Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 305: (11)


Countless fates, but in the end, at the moment of victory, he was nailed to the cross of death by fate.

Silence returned to the hall. Zhang Di was lying peacefully on the ground, with no expression on his face. The series of events that happened around him were just a few vague notes that he occasionally heard in his deep sleep. . After a long time, an arc-shaped light suddenly appeared in the sky of the sea of flowers, as if something was split open. There was a "crash" and a crack appeared in the sky. Two figures staggered towards this lifeless house from the sea of flowers. "Master, we seem to be late." Lone Xinghan sighed and said: "This barrier is really not built. I have used all the magic weapons, but it still remains unchanged. I have no choice but to use the Longquan Sword. Pry bit by bit, do you think this can be done slowly? But as long as Zhang Di is not dead, we won't be too late." Taoist priest Qianhui walked out of breath and said: "But the leader, even if Qi Yunfei and Yang Even if you are so strong, theoretically speaking, it is impossible to create this barrier that only gods can create." Lone Xinghan smiled and said: "You are wrong, they do have such strength, but they have always been hated. They are blinded, so they cannot really exert the power of the barrier. The two of them are gods." Taoist priest Qianhui said: "But Master, you said that there are no gods in the world." Lone Star Han said: "The world There are no gods in the world, but there are gods who have become humans." "What?" Before Taoist Master Qianhui could realize what Gu Xinghan meant, Gu Xinghan had already waved his whisk and shouted: "Go away, all bad luck. Let's go." In an instant, the flower walrus seemed to evaporate and disappeared without a trace.

Taoist priest Qianhui was so shocked that he fell to the ground: "The leader has great magic power!" Lone Xinghan said: "That is the obsession in the hearts of Yang and Qi Yunfei. They obviously regard each other as life and death friends, but they can never cross the world. Even the rules and regulations cannot break the conceptual barrier. This is the tragedy of Qi Yunfei, and it is also the sin of the sheep. All disasters are caused by the sheep. If he can let go of his hatred at the beginning, then the world will be better again. It's a different situation. However, the end has been made, and we are just talking nonsense here. Don't talk nonsense, help me deal with the things here." The two people walked into the room, and the Taoist priest suddenly shouted. : "Master, look, why is there a half-kneeling statue here? There is still a teardrop hanging on the face on the statue." Lone Star Han sighed: "Isn't that a strange sculpture? That is the current incumbent Tina, the virgin gate substitute, I heard that this kind of substitute is different from the incarnation of a spiritual medium. She cannot have sexual thoughts in her life, otherwise she will turn to stone and die. It seems that she, who has been instilled with hatred for vampires, at the last moment I am still moved by my feelings. I pray that Yunfei can rest his eyes under the Nine Springs."

Gu Xinghan came to Qi Yunfei's body and was silent. After a long time, he suddenly knelt down on one knee. Taoist priest Qianhui said in surprise: "Master, you..." Gu Xinghan stood up and said: "I respect him for always being able to control." He is a real man. If this person does not die, he will become a hero in the future. It is a pity that God is jealous of talents and does not allow such a god-like person to exist." Taoist priest Qianhui said: "He has worked hard just to become a hero. Humans, who expected to usher in eternal sleep the moment they turned into humans. It seems that fate will never allow us to escape." A strange smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Lone Xinghan's mouth: "Really? Do you think the two of them will eventually Are you still unable to escape the destiny?" Taoist priest Qian Hui asked: "Does the leader think there is a turning point?" Lone Star Han said: "Whether there is a turning point is no longer something we can see, the only thing that is still there now is The only person left in danger is Zhang Di."

