat.

Tina said anxiously: "This won't work. As long as the punishment of the barrier is not lifted, the greater the power Feifei and Yang exert, the greater the beast will be sucked. If this continues, not only will we be dead, but also the unprecedented beast will be accomplished. Big devil." Shui Lan said: "I know it's not possible. But what can we do now?" Tina said decisively: "Break the barrier." Shui Lan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "How is it possible? To break this barrier, we must Find two people who are more powerful than Yang Yang and Qi Yunfei to create another stronger barrier. But now we are imprisoned by the beasts, and we can't move even if we have reinforcements." At the end of the sentence, Shui Lan was about to cry. . Tina sighed, is there really no room for change in this matter

Qi Yunfei went over to help the sheep up, and while he was helping the sheep, the sheep whispered: "Tina is right. This barrier must be broken first, otherwise the beasts will absorb every effort we exert." Qi Yunfei said: "Why don't I want to break it? But the contract between the two of us cannot be broken at all." Yang said: "Didn't Shui Lan say that? Find a stronger barrier to break it." Qi Yunfei said Puzzled: "Where can I find a stronger barrier?" Yang took a quick breath and said: "No, there is one. A very strong barrier, an absolutely invincible barrier that can destroy copper walls and iron walls. However, this barrier has always been deeply sealed." Qi Yunfei looked at the sheep in confusion at first, but later, his eyes gradually brightened: "You mean that barrier?"

Seeing that Qi Yunfei and Sheep were once again fighting each other, Beast Beast couldn't help but laugh up at the sky and said, "It's interesting, but I don't want to play with you anymore. My sweetheart is suffering, I'm sorry." Qi Yunfei sank. The voice said: "What should we do to unlock the seal of that enchantment?" Yang said silently for a while: "Just do this. This seal should actually be unlocked." One of the two men wielded a sword, and the other held a whip. , even before the beasts launched their offensive, they all attacked. Shui Lan turned pale and asked: "Do these two people want to die? They attacked first?" Tina said: "No, didn't you see it? There was an extremely determined and confident light in their eyes. Could it be that they have found the target? Have you found a way to get rid of the punishment?"

Seeing that the two of them actually launched the attack first, Beast Beast clearly didn't take him seriously, so he became furious and gnashed his teeth and attacked, swearing that he would kill them this round. After a few moves, although Yang and Qi Yunfei cooperated flawlessly, Beast Beast was superior after all and quickly gained the upper hand. Beast Beast spotted an opening and slapped Yang and Qi Yunfei's foreheads with all his strength with his palms. Tina and Shui Lan couldn't help but scream, but at this moment, Beast Beast felt something strange around them. To be precise, the surrounding air was strange, as if some liquid had been injected into the air and was slowly flowing around his body. Beast beast was surprised and said secretly: What is this? At the same time, he found that the speed of his originally fast palm shots had slowed down, as if a movie was playing back in slow motion. what happened? ? Beast Beast was so frightened this time that he didn't bother to launch an attack and jumped back a few steps to exit the battle. Qi Yunfei and Yang reorganized their formation and prepared to launch another attack.

Even though he opened his eyes and looked fiercely, Beast Beast still didn't notice anything unusual in the surrounding air, but the feeling of being floated by water still existed around his body. All of this restricted his movements, and even raising his hands required half the effort than usual, as if countless silk threads were tightly wrapped around his hands and feet, making it difficult for him to move. Beast Beast shouted: "What magic did you use? Why did the closed space become like this?" Sheep said coldly: "There is no magic. It's in vain that you work hard to learn magic. Don't you know that this is the collision of two enchantments?" Is it a natural result?" Beast Beast said in confusion: "Barrier collision? You mean there is a barrier colliding with my barrier of death? Impossible, impossible! This was set up by the two of you. Coupled with my perfection, it can be said that even the gods and Buddhas are invincible. Any barrier that comes close to it will only be swallowed up by it. How is it possible for the barrier to collide??" Sheep sneered and said: "But there is an exception. It just encountered a barrier that was more powerful than it." Beast Beast shook his head desperately and said: "I don't believe there is a barrier stronger than this in the world. You deceived me!" Sheep said loudly: "Then just open your eyes. Take a look with your own eyes, what is the barrier stronger than yours?"

There began to be strange movements around the room, and Beast looked around in panic, only to see many red fence-shaped beams of light vaguely appearing around it. Then, suddenly, as if something was thrown to the ground, there was a "bang" sound, and the power of the death pillar turned into a series of glass-like transparent fragments, passing over the hair of the beast, and also passed over his eyes, which were wide open due to shock. s eyes. At the same time, like ripples, a bright and warm color spread rapidly from the center of the battle to all directions, instantly filling the entire land. In front of Beast Beast's eyes, an endless sea of flowers suddenly appeared. Those tiny petals floated up and down, and suddenly turned into violets, like a sharp blade scraping across a person's face. Two immature children's voices clearly remembered in the huge space: "Always be good friends and never fight!" Beast Beast said in panic: "Who? Who is talking?" A gust of wind blew past, between Yang and Qi Yunfei. Two children with peach-shaped faces appeared behind them. Each stretched out the little finger of one hand to pull the hook, with bright childish smiles on their faces. Beast beast took two steps back, pointed at the two children and said in horror: "What... what is this?" Yang and Qi Yunfei maintained the fighting posture, motionless, but their eyes radiated a sharp killing light. . "Never fight, always be friends!" This sentence echoed endlessly, and the two children were like living sculptures, lifelike but without any movement. Shui Lan opened her mouth and said, "Oh my God, what is this?" A knowing smile appeared on Tina's face: "I remembered it, and sure enough, there has always been this strongest barrier. That is the two of them. How they looked when they were children." Shui Lan said: "Why do the two of them appear behind them when they were children?" Tina said: "That is the phantom of the barrier. This barrier was established unconsciously when they were children. This This barrier with the purest and most selfless thoughts has the most single-minded and powerful power, and can indeed break any barrier in the world. Unfortunately, due to their parting ways, the contract has never come into effect. Until today, they have only sincerely abided by it. We signed this contract and built this truly invincible barrier. Thank you, Sheep. Thank you, Qi Yunfei." As she spoke, a few more strands of blood flowed from the corners of Tina's mouth, but this did not cover up her emotions at all. The smile is so satisfied and happy, so grateful and happy.

Beast hugged her head and screamed in pain: "It hurts so much!" The little bird exclaimed in shock: "Shou Beast, what's wrong with you?" A burst of laughter rang out, and the sea of flowers suddenly turned into two children chasing and shooting the ball. The scene, the scenery that recorded the best time in Yang and Qi Yunfei's life, was like a sharp knife inserted into the head to Beast Beast. Qi Yunfei, who had been watching the beast closely, took a breath and said: "The time has come to counterattack." The sheep responded: "Then let's go together." "Wait a minute!" A trace of light flashed across Qi Yunfei's eyes. With the faint light, Yang said nervously: "What's wrong?" Qi Yunfei was lost in thought for a while, then smiled slightly and said: "No, it's nothing. I'm very happy to see this scene again." Yang also fell silent, and then said after a while : "Perhaps God is jealous of such a beautiful scene in the world, so he will bring such a huge disaster to us. In any case, it has come to an end." With a roar, the sheep raised his lightsaber and turned into lightning to strike at Baotou. The beast screamed, Qi Yunfei also swung his whip, and the whip tied up the beast's body with lightning speed, as if it had become spiritual. "It's over..." Sheep used all his strength to insert the sword into Beast's chest. The beast roared wildly, and met the sheep's extremely determined and somewhat melancholy eyes. "It's over... It's finally over..." This was what the beast heard clearly from the sheep in his ear before he fell to the ground.