Gu Xinghan gently stroked Zhang Di's head and murmured: "My good disciple, you finally did not disgrace the master of Zhongnanshan. I'm sorry that I have never been able to directly tell you the way to win, but now you finally realize it yourself, That is to let go of all hatred. That broken sword is no longer an ordinary sword, but the embodiment of compassion and kindness. To break this mystery woven by hatred, there is no way except compassion and pity. Now everything is over , Zhang Di, listen, the disaster is over, our master-disciple relationship is over. But master will do his best to help you, just be an ordinary person again." At this point, Lone Xinghan couldn't help but burst into tears. His eyes filled with tears, but he still decisively raised his right hand and struck Zhang Di hard on the back of the head. Taoist priest Qianhui looked at everything in front of him and couldn't help but look back and shed tears. Gu Xinghan took off his Taoist robe and threw it on the ground. Then he carried Zhang Di and said to Taoist priest Qianhui: "Let's go." Taoist priest Qianhui said: "But how to arrange it here?" Lone Xinghan said: "I have sealed this place with my seven-star robe. Let this place sleep forever. They will not want outsiders to disturb it."

Are you Zhang Di's parents

Yes, are you...

I am Lone Xinghan, the leader of Zhongnan Mountain. I know that you have been looking for your son who has been missing for many days. I am here to return your son.

ah! Thank you so much, ugh... Excuse me, what happened to Zhang Di

You don’t need to ask what happened, but please remember Pindao’s instructions, otherwise your son’s life will be in jeopardy!

Ah, Taoist Master, please speak.

First, Pindao has erased part of his memory. You must give him another name, and you must not tell him that he has ever been to CUHK.

Okay, what about number two

Second, and most importantly, he must not be allowed to go to Chengdu. It is important to remember that the day he arrives in Chengdu will be the day of his death.

As long as our son survives, we will agree to everything. The Taoist priest enthusiastically rescued Zhang Di, and the two of us will burn incense every day to express our gratitude.

That's not necessary... because Zhang Di is...

Lone Xinghan left his last sad smile, turned around and drifted away. A faint flash of light passed over the hilt of the Longquan Sword behind him.

Opening your eyes gently, everything you look at is white, and there are many unfamiliar faces busily shuttling around you. "Zhang Huan, you finally woke up!" A pair of old faces cried with joy. "Zhang Huan?" The young man lying on the hospital bed was a little confused: "No, I remember that my name was not..." "Your name is Zhang Huan!" His mother interrupted him: "My son, you are called Zhang Huan." The car hit me and my mind is a little blurry. You should have a good rest." The young man hesitated and said, "My name is really Zhang Huan?" The two of them nodded firmly together. The young man closed his eyes tiredly and murmured: "Zhang Huan... Zhang Huan... Zhang..."

After a month's rest, Zhang Huan returned to South China University of Technology. All the scenery was both strange and familiar to him. After returning to school, he asked countless classmates what his real name was. Unfortunately, everyone accepted his parents' instructions and firmly said that his name was Zhang Huan. Later, Zhang Huan no longer suspected that his parents had lied to him. But until one day, he accidentally came to CUHK because he wanted to take elective courses. Wandering on the shadowy green paths and around the clear and crystal clear East Lake, Zhang Huan always seemed to have a vague impression in his heart that was desperately hitting his heart. He asked his parents who had followed him: "Have I been here before?" His parents shook their heads together, and Zhang Huan's eyes flashed with surprise: "But I always feel... I always feel like I have been here... Been here..." He stretched out his hands to embrace the sunlight leaking through the gaps in the leaves, his eyes filled with a strange sadness. His parents were frightened by his appearance and quickly dragged him away from the place. From then on, his parents never allowed him to come to CUHK to play, even to take a look.

There are many, many equally strange things. For example, his parents are determined not to allow him to travel to Chengdu. Whenever he mentions this matter, they will burst into tears and become desolate, making him never dare to mention Chengdu again. I don't even dare to go to Sichuan.