"Beast!" The little bird shouted, tears bursting from his eyes, and he rushed over desperately. Shui Lan said: "Stop!" Flying towards me, the little bird's eyes turned red and said: "If you dare to stop me, I will kill you!" Shui Lan said: "You can't even take my life... ah..." The dark sword that Xiaoniao stretched out from his cuffs penetrated Shui Lan's body deeply, and a large amount of blood instantly dyed her clothes red, as well as Xiaoniao's bandage. Tina was surprised: "Shui Lan?!!" A smile appeared at the corner of Shui Lan's mouth: "Do you know? Xiaoniao, I have always hoped to do something for the sheep." "Ah-" Xiaoniao covered his abdomen. He staggered back two steps, and more surging blood dyed all the bandages a dazzling red. Xiaoniao pointed at Shui Lan and said: "You... you..." Shui Lan said: "Although I don't want to use these despicable methods, I have no choice... I tried my best..." After saying that, she turned around with difficulty and faced Yang and Qi Yunfei. She slowly fell down in the opposite direction: "Yang, I did what you asked me to do." "Shui Lan?" Yang was startled and hurriedly stepped forward and hugged her fallen body: "You ..." Shui Lan grinned and said: "I... I haven't done anything for Dongli. Now... now my wish has come true. I'm sorry, I have to leave... I'm going to find Maomao." Qi Yunfei ran over and asked: "Is there any hope?" Yang watched Shui Lan slowly close her eyes and shook her head heavily: "It can't be done anymore, her heart has been punctured. Let her rest in peace..."

It's pitch black in front of me. Is this what hell looks like? "Shui Lan?" A clear voice called her, and a bright light suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. A melancholy figure stood in the bright light. "Ah... it's Dodo." Shui Lan was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say. Dodo's expression did not show any anger, he just said calmly: "You have never loved me, have you, Shui Lan?" "Ah!" Shui Lan stammered: "I am actually... I am not against you either. ..." Dodo said: "You actually came to me deliberately to investigate the cause of Tina's death and take the opportunity to seize her position, right? You have no ill intentions towards me, but you have never liked me. Are what I said correct?" Shui Lan covered her face and cried: "Yes, you are absolutely right. Dodo, I'm sorry for you, please punish me. I don't have any objection to how you deal with me." Dodo said: "Then what do you do to Maomao?" It seems that A thunderbolt flashed across the sky. Shui Lan put down her hand and looked at Dodo blankly and said, "What did you say?" Dodo said calmly, "I'm asking, are you sincere to Maomao? It's also to achieve your goal. Are you approaching him for personal purposes?" "No -" Shui Lan retorted almost immediately, crying: "I am true to him... it is true... I gave up everything for him. Is he really..." Dodo interrupted: "Really what?" He took a step forward and asked, "I want you to make it clear!" Shui Lan looked at him blankly and said, "I am... really I love him, I really love Maomao! Forgive me, dodo."

Dodo suddenly smiled, and although his smile was a little sad, it was not melancholy at all. He said softly: "You finally said it, Shui Lan. I envy you, Maomao. This is your exclusive blessing. "Shui Lan looked at Dodo in a daze. She didn't understand why Dodo said that. Dodo moved half of his body, only to see a dark figure standing behind him. Shui Lan suddenly stopped breathing, and his heart seemed to have completely stopped. He stared blankly at Dodo getting out of the way little by little, and the light illuminated the man's appearance clearly. In an instant, Shui Lan exclaimed, couldn't help running forward, threw herself into the man's arms, and cried loudly. Yu Chuanbo hugged Shui Lan tightly and said gently: "Shui Lan, I'm here to pick you up. Are you afraid of death?" Shui Lan cried: "No, as long as I am with you, I am not afraid of anything. Please bring me I'm leaving, no matter where I go." Yu Chuanbo gently stroked Shui Lan's hair and said, "Are you sure you won't regret following me? I want to know Shui Lan's true intentions. I don't want you to continue to deceive everyone and yourself. ." Shui Lan cried until she was out of breath: "I... I have been instilled with hatred in my heart since I was a child. I never knew that I still have love. Maomao, it was you who made me know that I was tempted for the first time. What it's like. You don't understand how many nights after you left, I hid in bed alone and cried until dawn. Why did I have to face the human tragedy of yin and yang when I met my true love? Fortunately, God is wise, but you still come to me. Maomao, I really, really like you! It’s just that my face has become like this..." Yu Chuanbo held Shui Lan's face and covered Shui Lan with his warm lips. Thousands of words. The two hugged each other tightly, Shui Lan was filled with sorrow and joy, and tears were already flowing out. Dodo was watching from the side. Although there was a smile on his face, for the first time, there was a melancholy and sad look in his eyes. He turned his back and let Shui Lan slowly close his eyes in Yu Chuanbo's arms.