He firmly believed that his parents must have hidden something from him, but he could not find any flaws and could not recall anything. Time flies by, and ten years have passed in a blink of an eye. Zhang Huan has become the boss of a well-known IT company. His busy work and his children's cries made him temporarily forget the doubts of his youth. Zhang Huan's intelligence makes him successful in the business, but people who know him say that for some reason, there is always a strange dullness in Zhang Huan's eyes, as if something is missing in him. Even Zhang Huan himself feels that Is he sick? He spent millions of dollars on treatment but got no results. The days passed peacefully day by day, until one day, fate broke the peaceful situation again. Zhang Huan was on his way to Kunming to attend a trade fair when his plane crashed and he made an emergency landing. More than half of the passengers on the plane were killed or injured, but miraculously, Zhang Huan was not injured at all, but he was so panicked that he desperately escaped from the cabin.

Almost at the same time, Zhang Huan's parents learned about the plane's emergency landing. They frantically grabbed the airport staff and asked where the plane had made an emergency landing. It was later confirmed that after arriving in Chengdu, Zhang Huan's mother fainted with a trombone sound.

Of course, Zhang Huan, who was thousands of miles away, didn't know what happened in Guangzhou. He took out his mobile phone and wanted to report that his family was safe, but a strange impulse prevented him from doing so. He looked around and saw greenery all around. There was a small slope not far away, and everything was desolate. It was obvious that this was some deserted suburb. But for some reason, Zhang Huan always felt that he knew this place and seemed to have been here before. His footsteps moved involuntarily towards the small slope. Taking a closer look, Zhang Huancai suddenly found a stone tablet embedded in the soil slope. There were only four characters engraved on the stone tablet: "Dongli has no regrets."

Zhang Huan's whole body was shaken, and suddenly there was a loud sound of cracking rocks and landslides behind him. Zhang Huan turned around in horror, but suddenly found a high-spirited young man standing behind him, wearing a seven-star robe and carrying a Holding a sword, he was looking at him with a smile. The sparkle in his eyes, the vitality and youth radiating from his whole body, and the charm in his smile were all very different from his dull and dull body. Zhang Huan collapsed on the stone tablet, pointed at the young man and said tremblingly: "You..." His whole body was trembling with shock, his eyes bulged, and the color of his face quickly turned gray. The young man just smiled. , stood and looked at him without saying a word, but the affectionate energy revealed in his expression seemed to have been familiar with him for a long time. At this time, a vague voice suddenly sounded from behind the stone tablet: "Come here, come here quickly!" Zhang Huan opened his mouth and inhaled fiercely, turned his head tremblingly, and stood far away on the opposite side of Xiaotupo. There were three smiling people. The one in front was fat and waving desperately in his direction, with an eager and eager expression. The man and woman in the back were relatively reserved. They looked like a pair of lovers, just leaning side by side and looking at each other with smiles. Look this way.

Zhang Huan turned around again. The young man heard the calls of the three people opposite him, and his smile became more obvious. He nodded towards Zhang Huan and started running towards the opposite side of the small slope. The broad seven-star robe had fluttering corners in the wind, and the two silk ribbons on the Taoist crown worn on the head were fluttering wantonly, like a lingering ancient song, melodious and long-lasting, enough to evoke All kinds of thoughts of people. That kind of grace made Zhang Huan feel like he was in a dream. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to ask something, but he couldn't remember what he should ask. The young man was running, but suddenly he stopped, tilted his head, and looked at something intently. Zhang Huan followed his gaze and saw that on the right side of the small slope, not too far away, there was a lush grape trellis full of purple flowers. Under the trellis stood two watchmen. A boy who is like a heavenly being. A blond man with blue eyes stretched out a flat hand, holding a rubber ball that children played with, and seemed to be handing it to the person opposite. The young man opposite had purple hair and purple eyes. Although he was dressed strangely, he looked introverted and calm. The two people looked at each other like this. The purple-haired boy didn't catch the ball, and the blond boy didn't mean to take the ball back. Zhang Huan watched intently. He didn't understand what exactly he was seeing, but he felt a sense of joy in his heart. He felt that this matter seemed to have been related to him, so he had to watch it. After a long time, the purple-haired boy finally stretched out a hand and gently placed it on the ball. An almost imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of the blond boy's mouth.