"Shui Lan, how did you do in your training today?" A little girl who was only ten years old looked sadly at the dark mountains in the distance. After hearing these words, she turned around and said sadly: "Mother-in-law, I'm so tired. I want to take a rest." An old woman on crutches slammed the crutch into the ground and shouted: "What did you say? Shui Lan, how could you say such rebellious words? You are the hope of our entire clan. If If you didn't compete for the position of the Virgin God's substitute, no one in our clan, including your parents, would make it easy for you!" Shui Lan said: "My parents? You said I have no parents." The old woman gasped. He said: "That's right. From the day your parents handed you over to me, you belong to our entire clan. You must remember that you maintain the glory and hope of our entire clan. Only victory is allowed, no defeat!" So you have to train yourself desperately so that you can kill your opponent in the future!" Shui Lan turned her head and continued to look at the shadow of the mountain in the distance: "But, my mother-in-law is so cruel. Does it mean that someone must die in the battle? The old woman took a breath and said: "You have to remember that this is a society where the jungle is strong. Only strength is the basis for survival. In this society, there is no love, no justice, no mercy, only naked hatred. You can't Believe anyone, everyone is your enemy, you can only rely on yourself!"

"In this society, there is no love, no justice, no mercy, only naked hatred."

"Mother-in-law, you are wrong..."

At the bottom of the mountains, one can vaguely see the light figure of the water orchid dancing in the wind, as well as the smile as bright as the red clouds.

"It's strange." Qi Yunfei said: "Why did Shui Lan suddenly have a smile on her face? It should be very painful to have her heart pierced." Yang looked at the two faint spots of light outside the window thoughtfully. Said: "Perhaps Shui Lan has found her happy world. Death does not mean sadness to some people. She is finally free." Qi Yunfei pointed the tip of his whip at the bird: "Wait until I finish her , everything will be freed." "No." Yang held the whip with his sword and said: "Let her go..." Qi Yunfei said angrily: "Why? Do you still pity these two scum?" Yang looked melancholy. He smiled and said: "No one in the world is heinous. If only I could understand this truth earlier." Qi Yunfei stood in a daze, as if he didn't realize what happened. "Everything is over..." The sheep's spirit body suddenly came out of Zhang Di's body, and the unconscious Zhang Di fell straight to the ground. "It's all over..." The sheep's body suddenly began to slowly tilt downward, its whole body began to become light and airy, and its feet gradually turned into a transparent color and even disappeared. Qi Yunfei was shocked and said, "What's wrong with you?" Yang smiled slightly and said, "It's time for me to go and disappear from this world forever. Zhang Di stabbed me just now, and I should have gone at that time. Only But I didn’t want you to die like this, so I held on to my strength. Now everything is over... "

"Sheep..." Qi Yunfei suddenly rushed towards the sheep and stretched out his right hand desperately, hoping to catch the disappearing spirit body. Yang looked at Qi Yunfei intently. His purple eyes were filled with the hardships and grievances he had experienced over the past ten years. His expression was so complicated that he couldn't tell the true meaning of his heart for a moment, but that kind of eagerness, that kind of unwillingness To give up, that kind of shock and pain is fully revealed in the clarity. Sheep's eyes were moist. He used the last of his strength to stretch out his right hand with difficulty. Carefully, as if placing a precious antique, he gently placed his palm in Qi Yunfei's warm hand. Just when their palms were about to touch, there was a "pop" sound, like the most beautiful fireworks in the world suddenly blooming in the sky. The sheep's body turned into countless scattered light spots, which instantly covered Qi Yunfei's whole body. Tina exclaimed: "Sheep?"

Qi Yunfei's vision went dark, and his body instantly felt a heart-rending pain. His head felt an unprecedented dizziness, and even breathing became difficult. His legs seemed to no longer belong to him, and he clearly wanted to move forward. He took a step forward, but the end result was that he fell to his knees heavily on the ground. Those pictures that had been blurry for a long time suddenly became extremely clear. Those memories that had been ravaged and discarded were finally found in the collection box. Those fragmented pictures had never been separated and thrown away. "Feifei, let's play basketball together." "What? You have no friends? Just like me. From now on, I, Yangyang, will be your forever friend!" The little face covered by blond hair flashed in the sea of flowers. Passed away, leaving only a string of hearty laughter. "You have to remember, I will only let you go this time! You must remember it!" The sheep's hoarse voice, and the tears quietly dripping down the soil, instantly transformed into a pair of eyes full of regret and sorrow: "The most important person to me... is you." Then, these endless light spots fluttering in the sky, following the wind in the sea of flowers, flew far, far away towards the sky.

The land is covered with flowers, and heaven is at the moment it enters the sky. ——Excerpted from "European Magical Association" The most talented successor of the virgins, the arrogant god for more than ten years, and the actual leader of the European Magical Association, finally gave up willingly in this unprecedented and tragic battle. Stay away from the hustle and bustle of the secular world and this world built with hatred. However, although he is a god, he still cannot break the shackles of this human world and break the rules of the magical world. All he could do was just let go.

Qi Yunfei raised his head and suddenly found that tears were streaming down his face...

"Zhoushou..." Xiaoniao staggered over, tears streaking down her beautiful face, and her eyes were filled with extremely sad sorrow: "I'm sorry, Zhushou..." Beasts' mouth was full of blood, and he could only rely on one breath. He didn't close his eyes. The little bird jumped on the beast and cried bitterly: "I... I hurt you. I shouldn't... shouldn't be so willful and look for someone to eat at that time. Otherwise you wouldn't have met Qi Yunfei, Everything now would never have happened." Beast Beast used all his strength to reach out and gently stroke the bird's face: "I... I will do anything for you... I..." There was a violent cough, and green blood dripped. The drops splashed on the bird. "No... Beast Beast, look at me..." Xiaoniao cried in confusion. She didn't care about her abdominal injury. She just pressed her body tightly against Beast Beast and hugged him tightly: "You said, you want to be with me." We are together, forever. I don't allow you to leave first, not..." Beast Beast wanted to show a smile, but in the end this action failed. He just grinned painfully and said intermittently: "I am... happy... I I want to... see... the days when the little bird... doesn't need bandages..." The little bird hugged him and cried: "I know, I know everything. I will show you, I will show you now..." Facing those wind-flying The petals and the bird slowly took off their clothes.

"Little Bird..." Tina couldn't help being deeply horrified. She knew that the consequences of Little Bird's actions could only be that her limbs would eventually become torn apart. That was an internal crack that was far more painful than any external attack. hurt. Moreover, the consciousness was still clear when the limbs were spread out. Watching his body fall piece by piece, and even the final appearance of blood and flesh flying everywhere, it was such a cruel and nerve-wracking torture. But just for the beast's last wish before his death, the bird did not hesitate to choose this unprecedented and painful way to die. "No one in the world is heinous." Sheep's words flashed through Tina's mind. "Why? Why does this world have to have this kind of confrontation that hurts both sides?" When Tina murmured to herself, she was already crying silently.

Qi Yunfei was also shocked by Xiaoniao's behavior. Seeing that Xiaoniao's clothes had all been taken off, she began to prepare to tear the bandages on her body. Qi Yunfei turned her head awkwardly and took a big breath, trying to to calm the inner shock. These two compatriots who had always been invisible to him were like lower creatures, but in front of them they showed another kind of thrilling affection and struggle that was different from them. Behind him came the sound of tearing bandages, accompanied by the sound of a large amount of liquid surging to the ground. It seemed so harsh and full of fear in the suddenly silent room. Then Tina's painful scream came from behind, and Qi Yunfei closed his eyes tightly. For the first time, there was a reversal in his heart. For the first time, the hatred towards his own race was shaken.