Zhang Huan turned his head to look at the young man wearing a robe, and saw that his smile became even stronger. The three people in the distance started shouting again: "Hurry up, Zhang Di!" As if something suddenly exploded in his chest, Zhang Huan suddenly burst into tears. He shouted loudly: "Zhang Di! Zhang Di!" !Zhang Di!" He shouted desperately, tears rolling down his face at the end. The young man turned around, still smiling so kindly. He only nodded slightly to him, and ran towards the three people without hesitation. As he ran, the smile on the young man's face was like a flower that finally bloomed, filled with the joy of reunion after a long separation, the warmth of longing for him, and the eagerness of a wanderer to return home. The four people hugged each other tightly, and the images gradually disappeared. Zhang Huan fell on the stone tablet, pillowed his head with his arms, and cried loudly. The questions that had troubled him for ten years were finally fully answered here. At that moment, he remembered everything, including the war that destroyed humanity ten years ago. Lone Xinghan sealed part of his memory here to prevent him from suffering a fatal psychological blow, allowing him to live for ten more years. In the past ten years, the reason why he always felt that something was missing from his body was because his soul was incomplete, and the most shocking memories took away all his vitality and spirit. However, God did not fail him, and he finally recalled everything, everything that could not be discarded.

One day later, search and rescue personnel found the dying Zhang Huan and rushed him to West China Hospital. In the intensive care unit of the ICU, Zhang Huan slowly opened his eyes, and his parents cried sadly: "Zhang Huan—" Zhang Huan corrected him calmly: "I'm sorry, my name is Zhang Di." After he finished, he smiled contentedly and closed his eyes for the last time. The only special psychic medium in the human world finally left the place he had guarded for thirty years.

At the same time, mourning bells also tolled on Zhongnan Mountain. Almost all the disciples from each major magic sect came to the mountain to participate in the grand Lone Star Hanyu Transformation Meeting to remember this number one Taoist disciple who made too many sacrifices for the magic world. After the conference, Gu Xinghan's coffin will be buried in the cemetery of the ancestors of the past dynasties in the back mountain. As the eldest disciple, Zhang Jianfeng was inspecting the items that were to be buried with him. One of them was the list of disciples that Lone Xinghan had collected while he was still alive. Zhang Jianfeng looked at it in detail and asked the disciples who were kneeling on the ground below: "Have you all seen it clearly? Are there any of Master's disciples who have not been included?" Just as he was saying this, Taoist Master Qianhui, who had already turned gray at the temples, suddenly ran out of the inner hall crying and staggering, and snatched the roster from Zhang Jianfeng's hand. Zhang Jianfeng was startled and said: "Uncle Master, what are you doing?" Qianhui Taoist Chang sang: I am so distraught that I will die.

God forbids me to give up.

Standing alone with hands behind your back,

See the snow in the mountains leisurely.

After singing, he hurriedly waved his pen on the list a few times, threw the list on the ground, and cried loudly: "Gone, everyone has gone, everyone has gone!" He walked into the inner hall waving his hands and crying. The underground disciples all looked at each other in shock and asked, "Uncle, are you crying like crazy?" Zhang Jianfeng hurriedly picked up the directory and took a look, only to see that there was an extra name in front of his own name - "Zhang Di". Zhang Jianfeng held the directory and murmured to himself: "Zhang Di... Zhang Di... Zhang..." The mourning bell rang again, and its leisurely tones echoed in every corner of Zhongnan Mountain. Zhang Jianfeng walked out of the mountain gate, staring blankly at the rare snowstorm on the mountain, and whispered in a low voice: "Standing alone with my hands behind my back, I can see the snow on the mountain leisurely." The snowflakes like flying catkins slowly fell down, landing softly on him Zhang Jianfeng felt a cool chill on his shoulders, not only on his body, but also in his heart.

Complete text.

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