The little bird had completely torn the bandage, and there was no sadness or hindrance in the beast's eyes. On the contrary, his eyes shone with light, so satisfied and happy, happy and relieved. That is perhaps the most beautiful picture in the world. Against the backdrop of the sea of flowers, a perfect and beautiful body gives this nature too much vivid meaning. The bright red blood will surely give you a startling glimpse, a peerless beauty that you will never forget for the rest of your life. The petals flew gently over the fair skin and the flowing long hair. Cruelty and gentleness were harmoniously blended together. Beast Beast exhaled his last breath of contentment and closed his eyes that were originally wide open.

In the romance of flying flowers, the last sad song of the bird came: I am a cloud in the sky,

Floating in your clear sky from the beginning,

There is no destiny of eternal alliance,

There is only the feeling of caring about each other.

The abandonment of worldly hatred,

righteousness that asserts right and wrong,

But it made us hug each other tightly.

Jun once asked:

How does the green lantern illuminate the lonely tomb

My concubine answered you:

The ashes fly away only because the smoke becomes empty.

I don’t know where to go, whether it’s life or death,

If you can’t see your soul, you can’t see you.

With a "pop" sound, Qi Yunfei felt hot liquid flying past him, and those red petals flew higher and higher like a mockery, dancing a gorgeous waltz in the sky. Hearing only Tina's sad cry, Qi Yunfei turned his head. There was nothing in front of him, only the shocking red floor, the corpse with closed eyes, and the mutilated parts scattered in different places. The limbs indicate the coming of the real ending.

Suddenly looking back, only the unconscious Zhang Di and the two others were left in the huge hall. Qi Yunfei suddenly coughed, and unable to hold on, he knelt down on one knee. Tina looked at him blankly, and suddenly realized that Qi Yunfei was the most seriously injured before, and he was fighting hard while holding on to his strength. Now, Everything is over, the mind is relaxed, and the pain of the injury is induced. "Feifei..." Tina looked at him with tears streaming down her face: "Don't die... Please don't die..." Qi Yunfei stood up unsteadily, his white clothes fluttering in the breeze of dancing flowers. People look thinner and weaker. Qi Yunfei showed a pale smile and said: "Don't worry, I won't die. I am a violet vampire. I am a pure violet vampire with an immortal body..." Thousands of dazzling white lights suddenly burst out in the room. Surrounding this house, the sacred light washes this bloody battlefield. There was still no sound in the room, and then, suddenly, there was the clear sound of Tina taking a breath. "I am a violet vampire, I am a vampire royal, I will not..." Qi Yunfei's nails are slowly shortening, the color of his hair is slowly becoming deep and dark, and the fascinating purple in his eyes is also It is slowly fading away, and the blood emerging from the wound gradually becomes bright and sticky, and then slowly, slowly, turns into the same color as the death scattered on the floor - red!

"No -" Tina screamed in fear, and Qi Yunfei stood in a daze, watching the whip in his hand disappear into nothingness. "I am a vampire royal, I have an immortal body, I will not die..." Qi Yunfei used the last of his strength to slowly say these words, and then his whole body fell heavily into a pool of blood. "No!" Tina cried heartbrokenly: "Feifei, hold on, I beg you to be a vampire again! I like the vampire Feifei! I beg you..." A series of shouts could not bring back a trace of the selfless God of Death. Compassionately, Qi Yunfei's eyelids beat lightly for a few times before finally closing them heavily. "Why? God, why are you so unfair? Why are you teasing us like this? Why -" Tina's shrill scream echoed in the empty hall, but the only answer she received was the soft sound of the flowers dancing happily.

Another god in the world finally entered death when he realized that impossible legend, when he completed his wish of arduous journey, when he became the human being he dreamed of. Along the way, he escaped countless pursuits. Kill, betray Wu